Simplicity Guide for Covenants in Dark Souls for DARK SOULS™: REMASTERED

Simplicity Guide for Covenants in Dark Souls


A simplistic guide for finding/ranking Covenants in Dark Souls

Simplicity Guide for Covenants

FIRELINK SHRINE: Way of White – Speak with Petrus at any time.

UNDEAD BURG: Sunlight Covenant – You need 25 Faith or 5/10 Faith and 3 Sunlight Medals (which are gained from helping others as a summon.) You can obtain the White Soap Stone from Solaire at the end of the Hellkite Bridge.

CATACOMBS: Gravelord Servant – Go to the Catacombs and enter the open coffin found in the dark stone-walled crypt. Speak with Gravelord Nito in his coffin once the cutscene concludes, you can return using the same method.

DARKROOT GARDEN: Forest Hunter – Speak with Alvina the Cat found within the Stone Shack in Darkroot Garden.

BLIGHTTOWN: Chaos Servant – Speak with Quelaag’s Sister, she is found in Quelaag’s Domain, in a chamber hidden behind an illusory wall after the fight with Chaos Witch Quelaag.
When her servant Eingyi initially asks you a question as you approach answer “Yes.”

ANOR LONDO: Princess Guard – Speak with Princess Gwynevere after defeating Ornstein and Smough.

ANOR LONDO: Darkmoon Blades – Go to the Catacombs and obtain the Darkmoon Seance Ring, then use the rotating stairway downward in Anor Londo to reach the room. Do not* enter the painting/room in that room, however. As it will immediately trigger a boss battle with the covenant leader, thus abandoning the covenant possibility until the next playthrough.

NEW LONDO: Darkwraith – *MISSABLE — Do not* speak with Frampt after obtaining the Lordvessel. Instead, obtain the Ring of Artorias from Darkroot Garden, then proceed to New Londo and defeat the Four Kings. Once they’re dead Darkseeker will appear before you, allowing you to join his covenant.

ASH LAKE: Path of the Dragon – Once you’ve obtained the Lordvessel go to Blighttown and enter the large tree at one end of Lower Blighttown, at the bottom of the Great Hollow will be a large white beach called Ash Lake. Follow this beach until you reach a large dragon roosting atop a nest; kneel before it.

Note: It’s somewhat improbable to list what order to do some of these in, and some players like to proceed to the Catacombs immediately, while others do it later. This is just a rough outline.

Covenant Reward Guide

Way of White – Has no ranks nor rewards.
The only thing that can be considered a “reward” is that you’re statistically less likely to be invaded while being a member of this covenant. (No, seriously, check the Wiki if you don’t believe me.)

Princess’ Guard – Has no ranks nor rewards other than the initial covenant ring plus two miracles upon joining. (Soothing Sunlight/Bountiful Sunlight.)

Chaos Servant – Uses Humanity — it has 1 rank and two rewards:

Rank 0: Great Chaos Fireball
Rank +1 (30 Humanity): Chaos Storm, opens a shortcut to Lost Izalith (allows you to save Solaire.)

Gravelord Servant – Uses Eye of Death(s) — it has 3 ranks and associated rewards:

Rank 0: Gravelord Sword, Miracle: Gravelord Sword Dance
Rank +1 (10 Eyes): Miracle: Gravelord Greatsword Dance, 10% damage bonus to both Gravelord miracles.
Rank +2 (30 Eyes): 20% damage bonus to both Gravelord miracles.
Rank +3 (80 Eyes): 30% damage bonus to both Gravelord miracles.

Offline farming method:
Basilisks (6% drop chance), 3 from the Catacombs behind the Titanite Demon, 3 in the Tomb of Giants, and Patches sells 3.

Blade of the Dark Moon – Uses Souvenir of Reprisal’s — it has 3 Ranks and associated rewards:

Rank 0: Blue Eye Orb.
Rank +1 (10 Souvenirs): Darkmoon Blade and Darkmoon Talisman.
Rank +2 (30 Souvenirs): Darkmoon Blade Miracle power ascends to 2.0x scaling.
Rank +3 (80 Souvenirs): Darkmoon Blade Miracles power ascends to 2.1x scaling.

Offline farming method:
Crow Demons in the Painted World (6% drop chance), 1 from killing Lautrec by invading him using the Blackeye Orb, and 1 by trading the Pendant gained from Petrus killing Rhea to Snuggly the Crow.

Path of the Dragon – Has 3 Ranks and associated rewards:

Rank 0: Dragon Eye and Dragon Head Stone
Rank +1 (10 Scales): Dragon Head Stone flame damage increase, Dragon Torso Stone roar increases in range and the attack buff becomes 27.5%.
Rank +2 (30 Scales): Dragon Head Stone flame damage increases, Dragon Torso Stone roar increases in range and the attack buff becomes 30%.
Rank +3 (80 Scales): Dragon Head Stone flame damage increases, Dragon Torso Stone roar increases in range and the attack buff becomes 35%.

Offline farming method:
Drakes in the Valley of Drakes (5% drop rate), Vagrants, 2 from the Undead Dragons (Valley of Drakes, Painted World), 3 from the two Hydras (Darkroot Basin, Ash Lake), 1 in Blighttown, 3 scattered in Ash Lake, and trading an Egg Vermifuge to Snuggly the Crow.

Forest Hunter – Has only two “ranks” and two rewards.

Rank “1”: Divine Blessing – Kill 1 Player as a Forest Hunter
Rank “2”: Ring of Fog – Kill 3 Players as a Forest Hunter

Darkwraith – Uses Humanity — a total of 80 Humanity can be used in the covenant for the listed rewards:

Rank 0: Dark Hand
Rank +1 (10): Red Eye Orb
Rank +2 (30): Darksword and Darkwraith Armor Set
Rank +3 (80): Your Dark Hand steals 10 Humanity

Warrior of Sunlight – Uses Sunlight Medals, which can be acquired normally through assisting others in jolly cooperation via the White Soap Stone — given by Knight Solaire in Undead Burg at the end of the Hellkite Bridge.

Rank 0: Lightning Spear
Rank +1 (10 Medals): Great Lightning Spear, Offer Soul of Gwyn to receive Sunlight Spear.
Rank 11-80: None

Offline farming method: 1 from Lautrec, 4 from summoning Solaire at his various points, 3 in a chest guarded by a Silver Knight in the room opposite the first bonfire in the castle in Anor Londo, 3% drop chance from Chaos Bugs in Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith. For a total of 8 per playthrough.


You’ll need to find/farm:
– 15 Sunlight Medals for Lightning Spear, then return for Sunlight Spear by trading Gwyn’s Soul.
(Depends on your characters faith, if you have 10 Faith then you’ll need 3 plus the 10 for the rest.)

– 10 Souvenir of Reprisal’s for Darkmoon Blade from the Crow Demons in the Painted World.

– 10 Eye(s) of Death for Great Gravelord Dance — 3 from the Catacombs behind the Titanite Demon, 3 in the Tomb of Giants, purchase Patches sells 3. Then you can either farm 1 more from Basilisks (5% drop chance), or just grab a handful on NG+.

– 30 Humanity to the Chaos Servant covenant.

Covenants Explained

Note: I figured I might as well include this information just in case there are Steam players who are confused as to the concept of what each one represents.

Way of White – This covenant is for helping out other players online. Players who enter this covenant will automatically be drawn closer to each other online. This makes the “Miracle Resonance” easier to perform, as well as helps block PvP covenants from intercepting players in this covenant.

Warriors of Sunlight – Is the most grossly incandescent cooperative allegiance. It is purely oriented towards jolly cooperation, and shuns those who’d oppose the concept.

Princess Guard – This is the covenant of Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight. It is a high-faith oriented cooperation covenant based around healing.

Darkwraith – A hidden covenant, gained by speaking to the primordial serpent Darkstalker Kaathe in The Abyss. The purpose is to invade as many people as possible, inflicting damage whenever and wherever you can in the pursuit of stealing their humanity from them.

Gravelord Servants – This covenant allows the servant to “curse” the worlds of other players using Eyes of Death, resulting in extremely powerful enemies called Black Phantoms appearing in those worlds. To end this curse another player must defeat them, or you must defeat them by summoning them through their accursed blackened symbol that’s embellished into your world.

Blades of the Darkmoon – You are a dispenser of justice under Dark Sun Gwyndolin, doling out punishment to those who would break the rules and inflict injustice upon unsuspecting players.
You invade those that would or have invaded others.

Forest Hunters – A covenant oriented around anything-goes PvP against those who would trespass into the Darkwood.

Path of the Dragon – A PvP oriented covenant based around invading those who would possess Dragon Scales, and take them by force.

Chaos Servant – Is neither PvP nor PvE; you serve the Pale Lady of Quelaag’s Domain, and serve to donate freshly supplied humanity wherever you find it.


I hope this aided you in your pilgrimage, chosen undead!

I’ve written multiple un-posted guides on my tenure of obtaining 12 FromSoft 100% completions thus far, 6 of which are Dark Souls platinum trophies on PS3/PS4. After much consideration I’ve begun compiling my knowledge into a series of Dark Souls guides.

It’s somewhat tasking attempting to accumulate this information into an simplistic, easy-to-understand guide — but I try. 😉

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