This guide discusses Secret Crates, Secret Cars, and The Tracker challenge.
The challenge
When in-game and having opened the Escape menu, you can see your challenges to the bottom-left. One of them – The Tracker – consists of finding 10 secret crates and delivering a total of 8 secret vehicles to a friendly armory. To “find” a secret crate you just have to open it. This guide will explain where to these crates and vehicles are located.
What are secret vehicles?
Secret vehicles work just like cargo trucks – delivering them to armory gives you RP. Unlike cargo trucks, they don’t enable additional weapons in the armory. Secret vehicles give you 400 RP, if the resource rewards setting is set to 100 %. It seems they respawn every time the map rotation on a server restarts. A few special vehicles also spawn in Man Vs. World.
How do they look like? Here’s a picture.
What are secret crates?
Secret crates just like normal ones contain weapons/equipment. There are 2 types of secret crates. Type #1 – Gray, metallic boxes. Type #2 – Wooden, kind of longer. Both types respawn every 24 hours and show a question mark and their health when you mouse over them. Unlike normal crates you need explosives to get these to open. A single grenade works just fine.
Normal crate (left), Secret crate type #1 (middle) and Secret crate type #2 (right).
Secret crates / Secret vehicles appearance
Both secret crates and secret cars appear in Campaign mode and Multiplayer Co-op Campaign/Invasion.
Wooden secret crates make their appearance in Quick matches.
Metallic secret crates and secret vehicles don’t appear in Quick match or PVP games.
Where and what’s inside?
Secret crates of both types appear on almost every map.
Metallic secret crates can contain rare weapons, gift boxes (including community gift boxes), camo vests, gold bars, minigun or grenade launcher deploys, banana peels, or medikits.
Wooden secret crates will contain loot, a T3 Vest or a costume.
All boxes have been appropriately marked on the maps below.
There is one secret vehicle for each of these maps – Black Gold Estuary, Fridge Valley, Keepsake Bay, Moorland Trenches, Old Fort Creek, Rattlesnake Crescent.
Random and Fixed crates
Among secret crates there are Random and Fixed crates.
Random crates – a random number of them will spawn for every map. The number range for each map will be mentioned in it’s respective section.
Random crates drop chances:
Fixed crates will always spawn.
Fixed crates drop chances:
Black Gold Estuary
There is one secret vehicle on this map. It also spawns in Man Vs. World.
Random crates: 2-4
Bootleg Islands
Random crates: 2-4
Copedown Hill
Random crates: 1-3
Fridge Valley
There is one secret vehicle on this map.
Random crates: 2-3
Frozen Canyon
Random crates: 0-1
Gotcha Island
Random crates: 1-3
Green Coast
Random crates: 2-5
Iron Enclave
Random crates: 1-2
Keepsake Bay
There is one secret vehicle on this map.
Random crates: 2-4
Misty Heights
Random crates: 1-3
Moorland Apocalypse
Random crates: 2-3
Moorland Trenches
There is one vehicle on this map. It spawns in Man Vs. World.
Random crates: 3-5
Old Fort Creek
There is one secret vehicle on this map.
Random crates: 2-3
Power Junction
Rattlesnake Crescent
There is one vehicle on this map. It is hidden in a hangar.
Random crates: 2-3
Railroad Gap
Random crates: 2-3
Tropical Blizzard
Random crates: 1-3
Vigil Island
Random crates: 1-2
There is an Easter Egg on this map – an inscription saying “Killroy was here” with a drawing of a man looking from behind a wall. Look it up!
I often play multiplayer, with a nickname “Mayster“, so if you see me, say hi :3
Thanks to:
* DIO, Sandremo, Mobius Strip, Mistr1adam, Street Veteran – for help and being great players.
* Pentimal247 – for item drop chances for random and fixed crates. Also for random crate count range for each map.
* You – for reading this guide.