Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice Guide

Sekiro™: 100% Achievement Guide for Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro™: 100% Achievement Guide


Detailing every achievement, ending, and collectible.

Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Welcome to the 100% achievement guide for Sekiro.

Currently looking for co-contributor to help finish the guide! Please comment or message!

After some playtime, we’ve solved the mystery for the gourd seeds and prosthetics.

  • There are nine gourd seeds needed for the achievement. They are detailed below.
  • There are ten prosthetics needed for the achievement. All detailed below as well.

Please be cautious! I will not be spoiler-tagging in this guide. If you have no desire to have the game spoiled for you, please peruse this guide at your own risk. Otherwise, enjoy everything here and I hope it helps!

Another Sekiro™ achievements guide is also available in Russian.

This is a work-in-progress as I’ve not completed the game yet. If you have anything you’d like to add, please comment them below and I’ll work to add them in as quickly as possible. To locate a specific achievement, check the index bar on the right of this guide.

Thanks! Enjoy Sekiro!

Shinobi Prosthetic

Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic

Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic

Unmissable. After being defeated by Genichiro Ashina in the prologue of the game, you will awaken in the Dilapidated Temple with a prosthetic limb courtesy of the Sculptor; the man who has dragged you into the temple to begin with.

Revered Blade

Revered Blade

Received the “Kusabimaru” from Kuro

Unmissable. This will happen in the prologue upon meeting Kuro in the Moonview Tower. You will proceed through a cutscene that will show you receiving the blade from your master and the achievement should pop.



Returned from the dead using resurrection for the first time.

Once you die to some of the unforgiving mechanics in the game, you will be greeted with your first opportunity to resurrect. Since shadows die twice apparently, you have the ability to get a second wind after you perish.

Memorial Mob

Memorial Mob

Encounter the Memorial Mob.

The Memorial Mob is a vendor that you’ll notice is cowering behind a tent. You’ll probably reach one of these vendors naturally through progression, but if you want the nab the achievement quickly, you can follow either the PowerPyx video linked or the screenshots below.

Fast Travel to Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall – Gate Path

Once there. move through the hole in the building.
Move out through the next hole. Subsequently, move to the gate directly north.
Grapple onto the gate you just ran to.
While on the gate, you should see a path leading left and downward. Follow that.
At the bottom of the path, take a left around the mountain.
Almost immediately to your left, you’ll see a grapple location. Fling!
Once up, look back to where you came. You’ll find a grapple spot in front and above.
Afterwards, look directly up. One more jump!
Bingo! You found the tent vendor!

Gyoubu Oniwa, The Demon.

Gyouba Masataka Oniwa

Defeat Gyouba Masataka Oniwa

Unmissable, you have to beat this boss in order to proceed with the game. However, if you are stuck on Gyouba Masataka Oniwa, there are some things you can do to make the boss battle monumentally easier.

Since Gyouba will appear on horseback, you will have to utilize your grappling hook to get near him. Enter your Prosthetic Arts screen and purchase the Grappling Hook Attack. This will allow you to grapple onto Gyouba and slice him directly following your grapple.

Alternatively, you can purchase the Firecracker Prosthetic from the Memorial Mob at the Ashina Outskirts. Where to find this mob has been detailed above but getting to them quickly just requires you fast travel to Outskirts Wall – Gath Path and climbing an top of a hill.

This will cost you 500 coins which can be easily retrieved by using either gold pouches in your inventory or simply farming enemies by killing, resting and resetting the mobs, then killing again. It shouldn’t take you very long to get this at all.

After you’ve gotten the Firecracker Prosthetic, you can grapple onto Gyouba and use it on his horse. This will cause his horse to stagger for a couple of seconds, allowing you to get a couple swings in. Don’t get too greedy, though! His pole-arm can really devastate you if you aren’t careful.

Too Long; Didn’t Read

  • Using Grapple Attack from the Prosthetics Skill Tree helps.
  • Purchasing the Firecracker Prosthetic for 500 coins from Ashina Memoral Mob.
  • Grapple on Gyouba and slice; or stun with firecrackers.
  • His horse stomps once you hit your first deathblow.

The Phantom Lady Butterfly

The Phantom Lady Butterfly

Defeat the The Phantom Lady Butterfly.

This boss is located in Hirata Estate by the fast travel point Hirata Audience Chamber.

The encounter begins as you enter the atrium and she will fire kunais at you almost immediately. Rush over to one of the wooden pillars closest to you and allow her to slink closer while using the pillar as cover against the projectile attacks.

Once she is closer, you have a couple of options.

  • Continue to smack her; only stopping to parry her abilities when they come up.
  • Use the Whirlwind Combat Art skill to whittle her health down slowly.

Once the Lady is within range of your normal attacks, hit her around three times to deal stagger damage or use the Whirlwind Combat Art skill to slice a bit of health from her bar. Remember, don’t be too greedy and dodge when you think she’s about to attack! As for parrying…

You’ll notice that when she blocks attacks, sparks fly from your sword colliding with her. At a certain point, those sparks will get brighter and this will be your key to knowing when she will begin striking you instead. When this happens, parry as pin-point as you can to keep the stagger going.

Be wary of her sweep ability. When the icon appears over your head that she’ll be doing a sweep, you can actually deal tons of stagger damage by jumping and kicking off of her head. It’s a bit tricky to do, but this is how I ended up beating her in the first interaction.

The second interaction is much the same. Just make sure that when she dissolves her minions, you sprint away from the projectile butterflies or hide behind some pillars! The minions themselves are pretty easy with Whirlwind, but you don’t have to kill them. They’ll leave soon enough.

Too Long; Didn’t Read

  • She has two iterations. Killing the first Lady progresses the encounter.
  • Whirlwind Combat Art skill seems to work well.
  • She has an incredibly harsh sweep ability. Be wary when she jumps onto her strings above.
  • Careful of the butterflies after minions dissolve. Run until they disappear.

Genichiro Ashina

Genichiro Ashina

Defeat Genichiro Ashina

This boss is not missable and is located on top of Ashina Castle. You will have to grapple you way into the window of the castle first then navigate the interior to reach the top.


  • Seven Gourd Flasks.
  • At least two power level.
  • Monkey Axe Prosthetic.
  • Mikiri Counter and Deflect Projectiles.

Phase One

Upon the beginning of the encounter, Genichiro will fire a single arrow at you.

Sprint in either direction to avoid this ability immediately. Following this, he will unleash a series of four-five attacks that you can parry. It’s advised that you parry all five to keep his posture damage high as it will quickly drain if you’re not hitting him incessantly.

After a certain amount of attacks, beware of his jump ability. In this phase, he will slash downward and then immediately queue-up an avoidable thrust. If you wish, you can chance the Mikiri Counter against it if you think you’re good enough!

While fighting, you might notice that he slides and is still for a moment. At this point, you should recognize this as him queueing one of his strongest abilities – but also the ability that you can parry the most to increase stagger.

It might take you a few tries to get the rhythm down, but you’ll come to appreciate when he uses this because his posture damage goes crazy if you can get them all in succession. Continue to beat him down until you can deathblow him.

I found a benefit from trying to back him against the boundaries of the arena. Since the location is so small, some of his abilities may not queue up and he’ll be forced to jump into the air, which is a pretty easy thing to dodge. Try that if you’re having troubles!

After the first deathblow, only one his abilities will be augmented and that’s his jump. When he jumps, there is a chance that he’ll either thrust or sweep. At this point, I’d recommend not even attempting to use Mikiri just to make sure you don’t accidentally try blocking that sweep.

Phase Two

You’ll be transported and have to fight Genichiro one last time. At the beginning of this encounter, he will leap towards you with a flying thrust that deals about half health. Avoid this immediately by either sprinting or step-dodging.

Continue to beat him down like normal. The only ability you should be wary about is the lightning arrow. You can either deflect this (you learn how to do this at the mini-boss before jumping out the window towards the arena) or you can simply run away from the arrow instead.

Don’t attempt to step-dodge. The blast radius is high enough that even a step-dodge won’t work!

Get really aggressive with this battle. Since he has no armor, you’ll be dealing a lot of posture damage to him and will get him down a lot faster than you think. Other than that, that’s really about it. Don’t worry about failing a few times, you got this!

Folding Screen Monkeys

Folding Screen Monkeys

Defeat Folding Screen Monkeys

This can only be initiated if you have beaten Genichiro and spoken with Isshin.

If You Have Trouble Finding Isshin

After speaking with Kuro after the Genichiro fight, he will ask you to find Isshin in the watchtower nearby. For me, he was actually not there and only a note. Just to make sure no one gets stuck on this:

  • Retrieve Isshin’s Note from the Watchtower.
  • Speak with Emma and she will say where Isshin is.
  • Travel to Gyouba fight and go right up the stairs from the arena.
  • Enter the watchtower and find Tengu. Tengu will request ‘rats’ be slain.
  • Head through the gates from Gyouba arena.
  • Right up the hill and to your right, there will be three ‘rats’.
  • Kill them and return to Tengu for reward.
  • Head back to Emma then subsequently the previous watchtower for Isshin.

After this, you should begin to travel through the Senpou Temple area. If you were like me, you’ll already have a bunch of idol checkpoints unlocked. The one we want to go to the Main Hall checkpoint. Once there, ring the bell on the table directly in front of the large statues.

You’ll be transported to another area. Moving north, you’ll find an NPC that’ll give you hints on how to defeat each of the four monkeys. But you don’t need that since you have me! There are four monkeys in total:

  • Purple Monkey – Upon noticing you, he will run.
  • Orange Monkey – Upon noticing you, will alert the other monkeys.
  • Green Monkey – Upon hearing you, he will run.
  • Last Monkey is the one you’ll execute.

Orange Monkey First

We do the Orange Monkey first so that he can’t alert the other monkeys to our presence. Grapple up onto the roof and crouch about like you normally would. The Orange Monkey will hop about on the rooftops, so it’s best to just wait until he jumps back to your roof instead of grappling about.

If you’re having trouble keeping track of the monkeys, they should all have footprints underneath of them that allow you to track them seamlessly. Once you find yourself behind that Orange Monkey, give him a deathblow and move onto the Purple Monkey!

Purple Monkey

I actually ended up killing this randomly without the necessary mechanics. There should be a temple that you can open the doors to which will extinguish all of the candles inside. Since the Purple Monkey is great at seeing, you have the opportunity to chase him into the temple and hide.

You should be able to grapple onto the rafters of the temple and once the monkey is in position, you can deathblow from above and execute him to bring this ‘boss’ to half-health. From there, we’ll move onto the final monkey.

Green Monkey

In the arena, you’ll find that one of the rooms features a waterfall. You’ll want to chase the monkey into the center of the arena so that he rests on the tree. From there, you can leap towards the monkey and force it to jump towards the NPC.

Don’t follow the monkey. You’ll want to approach the monkey in such a way that it jumps into the waterfall room by coming it at from the leftmost angle. After this, stealthily grapple yourself onto the roof of the same temple and drop from the skylight to execute.

Final Monkey

You can find this monkey meandering behind you. He’s invisible! But you can easily reveal it by tossing a few fireworks on the ground. Once you’ve done that, you can execute and get your memory as well as a nifty achievement.

Guardian Ape

Guardian Ape

Defeat the Guardian Ape

After going through Gun Fort and ending up at Riven Cave, you’ll notice a grapple position directly above you and the idol. After whipping yourself up onto the ledge, follow the path down and continue until you reach another idol: Bodhisattva Valley. Just north is the arena.

First Phase

It’s recommended to be aggressive on Guardian Ape despite the amount of area they give you in the arena. Upon entering, rush towards him and get a few swipes in before his opening animation ends. At the end of the animation, he usually does a right slice, so be on the look-out for that.

Continue to step-dodge to his backside, getting in a few hits before he ends up turning around. If you’re having trouble dodging, I’d recommend hitting him once and then running to reposition before you hit him again.

Feces Throw

One ability is that he throws his feces. You’ll notice him retreat a far distance back and reach behind him. Once this happens, rush towards him quickly. You’ll dodge the throw and be able to get in a few slices before he reorients himself.

If you do end up getting hit, it’ll deal a massive amount of damage and poison you. If you’re having troubles with this part, it’s wise to carry a few antidotes on you in the rare event that you get poisoned. It also helps with his flatulence ability, but that’s pretty easy to avoid.

Sweeping Grab

At certain points through your combat, his left arm will sweep downwards to grab you. This does a lot of damage, so be sure to jump the second you see that ability come up. It’s recognizable by the red symbol floating above your head if you weren’t sure.

  • Fireworks can work well to stun him for a couple seconds.
Second Phase

After you slice the Guardian Ape’s head off, you’ll notice that he gets back up and carries a sword now. This can actually be finished easily with a bit of patience and understanding how his abilities will end up landing.


You’ll notice the red-colored symbol appear above your head. At this point, you’ll want to run away as fast as you can. This causes fear and once your fear bar is filled, you’re dead for good. This happens fairly often but it’s also quite easy to avoid.

Belly Slide Slice

He’ll get a slight running start before diving forward. He’ll send his sword sweeping. If you’re good at timing this, you can just jump over it and slice him a couple of times before he gets back up. Careful, he’ll most likely do his shrieking ability soon after.

Continue to knock his health down and you’ve done it.

Guardian Ape Immortality Severed

Guardian Ape Immortality Severed

Used the Mortal Blade to sever the Guardian Ape’s undying

After beating Snake Eyes in the Ashina Depths, continuing further down will offer you a chance to kill the Guardian Ape once again. The exact same move-set from his headless form will be present here. You will not have to worry about feces flings or poisonous flatulence. Just his fear shriek.

For this fight, you won’t be able to cheese his dive ability like you did the last Guardian Ape fight. The arena is much too small. This time, you’ll want to stick close to him and grab opportunities to slice in between his shrieks. This is by far the best method.

Second Iteration

Once you get the first deathblow down, he’ll summon another ape to come down and fight. This is a lot easier than it actually sounds. Equip your fireworks prosthetic and use this against the secondary ape. You’ll find their stagger bar goes up considerably. It took me about twenty seconds to kill.

Then you’ll go back to fighting the Guardian Ape just like you did before! Once you deliver the final deathblow to him, you’ll want to slice his corpse a few times to allow a third deathblow on the insect that was controlling him.

You’ll go into an animation with the mortal blade and execute them for the achievement.

Corrupted Monk

Corrupted Monk

Defeat the Corrupted Monk

This fight takes place after you reach the Fountainhead and try to move across the bridge.

The name of the game here is parrying. It’ll take you a couple tries to get the rhythm of his attacks down but they aren’t as bad as they seem, especially since you can Mikiri counter one of them pretty easily. However, bring some Spirit Emblems and Firecracker prosthetic with you for the cheese later.

  • At the beginning, Monk will fly down onto the opposite end of the bridge as you.

You should take this time to move towards him. Be careful, though. He lets out a swipe from his blade upon him falling. It shouldn’t deal any damage, but it’ll stagger and you’ll waste time. I’d recommend running, standing still to wait his swipe, then continue running to get a couple slices in.

Immediately following this, he will swing about five or six times. You can parry every single one of these and deal massive posture damage. Usually at the end of this combo, he’ll send his weapon forward, which you can Mikiri counter for even more damage.

You’ll want to do this the entire time. If you find an opening for a single slice, go ahead and take it, but you’re really just looking out for those parries. He will have a slide ability that you can jump over. The animation of which is long enough for you to get two slices in.

He also has a jump and slam ability, which is also good for getting a couple slices in. But if you don’t want to worry about any of that, just dodge to the best of your ability and parry when necessary. His posture bar doesn’t really deplete that fast so be patient.

After First Deathblow.

Once you deathblow him the first time, you can get a very easy deathblow right off the bat. Grapple to one of the above trees and watch the middle of the bridge. At some point while recovering from the last execution. He’ll be sitting still. Just jump and deathblow him.

Second Iteration.

This is where the cheese comes in. While he’s standing up from the second deathblow, position yourself behind him. Get three or four swings in then use your fireworks. Stun him to get another three or four hits in. Firework again. Continue this until his stagger bar is about max.

If you run out of Spirit Emblems, you can finish off the rest of him relatively easily but you’ll want to watch out for a couple of things.

  • Spit Fear: His right arm will sometimes shoot a projectile in front of him.
  • Jumping Slice: He’ll leap towards you, spinning his blade around rapidly.

The first one is super avoidable. The second one is blockable. When the former happens, get a few whacks in before stepping back. If the second happens, just wait until you parry one of his attacks of what for the Spit Fear for happen again.

After killing him, you’ll have the achievement!

Great Shinobi – Owl

Great Shinobi – Owl

Defeat the Great Shinobi – Owl

Once you retrieve the Stone and the Flower, you’ll want to head back to Kuro. Unfortunately, every single idol at the Ashina Castle area has been blocked off. Except for the Abandoned Dungeon one. Travel there and start your way back up to the dojo where you fought Genichiro.

Upon reaching the area, you’ll notice a dialogue between Kuro and your father. After the cutscene, you can approach your father and he’ll give you an ultimatum.

  • Choose Loyalty to Kuro

After that, your father will call you a bunch of really mean names and the fight will begin. This will work relatively similar to the Genichiro fight as the Great Shinobi will have both melee abilities and ranged abilities.

I actually beat this boss on my first go around using the exact same methods for Genichiro. You’ll want to be parrying a lot and building up his posture damage. Stick to his back and keep slicing. Remember that his weapon will flash bright whenever he is about to attack, so stop slicing and block.

At certain intervals, he will leap into the air and throw two shurikens at you. Easy to deflect so long as you’ve spec’d into the projectile block in your skills tree. His other ranged ability will throw a tiny bomb that stops you from using your gourd.

This is really telegraphed. He’ll kneel down for a brief moment before throwing a tiny bomb in the air. The area-of-effect is so small that you can literally just step-dodge but if you want to be careful, you’ll want to run away instead.

The best way to force him to use only melee abilities is to shove him into the corner. I chose to block him into the door and continually wail on him there. He hardly uses his gourd negation ability and his shurikens never happen.

Second Phase

At this point, he’ll add a couple new abilities to his roster.

  • Smoke bomb and jab.
  • Poison throw.

At random intervals, he’ll chuck a smokebomb down at his feet and then jab into it. Simply run away whenever this happens. The ability takes so long that you should have enough time to just walk out of it. Right after his jab, go right back in for some more hits.

At random intervals, he’ll jump into the air like he is throwing shurikens, but he’ll be throwing poison in a cone directly in front of you. Step-dodge or run backwards at this point. Even if you touch the poison for a second, it shouldn’t cause you to be actually poisoned super quickly.

Deathblow one more time and the achievement is yours.

Father Surpassed

Father Surpassed

Defeated ‘Great Shinobi – Owl’ at the Hirata Estate

Follow the “Purification” ending to achieve this.

Great Serpent

Great Serpent

Defeat the Great Serpent

If you haven’t done so yet, you want to get the second interaction with that giant snake finished.

  • Head through Sunken Temple after getting Gun Fort Key from Kuro
  • Open the door directly behind where you fought the claw enemy.
  • Run across the bridge until the snake bursts through the bridge and drops you in the water.
  • Follow the leftmost wall and swim fast into the cave.
  • Grab Riven Cave idol and head back to Senpou Temple.

After defeated the Folding Screen Monkeys and receiving the Mortal Blade, you should have access to a new Ninjutsu: Puppeteer Ninjutsu. Equip this and travel to the Senpou Temple waypoint. Directly outside, you’ll notice a kite in the air and a ‘rat’ sitting by it.

Go behind the ‘rat’ and deathblow him. Soon after you begin the animation to deathblow, another opportunity to deathblow will be available. Once you do this, you’ll trigger the Ninjutsu and this boy will fly the kite for you – free of charge!

Don’t worry about messing up. Just rest at the idol and have him respawn.

After you’ve let your minion raise the kite, travel up into monk territory. Grapple into that building at the end and jump through the window where the three monks are praying to that undead creature. Once you reach that point, you should see a large tree. Climb it.

It’ll whip you over to a small ledge. Down beneath you, there will be a series of tree branches that you can grapple onto. Be careful, you’ll be whipping past them instead of actually sticking to the branch itself.

From here on, the path is linear. Follow it into the small cave and out onto the other side. You should see tons of snow and a small beam jutting out from the mountain. Shimmy your way out onto that and look down. Ah, a snake!

Target it and jump right down on it like you would any monster. You’ll be asked to deathblow it once more and then you’re good to go! Don’t worry about the drop, you’ll be placed safely on the rock after you get done executing that snake.

Gracious Gift of Tears

Gracious Gift of Tears

Defeated the ‘Divine Dragon’ and obtained the ‘Divine Dragon’s Tears’

Once you get to the Palace Grounds idol, you’ll find a winding staircase that leads quite a fair ways upwards. Once at the top, you’ll notice a small cave with the option to pray. Do that and you’ll be transported to the Divine Realm where you can kill the Divine Dragon.

This boss fight is actually insanely easy so don’t worry too much!

First Sequence

Upon entering, you’ll be greeted with these flute boys. Give them a couple of whacks to summon a tree branch out of the ground. Be careful, it’ll do a bit of damage to you if you don’t leap out of the way beforehand.

When the branch is up, you’ll be able to grapple on top of it and deathblow the flute boys below. Choose the one in the middle as the area-of-effect from this ability is wide and will kill multiple. This’ll just make the bar drain quicker the more you kill in one swing.

Second Sequence

After the bar is dropped, another cutscene will appear and you’ll see this monstrous dragon appear! Looks pretty cool, huh? More like… looks pretty easy! Especially so because he only has two abilities in his moveset and they’re dodged with running and jumping.

  • Move One: Sends a vertical blade spinning your way three times. Just run left or right.
  • Move Two: Sends a horizontal blade spinning your way twice. Just jump with the icon.

Throughout the battle, there will be five pillars in front of you. Only one of them will be lit up with lightning. Your goal is to avoid Move One and Move Two. Then once he’s resting, grapple onto the pillar with the lightning and hit your attack button.

You’ll do this multiple times until the pillars dissipate at a quarter health left. From here, it’s just about dodging the same abilities as you have been until they come back up. After you fling the final lightning rod into the boss, you’ll grapple onto him and slice his head to victory!

Isshin Ashina

Isshin Ashina

Defeated Isshin Ashina

Follow the “Shura” ending to achieve this.

Demon of Hatred

Demon of Hatred

Defeat the Demon of Hatred

After awhile, you’ll come to a burning Ashini Castle with tons of enemies fighting idly. Just like you grappled rooftops to reach Genichiro in the beginning, you’ll want to do that same thing on the rightmost side of Ashina Castle until you find a kite.

If you’re having trouble locating it, just get to the highest point of the Castle that you can and look around in the sky. Once you see the kite, it’s really not that difficult to get there. This will fling you to the opposite side of the map where you can backtrack to the Demon.

The Boss

You’ll be tempted to annoyingly groan when you see his three deathblows but the moveset is actually quite similar every time so you won’t have to deal with much after you learn his initial abilities when you first approach him. We also avoid a lot of his attacks because we’ll stick close to the boss.

But first, we’ll have to make sure we know what to look out for. Some abilities are not able to be dodged and some require some extra mechanics. Let’s go over those first. I’d recommend watching this boss video too just to get a visual. I’ll try to update this guide more with images later.

  • Jumping: He’ll jump at a certain point. Before he hits the ground, jump and grapple him.
  • Sweep: When the red icon appears, jump over to the right to avoid.

Other than these moves, you can step-dodge or run away from any attack he has. Continue to stick to him and practice dodging things like his stomp, two-stomp, flame-arm attack, et cetera. When the move finishes, hit him a couple times and continue to whittle his health down.

Second Phase

After the second phase, he will have an extra ability that usually happens when you are either out of range of other attacks or he just gets finished with the Sweep ability from before. You’ll notice this because he’ll begin charging up his flaming arm.

Run in either direction and don’t hesitate to choose which one. You’ll need to jump very soon after and avoid a large spray of fire that appears on the ground underneath you. Timing is key here and will take some practice, but you can grapple to him easily afterwards.

Third Phase

Now he has the ability to make a flame ring around you. He’ll do so with two sweeping attacks. Jump once and he’ll take an extra second to swing around in the air. Then jump again. The symbols will pop up so you’ll know, don’t worry.

Past that, his Sweeping charge ability from earlier may now happen twice. Once like normal, but once again with a flame path underneath. Just jump the ability like normal and continue to wail on him. You shouldn’t have issues once you get the timing down.

As of now, there really isn’t a cheese for this boss. I spent awhile on him because I was getting greedy with my hits and still measuring what attacks he was doing. Just take some time on this boss and study him. You should get the achievement after the third deathblow.

Great Colored Carp

Great Colored Carp

Defeat the Great Colored Carp

Upon killing the Divine Dragon; and the Guardian Ape earlier; head to the Great Sakura location in the Fountainhead Palace. From there, you’ll want to jump into the lake and swim out to the half-sunken house on the leftmost side.

You’ll meet an NPC that will remark about a large carp that is stationed within a cave. Directly next to her, you’ll find that very same cave. Dive underneath and stroll through. At this point, the massive carp will be angry and you’ll have to use the broken houses on either side as defense from him.

But once you’ve gotten to the end, you’ll get another idol. Enter the decrepit building in front of you and kill all the enemies inside. On one side of the hall is a chest, grab that for a prayer bead and then open the door behind it.

When you open the door, step through and move to your right. Look up at the roof and you’ll notice a grapple position. Grapple and fling forward. Follow the grapple spots to land at the Feeding Grounds location, which is where we’ll be feeding our fish.

Grab the idol for now and speak to the NPC. He’ll also remark about the fish. I went ahead and fed the fish some Precious Bait before moving on. If you need Precious Bait, you can find some in the small pond in the Guardian Ape Watering Hole. Once you have it, ring the bell just past the idol.

After this, proceed to the Dragonspring idol in Hirata Estate and find the pot vendor in the lake.

You may have to purchase a couple of things before he’ll unlock his talk option. Once you do so, speak with him until you exhaust all of his dialogue. He will give you his own special bait that will kill this large carp. Snag the item and head back to your new Feeding Grounds idol.

From there, ring the bell and select the new bait this time. You’ll toss it into his mouth and then you’ll head back to the idol once last time, teleporting yourself to the Guardian Ape Watering Hole. If you’ve done everything correctly, the carp will be laying there dead.

In front of him will be an item. Pick that up and you’ll score your achievement. After this, you can travel back to the Pot Nobel in Hirata Estate and snag yourself some Lapis Lazuli for your troubles.

Too Long; Didn’t Read
  • Great Sakura. Jump in lake. Speak to NPC on half-sunken house on left-side.
  • Swim underneath. Find cave and swim through. Get Palace Grounds idol.
  • Walk into house. Kill monsters. Turn towards chest and open that door.
  • Step out of door and turn to the right. Grapple up onto the roof.
  • Follow the grapples to the Feeding Grounds idol.
  • Speak with NPC about the carp.
  • Maybe optional: Feed fish precious bait (can get from pond in Guardian Ape Hole).
  • Go to Dragonspring idol. Find Pot Nobel in lake. Exhaust dialogue. Retrieve new bait.
  • Back to Feeding Grounds. Ring the bell just before the idol. Feed carp the new bait.
  • Go to the Guardian Ape Watering Hole. Pick up item in front of dead carp.
  • Travel back to Pot Nobel for Lapis Lazuli.

Master of the Arts

Master of the Arts

Grasped the inner mysteries of any combat style

Simply purchase the last skill in any branch. The Ashina Arts branch seems to be the easiest since it has the lowest number of skills to a tree. Otherwise, progress through the game normally until you happen to reach the end of a tree naturally.

Peak Physical Strength

Peak Physical Strength

Upgraded Vitality and Posture to their limit

Since I’m sometimes busy and can’t confirm some of the prayer beads myself, please take a look at this guide[] that will most likely be updated faster than this one. Also, if anyone would like to become a contributor to this guide, please comment or message! Thanks!

Ashina Outskirts

Prayer Bead #1: Outskirts Wall – Gate Path

  • Dropped from the General Naomori Kawarada mini-boss
  • Specific location: Courtyard past Gate Path idol

Prayer Bead #2: Outskirts Wall – Stairway

  • Dropped from the Chained Ogre mini-boss
  • Specific location: The top of the stairs past the Stairway idol.

Prayer Bead #3: Outskirts Wall – Stairway

  • Dropped from the General Tenzen Yamauchi mini-boss
  • Specific location: Past the Chained Ogre; in the courtyard filled with riflemen.

Prayer Bead #4: Ashina Outskirts – Ashina Castle Gate

  • Specific location: Building in the Gyoubu Oniwa arena.

After defeating Gyoubu, proceed towards the large staircase opposite of the idol. You’ll find a large building to your right. Enter this building and proceed up the small stairs. When looking up, you should notice a grappling position. After this, double-jump into the attic and open the chest.

Prayer Bead #5: Ashina Outskirts – Ashina Castle Gate

  • Dropped from the Blazing Bull mini-boss
  • Specific location: En route to the Ashina Castle. Unmissable.

Hirata Estate

Prayer Bead #6: Estate Path

  • Dropped from the Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen mini-boss
  • Specific location: North from Estate Path idol after crossing large bridge.

Prayer Bead #7: Hirata Estate – Main Hall

  • Dropped from the Juzou the Drunkard mini-boss
  • Specific location: From the previous bridge, jump into the water and swim upriver.

Prayer Bead #8: Hirata Audience Chamber

  • Specific location: Building behind Juzou the Drunkard.

After beating the Juzou mini-boss, proceed into the building behind him and immediately turn down the left hallway. You should find two enemies patrolling. Kill them and continue down the hall. Upon taking another left, you’ll notice poster on the wall. Hug the wall and reveal the secret door.

Ashina Castle

Prayer Bead #9: Ashina Castle

  • Dropped from the General Kuranosuke Matsumoto mini-boss
  • Specific location: Ashina Castle idol. Directly up the long flight of stairs.

Prayer Bead #10: Ashina Reservoir

  • Dropped from the Seven Ashina Spears mini-boss
  • Specific location: After entering Ashina castle, take left path to Reservoir. The enemy camp in front of the Reservoir idol is where you’ll find this boss.

Prayer Bead #11: Ashina Reservoir

  • Dropped from the Lone Shadow Longswordman mini-boss
  • Specific location: From Reservoir idol, grapple the branches on the left. You’ll fling towards the drumming enemy. Behind that drummer is a cliff behind. Grapple and find the ‘friendly’ samurai.

Prayer Bead #12: Abandoned Dungeon Entrance

  • Sold by a merchant for 1400 gold.
  • Specific location: From Ashina Castle idol, jump off the left side of the bridge behind you and grapple to the opposite side. From the wooden bridge now in front of you, proceed forward and grapple over the wall. Through there is the abandoned dungeon and the merchant.

Prayer Bead #13: Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo

  • Dropped by Ashina Elite – Jinsuke Saze mini-boss.
  • Specific location: As you move to Genichiro’s location on top of Ashina castle, you’ll have to pass through a room to fight Jinsuke Saze. You’ll get the prayer bead after defeating him.
Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

Prayer Bead #14: Senpou Temple – Shugendo

  • Dropped by Armored Warrior mini-boss.
  • Specific location: After the second idol in Senpou, you’ll find a long bridge. This is an unmissable location and is needed to proceed with the game.

Prayer Bead #15: Senpou Temple – Temple Grounds

  • Dropped by Long-arm Centipede Sen’un.
  • Specific location: Temple Grounds idol. Follow the rightmost path with hostile wolves then climb up the temple roofs. Once there, you should find a lower temple beneath you with its door opened. Inside is Sen’un and your bead.

    Prayer Bead #16: Senpou Temple – Temple Grounds

  • From the Temple Grounds Sculptor’s Idol jump into the pond containing two Treasure Carp and dive. (Breathing Tech req!)
Sunken Valley

Prayer Bead #17: Under-Shrine Valley

  • Specific location: From the Under-Shrine Valley idol.

Right after traveling to this idol, turn behind you. You’ll notice a grappling location with two ranged enemies on it. Jump and kill them. To your left, you’ll notice two double-jump walls. Climb those then move forward to hug the wall. Once you reach the out-cropping, you’ll find your prayer bead.

Prayer Bead #18: Sunken Valley Idol

  • Dropped by Snake Eyes Shirafujki mini-boss.
  • Specific location: From Sunken Valley idol. Drop down the cliff by the idol and hang onto the trees. Soon enough, you’ll reach a small island with this sniper boss.

Prayer Bead #19: Sunken Valley – Gun Fort

  • Dropped by Long-arm Centipede Giraffe mini-boss.
  • Specific location: In the room from the Gun Fort idol.

Prayer Bead #20: Sunken Valley – Gun Fort

  • Specific location: Underneath the Gun Fort mini-boss room. Climb through the floor and through a small corridor. Once you come out on the other side, you can grapple above you and subsequently grapple to other things on your right. The prayer bead will be at a dead-end with a bunch of lizards.

Prayer Bead #21: Poison Pool

  • Dropped by Snake Eyes mini-boss.
  • Specific location: Travel through the Ashina Depths until you find a room with a bunch of cannonball enemies. In the middle, you should find Snake Eyes. However, if you detour to the opposite side of the room, you’ll find the Poison Pool idol so you can rest.

Ashina Depths: Poison Pools

Prayer Bead #22: Poison Pool

  • On top of the Buddha head
  • Specific location: Travel to the Poison Pool idol and move as if you were going to fight the Guardian Ape down in the depths again. Before actually going down, you’ll notice a grappling location. Fling there and when you crawl under the first cave ceiling, look to your left for a ledge.

Peak Physical Strength (Cont.)

Prayer Bead #23 and #24: Poison Pool

  • Dropped by Guardian Ape in Ashina Depths
  • Notes: Make sure to stab the centipede after to get Immortality Severed achievement.

Hidden Forest

Prayer Bead #25: Hidden Forest

  • Dropped from Glutton mini-boss.
  • Specific location: Moving from the first Hidden Temple idol, you’ll find a second area past the small Buddha statue. On the leftmost wall, you’ll find a grappling position that will take you onto a small ledge. After this ledge, you’ll find a Glutton mini-boss surrounded by little monkeys.

Prayer Bead #26: Hidden Forest – Water Mill

I have to write this one out because it gave me a difficult time.

Upon getting the Water Mill idol, progress like you normally would. You’ll go past the lute lady and over the bridge, soon stumbling upon a decrepit house with a swarm of enemies inside. You’ll want to jump into the river on your right. Not the one further down, the closest river to you.

Once there, you’ll want to swim under the bridge and tilt your camera towards the upstairs of the house. Position yourself up against the closest stone wall to the house. Jump and then backflip jump. It should give you the height needed to grapple up.

If you’re having trouble with the backflip jump, it’s pretty simple. Just jump once and when you press again to do your regular double-jump, just move your character backwards during it and you’ll backflip from against the wall.

Prayer Bead #27: Hidden Forest – Mibu Village

Found by User: AcheronEvil

When approaching the Mibu Village for the first time, you’ll notice a large lake right beside you. With your new diving ability, you’ll be able to jump into the water and find a glowing chest underneath. This will have a prayer bead in it!

Prayer Bead #28: Hidden Forest – Mibu Village

  • Dropped by O’Rin of the Water upon defeat in Mibu Village.

    Fountainhead Palace

    Prayer Bead #29: Flower Viewing Stage Idol

    • Dropped by the Divine Bull
    • Specific location: From the idol, grapple onto the roof and you’ll find an area to fight the bull after following said roofs for awhile. Kill it for a prayer bead.

    Prayer Bead #30: Great Sakura Idol

    • Dropped from Leader Okami mini-boss.
    • Specific location: When you reach the Palace in Fountainhead, you’ll find a large tree towards the lake. On the branch, you’ll find Leader Okami. Fairly easy to kill and has a bead.

    Prayer Bead #31: Great Sakura Idol

    From the idol, look towards the lake and jump in. With your new dive ability, go underwater and start swimming quickly to the rightmost side past the sunken house. You’ll find a chest with a prayer bead in there. Be careful of the Headless, though!

    Ashina Castle (At Ending, While Burning)

    Prayer Bead #32: Ashina Reservoir

    • Dropped from Lone Shadow Vilehand Mini-boss.
    • Specific location: Travel out of the Upper Tower and head back to the window you exited while going to fight Genichiro. You should find a mini-boss there. Kill them for a prayer bead.

    Prayer Bead #33: Ashina Reservoir

    When you are tasked with finding Kuro, you’ll stumble into a war-torn Ashina Castle. You’ll want to head out and attempt to run back to the Ashina Reservoir idol. It might be a bit tricky, but there’s a certain door near the idol that you can open from the Ashina Castle side.

    After you do that, you’ll notice two enemies. One you’ve already fought. Seven Achina Spears! But it looks like he has a partner this time around. Now, it’s near impossible to kill them both at the same time unless you want to have a long engagement. Instead, you can cheese a bit.

    Stand exactly where I am in the image. You’ll trigger the swordsman to be suspicious and come walking over to you. We want this because we can assassinate him for free and turn the fight. Crouch down near the left and hide yourself within the fire.

    Whenever he gets near the first step, you’ll want to quickly crouch along the wall and off to the left side. From there, you can sneak up behind him and deliver the deathblow! Afterwards, you’ll go ahead and start the encounter with the Spear mini-boss.

    You’d do well to Mikiri counter as well as parry here. Posture damage him since he has high armor and will deflect most slices. Watch out for his horizontal sweep ability and keep the pressure! If you really feel like you’re losing, there is a couple of branches to grapple to out of the arena on the left.

    Prayer Bead #34: Ashina Castle Antechamber Idol

    After you’ve traveled back through the window that you originally came through to get into the castle, travel down the hallway and you’ll see a room with two samurai fighting one another. On the back wall, you’ll notice a poster. Hug the wall and you’ll go through. A chest with a bead inside.

    Prayer Bead #35: Ashina Castle

    Upon defeat at the Great Serpent Shrine, you’ll find Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer at one of the shrines outside of Ashina Castle. He will drop a prayer bead.

    Prayer Bead #36: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower

    This is dropped by the Chained Ogre after the Castle has been overrun with Shinobi. Jump from the Antechamber Idol where you find an old lady and two samurai walking in tandem. You’ll find the Chained Ogre again. Kill him for a prayer bead.

    Prayer Bead #37: Ashina Castle – Upper Tower

    This one I haven’t found yet myself but here is the description from the Sekiro wiki. Dropped by Red-Eyed Ashina Elite – Ujinari Mizou in the hidden Dojo below Isshin Ashina’s Room after Ashina has been set ablaze. This is the same room that contained 3 Nightjar Shinobi prior to defeating Genichiro Ashina and contained 1 Nightjar Shinobi and 1 Lone Swordsman Shinobi after Ashina Castle has been overrun by Shinobi.

    Ashina Outskirts (While Burning.)

    Prayer Bead #38: Ashina Outskirts

    • Dropped from Shigekichi of the Red Guard Mini-boss.
    • Specific location: Located in the courtyard past the Outskirts Wall’s Stairway.
    Senpou Temple, Temple Grounds (After Dive Mechanic).

    Hirata Estate – Purification Ending

    Prayer Bead #39 and #40: Temple Grounds idol

    • Dropped by Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer mini-boss where you found dying Owl in the first Hirata Estate memory. And the other is dropped by a rematch with Juzou the Drunkard mini-boss.

Ultimate Healing Gourd

Ultimate Healing Gourd

Fully upgraded the “Healing Gourd”

Information gained from playtime as well as PowerPyx’s[] amazing guide.

Ashina Outskirts

Gourd Seed #1: Outskirts Wall – Gate Path

Upon reaching the Outskirts Wall idol, you will progress to find General Naomori Kawarada blocking your path. A mini-boss that has a two deathblow requirement until death. Upon defeating him in combat, you will receive your first gourd seed.

  • Try stealth-stabbing him to get rid of the first deathblow easily.
  • Has a sweep attack.
  • Has a jumping attack.

Gourd Seed #2: Outskirts Wall – Stairway

After the Chained Ogre encounter, grapple to the building directly behind where he was chained and immediately turn to your left. Once inside, you should see a glowing item on the ground that will deliver you the next gourd seed!

Gourd Seed #3: Ashina Castle Gate

After defeating Gyoubu Oniwa, across the battlefield where you fought him, you will find a staircase. Upon following the staircase, turn to your right and walk towards a large tree. From the tree, directly to your left is another staircase with a vendor at the top.

  • The vendor sells the gourd seed for 1000 gold.
Ashina Castle

Gourd Seed #4: Ashina Castle

After defeating General Kuranosuke Matsumoto at the gates of the castle, you will have to grapple your way on the rightmost roofs to proceed into the castle. Follow the smoke signals on the roof and kill all the enemies in your path until you reach a small window that you can climb into.

Upon entering the window, grab the idol so that you can save your progress. Directly behind you will be a large chest. Opening the chest and grabbing the contents inside will net you your fourth gourd seed.

Gourd Seed #5: Ashina Castle

After defeating General Kuranosuke Matsumoto at the gates of the castle, turn right from the top of the steps and drop down. There will be an NPC that will ask you to kill all the enemies in the adjacent area. After doing so, he’ll travel back to your temple.

  • The vendor sells the gourd seed for 2000 gold.

Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

Gourd Seed #6: Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

After getting your first Senpou idol, you will follow a trail where a dozen monks are meandering about aimlessly. In the back of this area is a large building. Slink up to the building and you’ll notice you can grapple through the ceiling. A room with three monks will hold your seed!

Sunken Valley

Gourd Seed #7: Sunken Valley – Under-Shrine Valley

After the Under-Shrine Valley checkpoint, you’ll want to proceed as normal. You’ll grapple once to a tree branch and then to another. There is progression to the right, but we’ll want to go left up a hangable wall first.

Once you’ve scaled the wall, you’ll find another grapple that will take you to another wall. Climb up that to find a small hut on top. Inside you will find some nice items, but also another gourd seed to increase your flasks!

Mibu Village

Gourd Seed #8: Hidden Forest – Mibu Village Idol

Once you get the Mibu Village idol in the ravine, you’ll want to enter into the town. Upon entering, you’ll notice a glistening, magical tree that is almost impossible not to see. Move up to the tree and there should be two items. One of them is a gourd seed.

Fountainhead Palace

Gourd Seed #9: Hidden Forest – Mibu Village Idol

Once you reach the Great Sakura idol on the palace, hook onto the tree in front of you and gaze to the west. You’ll notice a half-sunken house with a woman on it. Traveling there, she’ll tell you about a Great Carp that hides among the underwater caves.

Directly in front, there is such a cave! Swim through and dodge the Carp as you do so. You’ll end up through another sunken house and towards another idol. Once you grab this next idol, go ahead and enter the dark room directly ahead. Kill all the enemies and approach the chest.

All Ninjutsu Techniques

All Ninjutsu Techniques

Acquired all Ninjutsu Techniques

  • The first you’ll receive from defeating Genichiro.
  • The second you’ll receive from defeating the Folding Screen Monkeys.
  • The third you’ll receive from defeating Guardian Ape’s two forms.

Lazuline Upgrade

Lazuline Upgrade

Used Lapis Lazuli to upgrade any tool to its limit

Obtaining Lapis Lazuli

This will come much later in the game when you get to the Fountainhead. From the Great Sakura idol right next to the large tree in the palace, jump onto the tree and look behind. You should notice a river coming downstream from a waterfall.

Follow it upstream and kill a few wolves on the way. When you look towards the waterfall, you’ll notice a Shichimen Warrior with glowing purple balls around him. You should have fought this exact same enemy before, but if you’re unaware, they look like the below image.

You’ll want Divine Confetti for this fight. Rush him almost immediately and start slicing away. At a certain point, he’ll disappear after you’ve hit him enough and teleport at a point far away from you. You’ll see that he begins charging a large laser that deals fear.

Run diagonally against the beam so that it doesn’t hit you. Even if it does, it shouldn’t be enough to deal all your health unless you were already low. After the laser ends, continue to beat on them with your Divine Confetti sword. Upon killing it, you should drop a Lapis Lazuli.

Using Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is one of the reagents to upgrade your prosthetic tools the highest that it can go. You’ll probably end up getting this through a secondary playthrough, so I’d recommend just saving that Lapis for now and moving on. Don’t worry, your items will carry over!

Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina

Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina

Defeated ‘Sword Saint Isshin Ashina’

Follow any of the endings but “Shura” to achieve this.

Man Without Equal

Man Without Equal

Defeated all bosses

Follow all endings to achieve this!

And don’t forget to kill the optional boss “Demon of Hatred”.

Ashina Traveler

Ashina Traveler

Traveled to all areas of the game

There are reports that certain paths you’ve chosen during the game will take away the ability to get into the Fountainhead Palace, which is the last place you’ll need to go for this achievement. I’d recommend killing your father and pledging loyalty to Kuro to make this happen.

Here are all the locations you should have. You should find all of these naturally through progression, but if you’re struggling with something in particular, I’ll be happy to help you out. Otherwise, you can wait until I release the full walkthrough guide adjacent to this one.

It’s also worth noting that you don’t need the idols specifically. Truthfully, you may not even need to visit every single sub-location. But just to have a comprehensive list in the guide, I guess.

Important Places
  • Dilapidated Temple
  • Upper Tower – Kuro’s Room
  • Inner Sanctum
Ashina Outskirts
  • Dilapidated Temple
  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Outskirts Wall – Gate Path
  • Outskirts Wall – Stairway
  • Underbridge Valley
  • Ashina Castle Gate Fortress
  • Ashina Castle Gate
  • Flames of Hatred
Ashina Castle
  • Ashina Castle
  • Upper Tower – Antechamber
  • Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo
  • Castle Tower Lookout
  • Upper Tower – Kuro’s Room
  • Old Grave
  • Great Serpent Shrine
  • Abandoned Dungeon Entrance
  • Ashina Reservoir
  • Near Secret Passage
Abandoned Dungeon
  • Underground Waterway
  • Bottomless Hole
Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo.
  • Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo
  • Shugendo
  • Temple Grounds
  • Main Hall
  • Inner Sanctum
  • Sunken Valley Cavern
  • Bell Demon’s Temple
Sunken Valley
  • Under-Shrine Valley
  • Sunken Valley
  • Gun Fort
  • Riven Cave
  • Bodhisattva Valley
  • Guardian Ape’s Watering Hole
Ashina Depths
  • Ashina Depths
  • Poison Pool
  • Guardian Ape’s Burrow
  • Hidden Forest
  • Mibu Village
  • Water Mill
  • Wedding Cave Door
Fountainhead Palace
  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Vermilion Bridge
  • Mibu Manor
  • Flower Viewing Stage
  • Great Sakura
  • Palace Grounds
  • Feeding Grounds
  • Near Pot Noble
  • Sanctuary
Hirata Estate
  • Dragonspring – Hirata Estate
  • Estate Path
  • Bamboo Thicket Slope
  • Hirata Estate – Main Hall
  • Hirata Audience Chamber

Height of the Technique

Height of the Technique

Acquired all skills

Exactly what it says. You’ll want to acquire all the skills from the five trees. You can either farm experience in certain zones or you can start new game plus and work towards them again.

Esoteric Book #1: Shinobi Arts

This book is obtained by the Sculptor himself after finishing the prologue and gaining 1 Skill Point by visiting Ashina Outskirts.

Esoteric Book #2: Prosthetic Arts

This book is obtained by the Sculptor once more but after you have obtained 3 Prosthetic Tools. (Quickest ones are Loaded Shuriken, Shinobi Firecracker and Flame Vent)

Esoteric Book #3: Ashina Arts

This book is rewarded by Tengu of Ashina after doing his first quest “The Rat Hunting”

After killing Gyoubu Oniwa run up the stairs located at the opposite side of the Idol.

Go inside the temple and you’ll find Tengu.

When you receive his quest, go back to the Idol, and the rats are literally above you to your right searching some trees.

Esoteric Book #4: Senpou/Temple Arts

This book can be found in one of the buildings of the Senpou Temple. First, start at the Main Hall Idol.

Then, search up the entrance of a cave that is right next to the Main Hall.

Watch out for a few mobs that are lurking around (A monk and some crawling monsters) and the cave will eventually lead two different ways but they have the same exit at the end. You can each said exit by grappling to the top hook shown down below.

Finally, you’ll reach a building with several floors.

The book is inside the building.

Esoteric Book #5: Mushin Arts

Tengu = Isshin

This book is rewarded by Tengu of Ashina (Or Isshin after he leaves his second location or Emma if Isshin is already dead) after you have unlocked one of the final upgrades for your skills (Living Force, Shadowrush, etc.) (And supposing that you have done his quest already, of course)

Tengu of Ashina can be found on the Great Serpent Idol (His second location) to get the book.

It has been confirmed by the user “Ashfalor NiohBorneSouls” that you only need to complete the five arts. Therefore, the skill you get from Isshin Ashina (Shura ending) is not required for the achievement.

Master of the Prosthetic

Master of the Prosthetic

Upgraded all Prosthetic Tools to their limit

You’ll want to farm gold and materials (will update with farm routes later) or you can simply start a new game plus and go through the campaign again. You’ll get more than enough materials and gold to purchase everything. Be sure to get that Lapis Lazuli too!

Immortal Severance

Immortal Severance

Attained the ‘Immortal Severance’ ending

Like the previous Shura ending, you’ll want to head back to Ashina Castle and trigger a dialogue between Owl and Kuro. When the cutscene ends, approach Owl and you will be given an ultimatum. You can either stay loyal to him or Kuro.

  • Stay loyal to Kuro and defeat Owl.

After this, progress through the story like normal without going to Hirata Estate Owl and upon beating the last boss of the game, you will have received the Immortal Severance ending and netted the achievement for it as well.



Attained the ‘Purification’ ending

Like the Immortal Severance ending, you’ll want to stay loyal with Kuro and defeat Owl. After doing so, move to Isshun’s place and you’ll be able to eavesdrop on him and Emma. From there, you’ll also be able to eavesdrop on Kuro from behind a corner.

Go back to the idol and rest. After resting, go upstairs and speak with Emma about Kuro and agree with her dialogue. Move to the Old Grave idol and move into the graveyard on the leftmost side. You will find Emma again. Speak with her.

After this, move to the Dilapidated Temple and eavesdrop on both of them from behind the building. Confront Emma and you will receive a bell which you can use at the Buddha statue like you had previously in the game.

Once there, move to the same arena with Lady Butterfly. You will have to defeat Owl again. After doing so, you’ll receive the achievement and the ending.

Dragon’s Homecoming

Dragon’s Homecoming

Attained the ‘Return’ ending

(I’ll update with screenshots whenever I do this ending myself. The visceras are covered since I did it on my first playthrough without knowing what the hell were those. – Mr. Kek)


To initiate this ending you need Holy Chapter: Infested. If you have not defeated Genichiro Ashina the Main Hall Idol at Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo there will be a monk praying to the Buddha. Talk to the monk to get Holy Chapter: Infested. If you have defeated Genichiro Ashina the monk is no longer there (or refuses to talk to you if you defeated Genichiro, but didn’t talk to Kuro afterwards), but you can find the Holy Chapter: Infested at the bottom of the pond near the Temple Grounds Idol after obtaining the Mibu Breathing Technique. At this point you will need to have defeated Genichiro Ashina and the Folding Screen Monkeys.

Divine Child

Travel to Inner Sanctum Idol and talk to Divine Child of Rejuvenation to receive Rice. You can either use the Rice or give it to the Old Hag then leave the area at an idol then return, resetting the area, and ask the Divine Child for more. Keep using the Rice and receiving more until you trigger the Divine Child to fall asleep. Ask her for Rice again, eat the Rice and reset the area. The Divine Child will now not be feeling very well and ask for a Persimmon when talked to. Give her a Persimmon and then ask for more Rice. She will give you the item Rice for Kuro and ask that you give it to him. Before defeating the true Corrupted Monk or the Divine Dragon give the Rice for Kuro to Kuro, rest at the idol and then he will give you a Sweet Rice Ball. Use the Sweet Rice Ball then travel back to the Divine Child and talk to her so that she moves to the Hall of Illusion. At the Hall of Illusion talk to the Divine Child who tells you to seek out a High Senpou priest. Holy Chapter: Dragon’s Return is located right before the exit behind the Main Hall Idol at Senpou Temple in the hall of monks on the blue monk’s corpse at the end of the cave.


Once that’s done, you’ll need both Fresh Serpent Viscera and an Dried Serpent Viscera. For the latter, head to the Bodhisattva Idol just before the Guardian Ape arena and turn around. You’ll notice an old lady on the cliff.

Speak with her. She’ll point forward towards the cliff and tell you that the old fruit is forward.

You’ll jump forward with a running start and be able to grapple onto a few branches below to reach the ground.

Keep following this until you find a large cave with a serpent spinning around it’s crevices.

You’ll run all the way to the back of the cave (Be careful of the poison creatures and the undead guys that attack from the walls) and notice a small house.

On the leftmost side, you can drop down on a small ledge and get closer to where you need to grapple towards the snake.

Puppeteer ninjutsu on the monkey to distract the snake and grapple up quickly.

From there, enter the house and snag the Dried Serpent Viscera.

There’s an item above, by the way. Use the Homeward Idol to escape the place!

If you’re missing the fresh one, you’ll want to transport to the (Senpou Temple) Sunken Valley Cavern Idol

Jump off the cliff directly following this idol.

If you visited the place below that triggered the announcement of the snake, you should see the snake right below you. You can jump off while locking onto her to deathblow her from up there (That’s what I did, at least. – Mr. Kek). Therefore, you’ll get the Fresh Serpent Viscera.



Attained the ‘Shura’ ending

After progressing through the story long enough, you should come back to a war-torn Ashina Castle. At the same location you fought Genichiro, you’ll see Owl speaking with Kuro. When this cutscene ends, approach Owl and speak to him. You’ll get an ultimatum.

  • Choose to stay loyal to Owl.

When this happens, you’ll trigger two boss fights. After you have completed these two boss fights, you will have received the Shura ending and the achievement along with it.

All Prosthetic Tools

All Prosthetic Tools

Acquired all Prosthetic Tools

Information gathered from playtime and from PowerPyx’s amazing guide[]. As I’ve gotten most of these items, I’ll just be highlighting the area in red but the item might not show in the screenshot.

This achievement was earned after getting all ten of the prosthetics. Upon beating the Guardian Ape in the Sunken Valley, you will have earned this right as you fit the Slender Finger reward to your arm!

Ashina Outskirts

Prosthetic Tool #1 Shuriken Wheel: Outskirts Wall – Gate Path

After traveling to the Outskirts Wall checkpoint, grapple towards the hole in the building and enter. Upon entering, turn directly to your left and you should find a corpse with a golden item next to it. Picking it up should get you the Shuriken Wheel.

Prosthetic Tool #2 Robert’s Firecrackers: Outskirts Wall – Gate Path

(See Merchant Mob Achievement for Details)

Travel to the Outskirts Wall and make your way to the Merchant Mob on top of the hill. When you get there, you will find the vendor that will sell you the Firecrackers for 500 gold. I would get this as soon as you can because it works great against beast monsters.

Hirata Estate

Prosthetic Tool #3 Flame Barrel: Estate Path

In between both the Outskirts Wall Gate Path and the Stairway checkpoints, you’ll find an old woman inside of a building. When you speak with her, she will give you a bell that you can use at the Buddha sculpture at the Temple.

This will transport you to the Hirata Estate. After the Estate Path idol checkpoint, jump across the walls on the right side until you find a large area with both an archer on the roof, as well as several enemies gathered around a fire. In the fire is the Flame Barrel.

Prosthetic Tool #4 Shinobi Axe of the Monkey

From the Flame Barrel campire, take the path up the stairs until you meet an NPC leaning against the rightmost wall. Upon speaking, he’ll give you information about an axe. After this dialogue, you’ll find two enemies to the left of this area guarding a small garden house. Inside is the axe.

Prosthetic Tool #5 Mist Raven’s Feathers: Bamboo Thicket Slope

At the Bamboo Thicket Slope checkpoint; past the Shinobi Hunter mini-boss; follow the path a few feet until you have the ability to grapple onto the leftmost tree stump. Jump into the water and swim north. Grapple onto the rightmost tree branch to find a bamboo door.

Break the bamboo door and enter the small cave. Wall-jump through the cave and up into a small temple. There will be an enemy that spawns, but you can waltz right past him to open the temple door. After opening, your item should be directly inside.

Ashina Castle

Prosthetic Tool #6 Gyoubu’s Broken Horn: Ashina Castle

At the Ashina Castle, turn back towards the bridge and grapple to the tree branch to your right. Afterwards, move through the gate to eavesdrop on two enemies on the adjacent bridge. Killing them will get you the Gatehouse Key. This is needed for later.

At the Ashina Reservoir checkpoint, directly in front of you will be a large area with multiple hulk enemies and a handful of ranged enemies. Enter this area and to your immediate left, you’ll notice a small house. This is the Gatehouse. Opening this will reveal a chest with the item.

Prosthetic Tool #7 Sabimaru: Upper Tower – Antechamber

At the Antechamber checkpoint, you’ll notice in the adjacent rooms some traveling blue-robed enemies. In the center of this room is a large drop that takes you to the first floor. Jump down there, kill the four enemies that are present, and your tool is in a chest near the area.

Prosthetic Tool #8 Iron Fortress: Old Grave

From the Old Grave checkpoint, move to your left and jump down until you find a building with a ramshackle roof. Through the hole you will find a merchant. He sells you the Iron Fortress Prosthetic item for 1600 gold.

Sunken Temple

Prosthetic Tool #9 Large Fan: Sunken Valley – Gun Fort

From the Gun Fort checkpoint, you’ll find a small tunnel leading down directly in front of you. Move down and into a small room where you’ll be greeted with Long-Arms Centipede Giraffe. Yes, that’s the real name.

Tips to Beating this Boss

This is one of the most annoying encounters I’ve had so far. Equipped with two gigantic claws on both hands, he can chain-stun you with his attacks and by the time you’ve realized it, you’ve already died twice.

Whenever he begins to attack, your first instinct will be to run and wait for an opening to stab. Take it from me, this opening is so short-lived that this tactic is barely worth it. Consider parrying (not blocking) every claw attack. It has the same rhythm every time so you should get it after a few.

Your goal is to build posture damage until you can deathblow. This is the easiest way. If you’re still struggling, the firework launcher will stun him for a brief moment. Enough so that you can get a couple of hits in along the way. I’ve said it before, though.. Don’t get greedy!

Once you’ve killed him, you’ll find the item directly behind him.

Prosthetic Tool #10 Slender Finger: Sunken Valley – Bodhisattva Valley

  • You will get this upon beating Guardian Ape.



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