Shelter 2 Guide

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Shelter 2; Mountains DLC


A guide about the Mountains DLC

Welcome To the Mountains

Welcome to the Mountains all you Mother Lynxes out there. This guide will help you learn more about this land of Bears, Foxes, Eagles, Cliffs, Mountains, Ravines, Canyons, Forest Fires, Swamps, Rivers and a large supply of prey

Grouse for Dinner

One of the newest animals in the Mountains is the Grouse. These plump birds are very similar to Pheasants in both how they behave and how many Cubs they feed. Just like a Pheasant. To catch a Grouse you must chase them down like a Hare, And when they start to fly away you can jump (Shift + Space) and snatch them out of the air. Just like Pheasants they feed three Cubs

Male Grouse

Female Grouse

The Species of Grouse in the game is the Black Grouse

Foxes and Eagles

Three new predators make themselves welcome when you get the Mountains DLC. Two of these are prey as well. The Eagle and Fox. Here is how to capture them

The Eagle is a very dangerous threat to your Cubs. As you wander you will hear the signature Eagle screech and Eagle encounter Music from the first Shelter. No, Hiding in bushes doesn’t work this time. Hiding in your Den will though, and maybe in caves too. However if you can’t find shelter when the Eagle dives down and snatches one of your Cubs run up to it and pounce (Shift + Space) to kill it and save your Cub. Eagles feed four three Cubs

P;S. Eagles normally attack nearby places they can have a easy escape. Like near rocks you can’t climb up on if they fly over them or next to a lake or cliff where once they fly over it you can’t catch them. If you hear a Eagle screech near places like that try to lead your Cubs to a flat area where it will be easy to catch the Eagle once it snatches one of them

It is unknown what species of Eagle it is in the game, Possibly a Golden Eagle or a Tawny Eagle

Foxes on the other hand are much more elusive and are more succesful then Eagles can be. They will follow you waiting for the perfect moment to strike and take one of your Cubs. If you hear the sounds of twigs snapping it’s a Fox. If you go and chase a Hare, Pheasant, Grouse or Deer while you hear this sound one of your Cubs will begin screeching and chase-y sounding music will begin playing, And the reason is because the Fox snatched your Cub. Fortunately although they are normally faster then Deer the weight of your Cub will slow the Fox down, Making it easier to catch. Foxes feed Four Cubs

P;S. Foxes too fast for you? Chase them towards a rock wall. It will run into the wall and possibly run into you. Also Foxes are natural born thieves. They can also steal your kills if they want

The species of Fox in the game is the Red Fox

UPDATE: Apparently. You can find Arctic Foxes in the Tundra


Another one of the new Predators in the Mountains is the Bear. These huge Predators roam in a few parts of the Mountains, The best known location is the Lowland Forest you enter shortly after entering the Mountains from the Meadow/Starting Area. While the best way to escape Bears is to just stay away from them. If you get to close it will rear up and roar. When that happens…. RUN!!

When a Bear is chasing you make sure you don’t run into anything since it will be almost always right behind you. Bears seem to only be conserned about you. So you don’t have to worry that much about your Cubs. But if it does get you when you wake up your one or two of your Cubs will be lying on the ground starving (That’s what I have seen from video’s though. It may be just a glitch if the Bear ignores your Cubs). Here are two ways to escape Bears

  • Just keep running. Eventually the Bear will get tired of the chase and roar again before walking away
  • Jump up on a Platform. As soon as you do the Bear will roar in anger and leave

P;S Bears, Just like Wovles, Steal your kill(s). However, Unlike Wolves, They won’t leave when they do. So the carcasses they steal will only buy you some time to get away unoticed while the Bear consumes it

The Bear in the game is the Eurasian Brown Bear

UPDATE: Apparently. You can find Polar Bears in the Tundra

Polar Bears are found in two places of the tundra. At the cave where you find the Smilodon Skull and in the area where you can find Chamois. They are bigger then normal Bears and rarer. Stay clear of them. Or if you get too close…. RUN!!

Forest Fires

Possibly one of the scariest things to encounter. Forest Fires start when the sky starts to darken like it would the Blob and your lynx will hiss instead of meowing. But then a strike of lighting will come down and start the Fire

Above: A Forest Fire in the Meadow/Starting Area. It happens in the sparse Forest to the right of the entry point to the Three Tree Lake

Forest Fires only happen in a few areas of the map fortunately and are triggered when you enter that area unless its winter, Fall after it rains or early spring. To escape them just run away from the Fire and stay a safe distance from it until it starts raining

Below: A Forest Fire location on the Mountains map (Marked by the lynx)

If you can escape them before they start to get out of hand then you can get through them without loosing a single Cub

Fun Fact: Does the Forest Fire Music sound familier? It’s because it’s the track “Into the Fire” from the first Shelter


This is a list of all the Special Collectables and Animal Skull Collectables from the Mountains


Meteor: When you exit the Lowland Forest the Bear lives in you can find a canyon. If you walk into it and look to your left you will see a path with two fallen trees forming a arch. Go through here and turn to your left again. A huge crater will be seen. Inside in the middle you will find the meteor

Animal Skull

Eagle Skull: Can be recived from a fully consumed Eagle

Fox Skull: Can be recived from a fully consumed Fox

Some Tips

Here are some tips to help you on your Mountainteering adventure

  • Never jump around or over-react if a Fox captures one of your Cubs. Quickly sniff around first to locate the Fox/Cub. Nothings worst then chasing a Fox only to realize you were running in the opposite direction.
  • If you hear a Eagle. Try to guide your Cubs away from anything that could get in your way for capturing the assaulting Eagle (Rocks, Ledges, Cliff faces, Rivers etc)
  • A good way to avoid Forest Fires is to simply run away as soon as the sky starts to get dark. That way by the time it goes full force you are already a safe distance away from it

Thats all folks

As said above. Thats all folks. I hope you can manage to raise your Cubs succesfully during your Mountainteering adventure. See you later