Clicker Heroes 2 Guide

Star's General Cid Guide for Clicker Heroes 2

Star’s General Cid Guide


This guide goes over all of the basics of Cid, including every stat, skill, and effect. You will also find information about setting up your automator, along with how each of Cid’s 4 builds play.


Cid as a character has had an interesting history, being the first character developed and added to the game. She has been through countless iterations of game, has seen her skill tree changed multiple times, and has even had an infinite gold exploit! Now Cid seems to have settled into her third and final iteration: one in which you choose 1 of 4 builds.

This guide will go over each of the 4 builds in detail, explaining their strengths and weaknesses, go over the nuances of selecting a build, and finally how each transcension perk changes how the builds behave.

Helpful Links

Skill tree planner, this can be help you balance out your stats(outdated for cid)

Transcension Guide, this goes over some of the things I mentioned in this guide and more. Includes formulas for all sorts of things!(formulas involving HS and HS costs are outdated, still has relevent info for stat scaling)

Clicker Heroes 2 Transcension

the Clicker Heroes Discord, I am pretty active in the clicker heroes 2 chat so if you ever have a question you can probably catch me unless I’m busy. There are also plenty of other people who can answer questions as well.


This guide contains advice for automator set ups, while these set ups are something I would use they are not 1 size fits all, and there are many better possible set ups(alot of them involving set switching). Use these automators as simply examples of how to go about certain goals each build has, and not the be all end all of what you should do(though they will all work).

I Just Started, Which build Should I Run?

The goal of this guide is to give as much general information as possible to allow players at all stages of the game to make informed choices. That said, the game before your first transcension, or T0 as we call it, probably warrents a guide of its own, and if we ever write one I will be sure to link it here. For how here is a general break down for quick use:

  • Path of Haste: System 1 to 6
  • Path of Gold: System 2 to 6
  • Path of Crits: System 2 to 4(earlier is better)
  • Path of Energy: System 7 to 8

If your current progress in T0 doesn’t match this then don’t worry! Just make sure you run each build at least once, and you should be good to go.

I Haven’t Just Started, Which Build Should I Run?

As of right now difficult mode is in a state where systems 20 to 30 are the end game, which means with a new save your never going to actually reach all the fun transcension perks that shake up gameplay. Casual mode does not suffer that restriction however, hence why this guide still mentions such perks; though I will not explain when you should be using each build at that point, since casual mode doesn’t need such info for optimal progression.

As for difficult mode your going to find yourself doing something very similar to T0, just extending it out a bit. There are however a few things to note about each build:

  • Path of Energy: This will still be your go to pushing build, but how that you have some transcension levels into energy and mana it can make sense to run it once or twice early on.
  • Path of Crits: The more mana and mana regen you have the better this path is going to feel, letting you put it off until later in the run.
  • Path of Haste: Not much to say about this, just don’t be alarmed when multiclicks sudden has less clicks after an upgrade, that is completely intentional as a way to combat lag(you get 4 times less clicks, but deal x4 damage with clicks while the buff is up).
  • Path of Gold: No changes to how you should be running it at all.

Balance is Key(Why can’t I just pick one path?)

As shown in later sections of this guide, every build benefits from stats in other sections. Now because of how linear stats(which stats are linear stats will be mentioned later in the guide) are calculated you end up wanting to equally invest into all of them in order to get the highest dps out of a build, which, of course, means you need to run the other builds as “buffing” builds to increase your damage for that final push at the end of the run.

If you don’t care about the math of linear stats you can skip the rest of this section.

Every linear stat can be broken down into the fallowing formula:
F(x) = M * (S * (x * 1.1^t) + 1)
M is the flat multiplier to the stat(Huge Click damage has a flat multiplier of x10 when applied),
s is the scale factor per level(most of the time this is 0.1),
t is the transcension level of the stat,
and x is the total node levels for the stat(you gain 1 node level for a stat when you grab its node, the % increase shown in the node itself is just some code running a “predicted” change).

Now we can simplify this down a bit by recognizing that (x * 1.1^t) is just our effective node levels, so we can replace that with its own variable, in this case N.
M * (S * N + 1)

Now each linear stat stacks onto the next multiplictively, so for example if we had linear stats a, b and c our overall damage formula would be:
Ma * (Sa * Na + 1) * Mb * (Sb * Nb + 1) * Mc * (Sc * Nc + 1)

From here we can recognize that M for a, b, and c is just some constant value, so by can redefine M to do this:
M = Ma * Mb * Mc
M * (Sa * Na + 1) * (Sb * Nb + 1) * (Sc * Nc + 1)

At this point we can drop the +1s for being trivial, as N can reach values exceding 1000, 10000, and even higher as you progress through the game(Yes they are alot less trivial for lower content, but even excluding them from T0 will probably only give you an error rate of around 10%, which only shrinks with higher transcension levels).
M * (Sa * Na) * (Sb * Nb) * (Sc * Nc)

Once again we can recognize that a variable is just a constant for a, b, and c, this time being S.
S = Sa * Sb * Sc
M * S * Na * Nb * Nc

We are now left over with 2 constants and 3 variables, since we have no control over the constants we can drop them at this point, as they will no relevency over how to maximize the output of the formula.
Na * Nb * Nc

At this point my knowledge in math just isn’t enough to prove or explain this well, but if you play around with the numbers you will find that for any set of variables in which you find a product by multiplying them all together, the value is maximized by having all the values be equal.

Stats That Scale Every Build

These stats are used by each of the 4 builds, and therefore are always a good idea to grab.

Stat Types:
Linear Increase: This stat scales linearly with the amount of nodes you pick for it.
Diminishing Returns: Nodes for this stat give less and less value as you approach some soft cap. For example stats with “Chance” in the name normally approach 1/100%.
Diminishing Linear: An oddball group, these stats give diminishing returns and approach a soft cap, but because of the mathematics of how they are applied they are functionally in the Linear group.
Linear Diminishing: Like the previous group but works in reverse, the stat is gained linearly, but its usefulness either has some soft cap, or becomes redundent over time.


  • Click Damage: Linear Increase. This stat is used by every Cid build, and applies to everything that isn’t an auto attack.
  • Critical Chance: Diminishing Returns. Having crit chance gives you access to crit damage as an additional multiplier, with more crit chance making crit damage more consistent. Can be rather hard to get until you have a few transcensions. Tends to do better in the Haste and Energy paths, as the nature of doing many equal hits gives you more chances to roll a crit.
  • Critical Damage: Linear Increase. As another linear multiplier this stat can greatly increase your builds damage, on the condition you ahve enough crit chance to actually roll a crit…
  • Haste: Diminishing Returns. Haste can be thought of as increasing how quickly the game runs for the most part, boosting automator speed, lowering cooldowns, making storms click faster, etc. It does have a soft cap of x10 before buffs however.
  • Gold Received: Linear Increase. Pretty much the gold version of Click Damage, this stat applies to all the gold Cid gains.
  • Bonus Gold: Diminish Returns. Every time you gain gold there is a chance equal to this stat that the gold will be multiplied by x10. It is worth noting there is a bug feature where clickables(those bubbles filled with gold that appear) actually roll this twice, for a possible x100.
  • Item Cost Reduction: Diminishing Linear. Reduces the cost of items, can be thought of as a much slower growing second Gold Received stat.
  • Total Energy: Linear Diminishing. It is worth noting that every build needs more energy to really apply everything it has, some more so than others. Though eventually you do just have enough energy and do not need more.
  • Total Mana: Linear Diminishing. Similar to total energy, the only difference being that the Path of Gold does not actually use this. You tend to not need much total mana because of mana regen later on.
  • Mana Regeneration: Linear Diminishing. A very helpful support stat, with enough mana just becomes an infinite resource. However once you reach that point extra mana regen becomes pointless and a waste of skill points.
  • All the Item Damage Stats: Linear Increase. Each Item Damage stat can only be gained from 1 of the build Paths, which is a main reason you must use all 4 paths semi equally in a transcension. It is worth noting that because of weapon damage artifacts you may only care about weapon damage in some transcensions.

Before Hand of Libertas

  • Monster Gold: Linear Increase. Monster Gold boosts the gold gained from anything that is not a chest. That includes clickables and gold piles! While Chests do give more at this stage of the game, they are pretty rare and therefore cant be completely relied on.
  • Treasure Chest Chance: Diminishing Returns. The chance for a monster or boss to be replaced by a chest that gives twice the usual gold! Its important to note that chests don’t benefit from the monster gold stat, so if monster gold is is more than twice chest gold a chest will give less gold than a normal monster.
  • Treasure Chest Gold: Linear Increasing. The multiplier to gold chests use instead of monster gold.

After Hand of Libertas, Before Clickable Value

  • Monster Gold: Linear Increase. Clickable bubbles are now your main source of income, and since monster gold effects them it its quiet the important stat! it can also help you keep going if you get an unlucky period of 0 clickable spawns.
  • Clickable Chance: Diminishing Returns. Every 5 seconds there is a chance for 1 clickable bubble to spawn, up to a maximum of 4 clickable bubbles. The base gold in the bubble before multipliers is based on the zone in which the bubble spawned in. Because of this its important to constantly pop those bubbles, so that newer ones filled more gold can spawn!
  • Clickable Gold: Linear Increasing. An additional multiplier that applies to clickable bubbles and gold piles.

After Hand of Libertas, With Clickable Value

  • Monster Gold: Linear Increase. Clickable bubbles are now your main source of income, and since monster gold effects them it its quiet the important stat! it can also help you keep going if you get an unlucky period of 0 clickable spawns.
  • Clickable Chance: Diminishing Returns. Every 5 seconds there is a chance for 1 clickable bubble to spawn, up to a maximum of 4 clickable bubbles. The base gold in the bubble before multipliers is based on the zone in which the bubble spawned in. Because of this its important to constantly pop those bubbles, so that newer ones filled more gold can spawn!
  • Clickable Gold: Linear Increasing. An additional multiplier that applies to clickable bubbles and gold piles.
  • Treasure Chest Chance: Diminishing Returns. This stat now additionally determines what % of the chest gold stat applies to clickables.
  • Treasure Chest Gold: Linear Increasing. Chest Gold now applies to clickables, now every gold stat boosts clickables!

The Automator


Transcension and Hero Souls


=====Path of Haste=====

The Path of Haste focuses on dealing many smaller hits to deal the majority of its damage, quickly bursting its way through monsters. This path can be one of the fastest for clearing early systems.

Starting Skills and Perks


  • Big Clicks: A Cid staple and classic, this skill gives you a buff that will multiply the damage of your non auto attacks. Costs Energy
  • Powersurge: This skill will multiply the damage of your non auto attacks for the next X seconds. Costs Mana
  • Energize: This skill grants a buff that will give you passive energy regen per second for X seconds. Costs Mana, Gives Energy Overtime
  • MultiClick: A skill that has seen use in all the old Cid builds, This skill will preform X Click attacks. Costs Energy
  • ClickTorrent: The Path of Haste’s storm, this storm clicks insanely rapidly, but will quickly drain your energy.


  • Small Clicks: This perk multiplies the amount of attacks Big Clicks will buff by 2, but makes it so that each one deals “half” damage(the intial decrease is x3 -> x2 damage, so not really half damage, however your Big Click Damage stat will still only count as half as much).

Blue Nodes

  • Killing Frenzy: Gives you a 5 second haste buff when you get a kill. Very effect at the start of a transcension, but useless if your run is pushing very far, as each monster will end up taking alot longer than 5 seconds. Still might as well grab this, its a free world clear speed bonus.
  • Limited Haste: Divides your haste by 2, but triples your damage, in theory giving x1.5 dps. However if your already oneshotting monsters then this blue node will only slow you down. Its also worth noting that halving your haste halves your automator speed.
  • Torrential MultiClick: Triples the Damage of MultiClick while ClickTorrent is Active. This blue node only increases the burst potential that ClickTorrent has, can come in handy for clearing bosses. A major downside is that this node makes it so for your highest damage possible you need to somehow get MultiClick to use a Big Click charge while ClickTorrent is active, which is very difficult to line up without an insane number of Big Click charges.
  • StormBringer: Using a Big Clicks charge will reduce the cooldown on ClickTorrent by 1 second. Very useful if you find you don’t need to use Powersurge for bosses, as you can focus all your mana into using Energize, allowing you to quickly regain energy to spam ClickTorrent again and again.
  • Hastesurge: Makes the length of Powersurge’s buff immune to the standard haste reduction(ie having x2 haste would mean only lasts half as long). An absolute godsend at a certain point of the game, this can end up making Powersurge last longer than its cooldown, allowing you to infinitely keep it up! If your already at that point then it also reduces the mana drain of doing that, as you will need to recast Powersurge less often.
  • Sustained ClickTorrent: Halves the energy cost of ClickTorrent. Extremely useful, a shame its so far down the tree…

Extra Stats That Scale This Build

  • Bigger Big Clicks: Linear Increasing. Often just referred to as BC damage, this stat is quiet important for this build, as it will increase your damage for both normal zones and bosses at all points of the game.
  • More Big Clicks: Linear Diminishing. This stat can help certain aspects of this build out quite immensely, such trying to line up a MultiClick click to use a Big Clicks’ stack while Clicktorrent is active. This stat can also be useful if your total Big Clicks’ stacks per cast is below the number of times MultiClick clicks. However once this stat is fulfilling these goals it just becomes useless to get more.
  • Increased MultiClicks: Diminishing Linear. This stat behaves oddly, once it reaches 100 clicks it will divide the clicks by 4 down to 25, but multiply the damage from MultiClick clicks by 4, and this damage increase stacks multiplicitvely onto self. To make up for this the actual value of MultiClick nodes is divided by 4 for each condensing done, causing you to need 4 times as many MultiClick nodes to reach the next x4 multiplier. I would recommend putting points until this stat until reaching the next x4 multiplier isn’t very achievable.
  • Improved Energize: No idea how to classify this. This stat honestly really isn’t that useful at all for this build. Since improved Energize just increases how long Energize lasts the only use here is just decreasing the mana/minute required for perma Energize, which you probably wont do until your swimming in mana regen anyway, so you won’t care about the cost.
  • Improved Powersurge: Linear Increasing. Often just called powersurge damage or PS damage, while powersurge will not be used much for standard zones or zooming through worlds it is extremely useful for clearing bosses faster. Once you manage to get permanent uptime on Powersurge this stat also functions as a flat multiplier to you damage, which is very useful.
  • Sustained Powersurge: Linear Diminishing. Increasing the length of the Powersurge buff has many benefits. With enough time it can last from one boss attempt to the next, possibly saving you a full attempt or more. But where this stat truely shines is later on where you can make Powersurge last longer than its cooldown, allowing you to have infinite uptime on Powersurge! Once you reach that point however all this stat does is reduce the mana/minute upkeep of doing that.

After Downpour

  • Huger Huge Clicks: Linear Increasing. Once you have downpour ClickTorrent will start to trigger Huge Click buffs, allowing this stat to scale the build as well! This also makes Path of Haste the strongest path for that period of the game.

Stats in This Path’s Tree

  • Haste
  • Bigger Big Clicks
  • More Big Clicks
  • Click Damage
  • Increased MultiClicks

Item Damages

  • Breastplate
  • Boots
  • Cape

How to Play

Zooming in the Haste path is very simple as it just requires spamming MultiClick and Clicktorrent. You may also want/need to add in Big Clicks to keep one-shotting enemies. Here are some example automators for Haste Zoom:
Zoom with no Big Clicks

  • Energy < 40% -> Energize
  • Energy > 90% -> Clicktorrent
  • MultiClick = 0 -> MultiClick

Zoom with Big Clicks

  • Energy < 40% -> Energize
  • Energy > 90% -> Clicktorrent
  • Big Clicks < 10 -> Big Clicks
  • Big Clicks > 0 -> MultiClick

Boss Killing
This is similar to zoom in that you are easily clearing normal enemies but you need a bit more oophm to kill a boss. For Haste this normally comes from Powersurge. Builds for This section will vary alot based on what point of the game your in. Early game you might find that comboing Powersurge and Clicktorrent clears bosses, while later on your trying to just use MultiClick and Big Clicks. Because of this you shouldn’t treat these examples as the only options(not that any build in this guide is the only option):
Boss Killing with Powersurge + ClickTorrent

  • Energy < 40% -> Energize
  • Is a Boss Zone -> Powersurge
  • Is a Boss Zone -> Clicktorrent
  • Big Clicks < 10 -> Big Clicks
  • Big Clicks > 0 -> MultiClick

Boss Killing with MultiClick and Big Clicks

  • Energy < 40% -> Energize(may need to drop to have mana for powersurge)
  • Is a Boss Zone -> Powersurge
  • Energy > 90% -> Clicktorrent
  • Big Clicks < 10 -> Big Clicks
  • Big Clicks > 0 -> MultiClick

If your Pushing with Haste then it makes sense to assume you have infinite Powersurge or close to it. There isn’t to much to say here besides that your goal is getting MultiClick to use Big Click charges while Clicktorrent is active, so just keep clicktorrent up as much as possible. You also need enough mana regen for both Energize and Powersurge.
Haste Pushing Example

  • Energize = 0 -> Energize
  • Powersurge = 0 -> Powersurge
  • Energy > 60% -> Clicktorrent
  • Big Clicks < 10 -> Big Clicks
  • Big Clicks > 0 -> MultiClick

=====Path of Gold=====

the Path of Gold is a pretty simple path, which mostly revolves around using MultiClick to trigger Huge Click. It is recommend to run Path of Haste at least once before this path just to upgrade Multiclick.

Starting Skills and Perks


  • Huge Click: A Cid staple and classic, this skill buffs 1 non auto attack to deal a lot of damage. Costs Energy
  • MultiClick: A skill that has seen use in all the old Cid builds, This skill will preform X Click attacks. Costs Energy
  • Golden Clicks: The Path of Gold’s storm, this storm does not click, but instead passively buffs your gold gain at the cost of energy over time. Costs Energy
  • Reload: This skill reduces the cooldown of the next skill you use and gives you energy and mana. Its Primary Purpose in this build is just to give you a bit of energy. Gives Energy, Gives Mana


  • Quick Reload: Reduces the cooldown and effects of Reload by 80%. While this does make it weaker at reducing the cooldown of skills(which is a useless effect anyway), it does have the benefit of making its energy and mana regeneration more consistent.
  • Resplode: This causes the next attack used after Reload to happen a second time(this includes auto attacks). Trying to line this up with Huge Clicks isn’t worth it and you can ignore this effect even exists.

Blue Nodes

  • Shakedown: When you hit an enemy with an attack using a Huge Click it will give you gold based on the damage you deal. Gold gain is (Gold from enemy on kill) * (% damage done to enemy).
  • Hecaton’s Echo: Changes Huge Click’s effect to give you 101 Huge Click stacks, with each non auto attack using 1 stack. The 101, 76, 51, 26, and 1 stacks all trigger a Huge Click. A must have at any point you are running Gold.
  • Huge Click Discount: After you trigger a Huge Click item prices are discounted by 50%. If you trigger Huge Click fast enough this is effectively x2 gold.
  • Bonuser Gold: Bonus Gold is multiplied by 4, for a total of x40 gold from Bonus Gold.
  • Refund: Have a 50% chance to Refund any gold spent. How useful this is and if its a x2 multiplier are still being discussed.
  • Preload: Reduces the cooldown of the next skill used by 50%. You might use this for Golden Clicks, but otherwise this is completely useless and ignorable.

Extra Stats That Scale This Build

  • Huger Huge Clicks: Linear Increasing. Often just referred to as HC damage, this stat is quiet important for this build, as it will increase your damage for both normal zones and bosses at all points of the game.
  • Increased MultiClicks: Diminishing Linear. This stat behaves oddly, once it reaches 100 clicks it will divide the clicks by 4 down to 25, but multiply the damage from MultiClick clicks by 4, and this damage increase stacks multiplicitvely onto self. To make up for this the actual value of MultiClick nodes is divided by 4 for each condensing done, causing you to need 4 times as many MultiClick nodes to reach the next x4 multiplier. I would recommend putting points until this stat until reaching the next x4 multiplier isn’t very achievable. Recommend to have atleast 25 clicks from MultiClick so you can Trigger 1 Huge Click per cast with Hecaton’s Echo.
  • Improved Reload: Linear Diminishing. Getting this will increase the amount of energy you gain from Reload, which will greatly help your ability to sustain Golden Clicks. However Once that is possible then the stat becomes useless.

Stats in This Tree’s Path

  • Gold Received
  • Bonus Gold Chance
  • Clickable Gold
  • Monster Gold
  • Huger Huge Click
  • Improved Reload

Item Damages

  • Ring

How to Play

Path of Gold is the simplest in terms of gameplay, being the same regardless where you are in the run. The only question you have to ask yourself is “Can I afford to run Golden Clicks”.
Example Automator Without Golden Clicks

  • Energy < 10% -> Reload
  • Huge Click = 0 -> Huge Click
    [*} Huge Click > 0 -> MultiClick

Example Automator With Golden Clicks

  • Energy < 10% -> Reload
  • Energy > 60% -> Golden Clicks
  • Huge Click = 0 -> Huge Click
    [*} Huge Click > 0 -> MultiClick

=====Path of Crits=====

This path focuses on using various bonuses to empower a single Manacrit hit to deal tons of damage. However, because of the resources involved in doing this, it is actually advisable to not even use the Manacrit aspect in some situations.

Starting Skills and Perks


  • Huge Click: A Cid staple and classic, this skill buffs 1 non auto attack to deal a lot of damage. The main uses of Huge Click in Crit are to combo with Manacrit and activate Patient Storm. Costs Energy
  • Manacrit: Clicks once with 100% crit chance, and also buffs the damage of the click with an additional multiplier. If Manacrit kills an enemy then extra damage is carried over to the next enemy, this continues until you run out of damage(Yes, you can 1 shot an entire world this way). Costs Mana
  • Critstorm: The Path of Crit’s storm, this storm clicks at a moderate pace, with each click having twice your standard crit chance. Costs Energy
  • Powersurge: This skill will multiply the damage of your non auto attacks for the next X seconds. Costs Mana
  • Energize: This skill grants a buff that will give you passive energy regen per second for X seconds. Costs Mana, Gives Energy Overtime


  • Enhanced Precision: Any attack that is not a crit has a 10% chance to become a crit. Note that this is not doubled by Critstorm, or included in the Improved Mana Crit blue node effect. This is because this is not a buff to crit chance, but instead a seperate crit roller entirely.

Blue Nodes

  • Patient Storm: Critstorm will pause itself while you have a Huge Click buff. This is useful for comboing Manacrit and Huge Click(normally Critstorm would eat the Huge Click buff before Manacrit could even trigger) and regaining energy so that Critstorm doesn’t drop, forcing you to wait its cooldown before coming back up again.
  • Bhaal’s Rise: Crits cause the cooldown of Manacrit to be reduced by 1 second. Useful later on when your trying to trigger as many Manacrits as possible.
  • Improved Mana Crit: Manacrit gains a damage bonus from your Crit Chance, and gains a % chance to refund itself that equals your Crit Chance.
  • Managize: Replace Energize with Managize, which takes a flat amount of energy over time to give a % amount of mana over time. Be careful getting this, as running Crit in earlier transcensions wants Energize over Managize.
  • Critical Powersurge: Powersurge gives an increasing buff to Crit Chance over time, up to +20%. If your using Powersurge this is a very nice effect to have.
  • Critical Killiing Surge: Killing a monster with a Crit will lower the cooldown of Powersurge by 5 seconds, mostly useful for obtaining infinite uptime for Powersurge, though its rather far in the tree and not very consistent.

Extra Stats That Scale This Build

  • Huger Huge Click: Linear Increasing. Often just referred to as HC damage, this stat will greatly increase your boss killing potential, and later on when you actually use Manacrit it will increase the amount of monsters kill by Manacrit as well.
  • Manacrit Damage: Linear Increasing. This stat increases the damage done by Manacrit, a must have if your actually using Manacrit, useless otherwise.
  • Improved Energize: No idea how to classify this. Surprisingly useful for this build, not only does it help with giving you more time to click with critstorm pre-m=Manacrit, once your using Manacrit and get Managize it increases the effiecency of Managize, saving you energy!
  • Improved Powersurge: Linear Increasing. Unlike in Haste, Powersurge serves as a primary multiplier for pre-Manacrit Crit, making it a somewhat important stat. With Manacrit this stat is still important, but is either moved to bosses only, or has reached permanent uptime.
  • Sustained Powersurge: Linear Diminishing. Extremely important for a Crit build, this extends how long you can keep Powersurge up for pre-Manacrit, massively boosting world clear speed, and is needed to get infinite uptime on Powersurge once you have Manacrit. Once infinite uptime is reached investing more into this stat just saves you mana,

Stats in This Path’s Tree

  • Crit Chance
  • Crit Damage
  • Improved Energize
  • Improved Powersurge/u]
  • Sustained Powersurge
  • Manacrit Damage

Item Damages

  • Weapon
  • Pants
  • Gloves

How to Play

Crit can be seperated into 2 phases: pre-Manacrit and Manacrit. What determines what phase your in is if you can afford to run Manacrit, which will be determined mostly by your Mana Regen, but is also partially impacted by blue nodes such as Improved Mana Crit.

This style of playing Crit Revolves around using Critstorm to deal the majority of your damage, and Patient storm to keep Critstorm from draining all your energy, causing itself from disappearing. The 2 ways to go about this are to cast Huge click once your below 40% energy, and then consume the Huge Click with a click once your back above 60%/90% energy; or to Constantly cast Huge Click when it is not up and just have click consume it once your above 60%/90% energy. The first method will give you consistent bursts, allowing you to push through normal zones well, while the second method will have more Huge Clicks, killing bosses faster. You can then use Powersurge, Energize, or even both if you have enough total mana/mana regen for it(Energize is useful as it will increase the amount of time critstorm is clicking).
Burst Critstorm

  • Powersurge = 0 -> Powersurge(optional)
  • Huge Click > 0 -> Energize(optional)
  • Critstorm = 0 -> Critstorm
  • Energy < 40% -> Huge Click
  • Energy > 60%/90% -> Click

Extra Huge Clicks

  • Powersurge = 0 -> Powersurge(optional)
  • Energize = 0 -> Energize(optional)
  • Critstorm = 0 -> Critstorm
  • Huge Click = 0 -> Huge Click
  • Energy > 60%/90% -> Click

This is more of the “intended” way to play Crit, where you goal is to just stack as many multipliers into a single Manacrit that just melts everything. This build can be highly effective for zooming, as its playstyle lends itself to the idea of one-shotting an entire world! Your common loop should look something like this: give Critstorm enough time to recharge Manacrit with Bhaal’s Rise, pause Critstorm with Patient Storm, set up Powersurge if its not active already, then finally cast Manacrit. You should also have enough energy at this point of the game, so Managize can be a great support option of mana regen isnt enough for both Manacrit and Powersurge.
Note in the fallowing automator example that does that you may need to play with what timed stone you use for Huge Click, to give Manacrit enough time to recharge.
Manacrit With Buffs

  • Critstorm = 0 -> Critstorm
  • Mana < 40% -> Managize(optional)
  • Energy < 40% -> Energize(optional)
  • 40 seconds(change time to Manacrit cooldown with Bhaal’s) -> Huge Click
  • Huge Click > 0 -> Powersurge
  • Huge Click >0 -> Manacrit

=====Path of Energy=====

The Path of Energy deal’s most of its damage via Discharge, and empowers that even more with its use of juggernaut. While Energy does have one of the highest flat multipliers from all its blue nodes and bonuses combined, it does Scale slightly slower than the rest of the builds, making it ideal for pushing in your first few transcensions, but becoming more of a supportive role later on.

Starting Skills and Perks


  • Big Clicks: A Cid staple and classic, this skill gives you a buff that will multiply the damage of your non auto attacks. Costs Energy
  • AutoAttackStorm: The Path of Energy’s storm, this storm does auto attack’s instead of click attacks, this provides energy(at the cost of mana) but becuase they are auto attack’s they cannot use a majority of your damage and buffs. Gives Energy Overtime, Costs Mana Overtime
  • Reload: This skill reduces the cooldown of the next skill you use and gives you energy and mana. Its Primary Purpose in this build is just to give you energy and mana. Gives Energy, Gives Mana


  • Limitless Big Clicks: Removes both the cooldown and stack Cap of Big Clicks, allowing you to spam it to gain a huge amount of stacks! Note that Big Clicks will still be subjected to the global cooldown(which is triggered anytime you use a skill), so it will still have a small delay between casts.
  • Juggernaut: If you have Big Clicks stacks then using any skill gives you 1 stack of Juggernaut. Skills cost 1 more energy for each stack of juggernaut. Juggernaut stacks are never consumed. If you run out of Big Clicks stacks then you lose all your Juggernaut stacks. This perk is useful for causing the next perk to trigger extremely large hits.
  • Discharge: The bread and butter of Energy, spending any amount of energy in anyway will cause Discharge to do a click attack(note that unlike all other click attacks, these ones cannot trigger a dash), with the damage being multiplied by both energy spent and your auto attack damage. This means a hit from Discharge uses Big Clicks, Click Damage, Auto Attack Damage, and however much energy you spent, all rolled into a single hit!

Blue Nodes

  • Jerator’s Enchantment: Crit Auto Attacks give 1 mana and 3 energy instead of the usual 1 energy, you probably want at least 10% crit chance before you think about getting this.
  • Synchrony: Auto Attacks will still occur while you are using skills or clicking. This is more useful than it sounds, as it will turn your auto attacks into a mostly true source of passive energy gain(note that auto attacks won’t happen if your walking up to a monster!).
  • Release: If your under 60% energy, your attack damage is multiplied by 4. This can be rather hard to achieve if you have to much total energy(though at that point you probably dont care about the x4 bonus)
  • Restraint: If your above 40% energy, your gold gain is multiplied by 4. Unlike Release this only gets better from having more energy, as it can become just a free x4!
  • Gift of Chronos: Spending mana increase your haste, this has a feedback loop with AutoAttackStorm, where spending mana increases your haste, allowing you to spend mana faster, increasing your haste more. There is a hard cap of x2 haste however.
  • Superfluous Discharge: Discharge counts every energy spent as 2, this is just the same as saying “Discharge does x2 damage”.

Extra Stats That Scale This Build

  • Bigger Big Clicks: Linear Increasing. Often just referred to as BC damage, this stat is quiet important for this build, as it will increase your damage for both normal zones and bosses at all points of the game.
  • More Big Clicks: Linear Diminishing. Useless, and with enough stacks and low enough Total Energy actively harmful :).
  • Auto Attack Damage: Linear Increasing. While you do not care about the damage of the auto attacks themselves, this stat does scale up the damage discharge, giving it a key role in the scaling of this build.
  • Improved Reload: Linear Diminishing. Increasing the amount of energy and mana you get from Reload can be very help for both sustaining AutoAttackStorm and gaining more Juggernaut stacks.

Extra Extra Bonuses
Energy is special in that it gains a bit more from some stats than normal. There are 2 stats that do this:

  • Total Energy: Because gaining Juggernaut stacks is part of your main damage, more total energy means more damage. Keep in mind that once you reach a certain threshold of energy it will be basically impossible to spend it all, allowing you to gain infinte Juggernaut stacks.
  • Auto Attack Damage: This only applies after you get Kinetic Energy. Once you do have Kinetic Juggernaut will provide a damage bonus equal to your auto attack damage, making the Auto Attack Damage stat apply twice.

Stats in This Tree’s Path

  • Auto Attack Damage
  • Total Energy
  • Total Mana
  • Mana Regeneration
  • Item Cost Reduction
  • Treasure Chest Chance
  • Treasure Chest Gold

Item Damages

  • Helmet

How to Play

Earlier on in a run when you don’t need Juggernaut stacks Energy is pretty simple to play(if not a bit slow), the only thing you need to make sure of is that your in Release and Restraint range.
No Juggernaut

  • Mana > 60%/90% -> AutoAttackStorm
  • Mana < 40% -> Reload
  • Big Clicks = 0 -> Big Clicks
  • Energy > 60% -> Click

Using Juggernaut becomes rather complicated, our goal is to keep using spamming Big Clicks until our energy is low, at that point we want to stop using Big Clicks and reset our Juggernaut stacks. It can also be Helpful to keep our Big Clicks stacks at 100 or lower, as it will speed up how long it takes to clear them.
Set 1

  • Mana > 60%/90% -> AutoAttackStorm
  • Energy < 40% -> Next Set
  • Always -> Big Clicks
  • Big Clicks > 20 -> Click

Set 2

  • Big Clicks > 0 -> Click
  • Energy > 60% -> Previous Set
  • Mana < 40% -> Reload
  • Big Clicks = 0 -> Reload

The final version of juggernaut is where you have so much energy it is impossible to spend it all. This allows you to forgo thinking about reseting Juggernaut stacks and stack them infinitely!
Infinite Juggernaut

  • Always -> Big Clicks
  • Big Clicks > 10 -> Click