Spolszczenie do OpenMW.
Basic description
To jest napisany w pośpiechu, więc w języku angielskim. Niech cię to nie przeraża.
Spolszczenie nie jest takie kiepskie. Nie wszystkie słowa są polskie, być może..
Jeśli gdzieś jest błąd, napisz w komentarzach, gdzie, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, aby zrobić lepiej.
This is PL specific fixes for OpenMW and official plugins.
Compatible with CD Project translation.
Tested on OpenMW 0.46.
OpenMW 0.46 (T+PL) [link] (86Mb) (Master Index PL included)
Master Index PL (standalone): [link] (50Kb)
If you not need the whole pack. Compatible with OpenMW and Vanilla.
1. Working with Steam overlay and timer without any effort at all.
2. Custom Launcher, PL-version specific. Even better, two custom launchers. One is a really time-saver, if you are not playing Morrowind for the first time.
3. PL-specific fixes for GUI and openmw.exe
4. Master Index official plugin on PL language, this time. The whole plugin is translated and this is not a ‘Google Translate’ type of translation, for sure.
5. Portable. You can’t broke you English game with this. It’s will change nothing in your Morrowind vanilla files.
6. easy to install, easy to remove
7. Readme (in pdf format)
Read readme first.
Copy content of archive to Morrowind folder (Copy and Replace). GOG version is supported too.
After that, just launch game as usual, using Steam. Steam overlay (Ctrl+TAB) and time calculation are working perfectly.
If you don’t have a tool that can open 7z archives, download and use 7-zip (free; recommended).
Because English mixed with Polish localization are not very aesthetic. And localization doesn’t feel complete without “Master Index” plugin.
More than that, English version of Master Index is not working at all, by default. So this mod will be useful for everyone who will use PL localization with official plugins.
There can be grammatical errors. If you are noticed something strange, feel free to post a comment.
Q: How is it compatible with mods?
A: As usual. You need to convert the mod first, that you want to use with PL-translation. YAMPT is okay for that purpose,
OpenMW is not compatible with mods that use a lot of MWSE (lua) scripting, for sure (like “Next Generation Combat” mod).
Q: How to update OpenMW to latest version?
A: Is not an easy task, but look at “OpenMW Filessystemtools (7z archive)srcOpenMW PL(zip archive)OpenMW PL“, you can find all needed files there, that can be useful for upgrade (at least for OpenMW 0.47 or for your custom modpack).
Also, you can move “OpenMW FilesPolish Data” to main directory of Morrowind (replacing all existing files here) and then install official OpenMW build. After that, download “master index pl” from Nexusmods, activate it and that’s it.
You will lose UI, font and journal fixes this way. But you can tweak them manually.
Q: Can I use Mater Index PL plugin for vanilla engine?
A: Yes
Q: Can I improve ‘Mater Index PL plugin’ translation by myself or use it with my custom modpack?
A: Yes, no permission needed. Just credit me too, if you are not a bad person.
Q: How to obtain all Propylon Indices with cheats?
A: Put this lines of code to console (one by one or use quickstart.exe and edit presets.cfg):