Easy and simple to understand guide on what to build in all proviences to make puplic order and money not an issue, allowing you to blitz your way across the map with all your armies on the front lines without worrying about your settlements…This guide is for the Romans, Barbarians, Hellenistic and Eastern factions
Thank you all for reading my guide, please rate it if you could, it would be much appreciate since it has taken alot of time to make especially playing through all the campaigns, getting the videos and taking all the screenshots. I will always be updating the guide so please leave comments if you are unsure about anything or you want me to add things in you have found.
Thanks again
Alpha Leopard
Helpful tips while playing the campaign
- Move your amies around in two’s…makes it easier to auto resolve seige battles, gives you the numerical advantage, and stops the enemy constantly attacking 1 army.
- Send your beginning spy around the WHOLE of the mediteranian to get as much trade from factions that have ports.
- Always put a champion in your armys, they give your armies a boost in ranks over a period of time, for the life span of 1 champion you could gain around level 7 units ( without even a battle)
- Dignitrys are good for sorting out any high corruption in your regions/provinces (just remember you need to click the Administration button to allow it to work).
- Ive yet to play a campaign where ive needed more than 1 fleet, dont waste money on fleets, just gather your armies together and send them to sea on the transports thats more than enough.
- Always conquer the map in Provinces, take the full provinces before you move onto the next, makes sorting out public order alot easier.
- There is no turn limit, so dont be shy about ending 10 turns in a row to research a technology in the early game, i like to take 2-3 provinces then end 30 turns so i have elite troops to march with.
- Research a couple of Military technologies first, to allow you to buy better units. Then just research all civil technologies till you need stronger units.
- Always occupy the settlements (unless your doing an objective) it allows you to sort out public order straight away so you can move onto the next settlement.
- Turn follow AI movements off in the settings, the turn will end twice as fast.
- EVERY faction will have a civil war, normally around 100 turns (give or take) or owning around 40 regions (give or take) so be ready for them.
- IRON locations for Blacksmiths and Weaponsmiths…(West to East) Olisipo (Lusitania), Lemonum (Aquitania), Koria (Raetia et Noricum), Segestica (Pannonia), Diospolis (Aegyptus), Mazaca (Galatia et Cappadocia), Tushpa (Armenia), Rhaga (Media Magna).
Authority, Cunning, Zeal
Authority (Commander) – Increases commanders aura by 5% at level 4, 20% at level 7, 35% at level 10.
Also increases the effectiveness of troops on the battlefield: their morale, fighting skills and the level of experience.
Cunning (Strategist) – Reduces cooldown of commanders abilites by 5% at level 4, 20% at level 7, 35% at level 10.
Oversees troops on strategic map: helps them to move further, decreases recruitment and upkeep costs, speeds up replenishments.
Zeal (Warrior) – Increases commanders fighting skill by 5% at level 4, 20% at level 7, 35% at level 10.
Focuses on the combat capabilities of individual units: attack, defense, damage, rate of fire.
You should check to see what your Generals starting traits are before choosing either of these.
(using mainly infantry)
Level 2. Choose Commander
Level 3. Choose General
Level 4. Choose Infantry Commander
Level 5. Choose Great Leader
Level 6. Upgrade General
Level 7. Upgrade Infantry Commander
Level 8. Upgrade Infantry Commander
Level 9. Upgrade Great Leader
Level 10. Upgrade Great Leader
Level 2. Choose Formidable Fighters
Level 3. Choose Inexorable Conquerors
Level 4. Choose Grand Camp Following
Level 5. Choose Veteran Army
Level 6. Upgrade Inexorable Conquerors
Level 7. Upgrade Grand Camp Following
Level 8. Upgrade Grand Camp Following
Level 9. Upgrade Veteran Army
Level 10. Upgrade Veteran Army
This is for maximum morale: (units will almost never route) Recommend putting a champion in this army (with the skills mentioned in the champion section) to get extra veterancy and have the army almost unstoppable
Level 2. Choose Strategist
Level 3. Choose Tactician
Level 4. Choose Administration
Level 5. Choose Master Tactician
Level 6. Upgrade Tactician
Level 7. Upgrade Administration
Level 8. Upgrade Tactician
Level 9. Upgrade Administration
Level 10. Upgrade Master Tactician
Level 2. Choose Formidable Fighters
Level 3. Choose Unrelenting Force
Level 4. Choose Grand Camp followers
Level 5. Choose Veteran Army
Level 6. Upgrade Unrelenting Force
Level 7. Upgrade Grand Camp followers
Level 8. Upgrade Unrelenting Force
Level 9. Upgrade Grand Camp followers
Level 10. Upgrade Veteran Army
Allows maximum movement around the campaign map and low up-keep costs of the army. Remember to put a dignitry in this army as well (with the skills mentioned on dignirty section) for an even cheaper army.
Level 2. Choose Warrior
Level 3. Choose Soldier
Level 4. Choose Dread
Level 5. Choose Fearless Warrior
Level 6. Upgrade Soldier
Level 7. Upgrade Dread
Level 8. Upgrade Fearless Warrior
Level 9. Upgrade Dread
Level 10. Upgrade Fearless Warrior
Level 2. Choose Formidable Fighters
Level 3. Choose Inexorable Conquerors
Level 4. Choose Indomitable Legionaries
Level 5. Choose Veteran Army
Level 6. Upgrade Formidable Fighters
Level 7. Upgrade Choose Inexorable Conquerors
Level 8. Upgrade Formidable Fighters
Level 9. Upgrade Choose Inexorable Conquerors
Level 10. Upgrade Indomitable Legionaries
You gain alot of damage for all units with this, using mainly infantry. Recommend putting a champion in this army (with the skills mentioned in the champion section) to get extra veterancy and have the army almost unstoppable.
Champions, Spies and Dignitary
This is just a qucik run down of what i believe to be the best skills for each agent, and a couple of good tips on how to use them. All agents start off with a random skill, some are better than others, it just depends on what you prefer to do with them. I always put them in armies, you can only have 15 armies and you can only get 15 agents (5 of each) so i just prefer to put them in the army
- Always buy the last agent in the list, he’s the youngest and will live longer
- Remember ANY agent actions will have a negitive affect on diplomicy with that faction and his friends/allies…other factions my cancel there trade or non-agression pact with you
- Having any agent in your army provides protection against any enemy agent actions
I always go for military training, which allows your armies to rank up without having to battle. So if an army is just guarding a region or province for a number of turns and not seeing much action, it will still rank up. Having a Champion in your army also gives your general extra zeal
Level 1 skill is random
Level 2 choose Champion
Level 3 choose Warfare
Level 4 choose Militancy
Level 5 upgrade Champion
Level 6 upgrade Militancy
Level 7 upgrade Champion
Level 8 upgrade Militancy
Then upgrade your first random skill twice (the one that comes with the agent)
If you choose to do this for your Champions your army will be on 1 gold chevron by the time the agent dies. (Thats without even having a single battle with the army)
If you put a Champion infront of a bridge an enemy army can not pass, it comes in pretty handy if you need to buy yourself sometime.
I mainly go for military intelligence, it allows your spy to help your armies counter all enemy agents that pester you and also gives your commander extra cunning, and once the spy is on a higher rank it can help your army see further, find enemy agents easier and see what units are in the enemy army.
Level 1 Skill is random
Level 2 Spy
Level 3 Furtiveness
Level 4 Reconnaissance
Level 5 Infiltration
Level 6 upgrade Reconnaissance
Level 7 upgrade Infiltration
Level 8 upgrade Reconnaissance
Then upgrade your first random skill (if its any good, if not upgrade spy and infiltration)
Spies are handy at alot of other things too, specially poisoning armies or settlements but having them in the armies does alot and costs nothing
I go for Military Administration, this allows to to have a full army for half the cost. This is very handy for the early game not only does it reduce the cost of the army substantionally but it also improves your generals authority. If you then put the army in a region you’ll get a better tax rate with your dignitary in the army.
Level 1 Skill is Random
Level 2 Dignitary
Level 3 Philosophy
Level 4 Martial Philosophy
Level 5 Politics
Level 6 upgrade Martial Philosophy
Level 7 upgrade Politics
Level 8 upgrade Martial Philosophy
Then upgrade your first random skill twice
You can make the army cost even less if you also upgrade your general’s skills with Master Tactician and Administration
Ive always got dignitarys, they very handy to have. if not in your army then just put them in a province and click the administration button and they will lower your corruption tax across the whole empire.
Armies and Navies
Its pretty simple…just buy what you want to try out, i prefer an all round army:
1 General (Cavalry/Elephant/Chariot)
4 Cavalry
3 Archers
12 Infanrty.
Although if i cant be bothered to fight most of the battles i’ll just choose:
1 General
19 infantry (all the same type)
Because when your auto resolving you’ll notice your first 5-6 cards/units will always get depleted more cause there first into batlle and if you put cavalry in they will always slot in after your General
I hate naval battles… probably cause im crap at them, but i have found a very easy way of winning any naval battle.
1 General (the bigger one of the ships)
5 Onagers or Ballister Ships
14 Archer ships
(they have to be archers, not slingers or javilins) you build them from the military wharf)
Set your 14 archer ships in a line and your 5 Onager/Ballister ships just behind…and your general behind them, you’ll kill everything that comes close.
Civil War
Civil war is a pain in the arse… especially in the emperor edition
If or when a civil war comes you will lose half of your territory to the opposing houses. Its a total ♥♥♥♥♥ especially because most of the territories you lose are scattered all over your empire. Also any army which is lead by a general from the ‘other house’ also turns against you.
Gravitas is what civil war depends on, if your conquering provinces or defeating other armies with a general from the ‘other houses’ thier gravitas will go up. The higher the gravitas of the ‘other houses’ the more likely a civil war will come.
How to prevent a civil war…
1. Use as many generals from your faction (house) first.
2. If you have the funds to stop an ‘adoption’ do it.
3. When you have some funds spare, ‘secure promotion’ as many times as you can for your generals.
4. If you have spare funds ‘adopt’ a general from the ‘other houses’ that have high gravitas.
How to stop a civil war…
If a civil war is iminent you will probally own half the map and have alot of funds, so all you do is adopt EVERY general from the ‘other houses’ (you can adopt all but 1) then once all generals are in your families house just keep assassinating the final general in the ‘other house’ you cant kill him but you can wound him enough for the civil war never to take place.
Alternate Commanders
Again it is best to have an all round commander and army but this is just a small section on getting the most out of your favourite units for example if you use alot of archers or cavalry then these will be the best skills and traditions to use. Please note that making these types of armies/commander you will have to have some decent basic infantry. These are also just a bit of fun to mess around with.
Commander Skills (Zeal)
Level 2. Choose Warrior
Level 3. Choose Soldier
Level 4. Choose Defense
Level 5. Choose Fearless Warrior
Level 6. Upgrade Soldier
Level 7. Upgrade Defense
Level 8. Upgrade Soldier
Level 9. Upgrade Defense
Level 10, Upgrade Fearless Warrior
Army Traditions
Level 2. Choose Accomplished Skirmishers
Level 3. Choose Inexorable Conquerors
Level 4. Choose Stalwart Defenders
Level 5. Choose Defenders of Rome
Level 6. Upgrade Accomplished Skirmishers
Level 7. Upgrade Stalwart Defenders
Level 8. Upgrade Stalwart Defenders
Level 9. UpgradeAccomplished Skirmishers
Level 10. Upgrade Inexorable Conquerors
Recommended taking 6-8 units of archers, any more and your infantry might get overwhelmed, but you should be able to route alot of units before they even reach your lines. Make sure you put your archers infront of your line to begin with, then move them back once the enemy is getting to close. (This applies to skirmishers and slingers)
Commander Skills (Authority)
Level 2. Choose Commander
Level 3. Choose General
Level 4. Choose Cavalry Commander
Level 5. Choose Great Leader
Level 6. Upgrade Cavalry Commander
Level 7. Upgrade General
Level 8. Upgrade Cavalry Commander
Level 9. Upgrade General
Level 10. Upgrade Great Leader
Army Traditions
Level 2. Choose Formidable Fighters
Level 3. Choose Unrelenting Force
Level 4. Choose Cavalry Masters
Level 5. Choose Stalwart Defenders
Level 6. Upgrade Cavalry Masters
Level 7. Upgrade Unrelenting Force
Level 8. Upgrade Cavalry Masters
Level 9. Upgrade Stalwart Defenders
Level 10. Upgrade Unrelenting Force
Your cavalry should have no trouble in routing masses of units with this, they could withstand pritty much anything other than a head on charge into enemy phalanx. Reccomend taking 6-8 units of cavalry for best results.
Commander Skills (Authority)
Level 2. Choose Commander
Level 3. Choose Admiral
Level 4. Choose Naval Support
Level 5. Choose Naval Assault
Level 6. Upgrade Admiral
Level 7. Upgrade Naval Support
Level 8. Upgrade Naval Support
Level 9. Upgrade Admiral
Level 10. Upgrade Naval Assault
Army Traditions
Level 2. Choose Accomplished Skirmishers
Level 3. Choose Artillery Experts
Level 4. Choose Stalwat Defense
Level 5. Choose Inexorable Conquerors
Level 6. Upgrade Accomplished Skirmishers
Level 7. Upgrade Artillery Experts
Level 8. Upgrade Accomplished Skirmishers
Level 9. Upgrade Artillery Experts
Level 10. Upgrade Stalwat Defense
This is for the navy stated in the ‘Armies and Navy’ section, any enemy navy that comes even remotely close to you will be wiped out instantly.
You should only build armys from 1 Province… once the army is built it is easy enough to move the army on forced march across the map. (You can make a forward barracks much later on in the game if you need to)
In the provience ‘ITALIA‘ this is the only province you should build troops…so you should build…
ROMA…’City’ (upgrade to Garrison Colonia)…’Practice field’ (upgrade to Combat Posts)…’Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Jupiter)…’Public Forum’ (upgrade to Amphithearte)…’Practice field’ (upgrade to Practice Castrum)
NEAPOLIS…’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Field of mars’ (then upgrade to Manipular barracks)…’Villa’ (upgrade to farm)
VELATHRI…’Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Mars)… ‘Field of mars’ (then upgrade to Auxiliary camp)
ARIMINUM…’Village’ (upgrade to Civil Settlement)…’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Jupiter)…’Villa’ (upgrade to farm)
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Jupiter)
‘Public Forum’ (upgrade to Amphithearte)
‘Public Forum’ (upgrade to Delicatessen)
‘Public Forum’ (upgrade to Libruary) in HALF your Major regions build this instead of the Delicatessen
‘Aqueduct’ (upgrade to Fountains)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Jupiter)
‘Villa’ (upgrade to farm)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…(if it has a port)
Now all of the minor settlements have there own ‘village’ card. So if the settlement produces wine you’ll get a purple wine card, if the settlement produces olives, you’ll get a black olive card etc. These are called ‘Strategic Resourses’, if however the settlement doesnt have a resource you will begiven an orange card with 3 choices to upgrade, always choose the Civil Settlement
If your very far from Rome and need to retrain/recuit more units for a depleted army just build the barracks in the Major city of the province your in, e.g Parthia, Britain, Scythia. But bare in mind if you build the auxiliary barracks here you will get auxiliaries native to that part of the world.
NEVER enslave…ALWAYS occupy, slavery gets you some coin but lowers your public order over the entire empire substantionally
Barbarians (Iceni)
This was a great campaign, i thought it was one of the best. I just took the whole of the British Isles then just sat back for around 40 turns researching things. Then just sent elite armies out one after another taking settlement after settlement. I went everywhere at once, if someone was in my way i declared war and killed them, i made no allies and just never stopped till my armies reached Egypt, Crimeia and Turkey. I traded with alot of people all the way through the campaign but soon as i came across them, i declared war and killed them.
Again you should only build armys from 1 Province… once the army is built it is easy enough to move the army on forced march across the map.
In the provience ‘BRITANIA‘ this is the only province you should build troops…so you should build…
CAMULODUNON… ‘Artisans Lodging’ (upgrade to bronze workshop)… ‘Sacred enclosure’ (upgrade to Grove of Andraste)… ‘Warriors Lodge’ (upgrade to Meeting Hall) … ‘Warriors Lodge’ (upgrade to Meeting Ground)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishermans huts)
ISKA… ‘Enclosed land’ (upgrade to horse pens)… ‘Sacred enclosure’ (upgrade to Grove of Epona)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishermans huts)
MORIDUNON… ‘Well’ (Mineral Spring)… ‘Sacred enclosure’ (upgrade to Grove of Nodens)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishermans huts)
EBORAKON… ‘Craftmens House’ (upgrade to Woodworker)… ‘Sacred enclosure’ (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Sacred enclosure’… (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)
‘Commons’… (upgrade to Chieftans hold)
‘Warriors Lodge’… (upgrade to Meeting Hall)
‘Enclosed Land’… (upgrade to Field)
‘Port’… (upgrade to Fishermans huts)…(if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Sacred enclosure’… (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)
‘Enclosed Land’…(upgrade to Field)
‘Port’…(upgrade to fishermans huts)… (if it has a port)
NEVER Sack or Raze… (unless doing the Objectives)…ALWAYS occupy, the People really hate you for it and you’ll have to leave your army around for ages till public order lowers.
Barbarian (Arverni)
You start in poor sted with the Arverni, one minor settlement. First off i reseached a couple of military technologies and built a pathetic army of warband and took Bibracte, then went for Burdigala. Lemonum are your allies at the start but you need thier settlement, i waited till thier army left then attacked, (all is fair in war). Then i went for Namnetum and Cenabum securing me my 2nd province with just one army. After that its upto you where and how you go, i made allies with the Iceni, Nervii and the German Confediration then went for Spain with 2 armies (the one i started with and a new one with chosen swordsmen). Once Spain was conquered i built another 2 armies and went for Rome, making afew more allies on the way (all barbarians factions) while my armies moved through Africa and Greece.
I never sacked a single settlement till i was all the way over in Turkey and Egypt. Then once there i just laid siege, attacked, sacked and sieged again straight away then occupied. Then just destroyed all the buildings and rebuit from scratch. I did have around 10 armies on the front lines so i sacked almost 10 cites per 4 turns, left the armies in the cities till the first of everything was built then moved on.
In the provience ‘AQUITANIA’ this was the only province i built troops…so you should build…
BURDIGALA… ‘Artisans Lodging’ (upgrade to bronze workshop)… ‘Sacred enclosure’ (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)… ‘Warriors Lodge’ (upgrade to Meeting Hall)… ‘Warriors Lodge’ (upgrade to Meeting Ground)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishermans huts)
LEMONUM… ‘Enclosed land’ (upgrade to horse pens)… ‘Sacred enclosure’ (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)… ‘Craftmens House’ (upgrade to Woodworker)
NEMOSSOS… ‘Enclosed Land’ (upgrade to Field)… ‘Sacred enclosure’ (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Sacred enclosure’… (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)…
‘Commons’… (upgrade to Chieftans hold)…
‘Warriors Lodge’… (upgrade to Meeting Hall)…
‘Enclosed Land’… (upgrade to Field)…
‘Port’… (upgrade to Fishermans huts)… (if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Sacred enclosure’… (upgrade to Grove of Rosmerta)
‘Enclosed Land’…(upgrade to Field)
‘Port’…(upgrade to fishermans huts)… (if it has a port)
Barbarian (Suebi)
You start off at war with Boii, so straight away i built an army and killed them, taking thier settlement. then turned my attention on taking the home province Suebia, making short work of Ascaucalis and Rhougion all within about 10 turns. Then i had a problem getting to Alabu while leaving my other regions unmanned. I ended up taking a risk and just going for it, hoping to take the settlement and get back before anything major happened. Luckily the risk paid off, i got there and back before any rebellion happend or getting attacked by others. I then finished of the Hercynia region and just sat back for about 30 turns, just researching afew more military technologies. Then decided to go west and take france, allied with the Iceni then sent the army towards rome and sacked the entire peninsula. With the funds i built more armies and just spread through the rest of the eastern barbarians like a virus and stopped at the crimeia. Built 4 more armies and sent them into Spain then through Africa then sent 2 armies to stop just outside Libya and sent the other 2 back up through rome this time taking the cities for myself.
In the provience ‘SUEBIA‘ this is the only province i built troops from…so i built…
LUPFURDUM… ‘Artisans Lodging’ (upgrade to bronze workshop)… ‘Holy Tree’ (upgrade to Grove of Teiwaz)… ‘Warriors Lodge’ (upgrade to Meeting Hall)… ‘Warriors Lodge’ (upgrade to Meeting Ground)…
RHOUGION… ‘Enclosed land’ (upgrade to horse pens)… ‘Holy Tree’ (upgrade to Grove of Frijjo)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishermans huts)
ALABU… ‘Craftsmans House’ (upgrade to Woodworker)… ‘Holy Tree’ (upgrade to Grove of Frijjo)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishermans huts)
ASCAUCALIS… ‘Enclosed Land’ (upgrade to Field)… ‘Holy Tree’ (upgrade to Grove of Frijjo)
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Holy Tree’… (upgrade to Grove of Frijjo)…
‘Commons’… (upgrade to Chieftans hold)…
‘Warriors Lodge’… (upgrade to Meeting Hall)…
‘Enclosed Land’… (upgrade to Field)…
‘Port’… (upgrade to Fishermans huts)… (if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Holy Tree’… (upgrade to Grove of Frijjo)
‘Enclosed Land’…(upgrade to Field)
‘Port’…(upgrade to fishermans huts)… (if it has a port)
Hellenistic (Carthage)
This was slightly more difficult than the last few campaigns since your 4 regions start of in 4 different provinces.
I began buy building an army and sending it straight to spain (because africa and manturia are your allies at the start of the game and the romans were busy with the etruscans)
After 30+ turns i still wasnt making much money and the romans declared war (i assume they always will once they have killed the etruscans… so be cautious) I managed to build another army with the pence i had left in my treasury, brought the army back from spain and sent both armies to rome and just totaled the italian peninsula. in about 10 turns
While this was happening, my allies (good buffer regions) were down to 1-2 regions each so i managed to scrape another army together, brought 1 army back from italia and declared war on the rest of africa and manturia (weather they were allies or not) and conquered them then finished off spain.
So what im saying is there is no ‘good’ build order for the start of carthage, you have to get armies and go for territory soon as, (do not sack the settlements because you’ll have to pay to rebuild everything and your public order will be to low for you to keep moving your army around) i was very low on funds for nearly 70 turns but once i had conquered all of the above ‘with just 3 armies’ here’s what i built.
In the provience ‘AFRICA‘ this is the only province you should build troops…so you should build…
CARTHAGO…’Port’ (upgrade to military Warf)…’Training Field’ (upgrade to Practice Camp)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Shrine of Baal Hammon)… ‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)…’Training Field’ (upgrade to Combat Post)
LEPSIS…’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Astarte)…’Muster Field’ (upgrade to Holosideros Barracks)…
THAPSUS….’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Astarte)…’Muster field’ (then upgrade to Perioikos)
MACOMADES…’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Astarte)…’Homestead’ (upgrade to Farm)
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Astarte)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Libruary) in half of your cities and build a ‘wine trader’ in the other half
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Travellers Lodge)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Astarte)
‘Homestead’ (upgrade to farm)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…(if it has a port)
With these buildings in every city, i had researched everything within 100 turns, and i was making so much money and food i couldnt spend it all. Ended the game with over 10 million in the treasury and over 800 food stored up.
Hellenistic (Macedon)
I went for economic victory with Macedon so the start of the guide might sound weird/pointless to the people who go for military victory, but the rest of the guide is good for all 3 victory conditions.[/b]
I started off by getting the achivement, by making the 3 greek states, my client states. Was a little tough because everyone hates epuris and there wiped out in about 7 turns, also after 9-10 turns sparta and athens become defensive allies, so when you attack sparta athens comes to there aid. So i made an army straight away and only bought 2 buildings (both shrines one in each region). I sent the the army straight for sparta, then turned onto epuris and killed them, as athens is already a client state i got the achivement at the end of the turn. But not owning a complete province your money is low, so after i got the achivement i decided to re-attack epuris to wipe them out so i could own the full Macedonia province. Then turned on the barbarians to the north and to the west taking 4 more provinces. Where you go from here is upto you, i made allies and trade with all factions in turkey and the western barbaians then sent armies north east to the balkins and all the way to the caspian sea, also went to conquer egypt cause no matter what you do…they hate you. (and you need to take arabia flex for economic victory) I sent my spy all the way through the barbarian tribes, africa and then east to persia etc, trading with everyone i could… then just killed anyone that wouldnt trade with me.
You want to take the province THRACIA as this has 4 regions for you to build military buildings and just build fleets in PELLA
So in THRACIA you should build…
PULPUDEVA…’Training Field’ (upgrade to Practice Camp)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)… ‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)…’Training Field’ (upgrade to Horse Corral)
ANTHEIA…’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)…’Muster Field’ (upgrade to Holosideros Barracks)…
ODESSOS….’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)…’Muster field’ (then upgrade to Perioikos)
NAVISSOS…’Homestead’ (upgrade to Farm)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)
The reason for building the fishing ports in the first province is because its the only way to get food (because your using the other slots for military) until you can get more minor regions to build the farms
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Libruary) once half your research tree is done change all these to Wine Trader
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Travellers Lodge)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
Changing the Libruarys to Wine Traders once half or all your researchs are done is because libruarys don’t get you much income, changing them to Wine traders will almost triple your income
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)
‘Homestead’ (upgrade to farm)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
Economic victory is a ballache i wont be doing that again in a hurry, to much effort trying to keep different factions happy to keep the trade. Its much easier to just kill everyone in your way
Hellenistic (Pontus)
This was an easy campaign, completed the entire map in 207 turns. It was easy because everyone in the west loves you and everyone in the east hates you… so you just send all armies east and make military allies with everyone in the west, i was allied with Sparta, Athens, Macedon, Rhodes, Egypt and half a dozen others in the west. (basically everyone in greece…but not barbarians)
Money was never an issuse even from the start, just send your spy around the whole mediteranian sea EVERYONE will trade with you
So from the start i made 2 full ‘rubbish’ armies and conquered Galltia et Cappadocia, Cilcia (but not Cyprus) and Syria. (still didnt build any military buildings) built up the provinces a little, then turned on 2 allies (the ones holding the other 2 regions in Bithnyia et pontus) Then began building military buildings there, i must have ended over 20 turns just constructing building in all regions.
I was able to conquer all these place with just the 2 poor armies because i was going on the diplomicy tab and requesting all allies to attack a certain region. Came in very handy… of course afew allies beat me to the city late on in other provinces but once i conquered the eastern part of the map, on the way back i just declared war on the allies that took the province.
In the provience ‘BITHNYIA ET PONTUS’ or ‘GALITIA ET CAPPADOCIA’ you can choose which ever you prefer to build troops… i chose Bithnyia et pontus
NICOMEDIA….’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)… ‘Training Field’ (upgrade to Practice Camp)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)… ‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)…Agora (upgrade to Libruary)
SINOPE…’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)…’Homestead’ (upgrade to Farm)
AMASEIA….’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)…’Homestead’ (upgrade to Farm)
TRAPEZOS…’Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Muster field’ (then upgrade to Perioikos)…’Muster Field’ (upgrade to Holosideros Barracks)
This is very similar to the other Hellenistic factions, the only real difference is i was running out of food near the start so i turned the ports into a fishing port
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Libruary) once your research tree is done change all these to Wine Trader
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Travellers Lodge)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)
‘Homestead’ (upgrade to farm)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
When you have done a Hellenistic faction once there all quite similar apart from Seleucid.
Hellenistic (Sparta)
This was very tricky to sort out at the start, but what i did was eradicate Epuris straight away, get the 2 settlements before Macadon. then build a second army in sparta and leave it there while i tried to kill Macadonia, it was a stuggle and i was streached very thin but managed it, while i was killing them, Athens attacked me (cause they were allies with macadon) so i used the second army to destroy Athens then sent them straight to crete. It was hard work specially only been able to buy 2 poor armies, but if you can manage it then your on for a winner. killing these three factions allowed me to have the 2 full provinces in Greece to build all my barrack etc. Then make allies and trade with the east and go and attack the barbarians next… or vice versa which ever is better for you.
Having only 3 settlements in each of the 2 provinces was another chore trying to build troops and get the population under control, so you have so split your military buildings across both provinces.
In HELLAS i built…
SPARTA… ‘Muster Field’ (upgrade to Holosideros Barracks)… ‘Muster Field’ (upgrade to Perioikos Camp)
ATHENAI… ‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)… ‘Subterranean Aqueduct’ (upgrade to Fountain)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)… ‘Training field’ (upgrade to combat posts)… ‘Training field’ (upgrade to Practice camp)
HIERAPYTNA… ‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine or Ares)… ‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)
and in MACADONIA i built…
PELLA… ‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)… ‘Training Field’ (upgrade to Horse pens)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Military Wharf)… ‘Agora’ (upgrade to Travellers Lodge)… ‘Training Field’ (upgrade to Range)
LARISSA…’Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Possiden)…’Homestead’ (upgrade to Farm)
APOLLONIA… ‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…’Homestead’ (upgrade to Farm)
* I built the shine to possiden in macadonia because i needed alot of ships due to playing this campaign on very hard, if you dont think you’ll need the navies on your campaign build the sacred grove.
Build you troops in HELLAS province, then when the army is built move them to the MACADONIA province and RETRAIN them to get the full benifit of your buildings
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Libruary) once your research tree is done change all these to Wine Trader
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Travellers Lodge)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Sacred Grove)
‘Homestead’ (upgrade to farm)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
This was very hard to get decent armies and the population under control but once you have the 2 full provinces things should start to sort themselves out, food almost became an issue but taking Thracia soon sorted that issue.
Hellenistic (Egypt)
This was a very easy campaign specially with you already starting with an entire province. With these building you’ll run out of food almost straight away so first thing you do is conquer Libya and build your farms there. I stopped in Libya and left 2 armies just sat there for about 60 turns just guarding the 2 cities on the western front and then sent everything else i built to the east. You can by all means carry on, (but i was trying to do the achievement where you declare war on every faction in the game soon as you meet them) but like i said i took everything eastwards. Other than that, everyone will trade and be your friend, so enjoy the campaign.
In the provience ‘AEGYPTUS‘ you can build alot of military buildings…
ALEXANDRIA….’Port’ (upgrade to Military Wharf)… ‘Training Field’ (upgrade to Practice Camp)…’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Shrine of Ammon-Zeus)… ‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)…’Training Field’ (upgrade to combat posts)
MEMPHIS..’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Shrine of Horus)…’Homestead’ (upgrade to farm)
MYOS HORMOS….’Consecrated Gound’ (upgrade to Shrine of Serapis)…’Muster field’ (then upgrade to Perioikos)… ‘Port’ (upgrade to Shipwright)
DIOSPOLIS…’Muster Field’ (upgrade to Holosideros Barracks)… ‘Workshop’ (upgrade to Blacksmith)
Remember with these building in Aegyptus you’ll run out of food straight away, so grab Libya soon as possible and build your farms.
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine of Serapis)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Amphitheatron)
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Libruary) once your research tree is done change all these to Wine Trader
‘Agora’ (upgrade to Travellers Lodge)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Consecrated Ground’ (upgrade to Shrine to Serapis)
‘Homestead’ (upgrade to farm)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Harbour)…(if it has a port)
With this build order you can build everything you need from Alexandria, armies and ships are all hardcore and fully trained, i didnt build the upgrades for the cavalry cause i just massacred everything with elephants
Eastern (Parthia)
Well where to start…from the beginning i created one army and took the province Parthia, from there i ended afew turns and became rich. Then attacked everything to the north and east of me, but never went for the nomads in Scythia. (they had too many archers for my lame spearmen) After chacing the Bactrians around in circles i finally killed eveything to the east and sorted out all the public order, i wasnt at war with anyone else so i got afew trade deals and ended around 15 turns and became even richer, the money was pooring in. I created a couple of really good armies (cause i just researched alot of military items while i was ending turns) then attacked places on the southen cost so i could get trade with places like egypt and sent a spy round the whole of the mediterainian, the atlantic, english channel and north sea areas in preperation for when i got to the mediterainian myself, i could just trade with everyone. After getting there and securing all the trades, i had no enemies again so i ended about 30 turns just building and researching things. Then created awesome elite armies and just killed everyone and everything in my path. Once i got to Greece i needed more armies, so a created a forward barracks in Thracia and built up the rest of my 16 armies (3 of them had to be mercenries in order to win by military victory)
In the provience ‘PARTHIA‘
HACATOMPYLOS…’City’ (upgrade to Satrap Large City)…’Practice field’ (upgrade to Target Stands)…’Practice field’ (upgrade to Horse Corrals)…’Animal Breeder’ (upgrade to Exotic Animal Studs)…and an ‘Infantry Camp’
NISA…’Village’ (upgrade to Garrison Settlement)… ‘Animal Breeder’ (upgrade to Heavy Horse Studs)…’Nomad Camp’ (upgrade to farm)
ZADRAKARTA…’Shrine’ (upgrade to Tower of Silence)… ‘Courier Post’ (then upgrade to Tax Office)
SUSIA…’Shrine’ (upgrade to Tower of Silence)… ‘Animal Breeder’ (upgrade to Light Horse Studs)
Now in EVERY OTHER MAJOR region (the ones with the wall round them) you build…
‘Shrine’ (upgrade to Fire Alter)
‘City Centre’ (upgrade to Wrestling Arena)
‘City Centre’ (upgrade to Governors Palace)
‘City Centre’ (upgrade to Library)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishing Port)…(if it has a port)
And in ALL MINOR regions you build…
‘Courier Post’ (then upgrade to Couriers Station)
‘Nomad Camp’ (upgrade to farm)
‘Port’ (upgrade to Fishing port)…(if it has a port)
You can build Tax offices instead of courier posts if you wish for even more money because the public order on nearly all my provinces was 100 (86) but i had enough money and couldnt be bothered changing them.