Barotrauma Guide

SCP:PA Guide for Barotrauma

SCP:PA Guide


What this is About This helps with the SCP Pelagic Anomalies Mod. With items, SCP’s, and how to deal with them.

SCPs and How to Deal With Them

SCP. Secure Contain Protect.
Or as we like to call it: Run and Probably Die. RPD.

So now to start with the Safe Class. Or how we like to call it: If you touch it you die. but it no move.
So the basics.
Youll encounter a big wobbly orange slime.
Or 999. AKA The Tickle Monster.

<– This Thing.

Thing about is it DOESNT want to kill you. Thats very uncommon, unlike security that mow down literally everything on our servers.
It actually gives a buff that gives psychosis resistance and damage resistance.
Which is great when your D-Class or your dying.
Because itll get you back up.

Theres also these lil fast zoomer things that are teardrop shaped.
Their yellow and red, sometimes blue or green or somethin.
The thing is their freindly, but they go through doors and walls. And die of pressure.
You really cant contain em unless you got thick walls.

Yaknow those red doggo things that like to chew through doors.
Apparently theres 3 of them. And they’re best freinds.
Turns out they’re a pain to deal with if you dont have the right equipment.
Easily contained when you got stunners

Items and Item SCPs


Wanna go through doors?
Haha. TOO BAD!

You need paper cards to go through doors. Dont drop them.
They also break in water because they’re paper.
Theres like 12 different keycards. Your gonna go colorblind looking at 190 different colors.