A simple guide about how to get all the achievements, spoilers involved. 关于如何解锁该游戏全部成就的简单指南,剧透注意。
==== English ====
English is not my native language, so… Sorry for any inconvenience with your reading.
Please leave your comments if you like it ( or not), feedback is always important. 🙂
Story-related Achievements
Those achievements cannot be missed if you complete the game with all three classes.
So You Want To Be A Heroine
Find your first food
Apprentice Warrior
Reach chapter 2 as warrior
Adept Warrior
Reach chapter 3 as warrior
Master Warrior
Reach chapter 4 as warrior
Legendary Warrior
Complete the game as warrior
Apprentice Sorceress
Reach chapter 2 as sorceress
Adept Sorceress
Reach chapter 3 as sorceress
Master Sorceress
Reach chapter 4 as sorceress
Legendary Sorceress
Complete the game as sorceress
Apprentice Rogue
Reach chapter 2 as rogue
Adept Rogue
Reach chapter 3 as rogue
Master Rogue
Reach chapter 4 as rogue
Legendary Rogue
Complete the game as rogue
Jack of All Trades
Complete the game with all three classes
General Missable Achievements
Those achievements can be got with any class.
P.S. How to get full score won’t be discussed in this guide, you should look the official walkthrough for further information.
Wages of War
Win the battle for Munarvagir
Hmm… Self-explained, just go and kick some giants’ a**.
Shadows of Darkness
Deliver the svartalf crystal
In nighttime, sell the svartalf crystal to Aurvandel or Regin.
Your Bloom is at Hand!
Befriend Ratatosk
In chapter 3, after meeting Ratatosk in Munarvagir, you will find him on the Viking boat scene. Talk to him and let him change his catch phrase.
Menace to Society
Spend your life in jail
Quite easy for rouges, just fail twice in pickpocket. For the other two classes it means hurt NPC or destroying stuffs.
Dark and Troubled
Complete the game while cursed
Self-explained as well… Take the cursed ring in Andvari’s workshop and complete the game. Just remind you that this curse cannot be removed by reloading or restarting.
Grandmaster Heroine
Play the entire game on hardest difficulty
Set the difficulty to the hardest after talking to Hervor, then complete the game.
Hurried Heroine
Complete the game within one week
It means you need to complete the game within 7 days( 7 days is OK).
– For Sorceress you can look up this guide:
– For Rouges, the guide in this discussion works (it’s also a guide for Dirty Rotten Scoundrel achievement) :
What a Workout!
Maximize your primary stats
Primary stats are those statistics on the top-left corner: Endurance, Strength, Agility, Willpower, and Weapon Use. I don’t recommend Warriors for this achievement because increase Willpower is a real pain.
Paragon Heroine
Complete the game with 100 honor
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
Complete the game with less than 10 honor
Honor is a hidden statistic, and how to get those two achievements are still unclear.
Here are things I know:
- Only warriors and sorceresses can get Paragon Heroine, and Dirty Rotten Scoundrel is rouge-specified.
EDIT: According to Radiant, the Dirty Rotten Scoundrel achievement isn’t limited to only rogues, although it’s probably easiest to get if you are a rogue. - Taking mirror and cursed ring don’t affect honor.
- Actions which are honorable (from official guide):
- Feeding animals (Garm, Heronus, the lost fox, and the hunting dog)
- Helping others(giving coin, food and clothing to Kraka; giving the Way of the Warrior book to Heime; NPC quests)
- Keeping your promises (e.g. bragging about Andvari’s armor in the Sleipnir inn)
- Telling the truth (e.g. as a warrior, introduce yourself as a warrior)
- Actions which are dishonorable (from official guide as well):
- Stealing and haggling
- Lying to others (e.g. keeping Liff and Lithrasir apart)
- Blackmail (e.g. blackmailing Kraka for money in order to obtain your silence about the Thieves’ Guild)
- Threatening others (e.g. threatening to kill Kraka, Snorri or Eitri)
More details can be found in the forum and the Warrior 500 guide:
Here’s a guide for Dirty Rotten Scoundrel:
Class-specified Achievements
The following achievements are only available to certain classes.
My Kung Fu is Stronger
Prove yourself a better guardian than Sigurd
In chapter 3, when talking to Sigurd about the Eyes, you can challenge him. This achievement will unlock if you beat him in combat.
Obtain Balmung
When you have a high honor( 90 maybe?), go to the tree where Balmung is, and pull it out. It’s the best weapon in this game.
Ultimate Warrior
Reach maximum score as warrior
Wiser than the Wizard
Prove yourself a better guardian than Aurvandel
In chapter 3, when talking to Aurvandel about the Eyes, you can challenge him. This achievement will unlock if you win his game.
Learn the lightning bolt spell
Ask Aurvandel about riddles, then beat him in this riddle game. To find a riddle which Aurvandel does not know the answer to, you must find other people who also know the game of riddles. People who will riddle with you are: Hervor, Liff, Arngrim, Alviss, and Loki.
Ultimate Sorceress
Reach maximum score as sorceress
Cutting Corners
Steal a quest reward without doing the quest
Quest reward includes: Eitur from Aurvandel, Figurine from Regin, and Runic stick from Eitri.
Loki’s Trickster
Deal with violent situations without using violence
I’m not sure which quest counts, but the easiest way is playing with the 500 score rouge official walkthrough and avoid any random combat.
Ultimate Rogue
Reach maximum score as rogue
Combat-related Achievements
Here’s the achievements unlocked by fighting.
How to beat them won’t be discussed in this guide as well.
To unlock the bone cave( where the Test of Fate is), you need to examine the sliding puzzle in Andvari’s workshop and connect the west exit of Nidavellir to an empty space. The Test of Fate room is where that empty space is.
Winning the Test of Fate, and a medal will be rewarded. The type of medal depends on your difficulty: Easiest and Easy – Bronze Medal, Normal and Hard – Silver Medal, and Nightmare – Gold Medal.
Bronze Medal
Win an easy victory in the Test of Fate
Silver Medal
Win a moderate victory in the Test of Fate
Gold Medal
Win a difficult victory in the Test of Fate
Braugging Rights
Defeat Brauggi
Brauggi is on Gastropnir Keep in daytime in chapter 3, the difficulty need to be equal to or higher than normal.
Trial by Fire
Defeat Surtr
In hard or nightmare difficulty, Surtr can be found on the east side of Jarnvidr in chapter 3 or 4 in nighttime. It is a special muspell (fire giant).
Another Head Hangs Lowly
Defeat Dolores
To find Dolores, you need to bring four things( fresh meat, troll blood, skull and burned crystal/ Hangbui ash), in hard or above difficulty, go to the Thrivaldi cave in nighttime. Well, enjoy. 😉
Don’t Lose Your Head
Get decapitated in combat
In fighting with Dolores or Jotunn, they will use vital sideways axe swing when their HP reaches around 30%. You have to duck to avoid it, and this achievement pops up if you fail to avoid.
Easter Eggs
Here’s the achievements about some Easter eggs and hidden rooms.
A POIsonous Achievement!
You’ve waited 24 years to do this!
On the Gate of Fornsigtuna, you may see a owl in glasses. Throw something to it or cast spell like Magic Dart to shot it, this achievement will unlock.
Wi n0t trei a h0liday in Sweden this yer?
Mynd you, m00se bites Kan be pretti nasti…
In Jarnvidr, a moose may appear. Attack it twice and the achievement will unlock. Save before you make the second attack.
Where it All Began
Get slain by Elsa
This room is in southeast Fornsigtuna, the door near crates. Enter the house in Late Night, and save before you enter in.
Most IMPressive
Get killed in Quest For Yrolg
In chapter 3, enter the cave where is the jail in Nidavellir in Evening, save before you walk to the bottom of that scene.
In Loving Memory
Find the Hero6 room
It seems like you can only enter this room once. At the first night in Munarvagir, open the door left to the Thief’s lodge in Midnight.
Home is where the Heart Lies
Find Radiant’s room
This room is only available to the 7th day’s Midnight. It’s on the second floor of Volund’s shop ( where you find the boots).
==== 中文 ====
So You Want To Be A Heroine
Apprentice Warrior
Adept Warrior
Master Warrior
Legendary Warrior
Apprentice Sorceress
Adept Sorceress
Master Sorceress
Legendary Sorceress
Apprentice Rogue
Adept Rogue
Master Rogue
Legendary Rogue
Jack of All Trades
P.S. 本文不包含满Score攻略,请自行查看相关内容。
Wages of War
在保卫 Munarvagir 的战斗中胜利
Shadows of Darkness
成功运送svartalf 水晶
在夜晚,把水晶交给 Aurvandel 或 Regin.
Your Bloom is at Hand!
和 Ratatosk 成为朋友
在第三章的 Munarvagir与它见面之后,它会躲到维京船场景。和它对话,让他改变自己的口头禅。
Menace to Society
Dark and Troubled
拿走 Andvari 家里的戒指,然后通关。该诅咒不能用SL大法或开新档的方式解除。
Grandmaster Heroine
Hurried Heroine
– 法爷的该成就指南:
– 盗贼的该成就指南 (同样也是 Dirty Rotten Scoundrel 的成就指南) :
What a Workout!
基础属性指的是状态栏左上角的属性: Endurance, Strength, Agility, Willpower, 和 Weapon Use. 个人不推荐用战士,Willpower太难练。
Paragon Heroine
100 声望通关
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
- 只有战士和法师能解锁 Paragon Heroine,而只有盗贼能解锁 Dirty Rotten Scoundrel。
更正:制作者留言说不是只有盗贼能解锁 Dirty Rotten Scoundrel……那看来那个贼窝是可以提前去的了。 - 拿走 mirror 和 cursed ring 不会影响声望。
- 增加声望的行为(引自官方攻略):
- 喂小动物 (猫、狗、狐狸等等)
- 助人为乐(给 Kraka 钱、吃的和衣服; 把 Way of the Warrior 的书给 Heime;NPC 任务)
- 信守承诺 (答应宣传 Andvari 的盔甲,然后在 Sleipnir inn 里展示一下)
- 说实话 (战士介绍自己是战士一类的)
- 降低声望的行为(同样引自官方攻略):
- 偷窃和砍价
- 说谎(拆散 Liff 和 Lithrasir)
- 敲诈勒索(敲诈 Kraka,然后把盗贼工会的事告诉Sigurd)
- 威胁(威胁Kraka, Snorri 或 Eitri)
[link]Dirty Rotten Scoundrel 成就攻略:
My Kung Fu is Stronger
挑战 Sigurd 成功
得到 Balmung
Ultimate Warrior
Wiser than the Wizard
挑战 Aurvandel 成功
学到 lightning bolt
问 Aurvandel 有关 riddles 的话题,开启解谜小游戏。和其它NPC交谈学到新谜语和答案,最后给Aurvandel 一个他不知道的谜语。相关NPC有 Hervor, Liff, Arngrim, Alviss, 和 Loki。
Ultimate Sorceress
Cutting Corners
支线奖励包括: Eitur from Aurvandel, Figurine from Regin, 和 Runic stick from Eitri.
Loki’s Trickster
Ultimate Rogue
命运女神测试在一个骨架子洞里。先去 Andvari 的店玩滑块小游戏,把左边的线和一个空位置连起来。然后从西边出去,去那个空着的位置,那就是测试所在地。
Bronze Medal
在 Test of Fate 中得到一个简单的胜利
Silver Medal
在 Test of Fate 中得到一个中等难度的胜利
Gold Medal
在 Test of Fate 中得到一个艰难的胜利
Braugging Rights
打倒 Brauggi
Brauggi 在 Gastropnir 城堡门口,第三章中等以上难度的白天出现。
Trial by Fire
打倒 Surtr
Another Head Hangs Lowly
打倒 Dolores
带着 fresh meat, troll blood, skull 和 burned crystal/ Hangbui ash,在困难或以上难度的夜晚,去 Thrivaldi cave。只能说最终隐藏Boss不是盖的……
Don’t Lose Your Head
和 Dolores 或 Jotunn 的战斗中,当他们的血量下降到一定程度时会出断头大招,嗯该成就只要不躲就能解锁……顺便说下,躲这招只能下蹲。
A POIsonous Achievement!
You’ve waited 24 years to do this!
在 Fornsigtuna 门口会看到一只眼镜猫头鹰。对他扔个雪球或者拿魔法Biu一下,该成就即会解锁。
Wi n0t trei a h0liday in Sweden this yer?
Mynd you, m00se bites Kan be pretti nasti…
Where it All Began
Get slain by Elsa
该房间在 Fornsigtuna 的东南角,挨着箱子的那扇门。在 Late Night 的时候进去,进门前先存盘。
Most IMPressive
Get killed in Quest For Yrolg
在第三章的Evening,去 Nidavellir 的牢房,向下走即能解锁该成就。当然,依然要先存盘。
In Loving Memory
Find the Hero6 room
这房子好像只能进去一次……在 Munarvagir 的第一个夜晚,打开盗贼工会左边的那扇门。
Home is where the Heart Lies
Find Radiant’s room
该房间只能在第7天的 Midnight 进入。该房间在 Volund 铁匠铺二层(鞋旁边的那扇门)