A guide for Crossroads Inn Sandbox mode – Work in progress
Welcome to Delcrys, a continent where three kingdoms compete for political and economic power. At the boundary where these three warring kingdoms meet is the Crossroads, and a little inn that could one day be a thriving enterprise – in the right hands.
Having just inherited the Crossroads Inn from your uncle and mentor, Martyn Bradver, it’s up to you to grow the small inn into a successful business and gain fame throughout the whole of Delcrys!
This guide isn’t the best or only way to build and manage your inn! It is intended to help you set up and run your first inn. It is recommended to play through the first part of the main campaign to familiarise yourself with some of the basic controls and functions.
This guide is for the sandbox version of the game and won’t cover the main campaign, however there may still be some spoilers for the campaign.
It has been created using various sources, including the official Klabater game guide included in the game’s installation file, the games’ official website and my own play through of the game as well as those of Youtubers Skystorme and Raptor.
‘Crossroads Inn’ is the intellectual property of Klabater and I make no money from this guide.
Starting a new inn
To start a new game in Sandbox mode (This guide will only cover this mode of the game and no specific campaign quests – though spoilers for the campaign may be included) select ‘Sandbox’ from the main menu.
IMPORTANT: If this is your first time playing the game it is recommended to play through the Prologue (the first part of the campaign), which introduces players to the controls and the basics of tavern management. This includes how to expand the inn, how to provide basic service to guests, hiring employees and obtaining resources.
Sandbox Mode:
In Sandbox mode you have complete freedom in building and running your tavern. There are no set tasks and no story line.
Sandbox has four levels of difficulty to make the game more, or less, challenging depending on your skills and experience. They are:
Carefree – 20 fame, 999,999 Guldren, all recipes and objects unlocked and no challenges.
Forgiving – 10 fame, 50,000 Guldren, basic objects and 4 recipes unlocked. Fast growth, low threat and extra gossips.
Normal – 1 fame, 35,000 Guldren, basic objects and recipes, medium growth and medium threat.
Challenging – 1 fame, 20,000 Guldren, basic objects and recipes. Slow growth and high threat.
Main game screen
After choosing a level of difficulty a new game will load and you will be presented with the main screen and a (mostly) empty plot of land on which to build your tavern. For the purpose of this guide I started a new game on normal difficulty. All screen-shots included come from that game.
Main Screen Left:
On the top left of the main screen is a banner showing various stats about your tavern.
From left to right:
Fame (Star): This is your current reputation. The higher your fame the more guests you will attract. You also receive development points when you gain fame.
Gundren (Crown): Game currency. Used to buy goods, pay employees and build etc.
Patrons (People icon): This is the amount of guests currently in your tavern.
Gossip (Scrolls): A type of currency collected from guests. There are 3 types.
Economic Gossip (Green): Used to bargain when ordering goods.
Political Gossip (Blue): Used to discover an employees’ hidden traits and to develop influence in the region.
Travel Gossip (Red): Used when sending adventurers on missions.
Support: Indicates support from each of the five factions in the form of a bar and %. The higher the support the more guests from that faction will visit the inn.
Level: Use these arrows to change which floor of the tavern you are viewing (once new levels have been unlocked).
Pause: Pause the Game to stop the progress of time.
Play: Start time again.
Speed: Select to play at normal or fast speed, expediting the passage of time.
Tavern Status: This allows you to open or close the tavern and shows the current state.
!: Shows notifications about deliveries, achievements, guest feedback etc.
Main Screen Right:
Top to bottom:
Time: Analogue clock showing the current in-game time.
Gameplay Mode: Return to the main game screen.
Map: Opens the map to buy goods, create new trade routes, get objects and recipes and employ town criers.
Construction Mode: Expand the tavern and change its decor.
Decoration Mode: Find all unlocked/available tavern equipment.
Journal: Shows tasks to be done and goals to achieve as well as rewards for completion. Also buy upgrades using fame points.
Workers: A list of employees along with their salaries, well-being and the action they are currently performing. Hire new employees.
Cookbook: Contains current unlocked recipes and allows the menu to be set by adding or removing drinks and dishes.
Services: Room management. Set the price to rent a certain room in the tavern.
Warehouse: Shows in an inventory of the goods you own.
Guests: A list of all guests, along with their faction and mood. Check the status of all orders and view regular patrons.
Statistics: Statistics of your tavern in figures. Number of guest from each social group, earnings, expenses, sales, consumption of resources etc.
Menu/Settings: Pauses the game and brings up the main menu to adjust the settings, save, load or quit the game.
Construction mode
Construction Mode:
To build or expand the tavern select the construction mode icon on the right of the screen. This pauses the game and allows you to construct rooms, place stairs, doors and windows and decorate walls and floors. You can also delete these items by selecting the appropriate tab first (to sell a window you must be on the windows tab) and then clicking on the item to be removed. To extend an already existing room select the corresponding room type, left click a square in the room you wish to expand and this will extend the room rather than create a new one. All rooms need a door to be accessible by NPCs.
Decoration Mode:
After selecting decoration mode you will access the tabbed menu containing all objects you have obtained/unlocked. Select an item to place it. A red bored around the object means it can’t be placed in that location. Some objects can only be placed in certain places. Such as a farm patch can’t be placed indoors and a chandelier must be hanging from a ceiling. Move or rotate the object until the red border is replaced by a white one and left click to place.
Objects snap to the grid unless this option is changed in the settings. To place an object off set from the grid press Ctrl on the keyboard. This will give you more freedom in placing an object. Items can also be rotated by pressing the left and right arrows on the keyboard. A green figure and arrows indicate the direction an NPC will access/use the object from.
Gameplay Mode:
While in gameplay mode, pressing the left mouse button on the floor of a room or on a placed object opens an additional menu with performable actions. For example, clicking on the floor of a room will bring up the option to set the priority for cleaning that room, as well as the option to see more information on that room – such as who has access to the room and what services are offered. The purpose of the room can be edited in this menu by selecting/disabling the desired service. Selecting a door brings up the options to lock and open it. Doors locked like this will stop employees and guests from opening them.
The priority for items can also be set by left clicking. For example a specific object in a delivery can be prioritised higher to ensure all workers who can carry them bring them in immediately.
Employees can also be managed in gameplay mode. Left clicking on an employee brings up the following options:
Thumbs up: Increases an employee’s loyalty and satisfaction.
Thumbs down: Reduces employee loyalty and satisfaction, but temporarily increases productivity.
Note: Both options have a cool down of 8 hours of game time per employee.
Bonus: Financial bonus for the employee which increases satisfaction.
Break: Interrupts the employee’s current duties and sends them for a short break. If they are already on a break this will send them back to work.
Employee Card: Opens the employee card. There are 2 tabs on an employee’s card:
Information – See the employee’s name, occupation, well-being, loyalty and unique features, as well as their current task.
Responsibilities – Set the duties of the employee and their priorities. Sliders allow you to change the employee’s concentration between quality, speed and comfort. Comfort accelerates the employee’s development. The higher their comfort the faster the employee gains experience and loyalty.
From this menu the employee can also be upgraded or fired. Upgrading an employee increases their experience limit. Generally an employee can reach a maximum level of 10, after the 1st upgrade 20, and then the 2nd 30. Only one employee per profession can be level 30.
Map Screen:
Clicking on the map icon on the right hand side of the screen brings up the map of Delcrys. It shows the three kingdoms and their various town, camps, villages and cities. At the bottom of the screen there are 3 icons;
1. Resources: Shows the location of all resources on the map. The closer a resource is to a place on the map the higher the chance the item will be sold at that location, and will also make the price lower. You can plan which trade routes to unlock by which resources you need the most.
2. Recipes: Shows the locations of recipes your chef can learn.
3. Objects: Shows the locations of items you can unlock by sending a drudge to fetch them.
Note: Unlike resources, object and recipe markers only appear in places that are already discovered and available to us. New locations and their items and recipes are unlocked by marking new trade routes.
Clicking on a city or building brings up a description of the selected location and several icons to choose from. Not all icons will be found at all locations and some icons need to be unlocked using Political Gossip (Blue) and raising your influence with that location.
Magnifying Glass: This shows the impact your tavern has on the location and allows you to purchase influence using 5 Political Gossip (the blue scroll).
Horse and Cart: This is only available where you can create a trade route – these are generally found on the borders of areas you have already discovered (so not every building on the map will need to be unlocked, a new trade route will unlock several at a time, offering new resources and prices). The cost of unlocking a new trade route – paid in Guldens or Economic Gossips (Green Scrolls) – increases with the distance from your tavern.
Market Stall: Opens a menu showing what can be bought from that location. Right click to add the product to your shopping list. Click on the item in the shopping list window to remove it from your list. Before purchasing your items you can select express delivery or transport protection to have the goods arrive quicker and to ensure they won’t be stolen by bandits on the way to the tavern. You can also use Economic gossip (Green scroll) to haggle the price of the goods. This applies to the current transaction only and the discount at this location will not be permanent.
Scroll with dish: This shows which recipe can be discovered at this location by sending a chef. It also shows what ingredients will be needed and which social group likes to order it.
Candelabra & Shield: Shows which item can be found here by sending a drudge.
Hand & Coin: Available at banks. Gives you the option to take out a loan which must be repaid in 20 days. The slider allows you to choose how much to borrow and shows how much must be repaid. Clicking on this icon when a loan has already been taken out allows you to repay the loan at any time in set increments, such as 1000, 2000, 50000 Guldens etc. It also shows the remaining balance of the loan and how many days you have left to pay it. If the loan is not paid in time a sequence is triggered which will ask you to pay off the balance of the loan in full. If this is not done the game will end. The repayment date can be negotiated, but results in more Guldens having to be paid back to the bank.
Town Crier: A town crier advertises the tavern to that location. The menu shows what faction the advertising will attract, as well as the number of guests and what needs they will have, and the cost. The effect last for 3 days of game time.
Tip: Unlocking objects and recipes on the map is a good way to improve guest satisfaction. Certain guests and factions will favour certain decorations and recipes so if you are trying to attract a particular kind of guest (such as nobles) go for items that will increase their satisfaction.
The banner on the left hand side of the main game screen shows the number of guests inside the tavern as well as how satisfied each class of guest is with your tavern. Satisfaction is effected by the type of decor, speed of service and cleanliness etc.
After selecting decorating mode, clicking on a particular item will bring up a short description as well as the positive or negative effects that item will have on the appearance of the inn as well as their level of fragility, ease of keeping clean and which type of guest they will appeal to. Having items and decorations that appeal to Townsfolk for example will increase the appearance of the room and the level of satisfaction Townsfolk get from the tavern. This in turn will attract more Townsfolk to your inn.
The more guests you satisfy the higher your fame, which will unlock points to spend on new items and functions in the Journal. You can monitor guest satisfaction in depth by clicking on the Guests icon on the right hand side of the main screen. Real time customer feedback is also shown by clicking the ‘!’ icon on the left hand of the screen.
Guests fall into 5 main categories and have different expectations and needs in order to be satisfied:
Distressed: This is the largest population in Delcrys. This group is made up of peasants, fishermen, poor people and all other groups deprived of influence and economic resources. They have little money to spend on food and drink and other inn pleasures, however, because of their numbers, they’re far more likely to show up in your inn than any other social group. They prefer simple and unsophisticated dishes and cheap liquor. The inn should be clean, but not pretty. If decorated too grandly it will lower the Distressed’s satisfaction and cause fewer of them to visit.
Townsfolk: Craftsmen, merchants and officials. Usually their pouches are full of guilders, though they aren’t eager to spend them. They are most often dressed in fancy, bright outfits that stand out from other social groups. The inn should be clean and well decorated.
Nobles: The inn should be clean and very well decorated.
Outlaws: Thieves, robbers and murders. They often have a full pouch and don’t spare a penny in the pursuit of pleasure. They will spend more in your inn, but be prepared for more fights and theft. If catering to a high number of this group you sould employ additional thugs/guards to maintain order. The inn should be clean and well decorated.
Travellers: Carriers, hunters, bounty hunters and sailors. More often than other social groups, Travellers want to take a bath and get a good night’s sleep. Host them properly by providing these facilities and your satisfied guests will return time and time again on their travels.
Special Guests:
As well as the typical groups of guests at your inn you will also encounter special guests who can be employed. These are Bards, Adventurers and Vedetas. They all require a private room at the inn before they can work for you, and the bards and vedetas will increase the numbers of satisfied customers you have.
Bards: They provide entertainment and boost the mood of guests and employees. They require a stage to perform on and can generally boost the amount of money spent in your tavern when they are performing.
Adventurers: They go out and seek glory, riches and fame. By hiring and sending adventurers out in the world you can raise your reputation with the factions within the game (this is more relevant to campaign than sandbox)
Vedetas: At high fame levels guests will start to expect to find Vedetas in your tavern. They bring in money and provide satisfied customers.
The Distressed
Satisfying the Distressed:
Redwood counter
Honest man’s table
Circular table
Trunk table
Country bench
Solid chair
Basic stool
Basic shelf
Tool shelf
Basic larder
Rustic cupboard II
Simple stool
Simple dishwasher
Mountain dishwasher
Poor kitchen table
Pots set
Simple bed I
Simple bed II
Simple bed III
Simple bed IV
Straw woven rug
Gate with bunting
Gate with flowers
Flower festoon
Flower covered barrel I
flowered covered barrel II
Flower decoration I
Flower decoration II
Fishing net
Bale of hay
Small bale of hay
Old wooden cart
Garden patch
Chomping stump
Disgusting outhouse
Nude of the countess
Apple juice
Boar stew
Boiled vegetables
Bread & cheese
Bread soup
Butter cookies
Cabbage soup
Cheese soup
Glazed chicken
Cider cake
Clam chowder
Cottage pancakes
Eel stew
Fish patties
Forest tartlets
Fried eggs
Fruit salad
Mug of fruit wine
Garlic milk
Griffon berry pie
Honey cookies
Honey toast
Mug of lager
Leek soup
Lemon cake
Cheesy hash browns
Mashed potatoes
Meat Jelly
Moss dumplings
Mushroom soup
Mystery stew
Onion soup
Sweet cooked apples
Vegetable Pot
Warm Salad
Satisfying Nobles:
State of the art larder
Classy chest
Wide fireplace
Elegant stool
Night potty
Fancy dresser
Elegant dresser
Tall wardrobe
Simple wardrobe
Fancy bed I
Fancy bed II
Fancy bed III
Classic rug
Green tapestry II
Blue tapestry II
Red tapestry II
Landscape painting I
Landscape painting II
Landscape painting III
Landscape painting IV
Hunter’s trophy I
Hunter’s trophy II
Apple pie
Beef in wine
Beef with mushrooms
Beery bread
Carrot cake
Fish in sour cream
Dates & walnuts
Deer haunch
Cup of fine wine
Fiery rolls
Gourmet groats
Grilled shrimps
Lamb meatballs
Sweet milk pudding
Nocturnal ice cream
Pork stuffed
Pumpkin pie
Royal cake
Shortbread fruit tart
Sirloin steak
Snail pie
Spicy fish stew
Spring salad
Stuffed cabbage
Sweet pancakes
Eggs poached in a sauce
Tomato omelette
Venison finger
Satisfying Townsfolk:
Solid bench
Garden bench
Simple chair
Sturdy chair
Highland chair
Elegant chest
Solid stool
Simple dresser
Fancy bathtub
Modern dishwasher
Ornamental stove
Sturdy credenza
Decorative table
Flower pot I
Flower pot II
Flower pot III
Quite a bed
Badlands rug
Bread pudding
Quick carp soup
Crab sticks
Sweet Fish dumplings
Fish waffles
Gilded potatoes
Cup of liqueur
Orrelio chicken
Root vegetable soup
Savoury eggs
Sheep stuffed
Spicy pumpkin soup
Spinach & bacon pie
Sweet milk
Mug of table wine
Turkey stuffed
Zucchini boats
Satisfying Townsfolk:
Solid bench
Garden bench
Simple chair
Sturdy chair
Highland chair
Elegant chest
Solid stool
Simple dresser
Fancy bathtub
Modern dishwasher
Ornamental stove
Sturdy credenza
Decorative table
Flower pot I
Flower pot II
Flower pot III
Quite a bed
Badlands rug
Bread pudding
Quick carp soup
Crab sticks
Sweet Fish dumplings
Fish waffles
Gilded potatoes
Cup of liqueur
Orrelio chicken
Root vegetable soup
Savoury eggs
Sheep stuffed
Spicy pumpkin soup
Spinach & bacon pie
Sweet milk
Mug of table wine
Turkey stuffed
Zucchini boats
Satisfying Travellers:
Grandma’s chair
Jug II
Hunter’s candelabra
Nice fireplace
Simple fireplace
Silver horn
Simple cauldron
Typical cauldron
Rustic wardrobe
Modern credenza
Old lamppost
Banner II
Banner III
Banner IV
Steel shield I
Wooden shield
Steel shield II
Kite shield I
Kite shield II
Steel shield III
Round shield III
Pelt II
Bar room shelf I
Training dummy
Acorn cookies
Mug of ale
Breaded mushrooms
Buzzed figs
Garlic bread
Roasted grain drink
Grilled cheese
Herbal tea
Mulled wine
Pate with chicken
Sweet pudding
Roasted nuts
Sausage soup
Soldier snack
Items & recipes not linked to a social group
Recipes not listed as favoured by any group:
Baked vegetables
Mug of cider
Cup of water blessed by the Gildeboness
Hash browns
Herbal soup
Hunters stew
Pumpkin fritters
Decorations not listed as favoured by any group:
Simple counter
Nice counter
Tall counter
Elegant Counter
Big counter
Untermarchian counter
Yorevale counter
Sturdy table
Small table
Country table
Round table
Reliable table
Barrel table
Reinforced table
Marble table
Pine table
Decorated table
Gambling table
Writing table
Sturdy bench
Stone bench (Untermarchian)
Simple stone bench (Untermarchian)
Oaken chair (Untermarchian)
Fancy chair (Sambrian)
Semi-Royal chair (Yorevale)
Basic podium
Rustic larder
Elegant larder
Father’s larder
Simple barrel
wine barrel
wine barrel II
Stack of barrels
small barrel
Solid barrel (350G)
Solid barrel (200G)
Water barrel
Medium sized barrel
Sambrian dartboard (Sambrian)
Untermarchian dartboard (Untermarchian)
Yorevale dartboard (Yorevale)
Stone fireplace
Fire cauldron
Tavern chandelier (Sambrian)
Tavern chandelier II (Untermarchian)
Exotic chandelier
Countryside chandelier
Warrior chandelier
Warrior chandelier II
Elegant chandelier
Crude candelabra
Fancy candelabra
Wood holder
Elegant desk
oaken stool
Changing screen
Proper dishwasher
Crate II
Set of crates
Simple kitchen table
Nice kitchen table
Funky kitchen table
Functional kitchen table
Fancy kitchen table
Elegant kitchen table
Simple stove
Student stove
Simple but nice stove
Functional stove
Good ol’ reliable stove
Fancy stove
Modern stove
Reliable cauldron
Funky cauldron
Well-designed cauldron
Ornamental cauldron
Oven: the riverbed
Oven: Ricodi
Oven: the mountain
Old, but reliable stove
Rat trap
Simple fence
Long fence
Sturdy fence
Nice fence
Stone fence
Stone fence post
Sambrian wardrobe (Sambrian)
Untermarchian wardrobe (Untermarchian)
Simple signboard
Inn signboard
Oaken signboard
Oaken signboard II
Nice bed I (Untermarchian)
Nice bed II (Untermarchian)
Nice bed III (Sambrian)
Nice bed IV (Sambrian)
Nice bed V (Yorevale)
Nice bed VI (Yorevale)
kii’s bed
Small rug (Sambrian)
Rug (Sambrian)
Sambrian rug (Sambrian)
Green tapestry (Yorevale)
Blue tapestry (Untermarchian)
Red tapestry (Sambrian)
Sambrian shield I (Sambrian)
Sambrian Shield II (Sambrian)
Sambrian banner I (Sambrian)
Sambrian banner II (Sambrian)
Sambrian wall banner I (Sambrian)
Sambrian wall banner II (Sambrian)
Yorevale shield I (Yorevale)
Yorevale Shield II (Yorevale)
Yorevale banner I (Yorevale)
Yorevale banner II (Yorevale)
Yorevale wall banner I (Yorevale)
Yorevale wall banner II (Yorevale)
Untermarch shield I (Untermarchian)
Untermarch shield II (Untermarchian)
Untermarch banner I (Untermarchian)
Untermarch banner II (Untermarchian)
Untermarch wall banner I (Untermarchian)
Untermarch wall banner II (Untermarchian)
Tufted earthplant
Bar room shelf II
Bar room shelf III
Beehive I
Beehive II
Beehive III
Well I
Well II
Well III
Well IV
Stone pillar
Wooden pillar I
Wooden Pillar II
Small bush
Big bush
Flowering shrub
Bread oven
Candle making tank
Simple outhouse
Funky outhouse
Comfortable outhouse
Martyn’s portrait (frowning)
Martyn’s portrait (smiling)
Martyn’s grave
Candle skull
Candle skull II
Grave I
Grave II
Pumpkin scarecrow
Spiderweb I
Spiderweb II