Sairento VR Guide

Sairento VR Guide: Controls and Locomotion for Sairento VR

Sairento VR Guide: Controls and Locomotion


Sairento VR makes heavy usage of locomotion not only for getting around maps, but for combat as well. Coupled with the ability to accelerate (slow time), players can choose and plan their kills to be as efficient and lethal as possible. In this guide, we will share basics and advanced locomotion as well as tips and tricks. Master locomotion early and futher discover your own unique play style.

Basic Controls


Wrist Menu

The wrist menu is readily accessible when you are away from the Dojo. To activate, hold down the Menu Button of the non master hand. Use your master hand to interact with the menu, use trigger to select.


Records your gameplay in third player perspective using PrydeVR. Recording saves to ~/My Documents/Sairento VR Videos


Check here to find out your mission objective.


Change in game BGM


Restarts the mission or exit to Dojo

Locomotion Basics

Default Locomotion


Holding down the touchpad, aim at ground level and release to dash.
Tip: If the locomotion arrows are white, it indicates a dash.


Holding down the touchpaid, raise aim to desired jump arc and release to jump.
Acceleration can be activated in a jump.
Tip: If the locomotion arrows are green, it indicates a jump.

Multi Jump

You can perform more than one jump, depending on your skill level and equipped relics.
At the tip of a normal jump, repeat holding the touchpad to select your next jump arc and release.
Note: Accelerate will auto activate whenever the touchpad is held down to allow planning of next move.

Wall Hop

Holding down the touchpad, point at the wall and release to wall hop.

Wall Run

Holding down the touchpad, point at the wall at an acute angle (less than 90 degrees) and release to wall run. You will run along that length of the wall for a short distance. It will end early if you run out of running space or are blocked.
Tip: If the locomotion arrows are blue, it indicates a wall run.


Before landing, crouch and you will slide in the direction of the jump upon landing. Can be toggled on/off in the settings.

Optional Locomotion Tweaks

Optional Locomotion

These can be turned on in the Dojo -> Settings Panel

Accelerated Dash

Enables acceleration during Dashing but at the expense of Chakra


When wallhopping, raise both hands above your head and you’ll perform a backflip.

Slide After Dash

Enables sliding after a dash.

Always Jump

Disables Dash and default to Jumps only

Enhancing Locomotion with Relics and Skill Tree

Skill Tree Enhancements

The Acceleration and Mobility Skill Tree unlocks locomotion enhancements and moves.

Note: Please refer to the Sairento VR: Skills for more info.

Relic Modifiers

Equipping these relics properties will further enhance and/or modifty your locomotion experience to suit your play style. Feel free to try them out.

Common Relic Properties

These may be found in all relics rarities:

  • Less chakra cost to move
  • Longer Wall Runs
  • Longer Slide Distance

Legendary Relic Properties

These properties are only found in legendary relics:

  • Wall Hang: When jumping onto a wall, you will hang on to it instead of bouncing off. Disables wall running.
  • Aerial Combat: You can jump an additional time before landing.
  • Velocity Shield: When jumping, wallrunning, sliding, or backflipping, take less damage.
  • Sundering Leap: Reduces your max jumps by one. You deal more damage with melee attacks in a jump.
  • Battojutsu: You stay accelerated as long as the blade is drawn.
  • Sypnatic Overload: You are always Accelerated to a fraction of normal time. Time moves when you move.
  • Shukuchi: You Accelerate even faster, causing time to subjectively slow down further.

Note: This is a condensed list of relic properties only related to Locomotion. To view the full list of relic properties and more detailed information, visit the Sairento VR Guide: Relics

Weapon Reloading

To Reload, simply snap both Controllers up or down. You will feel a vibration in the controller to indicate that the reload is successful.

As alternative options, you may prefer to change the reload method to Snap up only, Snap down only or Reload automatically. These options may be toggled in the Settings.