ARK: Survival Of The Fittest Guide

SotF Gun Strat Tech Tutorial w/ Video for ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

SotF Gun Strat Tech Tutorial w/ Video


This is a tutorial / guide of how to tech and get a Shotgun, Longneck and Pistol in SotF. I did this on the FFA servers and have a video as well to show you step by step! Enjoy

Intro – typeForced

A quick intro, my name is typeForced and I am a livestreamer on twitch. ARK SotF is an amazing game that is so fun but has a very high learning curve that comes from extensive knowledge and experiance. The cool thing is you can learn it and then enjoy the game as much as many of us do. Here is a quick yet full guide on how to do a Tech based strat in SotF and make full guns. This was done in the FFA Mode and you can see the locations of metal and this spot at the end of the video. I hope this helps and Happy Hunting!


Main Tutorial

At you Base Location:

Using T to transfer a stack of items from one inventory to another without dragging, and Shift T to split a stack and transfer will come in handy during this phase. A base location should have two to three metal nodes in Free for All (FFA).

Knowledge of how much time you have before the circle of death closes in on our base location can help you refine your strategy, what order you perform your actions in, and what optional actions your perform.

You will start gathering and crafting for for two stone furnaces and two wooden foundations. Furnaces can only be placed on foundations and you need to get your furnace up and running as soon as possible. Two foundations in the smallest base size you can use to fit everything for this strat. Enclosing your base is recommended, but your 1st priority to is begin smelting metal.

Starting Your Base:
-Place wooden foundation (2)
-Place stone furnace (will need 2)

(pvp battle video interruption)

-You need to gather 10 metal (stone pickaxe on metal node) and get them burning in the furnace, so that you will have 5 ingots (2 metal each) to craft with.
-Craft a smithy and place it
-Craft a metal pickaxe in the smithy and equip it. The metal pickaxe has higher durability and more importantly will increase your harvest rate.

Your Base:
– Continue gathering your metal. Make multiple trips – you do not want to be overweight. Advanced: experiment how many hits a node can take with a metal pickaxe, to leave nodes up so they do not pop and give away your position. You do not need to harvest/smelt all the metal available at this time. Make sure you have some smelting and continue on with other crafting. Do not drop stone or flint. It will be used.
-Decide if you are going to enclose your base.
-Craft Mortar and Pestle. Deposit stone and flint in the mortar and pestle.
-Start crafting Sparkpowder in the mortal and pestle when you access this to deposit your extra stone and flint make sure to keep the crafting queue going.
-Craft waterskins to catch rain – This can happen earlier or later in game, depending when rain is. Do not use full waterskins until pvp or late game. If you are thirsty and safe, use berries.
-Craft a blood extraction kit – When you are at full health create blood bags (healing potions) and start storing them for later in the game.
-Remember to continue gathering metal so that your furnaces are always smelting.
-Craft multiple campfires (3) for cooked meat and charcoal. Charcoal will be necessary for gunpowder. Cooked meat restores food and will heal you when you eat it if your character is hungry. Keeping your character slightly hungry so that you can cooked meat heal is recommended.
-Keep smelting, fires going, make sure sparkpowder is being crafted, and occasionally make a bloodpack.

-You can now go gather crystal if you want to craft scopes. There are no crystal spawns inland, so it is important to gather crystal relatively early in the game before the circle closes in on the spawn points.

Final Stages/Crafting:

– Place Chitin, Hide, Fiber in the smithy
– Craft one full Chitin Gear set and equip it. If you have extra materials you can craft another set before you leave your base.

-Harvest nodes for flint for sparkpowder. At least 200+ flint
-Gather charcoal from fires and furnaces.
-Craft sparkpower & Charcoal in pestle to create gunpowder. While this is crafting.. (keep checking to craft max amount gunpowder)

-Throw some extra wood and stone from your inventory in the smithy or quickly gather some. There is usually extra stone in the pestel. Place ingots from the furnace into smithy

-Craft pistol, longneck rifle, and then a shotgun in the smithy.
-If you gathered crystal, craft two scopes, one for the pistol and one for the rifle.

-Place additional ingots from the smithy and gunpowder from the mortal and pestle into the smithy.
-Each ammo craft is two bullets. For simple rifle ammo you want to do 5 crafts – 10 bullets.
-The longneck rifle can shoot 10 bullets before it breaks.
-The pistol can shoot 50 bullets before it breaks.
-The shotgun can shoot 20 bullets before it breaks (each shotgun shell takes three simple bullets to craft, so you will need to craft extra pistol ammo)

(pvp battle video interruption)

Last Check:

-Equip your guns and attach scopes (if you have them) to the pistol and rifle.
-Move the ammo to your inventory.
-While you have time, cycle through your guns and make sure they are fully loaded.
-Craft your second set of Chitin armor and put it in your inventory.
-If metal is left over, craft a pike.
– Make sure you have Waterskins, Stim Berries, and your Blood packs on your hotbar.
-Make sure you are NOT overweight and drop nonessential items.
-Keep some items to repair your main bow. If armor has taken damage make sure it is repaired.

The circle should be approaching by this time, so it is time to go hunt! Remember to move erratically. Use the longneck for long range shots. Shotguns are for close range and taking down attacking dinosaurs.

*A note about armor and acid rain. If your armor is easy to repair (hide) or you are in place where you can repair it, keep your armor on and seek shelter from acid rain under a rock on in a building. If your armor is good (chitin) you may want to take your armor off to avoid the cost of repairing it. However, NEVER risk your life for armor if you think your life is in danger, a fight is nearby, or you are under attack from aggressive dinosaurs.

Good Luck, Have Fun!