Super Hexagon Guide

Rosheart's guide for hexagons (Rosheartによって六角ガイド) for Super Hexagon

Rosheart’s guide for hexagons (Rosheartによって六角ガイド)


(英語&日本語)This guide is a reflection on what is needed from the player to beat the game. The Rosheart strategy focuses on changing the game experience to make the game more fun and playable rather than cover strategies of getting past patterns. This is simply the Rosheart approach to beating this game. I hope you enjoy. ^.^このガイドでは、ゲームに勝つためにプレーヤーから必要とされるものの反射です。Rosheart戦略はプレーヤーのためのゲーム体験を変更します。このガイドでは、パターンのための戦略を議論していません。これは単にこのゲームを破っにRosheartアプローチです。このガイドを使用してお楽しみ下さい。^.^

Level 1(レベル1)

This first level throws at you squares, pentagons and hexagons. It’ll serve as a simple test to see if your cut out to be able to beat this game. You will play over and over and very likely get frustrated. It’s expected that it take up to 6 hours to beat this level if your new to these types of games. A important hint to getting rid of the monotony of this game is to turn off the game sound and play your own music while you play. It doesn’t make keeping up with the speed of the game any different regardless of what song may play. The second most important thing to keep in mind is that its common that playing this game and losing repetitively will increase your adrenaline. Health reasons aside, once your adrenaline is too high you have no chance of beating your high score, so take a break and come back later. Your probability of beating an old score in general is increased by having little to no adrenaline in your system at the time. After completing this level by reaching 60 seconds and gaining your first achievement, its best to move on to the next level. You can work on increasing your high scores on beaten levels once your much more familiar with the game.


Level 2(レベル2)

Level 2 introduces a higher speed as well as several new patterns that you’ll see in several future levels. Beating level 2 should take less time than level now that your used to the format of the game. Even after you beat this level its best to move onto the third level before you attempt to beat old scores or takeon the 4th or 5th levels.


Level 3+(レベル3+)

As you’d expect level 3 is faster, but at the same not all that new compared to the first two levels. If you beat this level than you have what it takes to beat levels 4-6. It will take determination and time. It took me about 32 hours to beat the game my first time, i hear it can take less time for others but don’t give up early. Super Hexagon i find to be a good game to just relax while playing. There is a point at which your hands will carry you through levels while your mind is completely elsewhere. This game make a good and inexpensive distraction from stressful life. Good Luck beating it. =^.^=

あなたがレベルを期待したい3は高速です。しかし、レベル3は、最初の2つのレベルに類似しています。 あなたがこのレベルを破った場合は、レベル4-6を打つことができるよりも。それは、決意と時間がかかります。 これは、ゲームに私の最初の時間をビートに私に約32時間を要しました。私はそれが他の人のためのより少ない時間を取ることができると思うが、早期にあきらめないでください。 スーパーヘキサゴンは、リラックスするには良いゲームです。あなたの心は完全に別の場所であるが、最終的にあなたの手は、レベルを通してあなたを運ぶでしょう。このゲームは、ストレスの多い生活から良いと安価な気晴らしになります。 グッドラック受賞。=^.^=