Rocksmith® 2014 Edition – Remastered Guide

Rocksmith ''online'' multiplayer for Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered

Rocksmith ”online” multiplayer


This guide is going to help some people that wanna play Rocksmith in multiplayer (kind of).

What we are going to need

– The Two players be logged in in the same account where the game is in.
– For simplicity sake we are going to use LogMeIn Hamachi. (you need to be in a network with the other player already).
– 2 Rocksmith cables (or another imput method).
– Usb over network. (for the host of the streaming, will be using the client version).

Latency in our testing was arround 5-20 m/s.


– First of all decide witch one of you is going to stream the game to the client Pc.
once is that done open up Hamachi and USB over network.
– Go to add server> copy and paste the ipv4 of your friend in hamachi, on the Remote ip Adress box>click Ok.
– Your friend has to share is usb conection with you, you will be able to see the usb port number and the rocksmith cable, both at the same time, connect to the usb port not to the cable.

– Now you will be able to see that both cables are recognized by the system
– Do a sound check, make sure that everything is allright.

– Now in game disable audio exclusivity.

The fun part

– Now restart Rocksmith and make sure that audio is being played in the host ..

– The other computer has to connect to the stream

– Have fun :).

Qué necesitamos (Español)

– Los dos jugadores deben estar conectados en la misma cuenta de Steam.
– Por simplicidad vamos a usar LogMeIn Hamachi. (Necesitas estar en la misma que el otro jugador).
– 2 cables Rocksmith (o algún otro metodo de entrada que pueda funcionar).
– Usb over network. (si eres quién stremea, usa la versión de cliente).

Nuestra latencia es de 5-20 m/s.

Procedimiento (Español)

– Primero decidir que PC va a stremear el juego.
Abrir Hamachi y USB over Network.
– Ir a “add server”> copia y pega la ipv4 de el otro jugador en hamachi, en “Remote ip Adress box”> Clickea OK.
– La otra persona deberá compartir el puerto usb, en el programa deberías de poder ver el puerto y, al mismo tiempo, conecta el cable del juego .

– Ahora deberías de poder ver ambos cables reconocidos por tu sistema
– Checkea el sonido, verifíca que todo esté bien.

– Dentro del juego deshabilita la opción de audio exclusivo.

La parte divertida (Español)

– Cierra el juego y verifica que la opción de audio en host esté activada..

– La otra persona deberá conectarse al stream.

– Disfruta :).