Exactly what the title says!This is basically an addon for Notepad++ to allow you to better visually see your random map scripting.
Here’s what an RMS map would look like opened with standard Notepad (That comes preinstalled with your Windows) looks like:
And here’s what it looks like on Notepad++ (with the UDL enabled):
As you see, the syntax is highlighted in different colours to give you a better visual on where you’re looking at, and if you write the syntax wrong, it will not be the colour you expect, helping you prevent typos while you’re coding.
How to enable it on Notepad++
Simple! Download it, open your map with Notepad++ and go to Language menu at the top and scroll down and hit “Define your language..” import my UDL and once imported just make sure it’s selected by going to the Language menu again and choosing it at the bottom. If it doesn’t appear, just close Notepad++ and reopen the program to see if it appears in the menu.
Any questions, feel free to ask and remember this is version 0.1 so feel free to share any issues or bugs you find, because I’ve been really not in the mood to learn more about RMS that I haven’t properly tested this.
Download Link
[link]Click the link, save it somewhere like your desktop.