112 Operator Guide

Simple Save-Editing for 112 Operator

Simple Save-Editing


Quick Guide to edit the files

Finding the Save

Only know it from my Win10 System.
Go into your user directory, open AppData, LocalLow, JutsuGames. 112 Operator, Saves.

File Editing

Open one of the main files, for ex. Save_slot1.json with a proper editing tool.

From here on search for the Word “money” until you find the entry below “incidentFactor”
There you can change the value without the node “cheatsused” goes true, so the incidents stay the same.

You can also edit the reward money value for all the tasks you have or will have by looking for

There are way more ways to edit the files, which I will update every now and then.
Currently looking into the editing of vehicles and personel.

I hope the Devs are okay with this, it’s my first Guide and since I’ve seen a lot like this on other Games I thought; why not?
