Starcom: Nexus Guide

Solving the "Crashed Surveyor" anomaly for Starcom: Nexus

Solving the “Crashed Surveyor” anomaly


Explains how to solve the mistery of the Crashed Surveyor anomaly/map.

Solving the anomaly

At some point in your adventures, you will find an anomaly that has an image attached to it:

If we take a closer look at it, we can identify some unique features:

  1. Some kind of pink/purple nebula
  2. What appears to be a binary system (2 stars)
  3. A system in the center of the image which seems to have a cursor pointing to it
  4. Several other systems
  5. What seems to be Aurebesh writing in the top left? 🙂 (aka Galactic Basic Standard alphabet)

By reading the description of the anomaly, we can quickly piece together that this is some kind of map to a “Progent Primer”, the center being the place we need to find.

If we unlocked the Entarq Citadel and bought the Progent Turret we also know that the Progent are a fairly advanced race so it’s likely we’ll be able to uncover more Progent tech.

The first thing we will try to do is to look at our navmap for something that matches the pattern described by the image… yet there is nothing that matches up at first glance, which is why you are probably reading this guide in the first place 🙂

The trick is to find the two defining features separately and use them as a reference to match the rest: so the pinkish nebula and the binary system.

There is a single nebula on our navmap that matches the image:

As for the binary system, while there a few of them on the map, there is a single one that is close enough to the nebula that would be a match:

With those two found, we can zoom out a bit and see that the rest of the systems that are on the original image are starting to match up as well, just that the angle is different… so if we actually rotate the image clockwise:

the pattern is actually matching up!

So all that is left is to find the missing system, which we can do by calculating the distance between the X axis and Y axis of our pattern to the missing system (each map square being 1 unit tall in X and Y axis), thus placing the location at roughly -4X and -1Y relative to the system with a Nexus gate on it:
which places the system at 9.60 X -4.47.

Exploring this system, we can find, as mentioned by the surveyor’s log, an outer planetoid with a Progent artifact. It’s pretty far from the star, so just go SW from the star if you still can’t find it. The exact location is 9.44 X -4.60.

You will need Neutronium to access it, the exact amount being unknown but 15 is said to be enough (please correct me if I’m wrong!) after which you will be able to research shield technology at Kite Station.


Special thanks to Exam for writing the final location of this puzzle map in the forums which I actually was not able to find by myself.

This also led me to try and find an explanation on how to get there, which made me write this guide 🙂

Also, the amount of Neutronium needed was taken from a post by worstcase11.

Known issues

As of version 0.12.4, visiting the hidden planet first breaks the quest from completing correctly, even after triggering the initial quest and returning back, Neutronium included.

This prevents you from acquiring the Progent artifact and requires a save reload of before visiting the final planet.

tl;dr: Quest gets stuck if you do it out of order: trigger it first before finding the hidden planet.

@comments – should be fixed in 0.13 but let me know when it’s solved and I will remove this section.