This guide shows how to access every secret in the first episode of Doom.
E1M1: Hangar
This level has 3 secrets.
Directly after passing the zig-zag walkway over the slime pool there is a wall to the right that is a brown colour. This can be opened and will lead to the blue armour in the central outside area.
ALTERNATE ROUTE: There is a second way to the armour that was not in the first release of Doom, which was added for deathmatch play. In the green armour room there is a hidden switch next to one of the pillars. This opens up a timed door back in the starting room that leads directly to the outside area. Passing through this door also opens up other walls leading out to the courtyard for better deathmatch play.
In front of the exit door is a large area of flashing light with bars on either side. Entering this area will lower the platform in the previous room that the imps were standing on. This area contains a shotgun.
Go back to the corridor that enters into the zig-zag walkway room. The light from the window is shining across the room. By walking over where the light and dark areas meet, a platform will temporarily lower inside secret area 2. Run over to it to get onto the platform before it raises back up. This leads to a walkway with a number of health and armour bonuses.
E1M2: Nuclear Plant
This level has 6 secrets.
In the centre of the start room one of the textures is different to the other walls. This is a secret door leading to a green armour, backpack and a switch.
By pressing the switch in secret area 1, a door will open near the red key that leads outside, rewarding you with a soulsphere and chaingun.
On the Eastern-most outer wall of the flashing computer maze is a small section surrounded by two silver textures. This is a secret door leading to a backpack.
On the Western-most area of the flashing computer maze is a green armour. The wall behind this can be shot to open a door leading to the chainsaw. Note that this secret door needs to be shot rather than used.
Inside secret area 4, in the corridor leading to the chainsaw is another silver texture on the wall. The wall next to this can be opened, giving a few armour bonuses.
Just after the slime walkway, before riding the lift down into an imp ambush, there is a gibbed body on the floor. The wall next to this can be opened, leading to one of the imp ambush platforms.
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
This level has 7 secrets, and leads to a secret level.
Press the switch in the first picture. This opens up a stairway leading to the yellow key room shown in the second picture. By running up this stariway and turning left a platform temporarily lowers leading you to the soulsphere.
The same as secret 1, but on the right side of the yellow key room instead of the left.
Inside secret area 2 there is a small tunnel in the slime, this leads to a backpack and a switch. The switch raises a platform in the slime pit on the starting area.
Inside secret area 3 next to the switch is a lightly textured wall. This is a secret door that leads to a chaingun.
In the room past the blue key door is a slightly inset wall. This is a secret door leading to a chainsaw and the yellow key door, with a load of goodies behind it.
Go back to the starting room and cross the platform crossing the slime pit, raised by the switch in secret area 3. This leads to the secret exit.
In the secret exit room, the wall opposite the secret exit switch is a lift that leads to a box of rockets.
E1M9: Military Base (Secret Level)
This level has 2 secrets.
This secret can be accessed from two areas. From the central starting area (with the imp cage) 2 of the three stairways you can walk down lead to rooms that have locked yellow doors. In either of these rooms walk into the corners, one of the corners will drop down as you walk on it, leading to a chaingun.
In the exit room (behind the locked blue door) one of the walls has a different texture. This is a secret door leading to a room with a number of goodies.
E1M4: Command Control
This level has 3 secrets.
In the starting room on the left is a slightly grey wall. This is a secret door with a backpack behind it.
In the room with the big curve of barrels (pictured) is a hole in the floor with slime below. Fall down into this hole and run to the left, there is a secret area with a rocket launcher.
Secret area 2 also has a switch and a platform leading up to a soulsphere. Pressing the switch will raise the platform, you need to quickly run onto the platform after pressing the switch. Note that you get only one attempt to achieve this secret. If the platform rises too high before you run onto it you will need to restart the level or reload a save to get 100% secrets.
E1M5: Phobos Lab
This level has 9 secrets.
Early in the level you will walk up some stairs. In this room behind the barrels is a secret door with some shotgun ammo.
In the slime room directly after the first secret there is a secret door in the slime pit where the wall is a different colour. This leads to a blue armour and rocket launcher.
Past the locked yellow door at the far end of the room is a small alcove between the windows with a medikit in it. This is a secret door leading to a biohazard suit. This small secret room has a second secret door to the left opening to a chainsaw, which has yet another secret door leading outside to a soulsphere.
Still behind the yellow key door there are platforms that lower when you walk past them. If you stand on the one to the north and ride it up to the top, there is a secret door that opens to a room with a blur sphere and a teleport back to the start of the level.
Before receiving the blue key you will enter a computer room which has a switch that opens a wall. To the right of this switch on the other side of the column is a secret door where you will find an automap and a chaingun.
Behind the locked blue door is a dark stone room. If you immedaitely make a U-turn to the left upon entering there is a small tunnel where you will find some lite-amp goggles.
In the same dark stone room to the West is a green wall, which is a secret door. This is an alternate entrance to the blur sphere room but requires the blue key to open.
E1M6: Central Processing
This level has 4 secrets, and an additional hidden room which is not marked as a secret.
Behind the locked red door you will find the blue key overlooking a large slime pit. Dropping into this pit you will find a soulsphere inside the dark tunnel. NOTE: If you drop into the pit and turn right first you will find a biohazard suit hiding behind a corner.
Inside the same slime pit as secret 1 to the left there is a platform with a blue armor. This is secret 2 and also leads to the way out of the pit.
Before reaching the locked blue door you will find an outdoor area where you can see the yellow key through some bars. If you walk up to the blue door but turn around and come back into this outdoor area, a platform will lower leading to a biohazard suit (see first picture). Behind this suit there is a secret door.
ALTERNATE ROUTE: Inside the yellow key room there is a green armour. You can open the wall behind it leading to the same secret room. Using both of these routes through the secret is a shortcut to the yellow key.
In the maze area past the locked blue door, in the Eastern most tunnel there are a number of armour bonuses in the shape of an arrow pointing to a dark brown wall. This is a secret door with an automap behind it.
The outside area where you reach secret 3 has a tunnel hidden behind a wall. This is normally a dead end but walking over one of the steps that leads to the yellow key opens up this tunnel and leads to another outdoor area with a soulsphere.
E1M7: Computer Station
This level has 4 secrets, and 3 additional unmarked secret items.
One of the major areas in this map is a large open room with walkways over slime pits. When you enter this room, a pillar will drop in front of you with some enemies on it. (see first picture). If you walk onto this pillar it will begin to rise up. Turn left and run into the slime pit, where you will find a chaingun. On the platform with the chaingun is a secret door leading to a room with a backpack, another secret door in this room will let you leave this pit.
Get back onto the same rising pillar that you used to access secret 1 and turn right instead of left. Near the wall is a raised ledge. If you run onto this you will find a hidden automap.
Fall into the slime pit that the ledge in the above unmarked secret is next to. You will find a tunnel containing a biohazard suit. Right next to this suit is a wall with a red button, which is a secret door. Note that inside this secret room there is a switch. Press it to open up unmarked secret 3 (see below).
In the same slime pit just beyond the biohazard suit is a brown pillar. This has a blue armour hiding in a small alcove inside it.
At the end of this slime pit is a soulsphere. Collecting it will open a door out of the pit.
If you pressed the switch inside secret area 2, in the Southwest of the map you will find a chainsaw.
After collecting the blue key, go back into the room behind the locked yellow doors. A monster closet has opened up in here which contains a secret door that leads to the blursphere in the outside courtyard. (If you are struggling to find this, in the picture below the window at the right side of the picture looks out onto the blursphere).
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
This level has 1 secret.
At the start of the level at the bottom of the staircase there is a secret door on the right where the wall is green. This contains a soulsphere.