Realm of the Mad God Exalt Guide

ROTMG Guide to Maxing a Knight for Realm of the Mad God Exalt

ROTMG Guide to Maxing a Knight


This guide will tell you all about how to max your knight, and maybe even how to build the foundation of a great realm career.

PART 1: The Knight

The Knight is one of the 3 melee classes in the game. The Knight has a whopping 40 maximum defense and 770 HP, making him the BEST tanker. The Knight uses a sword to deal damage. While the sword has the lowest range (3.5), it does the most damage. This puts the Knight in danger, but it allows him to quickly slay enemies.

PART 2: Why Should I Choose a Knight?

-The Knight has extremely high endurance, so if you ever get yourself into trouble, you can click the nexus key without dying
-The Knight does an above-average amount of damage, and with the Demon Blade and Shield of Ogmur, the Knight’s damage can be further strengthened
-The Knight isn’t difficult to use
-Once maxed, the Knight is nearly indestructible
-Knight’s shield lets you stun enemies, allowing you to kill your enemies while they can’t injure you
-Knight’s high vitality and defense allows you to walk through hoards without dying
-Knight’s high defense allows him to rush nearly every dungeon
-The Knight’s shield defends you from pansies asking you for donations
-The Knight has the shortest range in the game, putting you in danger of dying to shotguns
-The Knight is one of the slowest classes in the game
-Knights are relatively weak and squishy when unmaxed

Part 3: Knight Tactics

Knight Tactics are fairly simple to learn. The main tactic you’ll be using is:
What this means is after you dodge an enemy’s incoming attack, you go in on their recharge period and stun them. You’ll need to learn enemies’s attack patterns for this to work. Now, back to the attack strategy:
Dodge an enemy’s incoming attack. During their recharge period, quickly rush in and stun the enemy. Damage the enemy. Repeat if necessary, then collect your loot.

Part 4: How to Max a Knight

Once you get a knight, you’ll (probably) think “HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO MAX THIS?” Maxing a knight is fairly simple, and maxing him is not very different from maxing any other class. First of all, you’ll want to get him to level 20 (I’m counting on you to know how to get a class to level 20, if you don’t you shouldn’t even have him unlocked). Here is a list of steps to maxing a knight:

STEP 1: After you’re level 20, you’ll want to use an alternate character slot/ account to start farming in the godlands. The Wizard is usually the best choice, as they can dish out high amounts of damage. But, if you’re not that good at dodging or if you excrete liquid chocolate all over yourself whenever you get hit by a Medusa, then you’ll probably want to make a necromancer or a priest. Wizards farm fastest, and priests farm slowest.

STEP 2: After you’ve amassed yourself 3-4 def, now you go to USWest and start your trading. Buy yourself a Vengeance Armor, a Gold Shield, an Archon Sword, and a Ring of Paramount Health/Defense. If you get hit less, go for a Para Def. If you get hit more, go for a Para HP.

STEP 3: Now, you equip these items on your Knight. Sadly, we aren’t done farming yet. With your Knight’s equipment, you have 30 or 37 defense. Use your farmer to amass enough defense until you’re comfortable (I usually get enough until I have 40 defense). This will allow you to tank fairly well.

STEP 4: Now we’re ready to start using your Knight. You are going to start grinding Sprite Worlds. These drop Dexterity Potions, which are going to be your Knight’s cash crop for quite a bit. I can’t stress this enough; ONLY GO IN SPRITE WORLDS! Many of my friends didn’t heed this warning, and ended up with a dead knight. Sometimes, you may even get a Defense Potion or a T5 Ability from the Sprite World. Drink all the Def you find, and sell all the T5 Abilities for Def. If you get a Mithril Shield, use it. Farm Sprite Worlds until you max your Dexterity. Any potions found in the Godlands should be drunk.

STEP 5: After you max your dex, you’re going to go back into Sprite Worlds. This time, sell all your dex pots for Defense. Do this until your defense is maxed.

STEP 6: After you finish maxing your defense, farm more Sprite Worlds. Sell all your profits for Speed Potions. Do this until your speed is maxed.

STEP 7: Now you have a 3/8 Knight, with some of the most important stats maxed. Now, if you’re up for it, farm Abysses. Abysses are great fame farms and give you an excellent bounty at the end, with a chance for the legendary Demon Blade. If you’re worried, bring a friend with you. Farm Abysses and sell the loot for potions until you’ve maxed 6/8 stats, leaving only Life and Mana to worry about.

STEP 7: Finally, you have maxed your Knight. Now, you’ve hopefully gained enough skill to be able to do events and Tombs. Tombs yield 0-3 life pots, which are the most expensive potions in the game. Tombs also drop Nile Rings, Sphinx Rings, and the most valuable, Pyramid Rings. A Nile or a Pyramid Ring work best on the Knight. Wear a Nile if you’re more offensive, wear a Pyramid if you’re more defensive. You can keep farming any dungeon you’d like, do this until you get 8/8.

STEP 8: By now, you’ll probably notice that you’re running out of room in your vault. This is a great reminder to tell you to MAKE A NEW CLASS. Let’s face it, no character lives forever. Your knight will die eventually, and you want to be prepared. Collect more potions and max other characters to your desire.

Part 5: Coveted Knight Gear & How to Obtain It

Resurrected Warrior’s Armor- Commonly called Resu, this armor is an extremely rare drop found at the end of the Haunted Cemetary. This armor grants you +150 MP, +17 DEF, and +5 WIS. This will allow you an extra 2 stuns when your mana is maxed.

Demon Blade- The Demon Blade, or Dblade, is found in the Abyss of Demons. It isn’t very rare, so you won’t have to grind much for one. This is a great blade for Knight because a knight can sit on top of an enemy while taking minimal damage.

Shield of Ogmur- The Shield of Ogmur, or Ogmur, is an extremely rare drop found at a Lord of the Lost Lands. This Shield can do a whopping 2,000 damage if all the hits land. It gives you +60 HP and +14 DEF, making this shield a great defensive shield. But, instead of stunning the enemy, it armor breaks them.

Ring of the Nile- This ring is found in the Tomb of the Ancients, and it’s dropped by Geb. This ring grants the user +60 HP, +60 MP, +4 DEX, and +4 SPD. This is a great ring for the Knight because it grants him more offensive capabilities.

Ring of the Pyramid- This ring is also found in the Tomb of the Ancients. It is dropped by Bes. This ring grants the user +100 HP, +4 DEF, and +4 ATK. This ring is a defensive ring. While it is still a great ring, a knight is better off with a Nile.

Sword of Acclaim- This is the T12 sword, found in Oryx’s Wine Cellar and high-level dungeons.

Acropolis Armor- This is the T13 armor, found in Oryx’s Wine Cellar and high-level dungeons.

Colossus Shield- This is the T6 shield, found in Oryx’s Wine Cellar.

Crystal Sword/Ancient Stone Sword- The Crystal Sword does 180-210 DMG, but it has the highest range of any sword, at 4.5 tiles. This is good for WCs, Tombs, and any other sticky situations. It is an uncommon drop obtained from a Crystal Prisoner. The Ancient Stone Sword, or A.S.S, has a range of 4 and does 340-390 DMG at a reduced firing rate. It is an extremely rare drop found from an Ancient Stone Guardian.

Pirate King’s Cutlass- This is a rare drop found in Dreadwater Docks. It has a low range of 3.3, but it does 184-231 DMG at a rate of fire of 120%. This is a great sword to use against low defense enemies, but not as good against high defense enemies.