a detailed walkthought/guide to all the mods for spaz (you can find them at the SPAZ website’s forums)
Start up
So you have had a good playthrough, no? If not, then do it!
Mods are very refreshing for gameplay as they add lots of new things such as ships, weapons, parts, and so on (there’s also second SPAZ game in the works which is fully moddable).
So now you have found the mods on the forums (under the mod listings, if not we have a link here),
and are asking yourself, “which one?” Well this is where the guide comes in!
Also a must have!
What does this do?
It removes the cascade effect of firing your weapons(It goes from left to right with it on,BUT with it off all the weapons fire at once!
Go to properties(From right clicking the game) then to set launch options then put this in and watch the light show your ships fire now!(Only on your ships)
Installing the mod
To install you put the mod files in the mod section of spaz in where ever you installed spaz to eg. C/steam/steamapps/common/Spaz pirates and zombies/mods
Mod #1 : Fight for Universe
This is the most “full” mod around so it’s a good idea to start here.
What’s been added:
1.Lots of new parts
2.New ships
3.New weapons
What will be added:
1.Balance (you currently have all the good stuff)
2.New story
3.Arena mode will work!
Walkthrough for FOU(the mod above)
Firstly, the new ships are ready from the start but are very expensive so don’t send them into combat (unless you have a ****load of rez to cover the costs of rebuilding).
2.Get the better mining beams ASAP so that mining is not so much of a pain (it shortens mining time dramatically).
3.The new weapons are game changing as they are very powerful but very costly, get these as soon as you can use them and not have to recharge after every attack.
4.Be aware that the mothership has a lot more storage than the normal one.
5.Prioritize your research into these catagories.
5a.Hull/Sheilds (so your expensive ships dont die as much)
5b.Turrets (for both ship and deploy turrets)
5c.Crew/sub sytems (for utils/repiar speeds/crew combat)
5d.Reactors (running out of energy is a bad idea)
5e.Engines (good to outrun them than be hit by them)
5f.Beams/Cannons/other weapons (these new weapons are good, but upgrade their damage last so you can actually fire them in the first place)
Ship guide to FOU
There is 1 new ship per ship size
1.At medium or above they only have turrets on them, this is where the missle and util turrets come in.
2.They have the best stats apart from mass, there they are average. These new ships are much better than any other ship of their tier, so get them if you can afford them.
3. in the old version (0.72) the large could only be built in chapter 3 and the huge in chapter 4 and no new weapons were implimented. If you are having trouble with something like this, than install the newest mod version.
Weaponry Guide for FOU
here’s a list of the weapons in the mod
1.Mining Beam: Nothing you haven’t seen before.
2.Laser Beam: The average beam.
3.Photon Beam: AKA overload emitter, more damage but shorter range.
4.Electron Beam: Again nothing you have not used before(Ion beam in orginal game)
5.Positron Beam: It’s a leach beam, very useful.
6.Phaser Beam: Yes Star Trek is not safe, very fast but very small life time(good against critters [zombies] and drones)
7.Depth charge beam: Much better then your normal mining beam, don’t leave it out!
8.Stasis Beam: Slows down your foes or stops them in their tracks.
9.Fusion Beam: Same thing you used in the normal game.
10.Infector Beam:This beam makes zombies appear on other ships, good for making a distraction (try to keep it WELL away from your ships).
11.Deep Core Beam: Don’t ask me how it works but I think someone teleports rez into your hold when you use it
12.Dark Matter Beam: This is science bordering on magic, cut your foes down like a hot knife thought butter(the critters are not safe either :D).
13.Terminus Conflagration Projector: The bounty hunters have it and now you do.Needs a siege Turret or huge fixed mount(huge turret slot with fixed turret) Very overpowered.
The Crew guns. For when you want loot from ships.
1.Suicide pod: Sends a very weak boarding pod that can be destroyed by anything
2.Armored pod: Better than the suicide pod in speed and hull (will not die as quickly when under fire).
3.Light shuttle: Is much more useful than the pods as it’s much more maneuverable than them but is very weak so use it only when you want your guys to come back.
4.Perforation pod: Quite durable with a good speed and range so it’s good when you want your guys in under heavy fire.
5:Battle shuttle: A dramatically improved light shuttle with better stats across the board.
6.Hotzone dropship:this is the ultimate crew weapon with 50 guys on it with the health to make fun of a manta ray.
The most useful weapon type of them all (Apart from mining for Rez or getting rid of shields).
Mod 2: Anarchronism
This make spaz into a steampumk-like game as there’s new art for most of the ships (it’s a WIP [Work In Progress]).
The Content
1. Lots of new art!
2.New ships some of which you cannot use (some ships are AI only).
3. A new type of component to put on your ships called a modular unit which add lots more things to play arouind with.
It’s at it’s best in Chapter 2, but most end game content has not be implamented
Mod 3: Battlestar Galactica Mod
This is a great mod, and for all intents and purposes I had a great time playing it. The new ships are amazing if a little overpowered for their class tier. It was very refreshing to see them in-game and added a touch of retro that really went nice with SPAZ.
The extra hangars you get are nice but a little overpowered because you can have a lot more firepower where it’s not really needed. I was able to blast my way through anything with 6 cloaked mass-thermal-bomb-weilding Helixes and charge my way through the game rather quickly.
Overall the mod is incomplete but what is there is great. I sincerely hope the creator of the mod works harder on it; there have not been any updates since 2013. The ships need to be named properly, currently the two tiny-teir ships are both named Darts, and since there is already a ship named the Dart this can get very confusing. The hangars also need to be toned down a little, three extra hangars, and all of them being able to support a fourth-teir ship, is overpowered and not necessary.
When (hopefully) the mod is complete, it will be reminiscant of the days of Battlestar Galactica but in a new, much better game with a better engine and better graphics. I am really looking forward to this mod being completed so I can fully enjoy it. As for now though, there are mods that are superior.
Mod 4:Big fight for beef(Combo mod of FOU and Big beef)
Big fight for beef is the offspring of FOU and big beef(A very good offspring at that)
1.Improved normal ships(the humble short bus gets two beams,the dart gets missiles,basically pumps up the ships)
2.All the features of FOU(But as far as i can tell no weapons yet and it’s the old ships)
3.A much more powerful mother ship(No longer is it a sorry excuse for a home,it’s a base of death!)
4.Your own big rock(that takes a huge mining beam to mine) at the hideout!
If you are lazy then look here if you cannot bother to do it by hand
[link]This is the official forum for all SPAZ mods, and any mod we review will be in this forum. Keep in mind that this is a forum about mod REVIEWS, not new mods. Just search for the mod you want until you find it. Also try google.
More to come
making a guide is time consuming so i’ll be updating it when i can
you are wellcome to add to it too in the comments section