Sven Co-op Guide

Secrets on the map "Deluge" for Sven Co-op

Secrets on the map “Deluge”


Every secret on that concrete swamp goodness that is “Deluge”. Yep, even the ones that get you the ♥♥♥♥♥♥-up bird head gun!

1. Misc. Secrets

1. Unbalanced stash of ammo
The door at the right will open when the button will be pressed (Marked with red circle)
Contains 2 of each magazines: Shotgun, 357, Sniper Rifle, 9mm

2. “357” “secret”
Just break this grate and this secret will be achieved
Contains a rifle that shoots 357 bullets

3.Elevator secret (1)
Hop on the elevator and get right off of it
Contains a single magazine for 9mm and 357, health kit

4. Wall crack secret (1)
Just shoot this part of the wall, and it will break open
Contains 9mm magazine and a health kit

5. Elevator secret
Shoot this crack on the floor and jump in it
Contains 3 357 magazines and an HEV battery (Will be different with versions!)

6. Wall panel secret (1)
Press use on that panel to get it open
Contains a health kit

7. Wall crack secret (2)
Just shoot this part of the wall, and it will break open
Contains a health kit

8. Wall crack secret (3)
Contains 357 and 9mm magazines, a health kit and a battery
also contains 1 of the 5 machine gun buttons

9. Ceiling grate secret
Shoot the middle part of it and gauss jump on it. Also you can jump in the hole to get items
Contains 2 uranium and a single shotgun magazines and a battery

10. Button secret
Press this button to reveal a secret passage with the teleport
Contains 2 shotgun magazines

11. Wall crack secret (4)
Contains 2 uranium magazines
12. The Pressure Cooker
Shoot this button panel to get the door open
Contains 9mm rifle

13. Gauss jump secret
Jump on the top platform using the gauss rifle
Contains 3 uranium magazines, a battery and a health kit

2.M249 buttons

14. Machine gun secret
Press all 5 plates to get the secret cutscene
Contains M249 and a clip for it

If all of that is done correctly, you will get this at the end

Machine Gun buttons
1. Sniper rifle roof
Behind these crates
2. Red door
Behind these boxes

3. Red door behind the elevator
4. 8th secret button
Shoot the picture to reveal the button

5. Gauss door button
Press E key on this panel and you will reveal a button
There is also a teleport behind the wall

If everything is done correctly, you will get a cutscene

Bird Head gun eyeballs

To destroy an eye, just smack/shoot it! You’ll know you’ve destroyed it when the eye pops rather graphicly.
1.This panel
Shoot this panel then shoot the eye several times

2. Shoot this bit of a wall several times and shoot the eye behind it
3. Shoot this panel and the eye behind it
4. Shooting the tanks then destroying an empty bookshelf and the wall behind it

5. The green keycard room, left side
If you got everything correctly, you will have to fight the boss

You will get this for doing so (Gluon gun, a hilariously amped-up one)
Also, you will get this screen for getting all the eyes and killing the boss


AlexCorruptor:Getting the screens, finding all them secrets
Pat: Transfering this guide into steam