This is a guide for all the secrets in the 21th episode: Sleeping Beauty (as seen in the launcher and in the main menu) or Damsels in Distress (as seen during the game and in the dark theather).
You think it’s Sleeping Beauty… Well, she’s in it but… two other princesses appear too! Welcome to Damsels in Distress!
Scene 1: Sleeping Beauty – Bloomin’ Beautiful
After buttstomping the lamp, the others will fall into lava. Just jump on them until reaching a crack into a wall. The secret is behind it.
Scene 2: Rapunzel – Weedy Witchy Woman
Go further in the village until you see a cart with barrels. Buttstomp it to have Grimm ride it. After the ride, elevators should appear to help you to reach the first secret.
When you’re in the witch’s domain, before picking the Super Jump bonus, look at the two gators on the left. One of them has the secret coin in his mouth. It’s just a matter of timing your jump on the swimming one and on the one carrying the secret (he’s closing his mouth three or four times before getting under water for 1-2 sec and reappearing).
Scene 3: Sleeping Beauty – Where there’s a Wheel
After buttstomping the wheel door, Grimm will be rolling. Take the stairs and go to the left to get the secret coin.
Scene 4: Rumpelstiltskin – Spinning for Gold
When you’re climbing up to the top of the mill, at one moment, the coin will be in a corner, nearly when you’re done.
Scene 5: Rapunzel – Good Strong Roots
Just take the chain, jump on the rock to take the Sausage Stomp and do a buttstomp towards the bushes. A secret will appear.
Scene 6: Rumpelstiltskin – The Name Game
When you’re at the top of the waterfall, you can see the secret coin at the other end.
Inside the castle, after the Sausage Stomp on the column, instead of going down, go where the princess/queen was to take the secret coin.
Scene 7: Rapunzel – Blond Leading the Blind
It’s behind the house, at the other end of the scene.
Scene 8: Sleeping Beauty – Dead Tired
The secret is in the second part of the level, on a small floating island.
Vinciane Amorini
July 2015