Squad Guide

Squad Standard Operating Procedure V2.6 for Squad

Squad Standard Operating Procedure V2.6


This guide is designed to help squad leaders organise their squads at the start of rounds for the best optimum performance throughout the round.Updated to version: 2.6

Squad Setups

This guide is designed to help squad leaders organise their squads at the start of rounds for the best optimum performance throughout the round. You should name your squads appropriately and take into account individual server rules. This idea is to create a “Standard” that the community will hopefully adopt and thus make teamwork easier ingame. Which has the benefit of introducing new players to the way Squad should be played. Therefore I will keep this updated with any important changes that the dev’s implement.

Commander [CMD]

The Commander Squad’s job is to support the commander in the field by assisting him/her in defending, building or resupplying fobs and forward observation

The Squad is 3 players strong made up of the following basic setup:


  • 1 Logistics vehicle or any light transport vehicles such as M-ATV’s, TAPV’s or Technicals


  • 1 Squad Leader
  • 1 Medic

Fire Support:

  • 1 Engineer/Sapper

As always the Commander will decide on which kits are needed but this is a good start.

Infantry Squad: [INF]

The Infantry Squad’s job is to take and hold objectives with support of the other squads, be it defense or offense.

The Squad is 9 players strong made up of the following basic setup:


  • 1 Transport Truck or 2 Light Vehicles (M-ATV, TAPV, TIGR-M, SImir, Light Utility Vehicles and Technicals)


  • 1 Squad Leader
  • 1 Medic


  • 3 Rifleman
  • 1 Automatic Rifleman

Fire Support:

  • 1 Light Anti Tank
  • 1 Grenadier
  • 1 Heavy Anti Tank, Marksman, Sniper, Machine Gunner, Engineer/Sapper or Automatic Rifleman as required

As always the Squad Leader will decide on which kits are needed but this is a good start.

In addition some factions give different options which should be taken into consideration.

  • US/RUS see above.
  • British should always take Grenadier + Marksman (squad role) to gain additional optics.
  • Ins/Militia should always run as many LAT, HAT and Scouts as they can for increased fire power capabilities.

Mechanised Infantry Squad: [MECH INF]

The Mechanised Infantry Squad’s job is to take and hold objectives with its increased firepower and manoeuvrability/transport capability.

The Squad is 9 players strong and is made up of the following:


  • 1 APC (MT-LB variants, BTR 80, BTR 82A, Stryker, LAV III or FV432 Bulldog)


  • 1 Squad Leader
  • 1 Medic


  • 2 Crewmen
  • 2 Rifleman

Fire Support:

  • 1 Light Anti Tank
  • 1 Grenadier
  • 1 Heavy Anti Tank, Marksman, Machine Gunner or Automatic Rifleman as required

In addition some factions give different options which should be taken into consideration.

  • US/RUS see above.
  • British should always take Grenadier + Marksman (squad role) to gain additional optics.
  • Ins/Militia should always run as many LAT, HAT and Scouts as they can for increased fire power capabilities. Further more depending on map layer Ins/Militia do not always have access to APC’s in which case use two DshK armed Technicals.

Infantry Fighting Vehicle Squad: [IFV]

The Infantry fighting Vehicle Squad’s job is to support the other squad’s to allow them to take and hold objectives with its increased firepower and manoeuvrability/transport capability. Your main task will be destroying enemy vehicles and engaging infantry.

The Squad is 2 players strong and is made up of the following:


  • 1 IFV (M2A3 Bradley, FV510/FV520 CTAS Warriors, LAV 6.0, BMP-1 and BMP-2)


  • 1 Squad Leader Crewman


  • 1 Crewmen

In addition extra crewman can be taken to either:

  • Provide the IFV with rear/flank security.
  • Additional spotters. (Some IFV’s have a command/spotter seat)

Tank Squad [TANK]

The Tank’s Squad’s job is to defeat enemy armor, support the infantry squads on objectives and create area denial with its extreme firepower.

The Squad is 4 players strong and is made up of the following:


  • 1 Tank (M1A2 Abrams, FV4034 Challenger 2, Leopard 2A6M T72B3, T72S, and T62)


  • 1 Squad Leader Crewman


  • 3 Crewmen

In addition some factions give different options which should be taken into consideration.

  • US/GB/CAF should always try to take 4 crewmen to fill the 4 slots in an M1A2 Abrams or FV4034 Challenger 2 while the T73 and T62 only need 3 crewman.
  • Tanks work best together so feel free to create squads with 6/8 players to control both Tanks with fire-team options.

Helicopter Squad [HELO]

The Helicopter Squad’s job is to make effective use of air assets assisting the team where possible by supplying FOB’s and transporting infantry.

The Squad is 2 players strong and is made up of the following:


  • 1 Transport Helicopter (UH-60M, SA330, Mi-17 or Mi-8 HIP)


  • 1 Lead Pilot


  • 1 Pilot

This squad should focus on transporting infantry and supplying/creating FOB’s around the map. 2 players should be used to crew the air assets to enable fob creation.

Logistics/Mortar Squad: [LOGI/MORTAR]

The Logistics/Mortar Squad’s job is to drop, supply and build up/man FOBs and Mortar positions to support the other squads.

The Squad is 5 players strong and made up of the following:


  • 1 Logistics Truck


  • 1 Squad Leader
  • 1 Medic


  • 1 Engineer/Sapper
  • 1 Rifleman
  • 1 Marksman

The Logistics Squad has the most important role: placing and supplying FOBs so that the other squads can respawn, repair and rearm. Once viable FOBs are placed (At minimum 1 attack and 1 defensive) with HAB and supplied with defenses/emplacements/ammo/repair stations as required. You will should and will be called upon to supply new FOB’s as required by your team do not supply your mortars while your team needs a new FOB

The squad will then move to create a Mortar position to support the team with at least 2 mortars to provide good fire support. 1 Rifleman and Medic to man the mortars plus 1 Rifleman Logistics driver while the Squad Leader/Marksman act as spotters.

Specialised Asset Squad [Scout], [SPG] etc

The Specialised Asset Squad’s job is to make effective use of special assets assisting the team where possible on objectives or destroying the enemy.

The Squad is 2 – 3 players strong and is made up of the following:


  • 1 Special Asset (BDRM-2, BDRM-2 Spandral, M-ATV TOW, FV107, Simir 9M113 Kornet, SPG-9 Technicals, ZSU-23-2 MT-LB,ZSU-23-2 BMP-1, ZSU-23-2 Truck)


  • 1 Squad Leader Crewman
  • Alternatively 1 Squad Leader


  • 2 Crewmen
  • Alternatively 1 Medic and 1 LAT depending on asset.

This squad is very faction dependant, thus asset type should be taken into consideration when forming the squad.

  • When in doubt avoid 1 manning these assets, although a lot of servers will let you 1 man technicals for example its always better to have at minimum a driver and a gunner.
  • Name your squad appropriately e.g. [SCOUT], [SPG] etc.