簡單獲得Silent Night 成就 <>簡單獲得Silent Night 成就方法 Release1.0.2版在CITY 區域,尋找到二樓有防火梯跟遮雨篷的房子,透過翻防火梯到遮雨棚上這樣子敵人的AI會判斷離玩家最近的位置在牆壁附近,而無法追蹤到玩家此方法也可以用在Surival模式獲得 Survival Mode IV Survival Mode V Survival Mode VI等成就Get Silent Night achievement easily (Release 1.0.2 version)In the CITY area, look for a house with a fire escape and awning on the second floor, and turn the fire escape to the awning.In this way, the enemy’s AI will determine that the nearest location to the player is near the wall, and cannot track the player.This method can also be used in Survival mode to obtain Survival Mode IV Survival Mode V Survival Mode VI and other achievementshttps://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1732178858694502658/C31027970CF999BC63AC4870205B810FD83F20D1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false