This guide will show you how to quickly, and effectively use the map, and understand its markers and icons.
Reading the map.
The map is covered with two sets of coordinate grids, a larger grid with alphabetic and numerical coordinates and a small grid that is called “keypad” and is read from 1 to 9 like the numerical keypad on your PC keyboard.
In the center of this map, following the larger grid, we find F6 or Foxtrot 6, sometimes this alone isn’t accurate enough though, so we use the keypad system. For instance the very center of the image would be “Foxtrot 6 Keypad 5”. That is how you call out your co-ordinates.
Map Icons
The map is very important, it lets your team co-ordinate together, resulting in unit cohesion, if it is used correctly. In order to understand the map, we need to understand some of its icons.
The top left icon is an unclaimed CP (capture point).
The top right icon is a CP claimed by the United States Army.
The bottom left icon is a CP claimed by the Russian Army.
The bottom right icon is a CP claimed by the Militia.
These icons indicate CPs that are currently in play and are able to be attacked/defended.
The icon on the left is a CP that needs to be defended by your team, and the icon on the right is a CP that can be attacked by your team. They are usaully used in conjuction with the flags like this:
As you can see, the flag on the left is a United States Army flag with an attack marker over it, and the one on the left is your CP which needs to be defended.
Map waypoints and markers.
The map also uses a series of waypoints and markers that are placeable by squad leaders only. When used correctly, makers can increase the co-operation of the squad members, when used incorrectly however; it can instead confuse and hinder the squad, which is why it is always important to know what the markers mean, and how to correctly place them.
Cross/Sword: Attack this location Binoculars: Observe/Scout this location
Waypoint: Move to this location Shovel: Build at this location
Shield: Defend this location
Gun: Rifleman Crosshairs: Marksman
Rocket Launcher: Light Anti-Tank Missile: Heavy Anti-Tank (not in the game yet)
Campfire: Enemy FOB
(PH stands for placeholder – they have not finalized the icon yet)
Any marker a squad leader places on the map will stay for 5 minutes, and can not be removed.
That’s all for now guys! Be sure to leave some feeback with things I can add, or things you would like to see changed, I am always hoping to help others, and keep guide this useful and updated!
-brune out