Satellite Reign Guide

Satellite Reign Manual for Satellite Reign

Satellite Reign Manual


Unofficial Guide to the game Satellite Reign. Created a fan of the series of games Syndicate.

From author

From the author:
1994, I was 16, my family bought the very first IBM 486DX, and in the same company, we bought 2 CDs with one game Syndicate (1993, hereinafter Syndicate) and a second disc with the work program. The syndicate was my very first game. Every day I only played it, I do not have any other games, it happened. After a while, there were other games in the family, but that’s another story. The syndicate I played almost around the clock, she grabbed me strongly. I had my “favorite” weapon, his “favorite” add-ons for party members. And with each passing game trying to find new tactics through the game with new weapons and other modifications, but each time returned to my favorite minigun. What of the supplements are now not even remember. It has been, for 21 years. I have not expected to see such a game. But Satellite Reign brought me back to the year 1994 forced to recall those emotions when I only just started his first game … and I lost …

I will, to the extent possible, to fill in the basic manual work and play at home …;)

I appeal to all not indifferent to players from other countries who want to help create manual in the national languages. I have enough time, only Russian and English. Someone from the English-speaking countries could edit my texts for the English version.

Best regards, to all the players Satellite Reign and fans Syndicate

I apologize to the readers guide – a little unwell and feel bad. Soon I will continue to fill guide.

09-07-2015 Last record from Autor
That’s all friends and readers, I was very ill and no longer able to will continue to support this guide. The diagnosis is very, very bad. I am happy to give this manual in good hands, who have the desire and the desire to maintain it. I am grateful to the developers for the opportunity to once again play in the Syndicate. Everything else in the PM.

Best regards, Alex


Based on the official English version 1.02 official release

(after the release of the final and / or localized version will complement and correct this manual and draws an analogy between the names in both English and Russian versions). And to avoid phrases that something wrong in the game. Prior to the official version of the game, the developers may have the right to radically change something. I’ll try to keep track of all the changes and indicate what version it was one or the other, and it is now realized.

Good old Syndicate …

First steps – Create New User

First steps:

Create New User

  1. After loading the game, we see a big name of the game, and button User Login;
  2. Click on the button User Login;
  3. Menu appears Select User in tab User Login;
  4. Click on New User;
  5. Enter in the window Enter User Details any liked the name and press the button Confirm;
  6. In the Select Company Logo, choose any liked logo. Selection is done by pressing the left mouse button on the logo;
  7. Next Select Company Color, select any desired color. Selection is done by pressing the left mouse button on the color and logo will automatically repainted in the new color;
  8. After the end of the logo and color choice, press the button Initialize Connection;
  9. Watch the video clip to the end or by pressing the left mouse button on the intro and the button will appear Skip Intro;

First Steps – Tutorial


  1. Appears first agent, he immediately selected and the camera near him moved away. Tutorial center the camera on the requested agent. Center the two ways;
    • Press the key “F”;
    • Double click the left mouse button (onward LMB) in the image (onward icon) with the Agent;
  2. Step into Tutorial – is zoom (zoom In / zoom Out) the camera to the Agent. Zoom is done by the mouse wheel;
  3. Step – requests to learn select agent. To do this, the game is specifically deselects Agent. Select one agent in four ways:
    • Press the key “1” (in order of display icons Agents in the game);
    • Press once LMB click on the icon of the Agent;
    • Click on agent itself;
    • Click, hold LMB and create a rectangular frame “select objects”.
  4. Step – learning to to move walk. Once we click the right mouse button (onward RMB), at the place indicated by the “X” (cross);
  5. Step – learn a sprint. Double clicks with RMB, otherwise the place indicated by “X” (cross). On the energy expended sprinting – yellow stripe under the icon of the Agent;
  6. Step – learn to hide. Walk and run, we have already learned, so direct the mouse on the barrier, until the symbol on the ground “shelter” from the right side of our enemy. When a character is set as we want, click RMB;
  7. Step – learn to change weapons. Click LMB on the button pointed to by the “orange dot-tooltip”;
  8. With LMB, choose the weapon that you want at the right time;
  9. After selecting a weapon, it appears in the hands of the Agent and the icon changes from green to red – ready to fight. Direct the mouse over the enemy, change the cursor to “red aim” and press RMB. We expect end shootout;
  10. Learn how to to remove weapons – press the “Space”;
  11. Learn to tear off doors – all doors are closed “red glow”. To open them, you need to:
    • Hack terminal – both in training and in this step – moves the mouse to point and click RMB;
    • Hack the door control system (skill Hardwiring);
  12. Each system is hacked, a time out to recover. In this step, learning, we need to apply sprinting to get the door to the moment when the system is not restored;
  13. New tutorial step makes us hide from security cameras (CCTV).
  14. If you do not miss any recommended learning the barriers to the shelter, you will see this step. In this step, it is shown that there is a sign “possible danger” (!) – To the left of the icon with the agent. Education recommends using sprinting to the fourth barrier. We have several options for tutorial in this step;
    • Use sprinting when the camera is looking strictly to the right;
    • To walk and see the two symbols of the camera:
      • ? – You seen the camera and not identified and there is time to get away from under the scope of the camera;
      • ! – You seen camera, identified and includes an alarm. When the camera is turned on the alarm, and several security blocks have enemies, then enemies appear from these blocks is a great opportunity that will fight with the enemy;
    • Destroy the camera. But if there is a security blocks with the enemy, then the enemy come out of the blocks, and there is a possibility that there will be a fight to the enemy. Of course, if, to escape for a short distance, the enemy will seek to you a little bit and settle down;
  15. Go or sprinting to an uninitialized Relay Beacon. Initialize the Relay Beacon using RMB on the beacon. How useful beacons:
    • If the Agent was killed, he always is resurrected, right next to the nearest initialized Relay Beacon;
    • You can change the gear and equipment, near the initialized Relay Beacon;
    • Save the game, you can near initialized Relay Beacon;
  16. Step – after initialization Relay Beacon, give us a second agent – Support. Select it on the example of par. 3 of tutorial;
  17. Learn to select all agents. This can be done in several ways:
    • Press the combination key Ctrl and A (Ctrl + A);
    • Press the key “~” (tilde) (Select all Agents on Screen);
    • Click, hold LMB and create a rectangular frame “select objects”.
  18. The whole team, we go to a new closed gate. As in par. 11 Tutorial one agent, trying to open the gate. nothing comes out. Then there is a second service terminal. It is not far away, near the stairs. One agent, send on WALK to the lower terminal, and a second set near the top.
    • Switch to the Agent that down to activate the terminal;
    • Quickly switch to the Agent that the top, activate the terminal;
    • Quickly select all Agents;
    • All agents were SPRINTING out the door (it should be green – open);
  19. As in par. 13 Tutorial, we now learn to hide, only this time, from the patrols. Dashes or walking, carefully, until there are no enemies nearby, Reaches exit. But if the enemy is, for some reason, you noticed, it will try to hold you, and will be one of three options:
    • Sprint to the exit (it is green, which means it is open), or escape completely (over a large area);
    • Start the battle with the enemy;
    • Surrender and see what will happen next… 😉
  20. Step – requests to remove weapons and not to shoot, not to panic among the population. Select all agents and press the “Space” as long as the Agents icons will not change its color from red to green;
  21. Step asks choose Hacker (Hacker) and hack the terminal. But strangely, the terminal does not give himself to crack on RMB. And LMB the terminal provides information that is needed to improve the skill Hack 1st level (first level). This skill is only at Hacker, but we only Soldier and Support;
  22. Step Requests enable World Scan. Press the keys “Y”, are waiting in the scanning mode few seconds (even if it is interesting, and a few minutes to understand what is happening on the screen and trace the electrical connections and dependencies) and return to normal (again pressing “Y”);
  23. In “scanning mode”, we see a yellow character-managed computer (the NPC). These NPCs are several types:
    • $ – which can be Bribed. They give the codes, or if they are enemies, they can leave.
  24. We give a bribe to the NPC (NPC clicked on the PCM) and sell it to us for access to 50 conventional units and open “service entrance” (Restricted);
  25. Select all agents and click RMB on the block – no have spent wasted $50 – we have Hacker (Hacker); 🙂
  26. Step ask choose Hacker and hack the terminal;
  27. Select all Agents and sprint to the new uninitialized Relay Beacon and activate it as in par. 15 Tutorial (IMPORTANT: equip Agents can only near the Relay Beacon. If your agents are far from the Relay Beacon, you can not perform the par. 33);
  28. Call menu:
    • Click with LMB on the icon “Gear” in the top right corner of the screen;
    • Or press “Escape”.
  29. Switch to Loadoud Weapons. Choose a Soldier;
  30. In the Equipped, choose a Pistol – LMB;
  31. In the Equipped, choose addition to weapons (in this case, is no addition is not necessary (No Augmentation)) – LMB;
  32. In the section on Available, select Silencer;
  33. In the section Information, press the Purchase;
  34. Close the menu:
    • Click with LMB on the icon “Gear” in the top right corner of the screen;
    • Or press “Escape”.

First Steps – Tutorial (End)

Tutorial – End

  1. Step – learning to move through the wires. Select all Agents. Go up the stairs to the platform with electric. We direct the mouse cursor to a combination of the electrical panel and press Alt + RMB. Moving through the wires – it is a Russian roulette, if you do not have the equipment Zip Clow:
    • Fortunate – All agents have successfully reached their destination;
    • Partly fortunate – one (or all Agents), fell, but partially healthy;
    • No fortunate – one (or all Agents), fell and died;
  2. If the agent has died, then as soon as possible, switch to live Agent. The cursor on the deceased to a cursor with green medical cross and press RMB. If you do not have time to resurrect the Agent then he rise again, next nearest you initialized Relay Beacon;
  3. As soon as the whole team assembled, you can select all the agents and proceed below to closed doors. Open already know how. Most of all, to break the door of the terminal, you will be required Hacker and less Soldier;
  4. Choose a Soldier. Press Alt + 1 (activate guns – pistol). We have to buy a soldier at the pistol silencer, in the last part of the tutorial. We do NOT sprint, and WALK behind the enemy and shoot enemies (Alt + RMB to the enemy) (new red cross – headshot);
  5. The final part of the training – it yourself 😉 The aim: to get out of Old Police Department. Two tips:
    • Crack the purple terminal to disable surveillance cameras (CCTV);
    • Destroy, if possible, all the surveillance cameras (CCTV).

If you come out of the gate, I congratulate you – you have successfully completed the tutorial. Welcome to the world of cruel and greedy corporations, intrigue, betrayal and deceit, interesting research and unusual missions, and … eternal problems around the world, at all times – a lack of money.
(Author’s note: please do not use cheats or programs for their increase – you will lose the “flavor of the game” and the interest in the game itself !!!. Turn your head and mind, and you will always have money).

P.S.: Oh, I almost forgot … – Agents only three, someone is missing …😉

  • Open Menu – press “Escape”;
  • Go to the tab Mission Control;
  • LMB on Project: Satellite Reign;
  • LMB on Rescue Infiltrator;
  • LMB on button Activate Ping;
  • Carefully read the section Information, and see the Purchase Information $100. Without bribery and bribes, can not be “clean” release one or both will always encounter fierce resistance. Do nothing, you have to help out a comrade – click on the button Purchase…;
  • Before you close the map and the menus, look at a map. You will see a gray symbol “are not initialized Relay Beacon” – what to do with Relay Beacon, you already know;
  • Come to rescue the fourth Agent. Tips:
    • We need new skills for Agents – need experience – means it is necessary to kill the enemy. Do not make open clashes with lots of enemies (1-2 optimally). Arrange sabotage – killed a couple, removed weapons, ran back. Reinforcements will come and you will not do anything. It will be bad if the weapon is in the hands. 3 and more in the line of sight – the death of the whole team. You are too weak;
    • Each terminal with a green screen – is cash machines (ATMs). Opened Hacker ATM – that every second production money. Not enough force to break skills – building up experience. The Downtown, Hacker need 5 (five skill level) of the 5 (five skill levels) for hack all ATMs.
    • Does not break anything when patrols near enemies – 100% probability that they will notice you – let them go;
    • When the patrol with white flashlight – they are neutral in relation to you. If the yellow – it is better, at this moment, not out of their eyes;
    • If you got into a fight, and one of the enemy, there was a sign over his head “!”, Then concentrate all the fire unit on it. If you do not have time to kill him until the white bar turns full circle, then:
      • Your level of danger will increase by 1 “cube” (nearby to the icons Agents);
      • Come running to help the enemy;
      • The level of danger is lowered slowly if no weapons in hands;
      • At the level of danger is higher than 0, any patrol, even neutral, will you try to arrest or kill;
    • Collect the ammo on the ground near the dead enemies – this is for all weapons except pistols (pistols have unlimited ammo) – the amount of ammunition – a white stripe under the arms in icons agents;
    • Once received or completed any mission, and you will appear Mission Complete, then click View Mission Control to select a new mission or Dismiss;
    • In the mission “Rescue Infiltrator” (and also like in other missions), you will receive a Prototype. The agents who have received the “Prototype”, instead numbers, will be icon Bag. Any prototype in a single copy! First, research it, and then buy and wear to any Agent. IMPORTANT:
      • You need to take out prototype of the gate enemies, then you will remain a prototype;
      • If killed Agent, that carries a prototype, then you need to urgently return and pick up a prototype from the corpse of your former agent. If the corpse will disappear faster than you have time to return the prototype, you only have to buy it on the Black Market in the Mission Control;
  • After the successful release of the infiltrator, after a while, open the “Menu” (Menu). You will see the continuation of tutorial, namely:
    • Research:
      • Learn how to start / pause the research;
    • Learning to study Loadout Skills:
      • Select the recommended learning to see Skills and in the Next Level click Assign. In contrast to “study” the ability, it is the “price” in the SP (Skill Point). In the lower right corner of the screen, you can see information about Skill Points Available (the SPA) and gained “experience” (XP). In the study skills SPA reduced by “price” SP;
    • In the Mission Control, all new missions, or new equipment on the Black Market, are marked by “!”;




  • First Blood – Killed a Corp Soldier
  • Fish in a Barrel – Kill 1000 Civilians
  • Fire the CEO – With extreme prejudice

No Big Brother

  • No Big Brother: Tutorial – Destroy all cameras in the Tutorial
  • No Big Brother: Downtown – Destroy all cameras in the Downtown
  • No Big Brother: Industrial – Destroy all CCTV cameras in the Industrial District
  • No Big Brother: Grid – Destroy all CCTV cameras in the Grid District
  • No Big Brother: CBD – Destroy all CCTV cameras in the CBD
  • No Big Brother: Dracogenics – Destroy all CCTV cameras in the final boss area


  • Science, ♥♥♥♥♥! – Acquire ten scientists


  • No More Lives – Found and killed all 5 Lives devs
  • Infinite Lives – Find and capture all 5 Lives devs for cloning


  • 5 Stealth Kills in a row – Kills in a row without being seen being suspicious
  • 10 Stealth Kills in a row – Kills in a row without being seen being suspicious
  • 15 Stealth Kills in a row – Kills in a row without being seen being suspicious
  • Invisible Death – Kill 20 enemies while cloaked


  • Grid Pacifist – Make it to The Grid without getting blood on your hands
  • Industrial Pacifist – Make it to the Industrial District without getting blood on your hands
  • Downtown Pacifist – Make it to Downtown without getting blood on your hands
  • CBD Pacifist – Make it to the CBD without getting blood on your hands
  • Dracogenics Pacifist – Make it to the Dracogenics district without getting blood on your hands


  • 100 Kills By Hijacked – Use Hijacked to kill 100 Enemies


  • 10 Kills One Explosion – Get 10 kills with a single explosion

Kung Fu

  • I know Kung Fu – 20 Melee Kills


  • Cold War – Kill 100 Uzy Korps
  • Enter the Industrial area – Enter the Industrial area


  • Holy War – Kill 100 Eternals


  • Enter Dracogenics – Enter Dracogenics
  • Enter the CBD – Enter the CBD

Game settings

When starting the game:

(disabled in version 0.93, before the official release)

  • Select the screen resolution (Screen Resolution), in accordance with the actual maximum resolution of the end user, from 640×480 to 1920×1080 (can be changed within the game);
  • Select the quality of the graphics (Graphics quality): older PC (without shadows, and other goodies); medium PC; Fantastic, soft shadows (from the author: ability to choose the last option);
  • Select the display device on which we play (Select Monitor) – will often Display 1;
  • Windowed – not selected (it will be full screen); option is selected (it will be in the “window” can be changed within the game).


Lists the basic keyboard settings for Unity – do not affect the game. Inside the game, will have its own settings.

Inside the game

User Login

  • New User – Create new account;
  • Or choose from a list of existing user.


  • Load Game
  • Save GameIMPORTANT: You can save, if:
    • Danger Level = 0;
    • You are near the Relay Beacon;
  • Audio Settings
    • Music Volume – by pressing LMB on the slider, set the volume level;
    • Sound Effects Volume – by pressing LMB on the slider, set the volume level;
  • Video Settings
    • Resolution (It appeared in version 0.83) – The default is the resolution that was specified when the game starts. At any moment, it can be changed and press “Apply” in the “Video Settings”;
    • Quality – You can always change it to one of the following options: Low, Medium, High – the automatic option does not require “confirmation”;
    • SSAO – Configure effect “Screen Space Ambient Occlusion”. Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO) is a rendering technique for efficiently approximating the computer graphics ambient occlusion effect in real time. Options: Enabled (Disabled), Second Pass Enabled (Second Pass Disabled) – the second pass will be the qualitative effect.
      More information about SSAO Wikipedia on English[]
    • SSR – In computer graphics, ray tracing is a technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light through pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects – (Screen Space Ray Tracing Reflected). Options: Enabled (Disabled), Low Quality Enabled (Low Quality Disabled)
      More information about Ray tracing Wikipedia on English[]
    • Fullscreen – Enable / disable the game option “Full screen”, which was established when the game starts;
    • VSync (Vertical Synchronization) – It Enable (Disable) vertical sync monitor and game. About the vertical synchronization can be found Wikipedia on English[]
    • Anti-aliasing – Enable (Disable) technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a high-resolution image at a lower resolution.
      More information about Anti-aliasing Wikipedia on English[]
    • Bloom – Enable (Disable) Bloom and Lens effects;
      More information about Bloom Wikipedia on English[]
    • Shadows – Enable (Disable) Shadows;
      More information about Shadows Wikipedia on English[]
  • Options
    • Civilian Density – regulation of population density: Low, Medium, High, Very high – (from the author: I personally play with Very high);
    • Development Options (disabled in version 1.00, edit options in external XML) – Enable (Disable) functionality available to developers. In principle, understandable without a detailed description, but if anyone needed will create a detailed description:
      • Dev: Display Frame Rate
      • Dev: Display Frame Rate Details
      • Dev: Color Grading
      • Dev: Rain
      • Dev: Fog
      • Dev: X-Ray
      • Dev: Nav Edges
      • Dev: God Rays
      • Dev: Big head Mode
      • HDR (High Dynamic Range Rendering) – Enable (Disable) effect;
        More information about HDR Wikipedia on English[] (It moved from the “Video Settings” in version 0.83)
      • HDR Tone Mapping – Enable (Disable) technique used in image processing and computer graphics to map one set of colors to another to approximate the appearance of high dynamic range images in a medium that has a more limited dynamic range;
        More information about HDR Tone Mapping Wikipedia on English[] (It moved from the “Video Settings” in version 0.83)
    • Mini-Map – Enable (Disable) the mini-map in the game;
    • Destruction spheres – Honestly, until not understand … 🙁
    • Camera Auto Rotation – Enable (Disable) rotation;
    • Hit text – Honestly, until not understand … 🙁
    • Scroll with mouse at edge – Scrolling camera when hit the mouse on the edge of the screen;
    • Sync game camera to map – Enable (Disable Sync) Sync;
    • Show ability shortcuts – Enable (Disable);
  • Language (It appeared in version 0.91) (disabled in version 0.93, before the official release) – In comments, please indicate the quality of the translation into the native language. I can appreciate only Russian. News from 08.18.2015, for All languages, except English
    • English
    • čeština (Czech)
    • Français (French)
    • Deutsch (German)
    • Italiano (Italian)
    • Русский (Russian) – Wait Official Tranlation
    • Español (Spanish)
  • Main Menu – Exit to Main Menu;
  • Exit – Exit from game to OS;
  • Hi-Scores;


Basic settings for the keyboard manipulated in the game: skills, camera … and so on. I would be grateful for any help in finding the “hidden” keys / controls. All settings for key can be overwritten (Save), restore (Restore) or “reset to basic” (Default). All buttons are shown in the English layout. Sorted not in the game, but in groups.

Camera control

  • Scroll Left (Movement the camera left) – key “to the left” (cursor keys);
  • Scroll Right (Movement the camera right) – key “to the right” (cursor keys);
  • Scroll Up (Movement the camera up) – key “to the up” (cursor keys);
  • Scroll Down (Movement the camera down) – key “to the down” (cursor keys);
  • Rotate Camera Left – key “comma”;
  • Rotate Camera Right – key “dot”;
  • Rotate Camera Yaw (Reset the camera to the initial position) – key “Backspace”;
  • Follow Selected (To follow camera to the selected Agent) – key “F”;

Control weapons

  • Toggle Weapons (Take / remove weapons) – key “space”;
  • Take the pistols – keys Alt+1 (of tutorial);
  • Take the primary weapon – keys Alt+2 (of tutorial);
  • Reload – key “R”;

Agents control

  • Select Agents On Screen – key “~” (tilde);
  • Select All Agents – keys Ctrl+A;
  • Stop – key “S”;
  • Exit Building – key “X”;
  • Attack Move – key “A”;
  • Attack / interaction with objects – RBM;
  • Force attack – Ctrl+RBM;
  • Headshot – Alt+RBM;
  • Make a group from current select agents – keys Ctrl and F1-F4;
  • Remove selected agent from group – keys Shift and F1-F4;
  • Select that group – key F1-F4;
  • Forced kill (kill selected Agent) – keys Ctrl-Shift-K

Agents skills– skill to work, it must be the first level and above

  • For Soldier
    • Enable/Disable Rage – key “R” (Available after learning skill “Rage”);
    • Harden – key “U” (Available after learning skill “Harden”);
  • For Support
    • Enable/Disable World Scan – key “Y” (Available after learning skill “World Scan”);
    • Team Stimulant Distribution – key “D” (Available after learning skill “Team Stims”);
    • Mark Target – key “W” (Available after learning skill “Mark Target”);
    • Nanobot Heal – key “N” (Available after learning skill “Field Medic”) – (from the author: the most useful button in the entire game);
  • For Hacker
    • Hijack – key “V” (Available after learning skill “Hijack”);
    • Deploy Drones – key “N” (Available after learning skill “Drones Puppeteer”);
  • For Infiltrator
    • Sword Slash – key “Q” (Available after learning skill “Melee attack”);
    • Sniper Setup – key “I” (Available after learning skill “Master Assassin”);
    • Cloak – key “C” (Available after learning skill “Cloak”, other classes requires stealth equipment, such as: Stealth Generator: Mk I from Ronin Engineering);
    • Knockback shot – key “P” (Available after learning skill “Master Assassin”);
  • For all classes
    • Ammo Pack – key “A” (Available only when one of the agents of the equipment “Ammo Pack”);
    • Heal – key “H” (Available only when one of the agents of the equipment “Medi Pack”);
    • Magic Wand Heal – key “H” (Available only when one of the agents of the equipment “MEP Magic Wand”);

Grenades – grenades should be investigated and to be available, at least one of the agents

  • Grenade – key “G”;
  • EMP Grenade – key “G”;
  • Smoke Grenade – key “G”;
  • Sonic Grenade – key “J”;

Explosive – explosive should be investigated and to be available, at least one of the agents

  • Place Explosive – key “E”;
  • Toggle Explosive – key “X”;
  • Place EMP Explosive – key “E”;
  • Toggle EMP Explosive – key “X”;


  • Toggle Map (Show/Hide) – key “M”;
  • Menu (Show/Hide) – key “Escape”;
  • Will take a high res 3840×2160 screenshot – keys Ctrl+NumPadPeriod (key “.”)
    WARNING: Before you use it you need to make a directory called “screenshots” in your “SatelliteReignWindows_Data” directory. If you don’t, your system will continue to attempt to take a screenshot and be unable to until it runs out of memory and crashes;

Outside groups – did not understand 🙁

  • Shield Recharge – key “L” ( … );
  • Shield Booster – key “K” ( … );
  • Suppression – key “E” ( … );
  • Scramble – key “Z” ( … );
  • Designate Sky Drop Position – key “M” ( … );
  • Plasma Furnace Inducer – key “P” ( … );

Mission Control


Loadout Augmentation

  1. Silencer
    • Cost: 400;
    • Type: Ballistic weapons;
    • Developer: Unknown;
    • Desc: Any ballisctics equipped with this sound-dampening device will be rendered completely silent, preventing the user from alerting nearby persons of gunfire.
    • Effect:
      • Decrease ballistics damage by 15%;
      • Ballistics sound decrease: 100%.
    • Params:
      • Respawn time addition: 2.3 seconds;
      • Respawn cost addition: $84.
    • Valid for:
      • Lincoln P97
      • Lincoln .405 Revolver
      • RS01 “Lance” Sniper Rifle
      • UZ1-MP
      • Hauser TR Machine Pistol
      • CR12 Assault Rifle

Loadout Gear

Loadout Weapons

  1. Lincoln P97
    • Cost: 300;
    • Type: Ballistic;
    • Developer: Lincoln Ballistics;
    • Desc: This standart-issue ballistic pistol is the sidearm of choise for nearly all security forces. The current design is the 7th in the serises, and while it is renowned for its reliability and low-cost, the last 3 designs are criticized to have been mere cosmetic changes, with the manufacturer accused of spending more time and money marketing the new look rather than practically improving the design of the weapon.Regardless, it’s fast, reliable, cheap, and uses standard micro-round bullets, making it a must-have for anyone who wants to shoot things.
    • Params:
      • Accuracy: 80%;
      • Rate of fire: 3.0/s;
      • Damage: 3.25;
      • Damage V Shield: 2.02;
      • Damage V Armor: 2.18;
      • Damage V Inorganics: 2.02;
      • Magazine size: 16;
      • Max ammo: 0;
      • Respawn time addition: 1.7 seconds;
      • Respawn cost addition: $63.
  2. Kumasaka LP-35 Laser Pistol
    • Cost: 750;
    • Type: Laser;
    • Developer: Unknown;
    • Desc: A densely packed, “bullet” of electrons is magnetically propelled along focused beams of LAS meduim. This medium excites the electrons until they are at a very high energy level, converting some to photons as a by-product. On contact the energy is transferred to the target causing damage, especially to objects suseptible to electromagnetic interference.
    • Params:
      • Accuracy: 78%;
      • Rate of fire: 3.2/s;
      • Damage: 2.85;
      • Damage V Shield: 5.70;
      • Damage V Armor: 1.89;
      • Damage V Inorganics: 5.70;
      • Magazine size: 16;
      • Max ammo: 0;
      • Respawn time addition: 4.3 seconds;
      • Respawn cost addition: $158.
  3. Hauser TR Machine Pistol
    • Cost: 600;
    • Type: Ballistic;
    • Developer: Lincoln Ballistics;
    • Desc: The Lincoln Ballistics automatic machine pistol is a brutal piece of armament. The Megatronic stabilizer allows for improved accuracy, even with a sustained high rate of fire.
    • Params:
      • Accuracy: 50%;
      • Rate of fire: 25.0/s;
      • Damage: 1.45;
      • Damage V Shield: 0.90;
      • Damage V Armor: 0.97;
      • Damage V Inorganics: 0.90;
      • Magazine size: 18;
      • Max ammo: 0;
      • Respawn time addition: 3.4 seconds;
      • Respawn cost addition: $126.
  1. UZ1-MP
    • Cost: 350;
    • Type: Ballistic;
    • Developer: Lincoln Ballistics;
    • Desc: The Lincoln Ballistics UZ1-MP is the standart issue ballistic solution for corporate soldiers in the city. Its high rate of fire is perfect for close range suppression, however there is a sharp fall-off in accuracy at loner ranges.
    • Params:
      • Accuracy: 55%;
      • Rate of fire: 9.1/s;
      • Damage: 2.75;
      • Damage V Shield: 1.71;
      • Damage V Armor: 1.84;
      • Damage V Inorganics: 1.71;
      • Magazine size: 20;
      • Max ammo: 350;
      • Respawn time addition: 2.0 seconds;
      • Respawn cost addition: $74.
Sniper Rifles
  1. RS01 “Lance” Sniper Rifle
    • Cost: 550;
    • Type: Ballistic;
    • Developer: Unknown;
    • Desc: An assassin’s dream. This weapon packs one hell of a punch, and is the longest range weapon on the market. Combine this baby with a silencer, and you’ll be a ghost. A really quiet ghost. Who kills things.
    • Params:
      • Accuracy: 90%;
      • Rate of fire: 0.7/s;
      • Damage: 43.00;
      • Damage V Shield: 26.66;
      • Damage V Armor: 28.81;
      • Damage V Inorganics: 26.66;
      • Magazine size: 3;
      • Max ammo: 50;
      • Respawn time addition: 3.1 seconds;
      • Respawn cost addition: $116.

…one of the party members have the skill with a sword, but the sword I have not seen or have not noticed yet … let be … always possible delete

Loadout Clone

In the “Discussion’s”, I still see a lot of questions about cloning. Now I will try reveal more details about it. Also, the topic of cloning will be interesting to those who want to get the Achievement “Infinite Lives”. Let us, together, reveal the secrets of cloning.

If someone did not know or had forgotten to remind the names of the founders 5 Lives Studios[]: Dean Ferguson, Chris Conte, Mitch Clifford, Brent Waller, Mike Diskett (on photo: left to right)

Initial Base Params:



  • Max Health: 180;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;



  • Max Health: 160;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;



  • Max Health: 145;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;



  • Max Health: 145;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;

Clone – it’s easy

While the skill “World Scan” will not be learned to the level with the effect of “Cost of purchasing info on scanned Individuals reduced by 100%.” You will pay for any detailed information about the NPCs / Enemies.
After I used the ability to “World Scan” in the “Old Police Department.” I paid $100, but was informed that one of the two “policemen”, has better options than the other. (Author’s note: the purchase information about the citizen is always cheaper than on the enemy). I saw the information about what is required skill level “hijack”. If you write the required level of skill “hijack” higher than it is in Hacker, then you can not do anything. “Hijack” – LMC on the target. The goal, which has undergone ability “hijack”, “kneels” and does nothing, this rule applies to the enemies – they do not shoot.
After finishing skills “hijack”, the target becomes the fifth member of the team. It appears two skills “Return for Cloning” and “Unhijack” To clone the target, choose the first skill. Or cease to control the “target”.
After all operations open “Menu” and go to the tab “Leadout Clone”. The most recent clone becomes the latest in a list of clones. (Author’s note: it happened in my case. You can have other results different from mine – random).
To apply the new settings to the agent, select Agent and click (LMB) on our clone. All new options, better than we appear (it’s green). If the new option is less than ours (it’s red). When your are satisfied, then click “Assign”.
If you select an agent and a new clone, but not “assigned” him, and decide to commit another operation, then you open the window: “Apply” with the question “Accept clone changes.” The answer is “Yes”, then the new clone will be assigned to the Agent. The answer is “No”, then the new clone will not be assigned to the Agent.


  • Increase health regeneration by 1.3 per second (+1.3);
  • Increase speed by 10% (+10%);
  • Increase health by 10 (+10).

Summary: (from author: in my example)



  • Increase health regeneration by 1.3 per second (+1.3);
  • Increase speed by 10% (+10%);
  • Increase health by 10 (+10).


  • Max Health: 180;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;



  • Increase health regeneration by 1.3 per second (+1.3);
  • Increase speed by 10% (+10%);
  • Increase health by 10 (+10).


  • Max Health: 160;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;



  • Increase health regeneration by 1.3 per second (+1.3);
  • Increase speed by 10% (+10%);
  • Increase health by 10 (+10).


  • Max Health: 145;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;



  • Increase health regeneration by 1.3 per second (+1.3);
  • Increase speed by 10% (+10%);
  • Increase health by 10 (+10).


  • Max Health: 145;
  • Health regen: 1.25/sec;

Soldier, Loadout Skills



  1. Rage – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Pumping a concoction of chemicals through your agents body allows the Soldier lightning fast reflexes and pinpoint accuracy for a shot duration. The chemicals have a heavy toll on the body and can only be used in short bursts
      • Effect
        • Damage increased by 60% while active
        • Active time: 12 seconds
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Pumping a concoction of chemicals through your agents body allows the Soldier lightning fast reflexes and pinpoint accuracy for a shot duration. The chemicals have a heavy toll on the body and can only be used in short bursts
      • Effect
        • Damage increased by 100% while active (+40%)
        • Active time: 20 seconds (+8)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Pumping a concoction of chemicals through your agents body allows the Soldier lightning fast reflexes and pinpoint accuracy for a shot duration. The chemicals have a heavy toll on the body and can only be used in short bursts
      • Effect
        • Damage increased by 150% while active (+50%)
        • Active time: 30 seconds (+10)
        • Chemical filter range: 500 %m
  2. Draw Fire – base skill 0 from 2
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Cause enemies to focus their attacks on the Soldier
      • Effect
        • Decrease damage received by 10% while ability is active
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Cause enemies to focus their attacks on the Soldier
      • Effect:
        • Decrease damage received by 20% while ability is active. (-10%)
  3. Harden – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Infuses the skin with kevlar nanobots. When the skin is pierced the nanobots rush to the site of the injury interlocking and causing great reductions in damage. Unlocking procedures and high power costs mean the process can only be sustained for a short period of time and takes and extended period of tome to reset
      • Effect
        • Decrease damage recieved by 50%
        • Decrease speed by 200%
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Infuses the skin with kevlar nanobots. When the skin is pierced the nanobots rush to the site of the injury interlocking and causing great reductions in damage. Unlocking procedures and high power costs mean the process can only be sustained for a short period of time and takes and extended period of tome to reset
      • Effect:
        • Decrease damage recieved by 75%. (-25%)
        • Decrease speed by 180%. (+20%)
        • Increase cooldown by 10%
        • Increase duration by 50%
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Infuses the skin with kevlar nanobots. When the skin is pierced the nanobots rush to the site of the injury interlocking and causing great reductions in damage. Unlocking procedures and high power costs mean the process can only be sustained for a short period of time and takes and extended period of tome to reset
      • Effect:
        • Decrease damage recieved by 100%. (-25%)
        • Decrease speed by 150%. (+30%)
        • Increase cooldown by 25% (+15%)
        • Increase duration by 100% (+50%)
  4. Explosive Specialist – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: With special training to handle the most dangerous materials, the Soldiers explosives will be packed with more explodiness and will also be able to carry more explosives without fear of accidentally dropping one and blowing everyone up
      • Effect
        • Increase explosive damage by 5%
      • Blueprints
        • Grenade: Fragmentation
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: With special training to handle the most dangerous materials, the Soldiers explosives will be packed with more explodiness and will also be able to carry more explosives without fear of accidentally dropping one and blowing everyone up
      • Effect:
        • Increase explosive damage by 15% (+10%)
        • Increase explosive item ammo count by 1
      • Blueprints
        • Grenade: Fragmentation


  1. Health – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 10
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.1 per second
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 25 (+15)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.3 per second (+0.2)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 50 (+25)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.6 per second (+0.3)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 80 (+30)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.9 per second (+0.3)
  2. Weapon Specialist – base skill 0 from 4 (other classes Max 3)
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 10%
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 20% (+10%)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 35% (+15%)
        • Increase weapon slot count
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 60% (+25%)
        • Increase weapon slot count
  3. Pack Mule – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
  4. Hardwiring – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: The soldiers mechanical skills will allow the agent to rewire some objects in the emvironment [Doors, Power Generators and sentry guns]
      • Effect:
        • Hardwire level: 1
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: The soldiers mechanical skills will allow the agent to rewire some objects in the emvironment [Doors, Power Generators and sentry guns]
      • Effect:
        • Hardwire level: 2 (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The soldiers mechanical skills will allow the agent to rewire some objects in the emvironment [Doors, Power Generators and sentry guns]
      • Effect:
        • Hardwire level: 3 (+1)
        • Hardwire faster 25%
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The soldiers mechanical skills will allow the agent to rewire some objects in the emvironment [Doors, Power Generators and sentry guns]
      • Effect:
        • Hardwire level: 4 (+1)
        • Hardwire faster 50% (+25%)

Support, Loadout Skills



  1. World Scan – base skill 1 from 3
    • Desc: Displays the underlying connections between various systems and networks within a limited range
    • Effect
      • Scan radius: 30m
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Displays the underlying connections between various systems and networks within a limited range
      • Effect
        • Scan radius: 40m (+10)
        • Cost of purchasing info on scanned Individuals reduced by 50%
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Displays the underlying connections between various systems and networks within a limited range
      • Effect
        • Scan radius: 55m (+15)
        • Cost of purchasing info on scanned Individuals reduced by 100% (-50%)
  2. Field Medic – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent gives the entire team bonuses in both health and health regeneration. This skill also enhances the effectiveness of the medikit heal ability for the support agent and gives an extra health regeneration ability to the support agent
      • Effect
        • Increase each agents health regeneration by 0.1 /s
        • Increase each agents health by 6
        • Nanobot ability heals 1.5 /s
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent gives the entire team bonuses in both health and health regeneration. This skill also enhances …
      • Effect
        • Increase heal amount for Medipacks and Magic Wands by 110%
        • Decrease cooldown for Medipack ability by 5%
        • Increase each agents health regeneration by 0.1 /s (+0.1)
        • Increase each agents health by 15 (+9)
        • Nanobot ability heals 2 /s (+0.5)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent gives the entire team bonuses in both health and health regeneration. This skill also enhances …
      • Effect
        • Increase heal amount for Medipacks and Magic Wands by 130% (+20%)
        • Decrease cooldown for Medipack ability by 10% (-5%)
        • Increase each agents health regeneration by 0.2 /s (+0.1)
        • Increase each agents health by 30 (+15)
        • Nanobot ability heals 2.5 /s (+0.5)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent gives the entire team bonuses in both health and health regeneration. This skill also enhances …
      • Effect
        • Increase heal amount for Medipacks and Magic Wands by 155% (+25%)
        • Decrease cooldown for Medipack ability by 25% (-15%)
        • Increase each agents health regeneration by 0.5 /s (+0.3)
        • Increase each agents health by 50 (+20)
        • Nanobot ability heals 3.25 /s (+0.75)
  3. Mark Target – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: The Support agents ability to focus the team on a single goal is perfectly shown with this ability. By linking the neural hubs of each agents nano-chips the team can focus on an enemy’s weak spots and deliver increased damage for a shot period of time
      • Effect
        • Increase targets damage received by 25%
        • Mark target effect lasts 6 seconds
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: The Support agents ability to focus the team on a single goal is perfectly shown with this ability. By linking the neural hubs …
      • Effect
        • Increase targets damage received by 40% (+15%)
        • Mark target effect lasts 7 seconds (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The Support agents ability to focus the team on a single goal is perfectly shown with this ability. By linking the neural hubs …
      • Effect
        • Increase targets damage received by 65% (+25%)
        • Mark target effect lasts 9 seconds (+2)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The Support agents ability to focus the team on a single goal is perfectly shown with this ability. By linking the neural hubs …
      • Effect
        • Increase targets damage received by 100% (+35%)
        • Mark target effect lasts 12 seconds (+3)
  4. Team Stims – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Distributes stimulants to the team, enhancing senses and reflexes for a short time. This allows the agents to feel as if time is moving much slower
      • Effect
        • Slow time to 50% normal rate
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Distributes stimulants to the team, enhancing senses and reflexes for a short time. This allows the agents to feel as if time is moving much slower
      • Effect
        • Slow amount energy drains by -20%
        • Slow time to 30% normal rate (-20%)
        • Increase ability cooldown speed by 50%
        • Increase agent speed by 50%


  1. Health – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 10
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.1 /s
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 25 (+15)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.3 /s (+0.2)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 50 (+25)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.6 /s (+0.3)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 80 (+30)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.9 /s (+0.3)
  2. Weapon Specialist – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 10%
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 20% (+10%)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 35% (+15%)
  3. Pack Mule – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
  4. Leadership – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent is tied into the neural implants of each of your agents. Upgrades in the supports neural interface will let all of your agents run at optimal levels, even under fire
      • Effect
        • Increase cooldown speed by 4% for all agents
        • Increase energy regen speed by 5% for all agents
        • Increase Max Energy for all agents by 8
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent is tied into the neural implants of each of your agents. Upgrades in the supports neural interface will let all of your agents run at optimal levels, even under fire
      • Effect
        • Increase cooldown speed by 10% for all agents (+6%)
        • Increase energy regen speed by 10% for all agents (+5%)
        • Increase Max Energy for all agents by 20 (+12)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent is tied into the neural implants of each of your agents. Upgrades in the supports neural interface will let all of your agents run at optimal levels, even under fire
      • Effect
        • Increase cooldown speed by 20% for all agents (+10%)
        • Increase energy regen speed by 20% for all agents (+10%)
        • Increase Max Energy for all agents by 50 (+30)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: The Support agent is tied into the neural implants of each of your agents. Upgrades in the supports …
      • Effect
        • Increase cooldown speed by 40% for all agents (+20%)
        • Increase energy regen speed by 35% for all agents (+15%)
        • Increase Max Energy for all agents by 80 (+30)

Hacker, Loadout Skills



  1. Hijack – base skill 1 from 5
    • Desc: Hijack the neural implants of other citizens, giving you full control of them. Upgrades allow more simultaneous hijacks and higher kevels. Each hijacked entity reduces your energy regeneration. Better-equipped units require higher energy rates to maintain, so be wary of how many people you are hijacking. If you use more energy than you produce, your hijacked slaves will become unstable, having slower reaction times and lowered weapon accuracy
    • Effect
      • Hijack level: 1
      • Hijack range: 2m
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Hijack the neural implants of other citizens, giving you full control of them. Upgrades allow more simultaneous hijacks and higher kevels. Each hijacked entity reduces your energy regeneration. Better-equipped units …
      • Effect:
        • Hijack level: 2
        • Hijack range: 3m (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Hijack the neural implants of other citizens, giving you full control of them. Upgrades allow more simultaneous hijacks and higher kevels. Each hijacked entity reduces your energy regeneration. Better-equipped units …
      • Effect
        • Hijack level: 3(+1)
        • Hijack range: 4m (+1)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Hijack the neural implants of other citizens, giving you full control of them. Upgrades allow more simultaneous hijacks and higher kevels. Each hijacked entity reduces your energy regeneration. Better-equipped units …
      • Effect
        • Hijack level: 4(+1)
        • Hijack range: 6m (+2)
    • 5th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Hijack the neural implants of other citizens, giving you full control of them. Upgrades allow more simultaneous hijacks and higher kevels. Each hijacked entity reduces your energy regeneration. Better-equipped units …
      • Effect
        • Hijack level: 5(+1)
        • Hijack range: 9m (+3)
  2. Drone Puppeteer – base skill 0 from 5
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: The right hemisphere of the agent’s brain is removed and replaced with a series of wireless receivers cooupled with advanced 7 core chipset technology. This allows the agent to control combat drones without losing any of their individual fighting skills
      • Effect
        • Increase maximum drone count: 1
      • Blueprints
        • HK-4 Attack Drone
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: The right hemisphere of the agent’s brain is removed and replaced with a series of wireless receivers cooupled with advanced 7 core chipset technology. This allows the agent to control combat drones without losing any of their individual fighting skills
      • Effect
        • Increase maximum drone count: 1
        • Increase drone health by 15
        • Increase drone armor by 20
        • Increase drone damage output by 10%
      • Blueprints
        • HK-4 Attack Drone
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The right hemisphere of the agent’s brain is removed and replaced with a series of wireless receivers cooupled with advanced 7 core chipset technology. This allows the agent …
      • Effect
        • Increase maximum drone count: 2 (+1)
        • Increase drone health by 20 (+5)
        • Increase drone armor by 30 (+10)
        • Increase drone damage output by 20% (+10%)
      • Blueprints
        • HK-4 Attack Drone
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: The right hemisphere of the agent’s brain is removed and replaced with a series of wireless receivers cooupled with advanced 7 core chipset technology. This allows the agent …
      • Effect
        • Increase maximum drone count: 2 (+1)
        • Increase drone health by 35 (+15)
        • Increase drone armor by 40 (+10)
        • Increase drone shields by 25
        • Increase drone damage output by 35% (+15%)
      • Blueprints
        • HK-4 Attack Drone


  1. Health – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 10
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.1 per second
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 25 (+15)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.3 per second (+0.2)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 50 (+25)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.6 per second (+0.3)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 80 (+30)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.9 per second (+0.3)
  2. Weapon Specialist – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 10%
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 20% (+10%)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 35% (+15%)
  3. Pack Mule – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
  4. Hacking – base skill 1 from 5
    • Desc: Bypass the security on secure terminals, Upgrades allow access to higher-security terminals
    • Effect
      • Hacker level: 1
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Bypass the security on secure terminals, Upgrades allow access to higher-security terminals
      • Effect
        • Hacker level: 2 (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Bypass the security on secure terminals, Upgrades allow access to higher-security terminals
      • Effect
        • Hacker level: 3 (+1)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Bypass the security on secure terminals, Upgrades allow access to higher-security terminals
      • Effect
        • Hacker level: 4 (+1)
    • 5th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Bypass the security on secure terminals, Upgrades allow access to higher-security terminals
      • Effect
        • Hacker level: 5 (+1)
  5. Master Technician – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: As the technical expert of the team, the Hacker is able to subtly shift energy flows of laser weapons and shields to allow each to function at optimal perfomance levels
      • Effect
        • Increase laser damage by 10%
        • Increase shield regeneration by 1 per second
        • Shields start regeneration quicker by 10%
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: As the technical expert of the team, the Hacker is able to subtly shift energy flows of laser weapons and shields to allow each to function at optimal perfomance levels
      • Effect
        • Increase laser damage by 20% (+10%)
        • Increase shield regeneration by 2 per second (+1)
        • Shields start regeneration quicker by 10%
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: As the technical expert of the team, the Hacker is able to subtly shift energy flows of laser weapons and shields to allow each to function at optimal perfomance levels
      • Effect
        • Increase laser damage by 35% (+15%)
        • Increase shield regeneration by 3 per second (+1)
        • Shields start regeneration quicker by 30%. (+20%)

Infiltrator, Loadout Skills



  1. Melee Attack – base skill 0 from 4 (More correctly, it is called a skill – Kenjutsu[] (剣術) is the umbrella term for all (koryū) schools of Japanese swordsmanship, in particular those that predate the Meiji Restoration. Kenjutsu, which originated with the samurai class of feudal Japan, means “the method, or technique, of the sword.” This is opposed to kendo, which means “the way of the sword”). Melee Attack (is – a fight without weapons or melee weapons, but whose blade is not more than a certain length (usually a penknife). If extends beyond the length of a pen knife, it already belongs to the swordsmanship) can not be used a sword and the more Katana (modern Katana – Gendaito[])). Please to think on this issue in the comments.
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Silently attack enemy units with Katana. Causes massive damage, instantly killing many enemies
      • Effect
        • Sword damage: 150
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Silently attack enemy units with Katana. Causes massive damage, instantly killing many enemies
      • Effect
        • Sword damage: 200 (+50)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Silently attack enemy units with Katana. Causes massive damage, instantly killing many enemies
      • Effect
        • Sword damage: 300 (+100)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Silently attack enemy units with Katana. Causes massive damage, instantly killing many enemies
      • Effect
        • Sword damage: 450 (+150)
  2. Cloak – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: A unique light-bending technology is woven into the agents skin and clothing, allowing the agent to Cloak for a short period of time, avoiding visual detection. Drains energy while in use
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: A unique light-bending technology is woven into the agents skin and clothing, allowing the agent to Cloak for a short period of time, avoiding visual detection. Drains energy while in use
      • Effect
        • Reduce stealth energy drain by -10%
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: A unique light-bending technology is woven into the agents skin and clothing, allowing the agent to Cloak for a short period of time, avoiding visual detection. Drains energy while in use
      • Effect
        • Reduce stealth energy drain by -20% (-10%)
  3. Master Assassin – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Expert marksmen training. Gives the agent the ability to fire knockback shots while equipped with a sniper rifle. The Infiltrator also gains the “setup” ability when using a sniper rifle, increasing damage output and range
      • Effect
        • Increase speed by 1
        • Increase sniper damage by 20% while setup
        • Increase sniper range by 15% while setup
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Expert marksmen training. Gives the agent the ability to fire knockback shots while equipped with a sniper rifle. The Infiltrator also gains the “setup” ability when using a sniper rifle, increasing damage output and range
      • Effect
        • Increase speed by 1 (+1)
        • Increase sniper damage by 45% while setup (+25%)
        • Increase sniper range by 35% while setup (+20%)
        • Inrease sniper rate of fire by 10% while setup
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Expert marksmen training. Gives the agent the ability to fire knockback shots while equipped with a sniper rifle. The Infiltrator also gains the “setup” ability when using a sniper rifle, increasing damage output and range
      • Effect
        • Increase speed by 2 (+1)
        • Increase sniper damage by 75% while setup (+30%)
        • Increase sniper range by 60% while setup (+25%)
        • Inrease sniper rate of fire by 15% while setup (+5%)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Expert marksmen training. Gives the agent the ability to fire knockback shots while equipped with a sniper rifle. The Infiltrator also gains the “setup” ability when using a sniper rifle, increasing damage output and range
      • Effect
        • Increase speed by 3 (+1)
        • Increase sniper damage by 100% while setup (+25%)
        • Increase sniper range by 80% while setup (+20%)
        • Inrease sniper rate of fire by 20% while setup (+5%)


  1. Health – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 10
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.1 per second
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 25 (+15)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.3 per second (+0.2)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 50 (+25)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.6 per second (+0.3)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Increase the maximum health to your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase health by 80 (+30)
        • Increase health regeneration by 0.9 per second (+0.3)
  2. Weapon Specialist – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 10%
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 20% (+10%)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Increase the damage output of your agent
      • Effect
        • Increase damage by 35% (+15%)
  3. Pack Mule – base skill 0 from 3
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Allows the agent to carry more gear
      • Effect
        • Inrease gear slot count (+1)
  4. Master Thief – base skill 0 from 4
    • 1st level
      • Cost: 1 SP
      • Desc: Allow the Infiltrator to utilise ziplines around the city, The Infiltrator will search any facility entered for cash or anything to sell on the black market to help fund the mission. The Infiltrator can now use advanced nano fibres in their legs to reach high vents without the need for augmentation
      • Effect
        • Thief cash steal: 15%
    • 2nd level
      • Cost: 2 SP
      • Desc: Allow the Infiltrator to utilise ziplines around the city, The Infiltrator will search any facility entered for cash or anything to sell on the black market to help fund the mission
      • Effect
          *]Can use high vents

        • Thief cash steal: 35% (+20%)
    • 3rd level
      • Cost: 3 SP
      • Desc: Allow the Infiltrator to utilise ziplines around the city, The Infiltrator will search any facility entered for cash or anything to sell on the black market to help fund the mission
      • Effect
          *]Can use high vents

        • Thief cash steal: 65% (+30%)
    • 4th level
      • Cost: 4 SP
      • Desc: Allow the Infiltrator to utilise ziplines around the city, The Infiltrator will search any facility entered for cash or anything to sell on the black market to help fund the mission
      • Effect
        • Can use high vents
        • Thief cash steal: 100% (+35%)









Industrial district


  1. Corporation Uzy (Uzy Korporatsiya).
    Developer explanations about the name







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