TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio Guide

RPG Engine for TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio

RPG Engine


A simple how-to in order to implement RPG Engine

Step 1

RPG Engine :

First you need to download the RPG Engine from here :

Extract to your projects directory.

Load it in Tyranobuilder.

Basic Configuration

Open bonusrpgfight.

You will notice two branches, one dealing with losing the fight and one dealing with winning it. Pick which scene you want to redirect the player in these two branches.

Open the bonusrpgfight.ks file with Notepad++ or any text editor supporting UTF8/UTF8 w/o BOM.

At the bottom, you find configuration options that you can change :

var background = ‘data/rpg/images/background/empty.png’; var playeravatar = ‘susumu’; var playerhp = 250; var originalplayerhp = 250; var poisontick = 5000; var poisonduration = 20000; var monstername = ‘Kopu’; var monsteravatar = ‘kopu’; var monsterpng = ‘kopu’; var monsterhp = 180; var originalmonsterhp = 180; var monstertype = 1; var monsterspeed = 5000; var goldwon = 5; var winingtext = ‘<span>you defeated ‘+monstername+’ and won ‘+goldwon+’ gold pieces</span>’; var losingtext = ‘<span>you were defeated by ‘+monstername+'</span>’;

The options you can change are :
playeravatar = name of the png file
playerhp = player HP value when the fights starts
originalplayerhp = player HP max value when the fights starts
poisontick = at which interval does the poison ticks (in milliseconds)
poisonduration = how long does poison stay (in ms as well)
monstername = name of the enemy
monsteravatar = name of the png file
monsterhp = enemy HP value when the fights starts
originalmonsterhp = enemy HP value when the fights starts
monsterspeed = at which interval does the enemy will attack you (in ms)

Advanced configuration

Open the bonusrpgfight.ks file with Notepad++ or any text editor supporting UTF8/UTF8 w/o BOM

You’ll notice that the skills are defined by a data-id, for instance the first one being : “sword-slash|8|2000”
sword-slash = name of the png file used for animation (in data/rpg/effects folder)
8 = damage
2000 = delay in milliseconds (so in that case, 2000 equals 2 seconds)

There are 6 skills, each inside a “box” div :

<div class=”box”><div class=”subbox”></div><div class=”icon” data-id=”sword-slash|8|2000″ data-type=”melee”><img src=”data/rpg/images/icons/icon-sword-1.gif” title=”Sword Slash : 8 DMG | Cooldown : 2 sec.”></div></div>

Player skills are defined in others/rpg_fight1.js, so in order to use Poison for instance, change a melee skill to :

<div class=”box”><div class=”subbox”></div><div class=”icon” data-id=”earth|28|9000″ data-type=”magic”><img src=”data/rpg/images/icons/icon-earth.gif” title=”Earth : 28 DMG | Cooldown : 9 sec.”></div></div>

Please note that there are two magic skills already defined : Heal which restores HP and Poison which, at intervals, reduces the enemy HP :

<div class=”box”><div class=”subbox”></div><div class=”icon” data-id=”poison-1|3|60000″ data-type=”poison” data-specs=”5000|20000″><img src=”data/rpg/images/icons/icon-poison-1.gif” title=”Poison : 3 DMG every 5 seconds for 20 seconds | Cooldown : 60 sec.”></div></div> <div class=”box”><div class=”subbox”></div><div class=”icon” data-id=”heal|33|15000″ data-type=”heal”><img src=”data/rpg/images/icons/icon-heal.gif” title=”Heal : restores 33 HP | Cooldown : 15 sec.”></div></div>

PS : Please note that the data-specs for the poison skill overrides the basic poison configuration.


Free, only credit ODBear Studios.

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