Sepia Tears Guide

Sepia Tears ~midwinter's reprise~ Achievement Guide (Updated) for Sepia Tears

Sepia Tears ~midwinter’s reprise~ Achievement Guide (Updated)


An Achievement Guide for the 11 achievements for Sepia Tears.


Hello everyone.

I think it’s about time I update this guide since the game has been updated since I made it during the time after the game’s launch. The achievements are not too difficult, 10 of which are unavoidable and 1 choice-necessary, if you play the whole game of course.
We’ll still be diving into how to get each one.

Sepia Tears is really a beautiful VN. I was particularly drawn to how well the characters flow and how well the dialogue really impacted the unfolding story. The relationships of the characters feel familiar, the situations relatable and honest. It’s an excellent narrative that needed to be told. I hope it was as good a read for you as it was for me. I should also mention the character artwork is actually really awesome here too, don’t forget to check out the gallery for nice backgrounds/wallpapers, plus really spectacular conceptual artwork.

There are 11 achievements in total and I’ll make them as clear as possible. This is of course without spoiling too much of the dialogue that surrounds the majority of the game, but, of course, we’re dealing with dialogue, choice, and story achievements, so there will be unavoidable spoilers. So please, be warned.

I also want to note here that some achievements may not set off immediately or at all. This is not consistent among players and may require you to replay a segment or the whole game. I don’t want this to sound discouraging, so please use this guide to figure out where the achievements are found. I highly suggest SAVING at the start of each Chapter (Day) and slowly progress through. Just to see if getting through the game clicking normally will help you. This may be simply tied to using the SKIP function only where the achievements can’t trigger because the “events” tied to SDCG slides don’t last long enough on-screen in order to count.

Let’s get started.

Day 1 – 50% Crit

After you clear the Prologue, you’ll start Day 1. You’ll be woken by your little sister, Rin. You’ll be groggy and complain, then receive a flashback of the last time she woke you.
Very typical in anime households. You’ll receive the 50% Crit Achievement here.

Day 2 – Paradise Found and Take a Peek

During Day 2, you’ll go to visit Lukas with Rin. There are 2 Achievements in this part nearly back-to-back.

When Rin sees the state of Lukas’ room, she finds her heaven. You’ll get this SDCG image and the Paradise Found Achievement will be yours.

Next, after they leave you alone in the room, you’ll see Lukas’ computer and eventually be prompted to look or not.

Choose the first option to get the achievement Take a Peek.

Day 3 – It’s a Secret (?)

After the trip to the mall in Day 2, you’ll see Lillian outside and you’ll go on a walk together. She will invite you over her house to talk about something very important.

We’ll go over on Day 3 after school is over with. When you walk in, you’ll see her room with a lot of plushies. After you do some time studying, you’ll have Hot Chocolate with Lillian and she’ll confide in you.
You’ll receive the It’s a Secret (?) Achievement after this conversation.

Day 4 – Unannounced Visitor

You start Day 4 with Myra in your window. This VN hits all the manga troupes, it’s fantastic. This is the only achievement that can be missed in your playthrough as it tied to the choice that comes after her dialogue.
Choose the top option to follow Myra out the window and you’ll receive Unannounced Visitor.

Day 5 – Familial Affection

I originally didn’t think this section was necessary, but after a question of “good” and “bad” Ends, I realized that this section may be important for players not to feel lost when they work through this Chapter.

On Day 5 at school with Rin and Lukas, you’ll have a conversation that will end with a choice of whether to genuflect or not. Genuflection is often attributed to religion (patron to clergy), military (knights to kings, soldiers to generals), and most notibly proposals to a hopeful bride or groom. It is when the subject lowers their body, bending one knee only, as a form of etiquette (respect or allegience).
If you choose Do Not Genuflect, Lukas will be violently killed by Rin (off screen, but I’m sure it was quite the spectacle) and you will get a screen that says “BAD END”.

But you won’t fail, or have to reload earlier, you’ll be able to try again. Choose wiser this time.

If you choose Genuflect, Lukas will show respect to Rin, the story will go on without incident.
Continue your playthrough of Day 5. You and Rin will go to the Mall again. After playing games, Rin will hug Mark. This scene, which to me looked cuter with the dialogue, should be when you get the Familial Affection Achievement.

Day 6 – We Watched the Clouds, Confess, and Don’t Confess

On the start of Day 6, you’ll talk with Lillian in a dream where you’re watching the clouds. This is where you’ll receive the We Watched the Clouds Achievement. I believe this dialogue sequence has to finish before the achievement shows up.
Play through the remainder of Day 6 to get to where you’ll meet Lillian in the park at night. This is where you’ll get the next 2 achievements.

The Confess and Don’t Confess Achievements will require a Manual Save and 2nd playthrough in order to get the opposite achievement. These are on the end of Day 6 while you’re talking with Lillian in the park and tell her something desperately important, or, not.

I’d like there to be more in section, but this is one of the most, character-wise and narrative-wise, important scenes in the whole game, so I know it’s short and lackluster, but the simple reason is that the dialogue is worth reading.

Day 7 – Sepia Tears

So we’re on Day 7, regardless of how your confession, or not, went with Lillian. After finding her note on Day 6, you’ll spend the whole of Day 7 with Myra. Eventually you’ll go ice skating and after an exchange, Myra will run away. You’ll need to give chase, but it’s important how you do so.

The first decision will be where to check for her.
Choose Rooftop or Hill here. It doesn’t matter which as this will prompt a sequence that will make you feel like you’ve failed her and yourself and you’ll feel doubt and denial; eventually prompting you to make another choice. You must choose Stand Up here.

You’ll then run through the sequence again and now choose The Hill this time.
Bringing you to her and bringing your story to a close.
At the end of this sequence, you’ll receive the Sepia Tears Achievement. Congratulations!

Special Note:
If you choose Fall instead, it does not give you another “BAD END” screen. It loops you back to your first choice of where to start looking for Myra.

Epilogue – First of January

The First of January Achievement is attained by reading through Myra’s Diary located on the title screen after you’ve finished the main story.

The whole main menu will actually change once you’ve finished the 7 Days, but the additional story is in a different place and color, impossible to miss. You should get the achievement right after you complete this single-day story.


Thank you for checking out the short guide for Sepia Tears. I hope it was helpful for everyone out there. I hope you enjoyed the game just as much as I did.

Thanks to the developer Scarlet String Studios for a real Visual Novel treat, especially up on Steam for free play.

Thanks again for stopping by, thumbs, favorites, follows are always appreciated; also if anything is out of place, wrongly worded, or plain vague/confusing please let me know! You can also check out all the rest of the guides I have through my profile and I hope to continue making more!

Game On.
