This guide starts with a very basic introduction and walkthrough for SuperNoobs, and also includes progression info, Alchemy & Smithing recipes, Ultimate Crafting, Mods info how to create a successful Build, Tips & Tricks, an Ironman guide, and more!
Welcome to my Roguelands guide!
The first numbered sections are designed as a walkthrough for players new to the game, and advanced tips follow.
I hope you enjoy playing the game!
And with that, I leave you with a picture of the death of Tidus — a character I ground to level 100 for the unlock, taking no damage in the process. I don’t think I’ll ever look at Demon’s Rift the same way again!
With meteors in the sky, a spectacular and fitting end for a guy who never owned a weapon!
1. Character Creation
When you first begin the game, you’ll have VERY few options, so pick whatever you have available. Over time you will unlock Races, Augments, and Uniforms, so don’t fret at the lack of choices at the beginning of the game.
You pick a class based on which attributes you want to level — switch through the buttons on either side of the class name to pick attributes you want to level. The name that appears in the center is what designation each combo has.
Red: Vitality (VIT)
Blue: Magic (MAG)
Green: Dexterity (DEX)
Yellow: Tech (TEC)
Purple: Faith (FTH)
Orange: Strength (STR)
You should choose based on the type of weapon you like to wield, whether it be ranged or melee. Nearly all races come with the sword as their first weapon, so you’ll have to deal with that until you can craft your weapon of choice.
Special Attributes:
- VIT earns points toward your HP level, so this is a very good choice for your first character, or if you tend to die a lot. The number of hit points is calculated via a formula — it’s not a direct correlation to the number that appears in your stats.
- TEC is useful with combat chips and certain ultimate weapons. It can be a nice ranged option in addition to melee combat.
- STR is useful for melee weapons, such as swords and lances. Damage = STR.
- DEX is useful for guns and cannons. Point and shoot. Damage = DEX.
- MAG is useful for gauntlets. Ranged, your projectile starts in a random spot, then travels to your cursor. Damage = MAG.
- FTH is useful for Staves. Ranged attack which allows you to control the projectile movement with your cursor. Damage = FTH/4.
For full choices, check the wiki:
Basic Weapons (Wiki)[roguelands.wikia.com]
Ultimate Weapons (Wiki)[roguelands.wikia.com]
Now that you’ve chosen your class, pick a race that has points in the appropriate stats. At the beginning you will only have access to one race, the Wanderer. If that’s all you got, pick him!
Ready to Wander around the galaxy?
The Oompa has very different stats!
Allegiance choice affects the storyline you will be playing.
As you progress, you will unlock new uniforms which also give you various bonuses. Pick the one that gives you the best benefit, (or the default if you have none)
The Fairy Uniform provides a distinct bonus to FTH users.
Like Uniforms and Races, these are unlocked via playing the game, and also give bonuses. Watch out for detrimental items here, though — they are trolls from the dev! 😉
One of the first augments I unlocked, these headphones allow you to dodge and escape easily.
The way leveling works is this: every level up, you gain additional stats from:
- Your Class
- Your Race
They alternate each level, giving you an amount equal to the starting stats of the character.
Example: Choosing a Wanderer with Enforcer. The first level up will give +1 VIT, +1 DEX, +1 FTH, as per the Race. The second level up will give +1 STR, +1 VIT, as per the Class. Odd levels will copy the first, and evens the second.
If you chose certain Uniforms or Augments, they also add stats on EVERY LEVEL… which can be a very powerful way to gain stats!
Save your character and proceed to the Singleplayer game.
2. Short Ship Visit
If this is your FIRST playthrough, you will be able to pick up some health potions gratis in the main part of the ship.
First, go to the doorway far to the left, and Enter with W (up key).
Now, go to the second level of the Ship Commons area. Press S (down) to go down to the platform below.
Talk to the Potion Girl with W.
She’ll give you a few health potions to help you along. (Note: she’ll only give you potions on ONE regular character, so use them wisely).
Now is a really good time to practice your moves.
Use WASD to move around, Space allows you to jump. Q and E will allow you to dash quickly left and right.
You can “fly” by jumping multiple times in the air; the same with dashing. (The only limit on these actions is your yellow Stamina bar at the top left of the screen).
Go into Combat mode by right clicking. Your mouse cursor will turn into a crosshairs, and you’ll see your weapon. Practice swinging it a couple times with left click to get a good feel for it.
Get used to these controls before you leave the ship!
Go back through the doorway at the upper right of the Commons Area, and you’ll arrive back in your private quarters.
3. Leaping Into the Jaws of the Day!
Enter the portal on the right side of the screen, (marked “Enter World”). When you are near it, it should say “Hostile Zone”.
The very first biome planet type is the Desolate Canyon.
Even though this is the first biome, do not be complacent; it is very dangerous to the uninitiated! You will be starting out with a very basic weapon and little HP. When you die, you lose whatever is in your personal inventory, and your level will be reset to zero again..
When you spawn into the world, you will be greeted with a new atmosphere. Walk carefully to the edge of the cliff, and almost always, 2 dunebugs will “greet” you.
Either wait for them to jump up to your level, or you can quickly dash across, turn round, and hit them from behind. Your sword will knock them back a little, enabling you to strike many times.
Dune bugs tend to crawl on the ground, then jump up unexpectedly.
When they are dead, they will drop little floaty XP bubbles, and usually some kind of material — probably monster eyes. Both should magnetically attract to you when you are in range.
The Shmoo (brown animal) won’t hurt you if you contact him, but you can still kill him for some XP.
Another mob is the Wasp! These can fly through blocks, straight toward you!
To the right of the wasp is an Eyepod. These special mobs crack themselves open on touch or attack, and a long worm comes out. These worms can swirl along the entire map, though blocks, etc., so watch out!
I recommend that you NOT attack any of these on your first few runs: if you crack open 5 of them, the boss Urugorak will spawn!
Luckily, nearly all swords can fit underneath tall Eyepods. (You can even swing them to kill stuff; an exception is the Colossus).
Tall eyepods provide clearance for walking or even swinging standard-length swords.
[color=#FF9900]Resource Nodes[/color]
When you are in Harvest Mode, (weapon put away), you can click on bushes/trees, rocks, and bug hives, and your personal drone will harvest them. Once you get enough materials, make more drones, and you can harvest up to 3 nodes at once.
[color=#FF9900]Gift Huts[/color]
These gray huts are located around each biome, 3 per map. Press W, (up) to interact with them — they will disable you for a few seconds, but give you both XP and items!
Gift hut and resource nodes
Gold and silver chests randomly spawn in each biome and contain materials when you open them.
There is a different NPC who patrols each biome. They are friendly and will give you a gift when you talk to them.
Sir Ringabolt may give you a very nice axe indeed!
Walking in front of these gives you +3 portal uses to whatever environment you are in. More on that in the Ship section.
[color=#FF9900]Rocks, etc.[/color]
Watch out for rocks, (and other similar hazards in other environments). They damage you on touch.
They always follow a specific circular pattern, so don’t surprised when the travel over the same spot twice!
[color=#FF9900]Special Events[/color]
Every now and again, at the beginning of the map, Lenny will warn you that “something doesn’t feel right”. If you are low-level, RUSH to the exit.
These “special events” include:
- Pirate attacks – several pirate ships will descend and shoot at you. They are killable.
- Meteor Shower – a faster, more frequent, and purpler version of flying rocks. Dodge!
Planet Structure
There are always 2 rooms on the left, and 3 on the right. You enter at A, and the end of the level is ALWAYS the upper right room (B), which leads to the out-going portals.
Possible configurations:
Spawn is at A, and end portals are always at B. Note, sometimes the entrance (A) is on the lower left room.
Make your way to the exit. Don’t worry about killing too many enemies — just get out ALIVE.
Each portal can lead to a different planet, and are color coded as such. Choose another Desolate Canyon so you can get more XP.
Leveling UpWith all good luck, you have gained a level or two! Congratulations!
4. Towns
Arriving in town
Between each map is a rest area, a “town”. Here, you can buy items with your hard-earned credits, check on quests, and kill a few docile beasts for a little extra XP.
The very first thing you will want to do is grab the XP fount. This XP is for your GEAR, not for your character.
You must have the gear equipped in order to collect the XP, so if this is your first playthrough, all you will have is a sword. The fount pulses with different items, (they always go in the same order), so JUMP when the weapon XP comes up.
There are various items on sale. You probably won’t want to buy much except for health potions on your first run through… unless they have a good Combat Chip.
Note that the prices are not fixed — sometimes you can find better “deals” than others. The selection is always random, though item quality and rarity increases with Challenge Level.
On the exit runway, Questbot has a nice little stand where you can check what needs doing and what kinds of rewards you will get.
If he asks for items, simply put the stack in the empty square and you will get your reward. (Don’t worry, he won’t take more than he’s asking!)
For kill quests, the reward appears in the box.
When you TAKE the reward, you get extra xp for completing the quest.
Everything stored in the chest will carry over for all characters on your account, so in case you die, something will be saved.
As in the Ship, the Combat Chip Terminal allows you to switch out your Combat Chips and store excess in the box.
The bar at the top are the chips you can activate (if applicable) in battle. The box in the middle of the screen is your storage space.
[color=#FF9900]Combat Chips[/color] can either be Active or Passive.
- Passive Chips function as extra stat points. You can get them from killing/gathering as well as from shops. Choose chips that benefit your build.
- Active chips have special abilities. e.g.:
- Healing Ward – Activation spawns a healing bubble on the ground that heals for 1 point per tick. Duration scales with FTH.
- Bubble – Activation builds a bubble around you that prevents damage from one attack. Scales with FTH.
- Turret – Activation spawns a turret at your cursor. Damage scales with TEC
Check out more on the wiki here: Combat Chips[roguelands.wikia.com]
Since you now have some ingredients, go back to the ship so you can craft some survival materials… Make your way to the LEFT side of the screen and enter the ship portal.
5. The Ship
The ship is where you spend your time crafting, storing materials, and completing quests.
Your personal area of the ship contains all the crafting stations you need to make almost everything in the game.
The very first thing to do is create more health potions! Press W at your Alchemy station, and you will be presented with the crafting interface.
The picture shows the recipe for basic health potions — THE ORDER OF THE ITEMS MATTERS — place the ingredients in the squares, and make a few health potions for your next run. (Spam-click the Potion Button to craft.)
For easier crafting next time, just click the List Icon in the upper right hand corner, select the potion, and as long as you have the items in your inventory, you can click to make more. Note: if you are lucky, you’ll make more than one potion per click!
For more recipes, check the Recipes section further down in this guide.
This is where you store all of your items. They will be shared with all non-Ironman characters.
You can buy extra tabs with Credits. Be sure to organize your chest well — I try to put all basic items in the first tab for easiest dumping after a level. Rarer items go in further tabs.
[color=#FF9900]Combat Chips[/color]
identical to the interface in the Towns, allows you to change your loadout of Combat Chips.
[color=#FF9900]Emblem Forge[/color]
Create Emblems from raw materials. It takes 10 materials to make a single Emblem. Emblems are used to create Weapons & Armor, and look like circles/buttons.
To use, grab the icon and click it over your stacks of material. Note that the “wand” will craft ALL the resources in a stack in multiples of ten… so if you want less quantity, break up the stack.
Create Armor and Weapons from Emblems. See Recipes section below for crafting recipes.
Like Alchemy, the order of the emblems is crucial to creating the correct item.
Check the wiki to find the best gear for your stats:
Regular Armor[roguelands.wikia.com]
Regular Weapons[roguelands.wikia.com]
Crafting higher quality items is a matter of luck. Do note that although the extra stat boost is fantastic at early levels, later on, an extra few points isn’t so significant, so don’t worry if you can’t get a gold item when you craft.
Stat boosts are as follows:
- Grey: base
- Light Blue: +3 to non-zero stats
- Purple: +6 to non-zero stats
- Gold: +9 to non-zero stats
[color=#FF9900]Planet Selector[/color]
This station allows you to choose a planet to go to. In order to “unlock” planets, you need to go to those worlds and find portals. Each one found will give you 3 portal uses to that world.
The portals to Mech City, Old Earth, and the Arena are also selectable here: buy tickets at the Market in the Ship Commons.
[color=#FF9900]Ship Droids[/color]
In the lower left, out of the picture, is the Ship Droid area, which produces World Fragments as well as random Emblems. Make sure to upgrade/add more ship droids with Credits. (Click on an empty square to buy a new ship drone).
Note: these are static, and different from personal droids. Increase & upgrade of Ship Droids produces World Fragments and Emblems at a faster rate.
On the right part of the commons, you have various people to chat with, including the Questbot, and the Recycler guy. (You use the recycler similar to the Emblem creator — clicking on items in your inventory transforms them into credits).
You can also buy blocks to personalize your ship. The currency for these is Scrap Metal. If you happen to accidentally lose one of your crafting stations, buy a replacement on the bottom floor.
The left side of the Commons is home to the Market, where you can buy various items, including tickets to Old Earth, the Arena, and Mech City. Wealth Trophies can help you consilidate your earnings if you are running out of space.
On the top level, the doorway leads to the Bridge.
A simple room populated by the ever-chatty Lenny and Captain Atlas. Interacting with Atlas will put you on the story questline.
6. Now What?
Now, you collect more materials, craft droids, armor and weapons, leveling as you go. (Consider crafting any Tier 1 Armor/Shield/Helm items, just so you have a few extra stats, even if it doesn’t match your build precisely.) Later on, you will be able to get higher-level materials.
As you level up, you’ll discover which weapons you like using and which not, enabling you to design a more comprehensive build.
At some point, you will die.
That’s a good thing, since only by dying can you gain more Races, Uniforms, and Augments to create new characters with.
On your death screen, make sure to click the treasure chests to get your prizes!
Yay! I won a thing!
- “Retry” will respawn your character again — all attributes will be the same as you chose them. You’ll be at level 1 again, and all personal inventory will be gone, except for a starter weapon.
- “Main Menu” will completely delete your character, and you’ll need to select everything anew.
- As long as you are playing a non-Ironman character, your Storage Chest items will be saved. The ship itself (and your customization) is common to all characters, as well as the Ship Droid upgrades, etc.
All materials falls into basic categories & tiers: Bugs, Monster Parts, Ores, Plants, Tiers 1-5+, each of which appears in different biome(s).
The best way to present this data is on an interactive spreadsheet, which you can sort any way you would like, but Steam doesn’t support that functionality.
Instead, I have posted the spreadcheet here, on Google Docs:
Roguelands Materials [docs.google.com]
These are basic recipes to add to your crafting stations. The Wiki[roguelands.wikia.com] has all the stats & any special abilities. I’m just posting the recipes here for convenience’s sake.
Note that Alchemy does not use Ore in any of its recipes.
Ultimate Crafting / Gear Mods
Mech City is the place to do both Ultimate Crafting and add Mods to your Gear.
To get to Mech City, buy an Ion Ticket at the Market in the Ship Commons area. Then, choose Mech City at the Planet Selector, and go!
Mods are small card-like items that generally drop on Challenge levels. They range from adding basic stats like VIT, STR, MAG, etc. to increasing XP gain, Credit Boost, Bug Find, Projectile range, etc.
Stock of mods from farming Challenge levels
When you go to Mech City, place the item you want modded into the Gear Modification station.
- You may place THREE types of mods into the item. You can stack them up to 5 times.
- They are [color=#FF9900]NOT REMOVABLE[/color], so think carefully before you mod an item. (According to the wiki, removal of mods is planned in a future update).
- You can add extra stacks at any time, they need not be “filled” all at once.
[color=#FF9900]Mod Recommendations[/color]
It would seem simple to choose mods for maximum destruction. However, some weapons have hidden caveats. Unfortunately, I know of no comprehensive list, or I would post it here for you.
This recommendation list is based on what the community has discovered, as well as my personal preferences.
For example: In most games you would choose +Crit Chance, + Crit Damage, and +MainStat. The Caster Sword is an amazingly powerful weapon, however… it does not crit! Thus, two out of those three “standard” mods would be useless.
For my Caster Sword I chose:
- +ProjectileRange: Range can also be thought of as the length of time a projectile stays spawned… so my projectiles will stay on the screen much longer, thus increasing the number on-screen and killing the enemy!
- +STR: Primary boost stat for the weapon.
- +XP Boost: Since this is a character I am farming Combat Trophies on, I want the extra XP.
On each character, I ALWAYS put +HealthRegen on their shields — this saves on health potions and allows you to recover HP while out and about.
One of the more interesting cannons, the Flame Swathe, gets +CritRate, +CritDamage, and +ProjectileRange for max damage!
The Seeker of Stars Staff ALWAYS crits, so no need for +CritChance, but +CritDamage is a must!
[color=#FF9900]Mod Combos[/color]
Harvesting Gear:
Because ore and plants are so very prevalent, it’s best to prioritize the rarer materials like Monster Parts and Bugs. The third option is up to you!
- +MonsterDrops
- +BugDrops
- Choose: Plants, Ores, Credits, XP
Level-Up Armor:
I use my set of 4th Age Armor as level-up gear for all my new characters because: 1. It has all stats, allowing ANY class to utilize it effectively, and 2. 4th Age Armor has no Ultimate version, and thus will be weaker than a specialized Ultimate Set on a leveled character.
- +XP Boost: 20 or more stacks will double the XP!
- +ResistX: I put 5 stacks of different types on different pieces of gear: Heat, Poison, Frost
- Choose: Health Regen on one piece, Credit Boost, etc.
Note: I never put basic stats on my level-up gear!
How do you find out if a weapon does or does not crit? Search the forums — that’s the best way until a comprehensive list is published somewhere.
For more detailed info on what each mod does: Wiki – Mods[roguelands.wikia.com]
To upgrade your gear into its Ultimate Version:
- Your item must be level 10 (Max).
- You need 10 crystal shards of the type specified on the Wiki to transform the item into the Ultimate you want. Each type of crystal creates its own variation. (Ultimate Armor[roguelands.wikia.com], Ultimate Weapons[roguelands.wikia.com])
- At the Prism Forge, click the icon and tap it on your 10 crystals.
- Now, go to the Ultimate Forge. Place your Item on the left, the Prism in the middle, and spam click the button!
- Congratulations on your new piece of gear!
Ironman Mode
In Ironman Mode, you will be unable to access your chest or play with others. It is totally up to your new character to raise his own fortunes! (or is it???)
Note: IM = Ironman.
- Highly recommend choosing a character class/race with Vitality stat.
- Good attributes:
Uniform- Minister – Gain 1 FTH or VIT on level up. (FTH great for Healing Wards, VIT good for more HP).
- Dirtmage – Reduce incoming damage by 5 to a min of 1. (Must reach IM level 75 first. Good for a secondary playthrough).
- Monster Trainer – Immunity to Frost, Burn, Poison
- If you don’t have any of these, choose a Uniform that levels your primary Stat.
- Beats by Boizu – Bonus Dash Speed and Jump Height.
- Crown – Reduce damage by 5 to a min of 1.
- Crusader hat – Max HP is 125
- To pre-level your character before going out, have other characters do quests, but not pick up the rewards. Your Ironman character can pick them up to gain the xp and resources.
- Grab a duplicate card or two off the wall and sell them for 700 gold each, allowing you to buy stuff at the very first Town.
- Unlock all the Alchemy/Smithing recipes on your main characters to make it easier on your IM char.
- Make sure you craft plenty of Health Potioms as you go along.
- As soon as possible, craft a shield and install at least one Health Regen Mod. Percival (Mr. Meow in the Hollow Caverns) will often give you one early on.
- Find out which ingredients you need for the Armor/Ultimate Armor you’ve chosen for your character, and buy those ingredients/emblems at every shop. Avoid buying anything you don’t absolutely need.
- Buy health potions, etc. when you can so as to cut down on farming ingredients.
- Inventory management is pretty important. Recycle/throw out anything you don’t need. (Only cards are of decent value. Recycle stacks of Scrap Metal, but you can throw out 1s and 2s of other materials).
- Another way to recycle is to fill Questbot Quest slots with items that you don’t need — it accepts partial stacks.
- When you require ingredients for potions — go out and specifically farm them. Craft, then sell the excess materials.
- Travel to Mech City and install Mods on your armor whenever convenient. (Remember, portals are shared with your other characters, so THEY can spend cash to open them!)
- Recycle World Fragments into Mech City Tickets.
- Extra cards can be stored inside and outside your ship. (Any empty square works). Use this as a backup source of funding for your Ironman character.
- If you have even a little Faith, purchase & use a Bubble Combat Chip — it can save you in dangerous situations. (A Healing Ward is also very helpful!)
- Caution is advised — go to more dangerous areas only when you feel prepared. If in doubt, rush to the exit!
A hall filled with cards!
Tips & Tricks
- Improve your crafting chance: use the Forgeblade (Ultimate Weapon) +7%, on a character wearing a Blacksmith uniform (+1% every 20 player levels).
- The Healing Ward is a valuable Combat Chip if you have a bit of FTH — it regens your HP while you wait, reducing the need for health potions.
- Combat Trophies are earned for every level you gain above level 100. Use them to buy rare items in the Old Earth market.
- Upgrade your Storage Chest to add more tabs. You must have the credits in your INVENTORY, not the chest, to make the purchase.
- Play planets that you enjoy, most of all.
- In the Desolate Canyon, hit the rock worms as soon as you hatch their pods. If your timing is right, you can hit all the segments at once, instantly killing the worm.
- Challenge mode’s different levels, 1-3, each increase the drop percentage of crystal shards and Mods, Challenge Level 3 giving the highest drop rate.
- Harvest EVERYTHING. Kill the monsters, harvest the nodes — BOTH have a chance of dropping shards and Mods.
- Make at least 2-3 runs if you are able — this seems to be the credit break-even level.
- Always check the Towns — higher level challenges have more chance of Mods being sold.
A typical haul at Challenge level 2 — plenty of mods & shards from just one run!
- If your character is a bit weak, you can farm the Challenge levels by simply harvesting nodes — just dash & fly through, giving your droids a chance to pick up stuff, and possibly find some mods!
- Leveling your character is best done by wearing Level-Up Gear (gear with +XP Boost), and choosing the hardest Challenge Level you can easily defeat. Kill EVERY monster, and summon easy-to-kill bosses. (Personally, I spend a LOT of time in Desolate Canyon!)
- Leveling your gear is most quickly done by going to a high challenge level and running through, not stopping to kill stuff if possible. Just make it out safely, and grab the XP font in the Town.
- Choosing Ring XP in the a Town’s font will give XP to both of your rings
- Want to level up a piece of armor that’s in your box? Not a problem: equip it before you hit the Town XP font, then put it safely back in the chest.
- To unlock the Necro Race, (“Reach level 100 without taking any damage”), you can either play in multiplayer VERY carefully… or if you are solo, take a character to Demon’s Rift, Challenge Level 3. You can run straight through, collecting all three gift huts on each run. No enemies means no damage.
This takes a few hours to do, and a significant amount of Credits since the exit portals don’t always end in another Demon’s Rift.
To boost your chracter through thr first few levels, have other characters complete Questbot Quests, and your no-damage character pick up the prize.. and the XP!
- Ironman unlocks: follow tips in my Ironman section. Instead of risking yourself in the questline, do it once you have reached level 100. All ironman unlocks are 100%, so there’s nothing to lose by getting stronger before you have to beat the boss!
- If there are particular level unlocks you are missing, boost a martyr character with level-up armor, then send him naked to die off and hopefuly get the unlocks. This way, you will not lose your gear.
- After you retrieve the Aethercrystal from the Tyrannog kill, Atlas will tell you to go to the Ancient Lands.
- DO NOT try to kill the Destroyer — RUN through. (The Destroyer is invincible). Make sure you equip your Swiftness Combat Chip, and Bubble to help escape.
- When you choose to Kill the Destroyer in the later part of the quest, take: Anti-Frost, Anti-Heat, Andti-Poison potions… the Destroyer causes ALL 3 debuffs!
- You will need to hit the Destroyer in the head with the Ultimate Weapon, and then SWAP to your main weapon to do damage. (The Ultimate Weapon does little damage to him). The debuff wears off soon enough, so you may need to go back to the Ultimate Weapon and rinse & repeat.
- On your ship, enter build mode by pressing B.
- You can store cards on any square, either inside or outside the ship… handy for a surreptitious trandfer of money to or from an Ironman chracter from the rest of your toons.
- If you accidentally put an item out of range, simply remove the outer blocks with build mode, and retrieve it. Luckily, our characters, being two-dimensional, don’t need to breathe air! (In other words, space doesn’t bother them!)
Removal of a block in Build Mode will allow you to retrieve this gun.
Thanks & End
A big Thank You to everyone who has shared their knowledge on the Forums and through populating the Wiki with information. Without sharing in the community, I dare say that we would not be having as much fun with the game!
Back to playing Roguelands! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this guide: I welcome all comments!
Have fun!
Dancing with Chamchams!