A locations guide for the security keys in Off The Record
Royal Flush Plaza
Security key #001– Seen after exiting safe room vents and heading past the maintenance room, not really a challenge to find since it’s given to you.
Security key #001s box contains $50,000 dollars
Security key #203– above the Alberts Apparel sign on the second floor, must climb on the red telephone booth next to the Players record store and climb above the sign of its store and work your way towards the key over the sportstrance sign on the second floor to get it on the Alberts Apparel sign. A somewhat hard key to find.
Security key #203s box contains $50,000 dollars
Security key #666– this key is in the Sturdy Package store near the Sportstrance entrance on the first floor of the plaza and is located behind the cashiers desk. Not very hard to find
Security key #666s box contains $50,000 dollars
Security key #145– In the Tunemakers store in its maintenance room. Not available till you get the maintance key. (side note: it is always available to people who have beaten the game at least once since you keep the maintanence key after doing so.)
Security key #145s box contains the bargaining 2 magazine
Fortune Exterior
Security key #690– This one is in the Hot excitorama store that is right across from the slot ranch casino entrance. it is on the shelf behind the cashier desk and again not a hard find
Security key #690s box contains $50,000 dollars and a “massager”
Security key #185– it is at the entrance to Uranus Zone by a knocked down space trash can. you will probably find this one on your own exploring or when you head there during case 2
Security key #185s box contains $10,000 dollars
Security key #304– on the wood platform that is being worked on near the fortune hotel, magazine (horror 2) is there as well
Security key #304s box contains the Gambling 3 magazine
Americana Casino
Security key #044– its on one of the lights you can jump on VIA Benny Jacks on its second floor, similar to how you reached the zombrex in the canon DR2 except the zombrex was replaced with a money case
Security key #044s box contains a measley $100 dollars
Security key #083– this isn’t avaible till you have to deal with TKs drills in Case 3-2 and is by the cash-chip exchange window right next to the door you pass through to be able to reach it
Security key #083s box insultingly contains only one unit of gems
Fortune Arena
Security key #052– You can literally get this key at the beginning of the game during the start of the outbreak at the desk where you were supposedly were going to sign autographs with a big picture of frank behind the desk
Security key #052s box contains $100,000 dollars
Security key #097– In the security office but is not available till case 1 when you follow Rebecca
Security key #097s box contains $100,000 dollars
Atlantica Casino
Security key #999– in the fountain with the edible fishes next to the fortune park exit
Security key #999s box contains $25,000 dollars and a dose of zombrex
Security key #009– in the security office on the desk next to the offices entrance
Security key #009s box contains $25,00 dollars
Palisades Mall
Security key #112– In the Trendy Cindy store behind the desk with the gifts
Security key #112s box strangely contains 3 remote mines
Security key #040– In the bar spot of the grotto in the middle of the mall. Near the chainsaw
Security key #040s box contains $100,000 dollars
Security key #045– On the cajoined gambling machines inbetween the Venus Touch and Wallington’s Stores
Security key #045s box contains $50,000 dollars and a regular handgun
Fortune Hotel
Security key #673– Seen on the floor of the hotel lobby the cutscene with Rebecca in the first case. Also available beforehand.
Security key #673s box contains a dose of zombrex and some gems
Security key #329– in the middle crossing near the giant terror is reality ball
Security key #329s box contains $100,000 dollars
Security key #015-on the train by the secret lab, its on a box
Security key #015s box contains $50,000 dollars
Uranus Zone
Security key #764– In the security office in the middle of the park. the door to it is locked so first you have to break through the windows on the second floor of the rollercoster thats under construction, head right till you get to the giant robot, (not the boss), then climb on its hand thats reaching out, walk on the finger thats pointing out and jump to the edge of the previously mentioned security building then take a left and head through the window and then head through the back of the section. (Take note that there is a money case hidden near the vents in a round container that contains more money than the rest of the money cases in the game). Jump down the visible hole in the ceiling and you’ll be in the security room
Security key #764s box contains the unique Six Shooter gun and is one of only two places you can find one
Video Reference For Keys
Here’s a video to give an idea of where the keys are in gameplay rather than showing where they are through images and such