From the Writer of Scamming Tactics & Trading Center, here is my Third Rocket League Guide! If You Enjoy My Guide Take 5 Seconds To: 1. Favorite & Thumps Up the Guide2. Follow me on Steam (Click Here) (Following me on steam is different from adding me, you dont need to add me to enter, just follow)Be Sure to Click Follow (on the right side). By Following me, you will be updated when I create brand new guides! Dont Forget to Favorite & Thumps Up
CC4 Prices Updated!
These are Just Estimates, Expect Painted and Certified Prices to Come Soon!
C4 Crate – 1 Key
Black Market:
-Hexed – 34-38
-Bio – 31-34
-Ara-51 – 1.5-2 Keys
-Zomba – 1.5-2 Keys
-FSL – 1.5-2 Keys
-Spiralis – 1.5-2 Keys
Proton – 2 Keys
-Octane ZSR – 7-8 Keys
Very Rare Decals
-Octane Kilowatt – 1 Keys
-Breakout Distortion – .5 Key
-Roadhog Snakeskin – .5 Key
CC4 Preparation Tips
1. The most important tip: When Opening CC4 Crates use keys with no cooldown. Why you may ask? By using keys with no cooldown, you can trade/sell the item immediately and thus get the most value from it. Items unboxed within the first few days will be at they’re highest value. By using keys with a cooldown your just watching the unboxed item lose its value.
2. How to get Keys with Zero Cooldown: There is only two ways to get keys with no cooldowns. Either wait 7 days or trade your current items for keys.
3. Selling CC4 Crates: Expect CC4 cases to be quite expensive in comparison to other crates. CC4 Crates will be at they’re highest value on release day and could easily sell for multiple keys.
4. Prices of items: Keep in mind most new items within the first week will be at they’re highest value. If your willing to wait, the new item prices will slowly drop as more come into the market.
5. Crate Farming: Farming for crates is against terms of service and could get your account banned.
6. Expect Scamming to be at an all time high, check out my other guide to prevent being scammed
If you have any additional tips, comment on my profile and ill add it in 🙂
Certification Explained
Please Note: This information is based on my past experience as a veteran trader. You or other traders may have different opinions or experiences. Please take my advice with a grain of salt.
Certified Items are special items which, record a certain stat. Certified items can be leveled up by achieving the stat being tracked. Certification can appear on wheels, toppers, and decals.
“Tier 1 (Super Tier)
– Striker (Shots on goal)
Tier 2 (High Tier)
– Scorer (Goals Scored)
– Tactician (Centers)
– Victor (Wins)
– Sweeper (Clears)
Tier 3 (Good Tier)
– Paragon (MVP’s)
– Sniper (Long Goals)
– Playmaker (Assists)
– Aviator (Aerial Goals)
Tier 4 (Bad Tier)
– Goalkeeper (Saves)
– Guardian (Epic Saves)
– Acrobat (Bicycle Goals)
– Juggler (Juggles)
– Show-Off (Backwards Goals)
– Turtle (Upside down goals)”
Go for any certification you enjoy, if you like going for turtle goals, then by all means go for that certification and have fun.
To make this simple, low valued items such as toppers or very rare decals when certified have a minuscule effect on the items price. High valued items such as painted exotics and black markets in general can add 1-5 keys depending on the certification. Please keep in mind, this is just in general, I am sure there are plenty of exceptions.
Certification adds the most value on the popular/expensive items. The best example currently is Heatwave which, is approximately 30 keys. When certified it can range from 33- 40+ keys according to certain price guides. This is when the best certifications matter the most because in heatwaves case, it can an extra 10+ keys. Remember, the more keys an item is worth, the higher the chance certification will add extra value to your item.
How to Sell + Trade Your Items (Beginner & Advanced Tips)
This section is aimed for NEW PLAYERS looking to get into the trading scene. Your goal is to comment the items you want to trade and the items you would like to receive. I highly recommend using this universal trading format. This formula is simple and gets straight to the point.
[H] x Item [W] y Item
[H] is short for Have (the item you want to trade)
[W] is short for Want (the item you want to receive)
1. Screenshots: Take screenshots of your inventory, it will save you time in the long run. You will no longer have to waste time adding people who just want to see your items. Text based posts can get repetitive and boring, screenshots will give your post more attention due to standing out.
2. Spreadsheet: Have a lot of items, but can’t seem to fit all in a post due to the maximum of 1000 characters? A google doc is a great way to organize your own little store and have an infinite amount of space to advertise in.
Middle Man Service
Attention to anyone being offered outside items or over 50 keys. I can be a middle man to make it 100% safe for both individuals to fight against scammers. I am sick of reading comments about scammers and I am now offering my services to make Trading Center a safer place for everyone. If traders offering these outside payments claim to not want a middle man, they are more than likely trying scamming you.