The Britons have been stationary for far too long. Now, the drums and machines of war begin to move as the Britons prepare to move thier armies to conquer all of Gaul and all those who oppose them. This guide is going to run through the Britons in Rome Total War, as well as how to play as the faction, how to expand, win, and conquer all of your enemies. This guide, like my other guides, will be using real gameplay experience and screenshots from the campaigns. Onward with the guide.
Welcome. As mentioned above, I will be playing as the Britons from Rome Total War. This is the beginning for not only a new campaign for myself, but for my guide content as I continue to expand into other games besides Civilizaiton V and Mount and Blade Warband. Enough talk, onward with this guide.
Early Expansion and Preperation
I started off for the Britons in a pretty bad shape. For one, the capital, Londinium, was not making me a lot of money. This was because I was spending too much money on my troops. I cut back by disbanding a few units of troops. This is not good to do early on, however, I needed money to invest in my economy to make it better. I never new that the capital would lost money because of too many troops until I started this campaign, so I ended up learning something new. I continued to invest in money in my economy by passing turns and only focusining on my economy. I will need one in order to complete the goal of the campaign, which is to hold 15 Regions and either outlast or destroy Gaul.
I also got some Map Information and Trade rights with both Gaul and the Germans. I do not mind trading with the Germans, and the only reason why trading with Gaul is good is because I take money from them indirectly. I shouldn’t be trading with them at all, but I am going to take advantage of it anyways. I also began to muster an army together to take Tara, which is a rebel settlement in Ireland.
Taking Tara early one was the only rebel settlement and battle that I have had during the campaign so far. Obviously, fighting Gaul is going to be a lot harder, but at least a lot of my troops got experience and I got a new settlement as well. I passed a few turns, and with each turn, I got more and more money, which means that my economy is improving, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I then gathered up the army at Tara and I am preparing for war against the Gauls. I will take the army from Tara and use my navy to bring my army over for a naval invasion.
First War against Gaul
The War against Gaul started quicker than I expected. My goal was to use the naval invasion idea to take the settlement of Condate Redonum, which is on the coast. However, I made the mistake of beginning to form an army outside of the settlement of Samarobriva. I then was attacked by two Galic armies. I thought I was goign to lose both the settlement and my army. I then moved my army from the ships and besieged Condate Redonum. To my surprise, the Galic armies unsieged Samarobriva and headed towards Condate Redonum.
Unfortunatley for me, I did not have enough troops to take on the Galic forces. Even with mercenaries, I still was not able to beat both armies. Thankfully, my general and the remainder of the army, escaped back to Samarobriva. I then decided to move some of my family members back over to Londonium because I was getting a lot more generals then what to do with. I plan to rebuild the army and get better troops. I have the money, but I found out that my military was suffering big tim. I will not be able to defeat the Galic armies with just Warband units. I started to invest in my military in my ciites, while I lowered the taxes in my other towns to let them grow and expand.
Even thought I fought only one battle against Gaul, I can almost tell that this war will be long and drawn out, with many field and seige battles.
Short Peace
Well, I was wrong about the war with Gaul being long. After the battle of Condate Redonum, the Galic armies did not come after me, which was strange. I used the peaceful turns to build up my armies and invest in my economy. Eventually Germainia came along and offered me an alliance and trade rights. I accepted yes to both of them and then when I tried to attack the settlement of Alesia, it said that I was neutral to the Gauls, thus ended my war with them. The war itself was not very long, but I was glad that it was over for now.
Since when I was not at war with Gaul anymore, I took the time to pass turns. This gave me time to use my spies to scout out what Gaul had. I found out that Gaul has nothing to defend the back lines and only has one really large army, the same army that defeated me at the battle of Condate Redonum. I also invested in my economy and my army, recruiting better units like Swordsmen, Slingers and Warhounds to my armies. Sure, it is not that much of a roster, but it will get the work done. I am planning and waiting to go back to war with Gaul sooner or later, however, I am taking advantage of the peace time.
During this time, my towns of Tara, Deva, and Eboricum expanded, so I was able to invest in all of them and increase the income of all three towns. I have one army on the mainland next to Londinium that is going to be moved over soon and another army that is by Samarobriva. Hopefully, with my careful prepartion, I can delcare war on Gaul and bring them all down.
Second War against Gaul
I knew that Gaul would delcare war again, it was just a mater of time. The Galic armies were getting too close to Samarobriva, so I moved my second army from the mainland into the settlement and then pulled up the first army back as a reinforcement army.
It was no surprise that when I ended my turn, Gaul delcared war, and so began the battle of Samarobriva.
I was upset that during the end of the battle, my general, Cynfawr, died.Thankfully, he died at the end of the battle while the Galic troops were running away. It was a heroic victory and now I got the feeling that I was able to take on Gaul.
My next move was to head towards the settlement of Alesia. I moved Drustan, a family member, to take over Cynfawr’s army after he died in battle.
I moved Drustans army to seige Alesia and then moved my other army towards Condate Redonum once again.
The next turn, I was attacked and the battle of Alesia began. I was confident that I was able to beat the Galic army.
The battle of Alesia was a clear victory. During the battle, Drustan’s army killed two generals, Captain Bolgios and Brennus. After the battle, Alesia was ours. I then moved my seocnd army closer to Condate Redonum and started to seige the settlement.
Gaul then attacked me, beginning the second battle of Condate Redonum. During the battle, my army killed both generals, Captian Drustan and Vindex. Even though I won the battle, I did not take the settlement. Then one turn later, Condate Redonum surrendered to me, so I ended up taking it anyways.
I thne moved the army from Condate Redonum down towards the next closest settlement, which is Lemonum. The Germans took the closest rebel settlement, so I was not able to get to it fast enough, so I moved my second army towards Gauls land and I am hoping that the Germans do not attack me anytime soon, as they are starting to form an army next to Samarobriva.
I finished off seiging Lemonum and the battle of Lemonum began. I was able to crush the Galic forces with my army, killed the general of the army, and took the settlement after the garrison surrendered after one turn. I then moved my army towards the next settlement, which is Narbo Martius.
Sure enough, the Germans declared war on me. Then I passed a turn and they wanted a ceasefire, so I accepted it. This went on for about 4 turns, until they finally made up their mind and delcared war on me again. I moved my army closer to Narbo Martius, but Gaul got to me first.
I mangaged to crush the Galic army in the battle and then I moved to seige Narbo Martius.
The Galic armies attacked me at Narbo Martius. During this battle, I lost my general Drustan, however, in the end, the army killed off the Galic king and his generals.
Second War against Gaul (Continued)
After the battle of Narbo Martius, I did not get the settlement right away. I passed one turn and then I managed to get the settlemen under my control. The next closest settlement is Massalia, so I moved some troops around to hold Lemonum and Narbo Martius and I moved the general from Lemonum to take over Drustans army. The Galic forces set up two forts next to Massalia, so I attacked one of them.
The battle itself was not big enough for me to actually fight out, so I just autoresolved it. Now the Germans have been sieging Samarobriva and they finally attacked me. I had no choice but to actually fight out the siege battle, because I could not risk autoresolving it and losing troops.
Unfortunately for me, my general died in the seige battle of Samarobriva, but he died well defending the city from the Germans. I built up another army in Alesia that I plan on moving soon to fight the Germans, however, they have a lot of troops heading southwards towards my armies fighting Gaul.
I moved my army from Narbo Martius, into a fort and then beseiged nearby Massalia.
Since when I was still fighting the Germans, I moved my second army towards Trier.
The siege of Trier was not big and there was no real need to fight out the battle, so I autoresolved it. I then moved onto Massalia. Shortly, a few turns later, the Germans wanted a ceasefire and it happened. They also wanted trade rights and an alliance, so they are now on good terms with the Britons now, but there large stack army closeby is still concerning.
After I took Massalia, i let my forces rest up. I was still making a lot of money each turn from my really good economy that I built up. I then made a third army and parked in Massalia. Then as I thought that things were going well, the Romans declared war on me. I thought that I was done for, because I moved my next two armies eastwards towards Mediolanium and Patavium. Narbo Martuis was beseiged by the Romans and I thought that I was done for.
This was the one of the battles that I had to actually fight out. I was facing down two Roman armies and the only reason why that I won the siege was because the AI charged in their cavalry head first into my warband units. Even though it was a bad idea on their part, it worked out in my favor and I won the battle. My general died in the fight, but he went down bravely.
Shortly afterwards, the settlement of Patavium was giving me some really tough issues and the citizens rebelled. I ended up crushing it and then retreating and repairing the city all over again. I then moved onto the next Gual settlement of Segestica and took the settlement with ease. I built some more watchtowers and found out that Gaul has another settlement around here. At this point, I have 14 regions uner my control, meaning that I either have to take one more settlement and win or destroy Gaul. The Romans are also at war with Gual, so I am hoping that they take one more settlement so that I can sweep in and take one more final region. I built up an army and I am moving it towards the Gallic captial, avioding the Roman armies.
The Final Steps and Victory
I passed a couple of turns and I got to the Gallic Capital of Numantia. I beseiged it and waited out for five turns. This will last until the end of the campaign.
I noticed that the Romans attacked Patvium. I used my entire army from Mediolanum and attacked the Romans. I did not end up fighting this battle because the odds were in my favor, so I autoresolved it and crushed the Roman forces. If I would have fought it out on my own, there would be no doubt that I would win.
I passed on final turn and Numantia fell to me and the campaign was won. The Britons were victorious and there could be no stopping them now.
Thank you for reading this guide for Rome Total War-Britons. This is the start of my series of guides for all the factions in Rome Total war. If you have any comments or questions, post them down below. I take time to read all of the comments that are posted so that I can have accurate feedback.
There are more guides on the way, such as The Empire Total War-Warpath Campaign Plains Nations, along with Khergits Guides for Mount and Blade Warband. More guides for Rome Total War and Empire Total War are in the future as well.