This is a guide to setup a dedicated server on a windows PC/ServerTakes 10min to setup as of this time. Perfect for setting up a quick game for friends on your own machine.
Download Require Files
To download the required files. Please use this link
This is the offical link from here.
Extract this file to any location.
Editing Run.bat
Right click and edit Run.bat with notepad
At the top you will find SET EXTERNAL_IP
Change this to your IP
NOTE:-Some people do not have a static IP address on there home PC. So each day you will have to change this. To the new one. You can find it each day from the website above.
Editing DefaultGame.ini
Right click and edit DefaultGame.ini
Server Name and Password
CTRL + F [/script/shootergame.battaliongamemode]
Under this heading will be basic settings for the server. The two important ones are:
Change these to what you wish.
Note- If you wish to have no password. Leave it blank.
Gamemode and Map Rotation
Note-Before you do this save and backup the DefaultGame.ini
As you will be deleting things from this config file. So if you wish to re-add a map or gamemode. You will need re introduce what you delete.
CTRL + F RandomMapRotationEnabled=True
Under this you will find a list of:
Delete the + gamemodes and maps you do not want.
Editing Gamemodes
To select what gamemode you want to run.
Under each is a list of what can be edited. Each is self explanatory.
In [/script/shootergame.bombgamemode]
There is a cmdline called:
Removing Unranked will give you comp ruleset deck.
Starting and Finding your Server
To start your server double click the Run.bat
You will get two error messages:
Just ignore these messages.
This will open an UnReal console:
When eac_server.dll [x64] :: hModule: 00007FFEA73E0000 dwReason: 1 lpvReserved: 0 appears in the console. Your server is up and running.
Now that your server is up and running. You are going to want to find it easily. As there is not search function on the online lobby.
When the game is running open console.
This is normally the tilde key. ` To the left of 1
Copy and paste:
connect password ****
Changing to your IP
Changing PASSWORD to your password (Leave blank for no password)
Add Admins and Console Commands
Adding an Admin
First you will need to aquire your x64 steamID
Please go to [link]
There are two way to do this:
Sign in through steam on the website.
Or go to your profile in steam. Right click and Copy Page URL
Then paste that ink into the input… section on.
Once ou have found it. The steamID you require is:
Open up DefaultGame.ini
CTRL + F +AdminSteamIDs=
Enter after the steamID in quotes:
You can enter multible with a space between quote marks
Server Admin Commands
To enter and admin command. You must open console in game a type one of the following bellow.
All start with the prefix of “Server.”
EXAMPLE: server.restart
Config.<CONFIG_NAME> <VALUE> – Change server config values
Restart – Restart the server
Shutdown – Shutdown the server
EndRound – Force end the round
Pause – Pause the game – use again to unpause
WinRound – Force win the round
LoseRound – Force lose the round
LoadNextGame – Load the next map/mode in the rotation
ChangeMap <MAP> <MODE> – Change to a map + mode
Announce <MESSAGE> – Announce a message to everyone in the server
Invulnerable – Toggle to make yourself invulnerable
GiveWeapon <WEAPON NAME> – Give a specified weapon to yourself
GiveGrenade <NUM> – Give a grenade to yourself
GiveSmokeGrenade <NUM> – Give a smoke grenade to yourself
GiveAmmo <NUM> – Give ammo to yourself
DisconnectAll – Disconnect everyone from the server
AddBot <NUM> – Add a bot to the server
KillBots – Kill all bots
KickPlayerByName <NAME> – Kick player by name
KickPlayerBySteamID <ID> – Kick a player by their steam id
ListPartyMembers – List all party members
ChangeToTeam <0 or 1> – Change yourself to team
State <STATE_NAME> – Change the game state to (WaitingToStart, CountdownToStart, SetupRound, PostRound, PostMatch)
Note:- At the moment you can not BAN anyone from your server. Kick is the only resource available.
Some config Presets
Skrim Config
[link]This is a base Skrim Config with all the maps enabled.
Please remove the ones you do not want.