Titanfall® 2 Guide

解决单人游戏不能存档问题 Solving the campaign saving problem for Titanfall® 2

解决单人游戏不能存档问题 Solving the campaign saving problem


警告:本文所列出情况可能仅使用于极少用户,如果你在游戏过程中并没有遇到这个问题,请忽略这篇文章。同样地,本文不保证可以解决所有单人存档问题,笔者仅在自己的电脑上解决了问题。Attention: The issue this article address might happen to a few people, if you are not one of them, please ignore this article. And this article might not solve this problem on your computer. All I know is it works for me.————————————————————————————————–遇到的问题:在进行《泰坦陨落2》游玩的过程中,多人模式可以正常使用, 单人模式可以进入游戏,但无法保存,如主角死亡,则回到关卡开始界面。退出游戏时也不会存档。此外,游戏内的设置(如关闭自动骑乘泰坦)无法保存。—————————————————————————————————Issue: When playing Titanfall2, while the multiplayer mode works properly, the campaign fail to save in checkpoint. If the player die, then the game rewind to the start point of the whole level. The game doesn’t save the progress either when a player quit the game. And the user setting cannot be solved.


问题本质:《泰坦陨落2》的本地资料,按照系统设计,存储在 userdocument (文档)文件夹下,但是由于 EA / Respawn 工作人员的懒惰(根据 EA 论坛上的解决方案,这些工程师很清楚问题来源),文件存储路径总是系统默认的路径,如果用户或者系统决定更改“文档”文件夹的位置,则游戏无法存储。根据我所看的资料,同样的 bug 也出现在某些其他 EA 游戏中(模拟人生、战地)。


————– 2021/7/4 更新 ————–
命令行中输入 mklink /D “C:Users<用户名>Documents “<自定义documents目录>”

Solution (in English)

The bug: The saving progress, by the design of system, is to save the file in the directory userdocument. Because of the laziness of EA / Respawn engineer (according what I have read on the EA community, these engineer know well this bug), the saving system target always the default path of this directory, while the user might have altered the path, in which case the game fail to save. From what I have read, this same bug might occur to other EA games as well (Sims, Battlefield).

The solution: Reset the “document” folder to its original location. This setting can be found in document (the folder) ->property.

————– update 4th July 2021 ——————-
Thanks to comment “仿生人会涮电子羊吗“, a better solution is to use symbolic link.
Type in CMD: mklink /D “C:Users<Username>Documents” “<Customized Documents>”

参考文章 Reference


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