Don’t Starve Guide

Shipwrecked survival guide. for Don't Starve

Shipwrecked survival guide.


This (WIP) Guide will hopefully help you survive the New DLC Shipwrecked!

Getting Started

(update: please check the change logs for the newest patch some item are changed. steam://openurl_external/

Well getting started is just like it is in the vanilla game, You want to collect your grass,twigs,flint, stone, and any food you find.
Craft you some tools axe, pick, and machette (oolala!)
Then start getting your other material, Like logs. The machette is new and will help you gather Vines and bamboo, both can be burned but they are also needed to build a Raft, Alterantively you can build a Log raft using Logs, though it isn’t as strong.

Once you’ve gotten that far and have yourself something seaworthy you can head out!
In the ocean you’ll see there are different depths I’ve named them as
Deep water

The first thing you need to know is the Shallows will rise and fall with the tides, and will put out fires that are too close, The full moon also makes them rise higher then normal!
In the shallows you will find:
Grass, Mangrove trees, Twigs, and anything that might be submurged durring high tide!

The Sea you can find:
Jelly fish, Dogfish, Sea Hounds, coral (special coral-esqu. Biome) , Muscles, wobsters (they come out at night) and Seaweed. Ocasionally I also encountered Stinkrays (though they might have been moving through?)

Deep Water:
From here you will start seeing waves, you can ride them as long as you are moving in the same direction you will get a very short speed boost. If you move against them you will be slowed, take damage, and become wet.
you can still find Dogfish in this level though it seems more like it might not be intentional because I only saw this twice. StinkRays as well though not as frequently.
Electrified Isoceles these are triangular teleportation areas on the map.

here you will get the same waves as the deep water, you can also encounter Fog which teleports you at the cost of sanity. I’ve not yet seen a patern to the teleportation. Occationally my character would say “here there be monsters” though I never encountered anything.

Land Ho!
On land you will encounter five types of biomes

Lava fields

The jungle will have trees, vines,and bamboo. Snakes, apes, warthog men.and on occastion spiders

The beach will have Crabs, crab dens, palm trees, sand piles, and boulders

The lava fields will have magma piles (not the correct name) that you can dig to get things like flint, Rock, and some even have gold! but becareful once you’ve mined it all it will be a fire spewing nightmare! that will spew a fire pillar up into the air.

Meadow– you will find grass, twigs, and sweet potatoes.

Marsh – The Marsh is similar to the swamp, there are poison holes that will poison you if you walk over them when they go off!
there are also Flup’s (see mobs for more info) Here you can harvest Reeds and will meet Merm and Fisher Merm huts.


This section is for things that I have personally tested though they remain unconfirmed largely.
I welcome anyone to test these out for yourselves and let me know!
This section is also a wip or work in progress. I welcome any and all feedback!

Beware on day 7/8 and 19/20 as Hounds or if you are in the water Sea Hounds will spawn and chase you down.
(authors note: While the warning is founded the days can be slightly different, On Wilson and Willow those days seem consistant yet on woody they come on the 8th and 18th day, It could be random its a bit early for me to tell just be ready by day 6 to kill you some puppies!)


Mobs you will encounter

  • Dogfish – in the sea
  • Jelly fish – in the sea
  • Sea hounds – In the sea
  • Crabs– on the beach
  • Snakes– Jungles
  • Poison Snakes– Jungles
  • Stinkrays– In the sea
  • Monkey/Ape – Jungles
  • Spiders– any land biome
  • Toucan– any land biome
  • Parrot – any land biome
  • Pirate parrot – Any land biome.
  • Seaguls– Beach and sea/shallows
  • Guardian trees – Beach biome
  • Wobster– non combative food source comes out a night in the water.
  • Wildbore – Just like pig man
  • Boaty Knight – Guarding the Gateway platform.
  • Whale – in the sea
  • Oxen – unknown
  • Yarrctopus – in a coral reef biome
  • Bottlenosed Ballphins – in the sea
  • Merm and Fisher Merm – Marsh
  • Flup – Marsh
Dead Jellyfish on dryingrack
Pirate Parrot
Pirate parrot 2
Red/black non-venomous Snake and Yellow/black Poisonous snake
Flup submerged
bottlenosed ballfin
Fisher Merm
poison Mosquito

Mobs in depth

Dogfish– Now while I have encountered them amny times, they are faster then my boats so far can take me, Much like the Turkey mob from the base game they run from you when you get too close.
they can been seen in the water as a fish shaped shadow, when they run from you they bark and apear above the water.

Jellyfish– Jellly fish do not run from you nore do they aggro on you until you have hit them, they meander around the waters and every few seconds can me see to “electrify” themselves. This electrification will hurt you if you attack them. Attacking will do 5 damage per shock.They can be killed with a normal spear and will drop themselves as food that you can cook or eat raw. Alternatively you can catch them alive with a Net or Trawl net

Sea hounds– I’ve only seen two Sea hounds in the time I’ve been playing (still relativly early) They aggro on sight to you much like spiders, they will also attack anything around them such as dogfish.

Crabs– Crabs are very much like Bunnies in the base game you can trap them in the same way.
Chasing them will eventually cause them to burrow at which time you can drop a trap on them and catch them every time. (may not be intended game play) They can be Murdered like the bunnies and cooked for food.

Snakes– Snakes are dasterdly mobs that come in two forms, Red/black which are non-venamous and Yellow/black which are poisonous. Snakes Hide in vine bushes and jungle trees so watch out!
Red/black snakes will go to sleep durring the day like spiders once you are far enough from them. They wake up upon reentering their aggro zone. Red/black snakes will attack you, apes,and Wildbore men/ pigmen. The Yellow/black snakes will attack anything from butterflies to other monsters and will poison anything it bites including you! The venom doesn’t wear off either, you will need to craft Anti-venom from 1 Venom gland,3 seaweed,and 2 coral!

Stinkrays– These are mobs that start out as a stingray shaped shadow in the water, upon nearing them they seem to emerge and give chase by flying. They can poison you so stay away from them unless you have a speargun

Prime Ape– These little buggers will make you want to rage and murder them all. They will follow you around if you get with in range of them, and will proceed to eat any item left on the ground such as; flint, rocks, spider silk, food of any kind, traps, wood. ect. The one thing they try to eat but can’t is your bag if you drop it on the ground. they do not aggro on spiders unless the spider attacks them first. Apes will Also eat your Crops! Also just having them near you, you will lose sanity slowly. (this could be a glitch or bug will test further)

Spiders– are the same as in the base game, They will attack other mobs including poisonous Yellow/black snakes, its a good way to get rid of pesky snakes and spiders!
Yellow Fuzzy Spiders- Beware! They carry poison just like the yellow/black snakes!!!

Toucan– the toucan is the same as the base birds in the game such as the raven, they will eat seeds on the grouns and fly away when you get too close.

Parrot – Like all birds

Pirate Parrot -These ones wear little Pirate hats and will occasionally say something like “you stink” These ones are special they have a chance to drop Dabloons!

Seaguls are the same as the toucan and the base game’s birds.

Guardian trees – These guys are nasty, They have a chance to spawn when yo ucut down palm trees just like the normal guardians from the base game, however they have a ranged attack and spawn multipul guardians like the Birch tree mobs. They will hurl Coconuts at you which will appear as a shadow where they will land. thay are pretty easy to avoid but if you have five or six of them throwing at the same time killing them can get tricky.

Wobster– I have not figured out yet how to capture them but they appear to be a non-combative food source that comes out at night in the water, Near Wobster Den’s

Wildbore – are just like Pigmen. They turn into werepigs on full moon and with monster meat.

Boaty Knight – They are similar to the land version in the head region however they have a boat body and the ability to shoot cannon balls at you should you venture too close. These drop gears.

Merm and Fisher Merm – These guys seem to be just like the fishmen of the swaps they are hostile

Flup – These creatures are a weird amalgamation of fish and frog, though thankfully they do not take your items like the frogs from the vanilla game! these things are found in the Marsh hiding like the tenticles from vanilla.

From user :Punderful
update: blue whales apparently bloat up after a while and explode into loot. i just got 4 meat, a top hat, a spear gun, and a cloth sail when the blue whale i killed exploded.

Also there are Oxen. they seem to just be beefalo, although they can go into the water as well.

Yarrctopus. is like the pig king accepts certain items found in the world and gives dubloons.

Packim Baggims is the new Chester.
he is a pelican-like creature who is summoned when you find the Fishbone. !!!DO NOT PUT FOOD IN HIM AS HE WILL EAT MOST FOODS!!!

Bottlenosed Ballphins are dolphin creatures. they arent aggresive and swim away just like dogfish. BUT GOSH DARN ARE THEY CUTE


Weather can be bad if you aren’t prepared!
I’ve encountered two types so far
and what I’m calling Hurricane
wind isn’t bad you just need to be ready to pick up items quickly as the wind will blow them off. it will also slow you down/speed you up depending on if you are walking with it or against it.

The Hurricane is bad. Wind, Rain, Lightning, and Hail!
The wind becomes impossibly strong, coupled with rain that soaks you and Hail falling from the sky, If you’re not prepaired with a lightning rod things can get bad in a hurry! The lightning will strike many times and will hit you if you are unlucky enough to not have a lightning rod.

If you see the wind pick up and you are at sea find some land quick and hope you are lucky with the lightning.

Best way to get through this is to build a Chiminea, palm leaf hut, and a Lightning rod. Be sure to have food and fuel for a fire close at hand, you don’t want to have to go out in search of it if you don’t have too.

There seem to be two tipes of wave, the normal kind that give you a short speed boost if you are angled properly
and the Large Waves which don’t seem to do anything but make you wait and your boat take damage.


The large waves seem to be tied in to the seasons this this is largely unconfirmed as of yet.


In the short time I’ve played I made 4 different ships and those are the ones I will talk about.
Something of note: All boats will take damage through use, they will take extra damage if you hit a wave going the wrong direction.

Log Raft
Row boat
Cargo boat

The log raft is the weakest among the three I’ve built but it will get you from island to island.

The Raft is a bit more durable but again its only a basic raft.

The Row boat is where it gets fun. With a Row boat you can equipped a boat light and a sail so you can travle at night and a bit faster.

The lights and sails have a durability/timer that will go down with use so watch it!

Cargo boat – these boats have 6 inventory space along with 1 slot for a light and 1 slot of a sail or net The cargo boat has a durability of 300!

Items and Cooking!

A short list of some of the new craftable items in game.
Valcano Staff: This item is what you’d expect when cast it will cause the valcano event for a few seconds where rocks will fall from the sky, if you are under them as of not they will kill you in one hit.

Valcano Staff
valcano staff icon
valcano staff on ground
Valcano staff spell cast

Healing :

1 venom gland
3 seaweed
2 coral

Cooking/food gathering:

Mussel Stick- (used to gather mussels)
2 bamboo
1 sea weed

Warning eating raw seaweed will bring down your sanity! Raw seaweed does – 10 to sanity
You can also Put seaweed on a dryingrack
Roasted Seaweed – cook seaweed over an open fire, +12 health. -9 hunger

Hail+0.5 health and -2hunger You can also cook with hail in the crockpot!

Cooked Sweet potatoe- uncooked -12 hunger Cook over a fire, -12 hunger.

Sweet potato

Banana – uncooked -12hunger Cooked over fire -12 hunger

Limpets- Cooked over fire -12 hunger

Roasted Coconut- -9 hunger

Jelly fish – Cooked -18 hunger

Crock pot cooking

California roll
2 cooked jelly fish
2 seaweed

Flowers and Shells both give +5 Sanity, Shells are also used to make Sand castles.

Sand castle- 4 sand, 1 palm leaf, 3 sea shells. These can replenish sanity if you stand near them, They seem to restore faster the closer you are.


Log Raft –
6 logs,
4 sea weed

4 bamboo,
3 vine

Row boat –
3 Wooden planks,
4 vines

Cargo boat
6 planks
3 rope

Cargo boat

Boat add-ons:

Thatch sail-
2 bamboo
2 vines,
4 palm leaf.

Boat repair kit-
2 planks,
2 stingers,
2 rope

Boat Torch-
2 twigs,
1 torch

Life jacket-
2 cloth,
2 vine,
3 empty bottle

Pirate hat-
1 bone shard,
1 rope,
1 silk

Captain hat-
1 seaweed
1 bone shard
1 strawhat

Captain’s Hat

Trawl net Picks up 9 items
3 rope
2 bamboo
(These are used on the row boat and up!)

New fire:

Chiminea – Wind resistant!
2 limestone,
2 sand,
2 logs

Palm leaf hut can be found under the survival tab you will need an Alchemy engine to prototype.
4 palm leaf
4 bamboo
3 rope

Wacky items (these items seem a bit wacky at first but they are actually pretty cool)

Dabloons – Dabloons can be found in various places around the map, most commonly dropped by the pirate parrot (see mobs) They are used in a couple of ways the wackiest is the slot machines!

Slot machine– This is by far the coolest and wackiest one the slot machine is found randomly on the map, you have to use dabloons to play it. It can have many random chances most punishing are the mob spawns, they can also drop good things like items etc.

Gunpowder Keg/barrel
Slot Machine


3 Bamboo = 1 cloth
3 Coral = 1 limestone
3 Dabloons = 1 gold nugget


Punderful will be broadcasting Don’t Starve Shipwrecked for anyone who has questions or are just looking to check stuff out! Just take a look near the top of the guide to see if he is on.