Gotham City Impostors Free to Play Guide

SedanrA's loadout collection for Gotham City Impostors: Free To Play

SedanrA’s loadout collection


A collection of loadouts with strong emphasis on fun playstyle and unique tactics. Rather than aiming to be “the best” these loadouts are meant to be diverse and give you a distinct experience. Bored of the usual meta? This might be just the thing for you.

Icy Surprise

  • You got the element of surprise – enemies will often be dead before they even start fighting back
  • Not dependent on Healing Stations
  • Deep Freezer is badass. Deep Freezer is also pretty strong in one-on-one situations.
  • Can be used to get achievements/killcount for Boarding Party, Bombardier, etc.

  • Bad at fighting multiple enemies at the same time
  • Invests heavily in every single kill and thus less kills per game
  • Mighty and Rummy are a total pain


Ready Weapon
Deep Freezer (Extended Magazines)
Backup Weapon
Support Item
Energy Drink
Glider Rig
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Horse Healthy or Wallflower
Fun Fact 2
Tough as Nails


This loadout specializes in assassinating single enemies. Patrol the sky with your Glider Rig and try to avoid groups of enemies. Taking on more than two enemies is really difficult for this build. If necessary you can use your Dive Bomb to flee. When you have found a lone target you have two options available:

  1. Lighter Body Types can be frozen with a single fully charged Deep Freezer shot. Land (silently) at a higher spot and fully charge your DF. If you manage to freeze your target you can deal the finishing blow with either your Backup Weapon or your Dive Bomb. If the first shot does not freeze your target but he/she does not notice you, try again. If you fail and the target notices you flee and try again later or proceed with option 2.
  2. Dive Bomb to the FACE! Actually on top of your targets head because you want as much time as possible to charge your Deep Freezer before your target finds you and starts firing. In this situation your top priority is to reliably hit the target. Try to anticipate the enemies movement while you charge and release as soon as you can make a safe shot. Fully charging is not as important since you have already dealt some damage with your Dive Bomb. You should be able to freeze your target in one or two hits unless he/she has the Mighty Body Type.

Use your Energy Drink when you have taken damage. Sometimes you can even take cover and use it during a fight. The Deep Freezer does not use a lot of Ammo so you hardly ever have to visit Healing Stations. The Horse Healthy Fun Fact helps at taking a few hits in close combat and improves your Energy Drink. If you have trouble with Targeting Googles you might want to switch to Wallflower for more strealthiness.
The Leathery Fun Fact prevents you from getting insta-knifed after Dive Bombing. Use your Rampage to flee or to attack multiple enemies. Beware of enemies with the Rummy Fun Fact. You will deal less damage to them and they will not freeze at 2 HP. If you cannot freeze an enemy just finish them with your Backup Weapon or Dive Bomb.

The Superflea

  • Super fast travel across the map
  • Super fast (dis-)engage
  • Super juke capable
  • Super rewarding and fun

  • Super weak against melee attacks, shotguns and spammers
  • Super practice needed to learn proper movement and juking


Ready Weapon
Falcon Blade
Backup Weapon
Some shotgun/mid-long range alternative or Boarding Party
Support Item
Toxic Gas
Spring Boots
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Fun Fact 2
Death Runner


The Superflea is a melee build that is based on juking and quickly getting in and out of combat. Whenever you are not whacking someone with your Falcon Blade you will be doing The Jumping

The Jumping is how you move across the map. It is how you engage combat and how you escape. Obstacles are your friend. They are made to be jumped over or on top of. They are made to give you cover and confuse the enemy. Use the map to your advantage at all times. Did I mention that movement is super important? Do not get caught. Hit and run, you know? Except you don’t run. You do The Jumping.

In an ideal situation you would jump behind or on top of an unaware enemy and cut them up before they know whats happening. When you land on their head be sure to get off them (behind them would be ideal) because you can not melee them while you are on top.
Heavy Body Types, Leathery Fun Fact and Body Armor will prevent you from finishing them in one or two hits, even with the Cutthroat Fun Fact. For those encounters you have a secret weapon: Toxic Gas. When you jump onto an enemy you can immedeately activate your Toxic Gas to disable them. Keep an eye on which direction they are facing and try to not get in their face as they can still easily melee you.
Some enemies are hard to catch (I’m looking at you, Rollerskates) and may get out of your reach before you can finish them. Try to catch them with their guard down or switch to your Backup Weapon to finish them when they get away from you. If you choose the Boarding Party as your Backup Weapon, use it to preemptively disable an enemy before jumping at them. This is a do or die tactic, as you have no ranged option to finish them off, should they get out of melee range.

Grapple Bomber

  • Attack strategy is very intimidating
  • Both tanky and fast
  • Great at defending
  • Completely destroys spammers with Jetpack

  • Easy to spot
  • Skilled Buccaneer players will still kill you with a single shot
  • Speedy Shotgun users will destroy you if you let them get too close


Ready Weapon
Jackhammer (Penetrator Ammo/Muzzle Break)
Backup Weapon
Shredder (Red Dot Sight)
Support Item
Supply Package
Grappling Hook
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Horse Healthy
Fun Fact 2
Hard Target/Well Grounded/Rummy
Tough as Nails


Imagine a tank coming right at you, guns blazing. Now, imagine that tank is soaring through the sky like an eagle, then comes at you from above with amazing speed and grace. A 300 pound falcon, an elegant airborne elephan, a prima ballerina of death. That is the Grapple Bomber.

If you have ever tried the Mighty Body Type you might have noticed that he mighty slow. The Grappling Hook gives you the most mobility out of all Gadgets. It is independent from vents and trampolines and – unlike Spring Boots – it does not prevent you from shooting after using it. That gives you fast travel as well as the option to attack from above.
It is usually a good idea to travel as high as possible. When you get into “drop range” of your target, stop grappling and start firing. When you get close to the ground (your target is probably already dead at this point), use the free jump (while you are still in the air you get one free “double jump” after grappling) to prevent fall damage. You can try to stomp the enemy but remember that coming at an enemy in a straight line is usually a bad idea as it makes shooting you very easy.
Constantly grappling across the map will use up your grappling hook pretty quicky. Grappling a short distance to pick up speed, then releasing and using the free jump to stay in the air (and then grapple again) is a great way to conserve grapple energy. It will also make it harder for snipers to pick your giant head out of the air. To travel greater distances, utilize the speed boost from grappling downwards. The required angle is not too steep and the speed boost is quite significant. Unlimited Grappling is very hard to pull off and not practical with the mighty. Your upwards speed is not enough to keep you in the air long enough to restore grapple energy in most situations. Leave that to the Speedy.
After and in between fights you might want to restore some health and ammo. Pick a spot that is easy to defend, pop your Supply Package and pick off approaching enemies with your Shredder. With Red-Dot-Sight, the Shredder becomes quite fearsome even at longer ranges. Use it to pick off one or two enemies when attacking a group. You do not want to Grapple-Bomb into more than two enemies.


  • Utilises Thunder Dragon without being a spam build!
  • No real drawbacks



Ready Weapon
Gatekeeper/Desperado/Dawn Patrol (Penetrator Ammo/Extended Magazines/Muzzle Break)
Backup Weapon
Thunder Dragon (Rockets)
Support Item
Impact Grenade
Inflatable Insoles
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Fun Fact 2
Flak Jacket
Tough as Nails


What you DO:

Jump around, shoot stuff. Stuff dead? Good, reload. Stuff still alive? Impact Grenade. Stuff dead? Good, reload. Stuff still alive? Rocket. Stuff dead? Good, reload. Stuff still alive? J/K Stuff dead now. Srsly.

Ideally you want to engage combat in mid-range, as it makes aiming easier and proceed to close in on your enemy as you keep shooting. Avoid getting into melee range, though. Jump over your enemy instead. Your normal jump height is increased, use that to your advantage. If you have to use your explosives, remember to put some space between you and the explosion by jumping away from it. That and the Flak Jacket Fun Fact should protect you from taking too much damage.

What you DO NOT:

Should you ever be in a situation where there are still enemies left after you fire your Thunder Dragon, you DO NOT reload and fire another Rocket. You are not a spammer, are you? Seriously, don’t be a spammer. Spammers suck.

The Goreling

  • Brutal
  • Fast
  • Fun
  • Three loadouts in one!

  • Easily countered by experienced players
  • Unplayable with bad host


Ready Weapon
Bear-Stalker (Body Odor Sniffer)
Backup Weapon
Falcon Blade
Support Item
Toxic Gas
Grapple Gun
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Fun Fact 2
Gun Runner


Bow Sniper
Fully charge your Deer Stalker and aim for the head. Duh. Circle through sniping positions constantly. Stay no longer than one or two kills – You are highly mobile and people like to come back for revenge.

Melee Assassin
Rove around with the Grapple Gun, drop on an unsuspecting victim and cut them to pieces. Toxic Gas helps disable tougher foes. Plays very similar to the superflea.

Grapple Gunner
This Loadout is perfect for “Grapple Gun Only”. Check out the Guide to Grappling


  • Mobile
  • Well balanced

  • Weak against Spammers
  • Weak against some sniper positions (because you can’t get there)


Ready Weapon
Dawn Patrol (Muzzle Break) or Gatekeeper/Huntsman (Red Dot Sight)
Backup Weapon
Desperado/Some Shotgun(Penetrator Ammo)
Support Item
Energy Drink/Hatchet/Impact Grenade
Roller Skates
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Fleet Footed/Regenerative (If you do not have Energy Drink)
Fun Fact 2
Wooden Legs
Kill Crazy


Sk8 around, pop some heads. Stay on the move and back up if you have to. Energy Drink or Regeneration take care of your recovery. Use your backup weapon to finishe enemies of or to take care of big guys with body armor. If you have problems with either, Impact grenade is good for finishing off enemies, hatchet is better against big guys, pick your poison. Unless you go with Energy drink. It is not poison – or so they say.

Ammo Specialist

  • Fully utilizes both weapon slots
  • Good in 1v1 situations. great DPS

  • Reloading is a hassle


Ready Weapon
Huntsman (Penetrator Ammo)
Backup Weapon
Kingmaker (Hollow Point Rounds)
Support Item
Energy Drink/Pipe Bomb or Impact Grenade/Shuriken for finishing off enemies
Roller Skates
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Horse Healthy/Fleet Footed
Fun Fact 2
Wooden Legs
Kill Crazy



  • Enemy using Body Armor? -> Shoot with Huntsman
  • Enemy not using Body Armor? -> Switch to Kingmaker

Both your weapons deal crazy damage if you land a few headshots. Aim properly and then blast them to bits.
When encountering groups of enemies, try to pick them one by one. Use cover, do not engage them head on.


  • You will know where everyone is
  • They won’t know what hit them

  • Wallflower. will. eff. you. up.


Ready Weapon
Buccaneer (Body Odor Sniffer)
Backup Weapon
Bomardier (Bouncy Grenade)/Jackhammer (Penetrator Ammor)
Support Item
Care Package
Targeting Googles
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Fun Fact 2
Kill Crazy


Sneak around and get your Targeting Googles out every once in a while to get a better picture of where everyone is. When you locate a suitable target or see stink clouds, find the exact location of your prey with the Targeting Googles. You probably have some time now to plan your kill. Consider their Body Type, position and movement and you should be able to take them out without them ever noticing you were there. If you fail to kill them quickly, it might be a good idea to retreat and try again.
To heal/refill, find a nice hiding place and get your Targeting Googles out while the Care Package does its magic.
Jackhammer is great for shooting through walls and against big Body Types, while Bombardier is great to clear groups of enemies that are camping at healing stations.

You can use this Loadout without ever targeting anyone. This way you will miss out on a lot of points so why would you ever do that? A lot of players have Wallflower loadouts or will switch to Wallflower on their loadout for the next round when they notice getting tagged. Wallflower is the bane of your existence and you should probably switch to a different loadout if more than one enemy has it. HOWEVER, if they never get tagged, they might not even realize you can see them through walls. You can avoid tagging enemies by not looking at them directly. Keep them out of the center of your screen and you will be fine. Be sneaky about being sneaky!

[WIP] Airstriker




Ready Weapon
Thunder Dragon (Rockets)
Backup Weapon
Kingmaker (Full-Auto Conversion)
Support Item
Energy Drink
Grapple Gun
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Horse Healthy
Fun Fact 2
Kinda Bulletproof
Kill Crazy


Grapple across the map at a high altitude. When you spot a target, shoot a rocket at them and switch to the Kingmaker to finish them off. Use the double jump to prevent fall damage. Reload both your weapons, heal up if necessary and get back to patrolling the skies.


  • 2015-09-14: Guide published
  • ????-??-??: Added Goreling and Sk8ergurl
  • 2017-10-08: Updated Goreling, added Ammo Specialist and Wallhacker
  • 2017-10-10: Added Airstriker
  • 2018-01-19: Updated Sk8ergurl and Airstriker





Ready Weapon
Backup Weapon
Support Item
Body Type
Fun Fact 1
Fun Fact 2
