Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Guide

Russian Liberation Army in the mod "For Faith and Fatherland" for Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Russian Liberation Army in the mod “For Faith and Fatherland”


Here I will introduce you to the faction “ROA”Which I dedicated a mod called “For Faith and Fatherland”Russian soldiers who fought with the communists.

1. Let’s get acquainted with the uniform of POA fighters in mod and in real life.

Emblem and

2.The history of the formation of the formation and its key faces.


The ROA did not officially exist until autumn of 1944, after Heinrich Himmler persuaded a very reluctant Hitler to permit the formation of 10 Russian Liberation Army divisions.

On 14 November in Prague, Vlasov read aloud the Prague Manifesto before the newly created Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. This document stated the purposes of the battle against Stalin, and spelled out 14 points which the army was fighting for. German insistence that the document carry anti-Semitic rhetoric was successfully parried by Vlasov’s committee, but they were obliged to include a statement criticising the Western Allies, labelling them “plutocracies” that were “allies of Stalin in his conquest of Europe”.

Vlasov in front of the soldiers ROA

By February 1945, only one division, the 1st Infantry (600th Infantry), was fully organised, under the command of General Sergei Bunyachenko. Formed at Münsingen, it fought briefly on the Oder Front before switching sides and helping the Czechs liberate Prague.
Andrey Andreevich Vlasov

A second division, the 2nd Infantry (650th Infantry), was incomplete when it left Lager Heuberg but was sent into action under the command of General Mikhail Meandrov. This division was joined in large numbers by eastern workers, which caused it to nearly double in size as it marched south. A third, the 3rd Infantry (700th German Infantry), had only began formation.

Several other Russian units, such as the Russian Corps, XVth SS Cossack Cavalry Corps of General Helmuth von Pannwitz, the Cossack Camp of Ataman Domanov, and other primarily White émigré formations, had agreed to become a part of Vlasov’s army. However, their membership remained de jure as the turn of events did not permit Vlasov to use the troops in any operation .
Sergei Bunyachenko

A small group of ROA volunteers fought against the Red Army on 9 February 1945. Their fighting spirit earned them the praise of Heinrich Himmler. The only active combat the Russian Liberation Army undertook against the Red Army was by the Oder River on 11 April 1945, largely at the insistence of Himmler, as a test of the army’s reliability. After three days, the outnumbered 1st Division had to retreat.

On 28 January 1945, it was officially declared that the Russian divisions no longer formed part of the German Army, but would be directly under the command of KONR.

Vlasov then ordered the first division to march south to concentrate all Russian anti-communist forces loyal to him. As an army, he reasoned, they could all surrender to the Allies on “favorable” terms, which particularly meant no repatriation to the Soviet Union. Vlasov sent several secret delegations to the Allies to begin negotiating a surrender, hoping they would sympathise with the goals of ROA and potentially use it in an inevitable future war with the USSR.

3.Main characters

Lieutenant “ROA” Alexey Kuznetsov
Alexey was born in Moscow
in 1923.
His parents were shot for suspicion of espionage (in favor of Poland)
Alexey himself was sent to an orphanage. The conditions of detention were inhuman, as the Soviet government was a very economically backward state and made a number of economic mistakes that led to famine throughout the country.
In 1941, Alexei was called to the Red Army, but at the very beginning of the war during the retreat of the Soviet troops, he was captured.
In captivity, Alexey joined the ROA and, after completing officer courses, went to the front.

4. Attitude to ROA in modern Russia

Attitudes towards ROA in our country are mostly negative. Putin uses the “Victory Day” for his populist goals, and therefore all the enemies of the Soviet Union (at that time) remain enemies of state propaganda to this day. Putin’s propaganda omits inconvenient facts about pre-war crimes against its own population by the Soviet government.

Creating this mod, I pay tribute to all those who fought against communism (although I do not deny the crimes of the Nazis)
However, I believe that the motives of all parties are worthy of attention, so that in the future we would avoid the “civil war”

About MOD

So far there is only one mission in the game, but I am working on the others. The game has cutscenes and storyline (as in the old parts of a man of war)

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