Hi! In this guide I will show you the various secrets of the game, I hope it will be useful. Enjoy the reading! 🙂
Intro Screen
Clicking on the ConcernedApe logo during the loading screen will cause the sunglasses (if present) to disappear and the eyes to open. A duck/splat sound will also be heard.
The game keeps track of how many times you launch it, and shows friendly messages in the bottom-left corner of the ConcernedApe logo screen based on that number.
Title Screen
On the title menu, clicking the letter “E” in the game name ten times will show an alien open a door behind the letter. It will smile and wave for two seconds before it fades away. Note that this does not work in Chinese.
On the title menu, clicking the leaves ten times will cause three Junimos to appear in the logo and wave.
On the title menu, clicking the lower right screw on the letter “W” ten times will cause several butterflies to appear.
If you use a controller, pressing B on Xbox or O on PS4 will cause the clouds around you to move at a rapid pace. Only works where the two birds are flying, and stops upon the menu coming down.
Favorite Thing
Entering ConcernedApe as the favorite thing when creating a character results in some additional text when consuming a Stardrop.
Entering anything containing “Stardew” as the favorite thing when creating a character results in the additional text “You feel an unwavering connection to the valley itself.” appearing when consuming a Stardrop. Note that the “S” in “Stardew” must be capitalized.
Shipping Screen
A few rare animations can be seen in the background of the Shipping screen at the end of the day depending on certain conditions.
- Numbers over 999,999 will overflow on the blank space and will move up and down in a wave pattern.
- On the 24th of Winter, Santa Claus can be seen
with a few reindeer crossing the top of the screen. - If it is not the 28th and it did not rain, there is a 0.001% chance of a UFO crossing the top of the screen.
- On nights with a full moon, clicking it several times will cause the man in the moon to reveal himself.
Lonely Stone
The lonely stone is not an area, but it has a location on the Stardew Valley map. Upon clicking the lonely stone on the map, a rock sound effect will play. After clicking on the lonely stone and around the time when the rock sound effect is played, the map screen will close entirely.
The lonely stone also hasn’t been mentioned by any villagers/characters nor is there any lore about it hidden in game files or mentioned by ConcernedApe.
Lucky Purple Shorts
Mayor Lewis’ lucky purple shorts have a number of secrets.
- Putting them in the Luau soup gets a unique response from the Governor and Lewis.
- Putting them in the Stardew Valley Fair grange display disqualifies the player, and Lewis gives the player
750 star tokens as a bribe to keep his secret. Marnie also gives unique dialogue at the Fair after seeing the shorts in the display.
- Tailoring them with a gold bar produces Trimmed Lucky Purple Shorts. These are equivalent to the Lucky Purple Shorts for completing the quest or triggering the other secrets, but can also be worn by the player for an amusing reaction from Marnie and Lewis.
Skull Cavern Plaques
The plaques that can occasionally be found on the walls of the Skull Cavern have been found to contain text encoded by a cipher.
The plaques that are found on the rough walled levels have been deciphered to give the following:
“we are
too much
This may be a reference to the Purple Slimes that can drop Iridium Ore that are frequently found in large numbers at these levels.
The plaques on the walls of the levels inhabited by Mummies has been deciphered to give the following:
sealed us
in this
until the
day a hero
puts us to
This may or may not refer to the Wizard who lives in Cindersap Forest.
Locked Boxes
The first letters inside the Museum’s incomprehensible Lost Book form the following words:
Three secret statues can be found using the above information:
If a Super Cucumber is placed inside the brown box located in the fenced area north of the Blacksmith, the ??HMTGF?? statue will be acquired.
If Duck Mayonnaise is placed inside the partially-hidden metal box in the back room of the the Stardrop Saloon, the ??Pinky Lemon?? statue will be acquired.
If a Strange Bun is placed inside the chest in Vincent’s room, at 1 Willow Lane, the ??Foroguemon?? statue will be acquired.
- The box behind JojaMart (to the north-east) doesn’t do anything.
Galaxy Sword
After finding and donating all four Dwarf Scrolls to the Museum, the player receives the Dwarvish Translation Guide. If the player proceeds to the Graveyard, one of the previously unreadable tombstones can now be read.
“You translate the dwarvish:
Stand between the pillars three
With gift as precious as the sky:
A rainbow forged from land, not sea
Then galaxies will heed your cry”
This points the player towards The Desert and the set of three pillars to the Northeast. Stepping into the center of the pillars while holding a Prismatic Shard will cause the shard to be transformed into the Galaxy Sword.
Junimo Plush
The Junimo Plush is a unique piece of furniture.
It can be found by shaking a bush in the northwest corner of Pelican Town on the 28th of any season at exactly 12:00pm.
Rare Dialogue
- When entering Marnie’s shop, there is a 0.01% chance for her to say:
“*sigh*… When the door opened I thought it might be Lewis.” - When entering Robin’s or Marnie’s shop, there is a chance for her to say:
“Lew…? Oh…”
- Slimes can be hatched in odd places using a Slime Incubator, including Pelican Town or the Railroad. Slimes hatched in the town are known to interact with the townfolk, including greeting them by name and having the townfolk greet them back. Note that this doesn’t work in all locations, in some places slimes will be removed overnight.
- Slimes can also be hatched inside the Farmhouse. If you are married, your spouse may react to the slime with various funny dialogue while trying to kill it.
Character Creation Menu
Pressing the following keys will produce special sounds:
- Pressing < produces a “ding” sound.
- Pressing $ produces a “plink” sound.
- Pressing * produces a “stone hit” sound.
- Pressing = produces a “pop” sound.
- Pressing + produces a “squish” sound.
Pressing the following keys will produce special characters:
- Pressing < produces ♡, a heart.
- Pressing > produces ▷, a right triangular arrow.
- Pressing @ produces ◁, a left triangular arrow.
- Pressing $ produces ⌾, a double circle.
- Pressing * produces 💢, the “anger” symbol common in Japanese media.
- Pressing = produces ☆, a star.
- Pressing controller buttons also produces special sounds and/or symbols.
Secret Notes
Secret Notes are collectible notes that can be unlocked by walking to the Bus Stop from The Farm during Winter between 6am and 4pm. The player will see a cutscene in which a “Shadow Guy” (who is most likely Krobus) startles and runs away. After seeing the cutscene, the quest “A Winter Mystery” is added to the player’s journal.
The Shadow Guy’s footsteps lead to a bush next to the playground, left of the Community Center. If the player interacts with the bush, the Shadow Guy will pop out of it, apologize for stealing, give the player a Magnifying Glass, then run away. The Magnifying Glass gives the player the ability to find Secret Notes while digging, chopping trees, mining, fishing, or killing monsters.
Once found, a Secret Note can be read by selecting it in the top row of inventory and right-clicking (as if consuming food). This will add the note to the player’s collection, and enable the Secret Notes collection tab on the player menu.
Some notes will list “Loved” gifts for certain characters, while others will have images depicting puzzle solutions. Reading notes that list gift preferences will add the gifts to the villager’s Gift Log on the Social tab of the player menu.
Secret Notes can be gifted, but they are all universally hated.
Secret Note Sources
The following table lists the different actions that can spawn a secret note.
When the percentage chance is hit, the game tries 3 times to make a note. In each attempt a random number is generated based on the total number of notes. If the number is a note that has not yet been received, the note is spawned and the checks stop.
- Weeds → 0.9%
- Monsters → 3.3%
- Chopping trees (Each Axe hit) → 0.5%
- Fishing → 8% to replace trash
- Artifact spot → 11% (After artifact checks and winter forage checks)
- Stone → 0.75%
- Resource clump * → 5%
- Giant crop → 100%
* Resource Clump = Large Stump, Large Log, Meteorite, or Boulder (inside or outside the Mines).
Secret Notes
Secret Note #1
It’s a page from Abigail’s Diary
‘Things I love: the smell of carved pumpkin, keeping an amethyst under my pillow, chocolate cake, the thrill of spicy eel, and the comfort of Mom’s blackberry cobbler (I like to eat!)’
Secret Note #2
It’s Sam’s holiday shopping list
Everyone’s favorites
Sebastian: Frozen Tear, Sashimi
Penny: Emerald, Poppy
Vincent: Grape, Cranberry Candy
Mom: Crispy Bass, Pancakes
Dad: Risotto, Roasted Hazelnuts
Me: Cactus, Maple Bar, Pizza
Secret Note #3
It’s written in Leah’s handwriting
My idea of a perfect dinner would be salad, goat cheese, truffle, and wine. For dessert I’d need a poppyseed muffin. Yum! If someone gave me one of those things, I’d melt.
Secret Note #4
It’s a note of Maru’s
Parts still needed for my greatest invention yet!
*Gold Bar
*Iridium Bar
*Battery Pack
Secret Note #5
It’s Penny’s handwriting:
I want to get everyone something they love!
Mom: Parsnip, Glazed Yams, NO BEER!
Jas: Fairy Rose, Plum Pudding
Vincent: Pink Cake, Grape
Mr. Mullner: Leek, Fried Mushroom
Granny Mullner: Beet, Tulip
Secret Note #6
Stardrop Saloon Special Orders
Mayor Lewis: Autumn’s Bounty
(Double order of high-fiber bread on the side)
Marnie: Pumpkin Pie
(extra whipped cream!)
Demetrius: Bean Hotpot
(Make it spicy)
Caroline: Fish Taco
(she wants triple the sauce! Better throw in a few extra napkins…)
Secret Note #7
It’s a page from someone’s diary…
…There are only a few ‘older’ bachelors in town, and none of them are perfect! Harvey is really anxious and weak, but I know he would make a loyal and devoted husband. He likes coffee and pickles.
Elliott is a bit foppish and melodramatic, but he does have a nice chin. He likes crab cakes and pomegranates.
Shane is messy and anti-social. But I think his gruff exterior is a defense mechanism, insulating his softness from the world. He likes Beer, Pizza, and Pepper Poppers.
Secret Note #8
To Haley and Emily
Hope you two are doing well! We’ve sent you your favorite gifts: Pink Cake and Sunflowers for Haley, Gemstones and Wool for Emily!
-Love Mom and Dad
Secret Note #9
Alex’s Strength Training Diet:
*Complete Breakfast
*Salmon Dinner
(I’ve learned to love this food… I can feel the protein!!)
Secret Note #10
Someone is
waiting for you
on level 100
skull cavern…
- Becomes available only after completing the “Qi’s Challenge” quest.
- Reading Secret Note #10 adds the “Cryptic Note” quest to the journal. To fulfull the quest, reach level 100 of the Skull Cavern. Once there, a cutscene will play, during which Mr. Qi will either congratulate you for reaching level 100 using less than 11 Staircases or say you are “clever” but not “honorable” for using 11 or more. In either case, he rewards you with an “Iridium Snake Milk”, which permanently increases your Health by 25.
Secret Note #11
Secret Note #12
I’ve found some good things by looking in the garbage cans, on lucky days.
Sometimes you’ll find the ‘dish of the day’ behind the saloon… usually fresh!
For dessert, I’ll check the Mullners’ can for cookies.
For treasures, check the cans by the blacksmith and museum.
Secret Note #13
12 o’ clock noon SHARP. Last day of the season. Check the bush above the playground.
At 12:00 PM, on day 28 of any season, interact with the bush located above the playground to obtain a Junimo Plush.
Secret Note #14
I hid something behind the community center.
Behind the Community Center, hidden by the roof, against the wooden fence to the right there is a Stone Junimo statue which can be obtained with a pickaxe or a hoe.
Secret Note #15
Mermaid Show: 1-5-4-2-3
During the Night Market, enter the boat at the far right to start the Mermaid Show. After the show, click on the shells in the order indicated (numbered left-to-right) to earn a Pearl.
Secret Note #16
Dig one space to the right of the large boulder north of the Railroad tracks to get a Treasure Chest.
Secret Note #17
Head to the area north of JojaMart next to the river and dig the farthest north tile on the Eastern side to get a Strange Doll (green).
Secret Note #18
Go to the Calico Desert and use a hoe on the area to the South West of the bench on the South East area of the map to dig up a Strange Doll (yellow).
Secret Note #19
This is a depiction of 1 Willow Lane with a series of arrows. Starting at the green square depicted, which is directly in front of the door to the house, follow each arrow until your character cannot move anymore. First, walk left until you hit a permanent obstacle. Then walk up until you hit an obstacle, and so on.
The path will lead you around the house, through town, and ultimately to a secret Solid Gold Lewis statue hidden behind Mayor Lewis’ house. To find the statue and take it into the player’s inventory, simply stand on the destination tile and right-click on the ground.
Placing the statue anywhere in Pelican Town will result in an additional secret.
Additional Secret
The Solid Gold Lewis statue can be placed anywhere in Pelican Town. If the statue is not destroyed by a villager walking through it, the next day it will be replaced with a Rotten Plant, and the player will receive an unsigned letter in the mail containing 750g:
- “In the future, I’d appreciate it very much if you refrained from placing my PRIVATE belongings in town for all to see!
I’m very displeased!Take this money and never speak of my ‘project’ to anyone.”
The statue will then appear in Lewis’ bedroom (90% chance) or Marnie’s bedroom (10% chance).
The statue can be removed and placed in Pelican Town again and again, and each time it will be replaced by a Rotten Plant. The player will receive the unsigned letter only once, however.
Secret Note #20
This is a depiction of the town square. Starting in the center of the eye in town square, follow the directional arrows until your character hits a permanent obstacle. This path will bring you around town, up across the bridge to JojaMart, and ultimately to a truck parked beside JojaMart. Interacting with the truck will allow you to speak to a truck driver who requests a Rabbit’s Foot. If you have one in your inventory you can trade it for a Special Charm that permanently increases daily luck.
Secret Note #21
At exactly 12:40 at night, interact with the large bush to the north west of the bridge out of Pelican Town to The Beach. Marnie and Lewis jump out of the bush. Now what were they doing in there!?
(Note: You can do this even on Winter 16, when Marnie is on screen returning from the Night Market.)
Secret Note #22
Greetings, <Farmer>…
Have you found my ‘secret’ in the dark tunnel?
I look forward to meeting you!
Go to the Bus Stop with a Battery Pack, and go west from the bus into The Tunnel. Place the Battery Pack into the box on the wall in the center of the Tunnel to start The Mysterious Qi quest.
Note that finding Secret Note #22 is not required to start the Mysterious Qi quest.
Secret Notes pt.2
Secret Note #23
If yoo can reed dis… come to seecrit wuds. Pleez bring may-pal serrup.
Reading Secret Note #23 adds the “Strange Note” quest to the journal. To fulfill the quest, go to the Secret Woods between 6am and 7pm with Maple Syrup in inventory to trigger a cutscene in which a Bear shares his special knowledge of berries. This permanently increases the sell price of Blackberries and Salmonberries by 3x.
After viewing the cutscene, a bear’s paw icon labeled “Bear’s Knowledge” will appear in the player’s Wallet.
Secret Note #24
It’s a page from M. Jasper’s book:
…the creatures, known by some as “Forest Spirits” or “Junimos”, are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they’ve “gone to seed”.
As a general rule…when humans leave, and nature begins to reclaim her territory, the Junimos will undoubtedly appear.
Folk wisdom holds that the Junimos display some kind of resonant affinity with gemstones that are placed inside their little huts…
Of course, all these claims come from dubious, unverified sources…As far as I know, even the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven!
Placing a gem in a Junimo Hut will alter the color of Junimos that harvest crops. The Junimos will match the color of the gem, including the changing prismatic color if a Prismatic Shard is used.
Secret Note #25
I ‘borrowed’ a necklace from Mom, but lost it somewhere near the bath house.. She’s going to freak out if she notices it’s missing.
Fish in the water outside the Spa during spring, summer, or fall to find an Ornate Necklace. While carrying the necklace, talk to Caroline for 50 Friendship points with her or to Abigail for 100 Friendship points with her.