Lords of the Realm II Guide

So... you decided to Cheat eh? (Hex editor) for Lords of the Realm II

So… you decided to Cheat eh? (Hex editor)


Hey you! Yes you, the person reading this at 3 am in the bleak hope of finding a less than average person to inform you of how the Hex editor works for Lords of the REALM 2! … Okay so everyone and their pet goat showed you the “codes” for the cheat system – but you an average person forgot to take windows 95 hex editor programming so you have placed your final betting chip on someone with less experience to understand proper sentence structure than the basic coding system.******Disclaimer!******This may or may not be healthy for your game file or your computer be aware of anything that doesn’t line up correctly if done as instructed it should line up perfectly. If not you only have yourself to blame… :C

Step 1: The First Step

before we begin we need to have a hex editor those are easy to find on google
the specific one I use is this delightful one: [link]

After you download the correct one for your PC (idk which one is best for you just eye ball it and hope for the best.) once that is done and over with we move to step 2

Step 2: “The code, the hex and the ugly truth”

After opening the hex editor you may be wondering “What do?” Well I’ll tell you what do … … … If you right click on properties in the steam library, afterwards look in browse file location in steam (we’re all familiar with that right?)

You’ll find the Lords of the realm folder, in this file there is a save game and in the saved file game thing is the key to our future success!

When you want to make a new save and start over or use an existing save game file, they’ll both be in what can only be described as a massive folder of letters numbers and some weird looking application file that you may or may not have accidentally opened into the hex editor. Fear not! You can start a new game sire? I mean, make a new file in the hex editor and start over real simple stuff for some – mind warping complexity for others.

Step 3: Holy crap what?!

(inhale) This hex editor may seem confusing but bare with me the letters numbers and that other thing in the corner all add up!

To explain how this cheat sheet works I will use circles and other such images to help us out

If only there was a way to make more everything better, gee I sure hope something changes…

AND LIKE THAT WHAA-BAM WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO-GO! You did it! well I mean you tried, got confused, sat there like a lemon then, with the last grain of salt, found this post and kept reading it. BUT YOU TRIED and that’s all that matters really… Or does it?

So from this point going on I’ll slowly explain that moment we just had.

The moment we just had:

those coded lines on the top from 00 01 02 03 all the way to the end is in fact… wait for it… almost there… here it comes!

the 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F letters and numbers you need to change the code! 😀

Step 4: I forgot which step we’re on

So when you carefully sift through the code lines and almost go blind from reading the cheat codes and then finally line them up with the code you need to change it. It will become so simple a person of your intelligence no longer needs to read this… Or do you?

the codes to get everything you need are as followed:

Change the coded hex line manually from the numbers or letters seen to FF just FF only FF no more than FF just. F.F. minus the periods.

Codes you need for game breaking epic win sauce in the image below
Then change them carefully please
The codes work perfectly.

Step 5: Oh no! You made a uh-oh! What will you do now?!

This part is for people that mistakenly made a uh oh, the biggest thing I can recommend people do is read this before you start going on the code editing!

Make a backup, backup file to make sure no bad voodoo tricks stop you from having a good time playing this classic game.

After that make sure you don’t mistakenly pick the wrong save file or god help you another file in the ocean of a folder before changing or doing anything or else. I actually don’t know if that would be a good or bad thing –

lets assume using a non-saved game file explodes your computer and gives you 2nd degree burns on 67% of your body and leave it at that.

Step 6: Question mark?

If you have issues with the game or the gold amount or the item amount trust me it is safe to assume you can use and reuse your saved game file over again to fix any issues.

This has been my guide to using the Hex Editor, as I’m a non-programming person or even in the slightest knowledge of how this game do. I am hopefully confident in your own computer problem solving abilities as you just read a baffling amount of words to explain a “hackerman-cheat-code-enabled” way to cheesedog a simple game that anyone can try to master and beat on the most impossible difficulties.

Thank you for thanking me… wait.

Thanks and good luck also, if you break your game I gave specific warnings to you beforehand not to break your game.
