Nuclear Throne Guide

Seven Nation Army of Minions for Nuclear Throne

Seven Nation Army of Minions


This guide will show you how to have next to no health, no ammo, and still dominate the battleground!


This guide will help you be more effective and strong with Rebel, letting you create literal ARMIES of minions that will annihilate your foes!

The (Essential) Mutations and Tips

These are the Mutations that you WILL need for this build with Rebel
-Second Stomach: This allows you to gain 1/2 or 1/3 of your health, and spawn much more minions.
-Bloodlust: Mostly for the same reason as Second Stomach, and to keep the peace in mind when your health runs low.
-Rhino Skin: +4 HP = 4 more minions = STRENGTH!
-Scarier Face: Less Enemy HP. Pretty self-evident why this is good.
-Sharp Teeth: Every time you hurt yourself (a lot), you hurt enemies. How cool!

These tips will also help you with keeping your army numbers high, and your health low, but steady.
-Keep your health at 4/8.
The reason for this being that that’s the point in which the game tells you that your health is LOW, and it will start dropping medkits for you. Also, most of the enemies in the game do not take more than 4 health per hit, so it’s unlikely that you will be killed in one shot.
-Don’t be afraid to spawn more minions
Most people will be afraid to reach their 4 HP quota, but trust me, having a wall of minions spraying at the enemies, also functioning as a meat shield, allows you to not worry about your health, and worry more about destroying those pesky assassins!

The Assisting Mutations

While these mutations aren’t too necessary, they enhance your build greatly and is advised that you should watch out for them.
-Throne Butt (Rebel): Rebel’s Throne Butt increases your minion’s rate of fire. Not shabby. But not by .0001%. It increases it a lot! A steady stream of strong, yellow balls <3
-Strong Spirit: Yes, this mutation is recommended for EVERY character in the roster, it is especially recommended for Rebel, knowing that you have 4 HP at ALL times. So even if you get stormed by Snowbots, Strong Spirit will give you that second chance you need to get back in the game.
-Plutonium Hunger: Since your minions explode when they’re finished doing their work, you want your hard-earned Rad back, and you don’t want it sitting in a pile alone, not in your carcuss, so make sure it’s secured within you!

The Ultra Mutation

For Rebel, I recommend the Ultra Mutation “Personal Guard.” This is because it spawns 2 minions every time you spawn in, allowing you to skip that pesky 2 health gap that it usually takes spawing in the first minion.


I hope you have fun with this build, and feel free to tell me how your minion armies roll out for you! I will leave you with a picture of Rebel that I illustrated myself! <3