Portal 2 Guide

Roll Cage & Snorkel for Free for Portal 2

Roll Cage & Snorkel for Free


Guide which will show you, how to can use the exlusive Roll Cage & Snorkel items for free without even owning them.

­Introduction to the guide

This guide will show you, how you can use the exlusive Roll Cage and Snorkel Portal 2 skins for free without even owning them.
Note: Only you and others players using this modification will see it, others will see regular skins!

This modification will change the models of Bionic Beanie & WCC Flag, however, you will not need to change any files. This way you will be able to delete the modification at any time without trouble!

Roll Cage and Snorkel (Goo Gear Snorkel) are very limited items that were available to unlock a long time ago under very special state.

Roll Cage & Snorkel

Roll Cage:

The Roll Cage is a headwear item. which was a promotional item rewarded to players who had preordered Portal 2 through Gamestop.


The Snorkel is blue and orange diving masks with snorkels for Atlas and P-Body respectively. Atlas’s is more of a square than P-body’s, while P-body’s is an oval. They could be earned by participating in the Steam Summer Camp sale between June 30th and July 10th, 2011 and cost 3 tickets at the Prize Booth.

Instructions for obtaining

  • First of all you will need to download[drive.google.com] the required files.
  • Inside the .rar file you should find a folder named “portal2_dlc3” that is what you will need.
  • Open up your Portal 2 directory, to do that go to your Steam library, find Portal 2, right click it and hit Properties, click the “Local Files” tab, and click the first option – Browse Local Files.
  • Drop the “portal2_dlc3” in to the local files of Portal 2


Final informations

Thank you for reading! Created by M4rtiX. and vytka1337.

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