Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Guide

Secret Weapon Traits for Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Secret Weapon Traits


Not all is told, so I’ll tell you instead.


Did you know that the Decanter trait also increases the rate of purple potion effect by 50%? It’s 50% longer lasting, and 50% faster.

Natural Bond

Did you know that this will sometimes save you with 1 hp? The details are not specifically known, but sometimes you seem to regenerate 1 hp instead of dying.

Weapon Range

Not all weapons have the same range. I’ll list them shortest to furthest. Some weapons have different range for different attacks. If you want exact measurements, I will invite you to test on a dummy.

1 – Daggers
2 – 1h weapons and 2h axe/hammer
3 – 2h swords
4 – Spears
5 – Tuskgor Spear
6 – Halberd Heavy Stab

Fun fact: Dwarf has 2 range for every weapon.


Not all weapons let you move at the same rate. Some allow you to move faster while attacking. Good for catching up with teammates. I will list them here.

Billhook (lights)
Elven Spear (heavies)
Tuskgor Spear (hold down heavy)
Dual daggers (lights)
Mace/hammer (lights)
1h Sword (lights)
Elven Greatsword (lights)
Mace and Sword (lights)
Dual axes (lights)
Dual hammers (lights)
Dagger (lights)
Falchion (lights)
Human Greatsword (heavies)
Elven Spear and Shield (lights)
Elven Sword (lights)
Rapier (heavies)
Executioner’s Sword (heavies)
War pick (hold down heavy)

Some weapons also let you move quickly while blocking. Good for moving around defensively. Since the list is shorter, I will list the slow weapons.

(Human) 2h Swords
Shield weapons
2h Hammer
2h Axe
War Pick
Cog hammer


Did you know that all shields have stronger pushes? If you put Opportunist on it, you can push even a Chaos Warrior and stun them.


Chaos Warrior during an attack
Plague Monks during an attack
(maybe a few other elites during attack animation)

Elven Axe

Did you know this weapon has infinite dodges? Technically, it’s 100, but you will never practically reach that many dodges.

This makes it great for Handmaiden, who uses dodges to get stronger.


Did you know that the Heavy Stab attack has the farthest reach in the whole game?

It is even longer than the Tuskgor spear, which is already longer than the Elven spear.


Did you know this weapon has an infinite ammo pistol? It’s like the Javelin, being both melee and ranged. Tertiary attack will use the pistol.

Did you know you can attack while blocking? While blocking, press tertiary attack to fire a bullet.

Did you know this weapon has two charge levels? If you release early, it does a quicker and weaker charge attack. If you hold it down, it gets stronger.

War Pick

Did you know this weapon has two charge levels? When Bardin’s arms raise up that means you have reached level 2 charge attack.

Did you know the push attack does higher damage than your normal swing? This makes the push attack better to do. It also does high damage to armor, without having to charge up a heavy attack.

Bretonnian Longsword

Did you know that this weapon will block for you, while you are charging a heavy attack? It can also be held indefinitely, allowing you to riposte.

(Human) Great Sword

Did you know this weapon can cleave through armored enemies? This is a rare feature and makes it great for crowd control.

(Human) Spear and Shield

Did you know you can attack while blocking? While holding block, press tertiary attack. Every hit costs stamina.


Did you know you can use tertiary attack to stun an enemy? It costs stamina to use.

Brace of Pistols

Did you know this weapon has infinite dodges? Technically, it’s 100, but you will never practically reach that many dodges.

Throwing Axes

Did you know that aiming causes them to be thrown farther?

Beam Staff

Did you know that there is a third attack? While using beam, press secondary attack to fire a bolt.

Masterwork Pistol

Did you know this weapon has infinite dodges? Technically, it’s 100, but you will never practically reach that many dodges.

Griffon-foot Pistol

Did you know this weapon has infinite dodges? Technically, it’s 100, but you will never practically reach that many dodges.

Huntsman Bow

Did you know this weapon has multiple charge levels? The longer you hold it, the more damage it does, to a limit.


Did you know this weapon has 3 different charge levels?

No charge arcs quite a bit, making it bad at long distance.

Some charge fires more straight and does a bit more damage.

Full charge is an explosive arrow. A sound queue is heard, when you reach full charge.

Tuskgor Spear

Did you know that you can hold heavy attack indefinitely? You also run faster than normal while doing this.

Dual Daggers

Did you know that light attacks cause a bleed DoT?


Did you know that this weapon causes a bleed DoT with melee attacks?

Sword and Dagger

Did you know the dagger causes a bleed DoT? It only works on the light attacks.

(Elven) Great Sword

Did you know this weapon gains crit chance after a successful swing? This does not happen if your swing does 0 damage (armored hit).

Dual Swords

Did you know this weapon has a very high crit chance? Even with no crit chance modifiers, this weapon will crit ~20% of the time.

You shouldn’t build for crit chance with this weapon, since it already crits reliably. The damage increases are mathematically better.

(Non Elven) Axe

Did you know the push attack has a high crit chance?
