mods for SWBF2 that add new Eras, units, maps and more!! (mostly Era Mods tho)also if the mod descriptions sound weird thats cause i took them from the Author’s description in the links to themalso i was inspired by this guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=942553008 finally, i also saw it never had some mods i liked so i’ve decided to make my own list of my personal fave mods, if you dont like my guide or something i would really reccomend checking out Kiqsu’s Guide – its awesome
[Good Starter Mods] Conversion Pack + Battlefront Extreme
firstly i have to recommend these two mods. these are perfect if you only want a few maps / skins installed at a time.
Battlefront Extreme
Conversion Pack
Reshade And Snol ENB [Graphics Modifer]
a little tool to make the game looks that much better, the tool will let you add bloom, Lens Flares Preset Colour Filters and MORE!
Reshade ENB Installer
Shader Pack
Video on Using Reshade [Apply the same steps onto SWBF2]
Also Snol’s ENB is a good choice if you dont want Reshade – i dont like it though since its not as customizable (you can only toggle the ENB on and off)
Download (Snol ENB)
Battlefront: Evolved (High Definition Skins)
Significantly improves the models, textures, and particle effects for the ALL, CIS, IMP, and REP factions’ unit classes and vehicles. Completely online-compatible. – might conflict with the skin changer mod
Skin Changer MOD [Pimp Your Stock Units!]
the skin changer is an amazing mod, letting you change your clone legions and even mix and match clone skins together! (see photo below)
this is a phase 1 ARC trooper with 212th battalion markings on him – looks totally dope imo
(a result of combining random skins together)
Skins (Latest Version)
501st Legion
212th Attack Battalion
Shock Troopers
327th Star Corps
41st Elite Corps
41st Jungle Camo
Galactic Marines
442nd Siege Battalion
Phase 1 Snow Troopers
Phase 1.5 ARC Troopers
Old Republic
Kota’s Militia
Naboo Guards
SWBF1 early footage-style skins.
Phase 1 to Phase 2
2nd Airborne Company
ARF Troopers
ARC Troopers (Phase 1)
Green Company
Vehicle skins (Blue Squadron, Gold Squadron, etc.)
Gold and Blue Super Battle Droid
Basic B1 skins.
Kota’s Militia
Naboo Guards
Vehicle & Pilot skins (Blue Squadron, Gold Squadron, etc.)
SWBF1-style skins.
Scarif Gear
Sith Empire
Royal Guards
Death Troopers
Stormtrooper Luke & Han
Tatooine Luke
Snow Luke
Pilot Luke
KotOR Sith Lords (Part of the Sith Empire command)
Download The Mod Here
Elite Squadron MOD
A Mod adding new Heroes, Weapons and Models from the PSP and DS renditions of Elite Squadron into SWBF2
update info [for mod]
Heroes on planets
Clone Wars era
-Coruscant Mace and Grevious
-Dagobah Yoda and Darth Sidious
-Death Star X1 and Count Dooku
-Endor Kit Fisto and Grevious
-Felucia Aayla and Jango Fett
-Hoth X1 and Jango
-Kashyyyk Yoda and Darth Sidious
-Mygeeto Ki Adi Mundi and Grevious
-Mustafar Episode 2 Obi Wan and Darth Sidious
-Naboo X2 and Darth Maul
-Polis Massa Falon Grey and Count Dooku
-Tantive 4 Master Ferroda and Ventress
-Mos Eisley Episode 2 Obi Wan and Darth Maul
-Jabba Palace Aayla and Maul
-Utapau Obi Wan and Grevious
-Yavin Ki Adi and Ventress
Galactic Civil war
-Coruscant X1 and X2
-Dagobah Yoda and Vader
-Death Star Luke and Vader
-Endor Admiral Ackbar and Emperor Palpatine
-Felucia Chewbacca and Boba Fett
-Kashyyyk Chewbacca and Boba Fett
-Hoth Jedi X2 and Sith Lord X1
-Mustafar Han Solo and IG-88
-Mygeeto General Kota and Boba
-Naboo Ben Kenobi and Emperor
-Polis Massa Lando and Boba
-Tantive 4 Princess Leia and Vader
-Mos Eisley Col Serra and Boba
-Utapau Ben and Boba
-Yavin 4 Col Serra and Boba
-Blaster Rifle
-Blaster Pistol
-Thermal Detonator
-Health and Ammo pack
-Rocket Launcher
-Blaster Carbine
-Detonation Packs
-Shield Emitter
-Commando Pistol
-Thermal Detonator
-Health and Ammo pack
-Sniper Rifle
-Tri Shot Pistol
-Blaster Rifle
-Fusion Cutter
-Detonation Pack
-Health and Ammo Pack
Support Class(not confirmed)
Optional Units
-Rebels -Wookiee Warrior
-Cis -Magnaguard
-Empire -Phase 3 Dark Trooper or Royal Guard
-Republic -MEC Trooper
Available models to choose by cycle skin changer
-Rebel Soldier with Human, Rodian, Sullustan head
-Rebel Vanguard Human Bothan and Calamari head
-Stormtrooper normal helmet, Snowtrooper and AT-AT Pilot
-Scout trooper normal helmet, Death Star Gunner, Naval Officer
-Clone Trooper mkII helmet, pilot, at-rt helmet
-Clone Commander 21st Nova corps helmet, Neyo, Cody
Download – Stable Build (Recomended)
The Battlefront Project [Redone Vanilla ERA’s mod]
Battlefront Project adds tons of your favourite weapons and playable units to the battlefront from Star Wars Cannon. The redone weapons and units make this game much more intense.
The new side layout includes 9 basic types of units:
1. Medic
– Carbine/Auto; Carbine/Semi; Pistol; Thermal Det; Bacta Gun
2. Assault
– Rifle/Semi; Rifle/Burst; Blaster; Grenades; Thermal Det
3. Technician
– Shotgun/Flamethrower/Lightening gun; Repeater Pistol; Fusion cutter/heal; Fusion cutter/damage; Ammo Replenisher
4. Sniper
– Sniper rifle; Pistol; Grenades; Recon droid x2
DEV’s Side Mod [ERA MOD]
“DEV’s Side Mod,” by the eponymous Deviss, is a large (era) side mod featuring the Clone Wars. The thrust of the mod is that it adds basically two eras to every stock map – one that uses a global clone legion (50X legion) and another that uses one of the more recognizable legions (212th, 501st, etc.) It also adds a handful of converted maps (Bespins and Rhen Vars) along with one previously-released map. There is also a hunt mode with Mandalorians versus clones that shows up on a handful of the maps. What the mod does well: I’ll touch on this in both categories, but I think the sound that is done right here is done well. Several weapons have new sounds, and I like seeing sound work done (which made it all the more disappointing when I saw it not done). They don’t all sound very “Star-Warsy,” but it was nice to see new sounds nonetheless. I don’t know that I agreed with the choice to use vehicle weapon sounds for some of the hand weapons, but diff’rent strokes. I also thought it was nice to see the era names clearly delineate what was in each map. It’s not a necessity, but in the many different rainbow-of-clones mods that we get, it was nice to be able to pick and choose from the instant action screen rather than guess (or simply have to remember). This was sort’ve a double-edged sword, but I think the positives of this outweighed the negatives – I liked seeing the balance between the two different sides. Units for both the CIS and REP were very similar from team-to-team, and while this means that there wasn’t a substantial difference between one team or the other, it did make for some well-balanced battles. What I’d like to see different: The units all pretty much felt the same. Each unit had so many different weapons that the uniqueness of each class was diluted. I think it’s best when each of the classes plays differently, but when you start giving six or seven weapons to each unit it is almost an inevitability that you’ll have to reuse lots of the same weapons for different classes. Keep it simple and make each class have a distinct feel. The award weapons. Total gamebreakers. If you’re playing on an awards profile, most units will have an award shotgun (and a couple others an award sniper rifle). Both of those weapons are absolutely incredibly overpowered. With the sniper rifle, it takes less than ten seconds to destroy a tank, and since the weapons don’t overheat or have an ammo clip, you can just mash the button and walk through the maps at your leisure. Zero challenge. It was also strange to see so many units end up with an award shotgun when they didn’t have a shotgun to start off with. Visual inconsistency. I hate to compare mods, but I know when I was reviewing the earlier Ultimate Battlefront mod, one of the things I really liked was the consistent set of visuals between different units and legions. The reason I liked it was because it showed that (or at least made it feel like) the mod was the work of a single, coherent author (or team). Here, the units all have different visual styles – one unit will be relatively unscratched, some units will be very scratched, others will be dirty, others will have lots of addons, etc. It makes the mod look like an assets dump, which in my mind is a bad thing (since pretty much anyone can just cherrypick assets from a bunch of places). That’s not to say that this is what this mod is, but it looks unprofessional to be so visually inconsistent. The heroes didn’t fit. The heroes seemed to all be stock heroes. Heroes should be rewards and they should be significantly more powerful than the infantry units. Since the units were mostly powered up (as with most side mods), the heroes felt like a waste of time to use. Other comments: There were still a couple bugs I found here, despite this mod being in its fifth(+) iteration. There were a couple floating HUD tags (I saw one unit that was completely missing a weapon mesh, too). There were sound errors – some weapons (notably arc caster weapons) were missing sounds, and none of the converted maps had fixed sounds. On the subject of the extra maps, while it’s always nice to see some maps added to a side mod, here they felt a little extraneous – they felt like they were added just to have “more.” There wasn’t a lot of rhyme or reason to the additions (only a couple of the BF1 maps were added, a random map was added, seemingly just because the source was open to the public), and the BF1 conversions were only partly done. I know I speak with a little bit of bias in that regard, having worked on the Conversion Pack, but it eats at me a little whenever I see half-done conversions of the SWBF1 maps after having spent as much time as I did to polish the SWBF1 maps for the Pack. On the other hand, I think the lighting setup for the Cloud City SWBF1 map here was better (or at least more accurate to the original) than the Cloud City with the Conversion Pack, so that’s a plus. All in all, it’s a well done mod that has a pretty fair amount of content. While it feels like a lot was added just to have more “stuff,” I’m sure it’ll still be fun to the lots of people that like playing Clone Wars mods, and if you are one of those people, go ahead and give it a download, because I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. -From Download Site
dev’s side mod also features an Order 66 gamemode for maps the event took place on.
[link] e g a.nz/#!YSwV0KpQ!m_Vj-97JgivaYUeAzrH-ZcJGAtwZzc9MC7kAJqs7eAY
DEV’s Clone Wars Extended Mod (ERA + MAPS)
a mod for battlefront 2 specialized on Clone Wars but with new models vehicles and planets for both eras
The Sith Wars [ERA MOD]
the sith wars (TSW) is what the name intends it to be, a mod that pits Sith Vs Sith in Hero Assault, the Units include the sith of the old and the sith of the new in each of the stock maps ingame
[link] e d i a f i r e.com/file/b3pa53isro72s0h/The+Sith+Wars.zip
also – remember to uncheck the spaces – steam hates mediafire
TFA [The Force Awakens] Era + Map
a mod that adds the Sequel ERA into SWBF2, including the First Order and More!! – even comes with a map
[link] e d i a f i r e.com/file/xwa9ue636rnll8g/TFA.zip
[link] e d i a f i r e.com/file/11cd6hoshgwfknb/TFA+1.6.zip
Pax Empiricae [Era Mod]
a huge map pack/era mod which adds lots of new maps complete with new sides and era support for the stock maps.
Much like Dark Times II: Rising Son, this mod completely revamps the Rebel and Imperial sides and takes inspiration from both the movies and Expanded Universe material (such as the Force Unleashed) alike.
This mod is most renowned for its standout feature of rotating the skins and models for each of the units every time you spawn, for example the sharpshooter unit may change from a Rebel Militia skin to a Rodian Rebel. It’s a really neat concept and has been executed superbly well.
The revamped sides are packed with new units including, but not limited to: EVO Troopers, Noghri Death Commandos, Squad Commanders, Kota’s Militants, Katarn Troopers, Rogue Clones and SpecForce Marines.
[link] r i v e.google.com/u c?id=0B45mDQu-SR34UHlhaGs3TGI3WEE&export=download
Shattered Galaxy [Era Mod]
The Galaxy is shattered from conflicts since 1,000BBY. fight as the Galactic Republic, CIS, Rebel Alliance/ New Republic, Imperial Remnant/ Galactic Empire, Yuuzhan Vong, Galactic Alliance, Chiss Asendancy, Zann and Hapan Consortium, or the Confedration!
-Developer: Me(Delta327) -Side Scripters: Kryptic Element -Model Develpoers: Nocticsspector, and Dasher -Trailer Developer: RedSunGamer
Dark Space + Dark Times II (Two ERAs and loads of Maps)
both these mods are amazing and should be used with eatchother, they are 100% compatible and i have tested them both
Dark Space is a large mappack for Star Wars Battlefront 2, that features many maps, some new modes and missions and two dynamic eras with custom sides.
The Two Eras Playable on DS maps are the “Dark Times” Era (in the place of BF2’s stock GCW era) made by Gametoast admin Maveritchell, and the “Last Days” Era (in the place of BF2’s stock CW era) made by yours truly.
Both eras have new gameplay elements such as deployable command posts, poison grenades, enhanced melee combat and force powers. Both eras have random elite units/heroes/clone legions loaded on each match – so the same map and mode are (almost) never the same.
Download (DS: TCW)
Dark Times II: Rising Son is a mod focused on delivering a solid singleplayer experience in a traditionally multiplayer game, Star Wars Battlefront II.
The mod draws from the time period before and during the beginning of the Galactic Civil War. Several prominent characters from the movies as well as the expanded universe show up as one of over 20 new heroes added to the game – each hero supported by a special “hero support” unit.
While the mod of course supports multiplayer (and in fact has some scripted missions specifically for multiplayer), the majority of the content in the mod is designed with the intent to diversify the singleplayer experience – which is why there is a focus on randomization. A number of new game modes have also been added, including the popular “wave mode.”
Download (DT 2: Rising Son)
GCW-1035 [Era Mod]
This mod replaces the stock Galactic Civil War. It is highly inspired by the EA&DICE; battlefront. The modes affected are conquest and campaign (gcw only). New classes, new weapons, new turrets, new vehicles and more.
Battlefront: Ultimate Commander [ERA + MAPS]
The purpose of this mod is to recreate the Star Wars universe through various mythical epochs and places of the saga. “Battlefront Ultimate commander” is a a total conversion modification that adds new eras, new game-modes, new units and many more!
The Battles Of The Clone Wars [ERA + MAPS]
The aim of this project is to give Star Wars Battlefront II players the feeling of the TCW show but still experiencing the classic gameplay style they always loved. Units will be organized as MMO classes, trying to give each one a special role that fits a certain team play (like healer, tank, etc.), but the core and the spirit of the game will be not touched. New maps will be included thanks to the permission of many good modders you already know (Umbara: Shadow Forest, Coruscant: Modern Warfare, Attack on Venator, etc.) and new amazing characters models, visual effects and weapons.
The Sol Map Pack [Era + Maps]
The Sol Map Pack is a map pack for Star Wars Battlefront II that adds maps set on various planets and moons throughout our Solar System to Instant Action.
Both stock eras include new sides with enhanced visuals and sounds, as well as new hero units. Also supports the Mass Effect era if installed.
5 new maps set on Earth, Luna, Mars, Titan, and Venus
Support for the Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, and Mass Effect era on all maps
New Battlefront: Evolved-esque sides, meaning gameplay and layouts stay the same, but models/textures/SFX have been changed/upgraded to fit the map pack’s theme
An eerie ambient soundscape that replaces each map’s music (except Earth: Pioneer Trails), unique to each map
Several new hero units, including but not limited to Rahm Kota and Asajj Ventress
Game mode support for Conquest, 1-Flag CTF, 2-Flag CTF, and Hero Assault (Note: Game mode availability varies from map to map)
A new Hero Assault soundtrack, set to selections from Holst’s The Planets, Op. 32
Star Wars: Homefront [ERA / Joke Mod]
Homefront is a mod dedicated to improving the gameplay of Star Wars Battlefront 2. It does this by adding custom eras to every map which will appear in the game menu as “Homefront CW” and “Homefront GCW.” These eras will contain a variety of game modes which include conquest, hero assault, campaign, and a few custom game modes as well such as order 66 and a hilarious game mode which I love to call “Jar Jar’s Revenge.” I also hope to add space assault in the future. It features custom units, heroes, turrets, etc, better sounds, custom voices, better visuals (although perhaps not as much as seen in other mods), and it makes the game 100x more intense than the vanilla game (my friend seriously asked me if the vanilla game was this intense). You can play this mod online vanilla or with Homefront eras.
What is in the demo: The demo includes Conquest, Hero Assault, Campaign, Order 66, and Jar Jar’s Revenge game modes across the maps of Naboo and Coruscant.
Clone Wars Era Mod
Fight among several clone corps of the Great Army of the Republic. Choose between the
212th Attack Battalion, 327th Star Corps, 41th elite Legion, 91st Recon Corps, the mighty 501st and much more.
The mod includes a whole new team setup for the Republic side, with a setup of 6 different troops with
2 special officers and a lot of new weapons. Get ya ammo and blaster and get ready to fight!
Earth: Salvation
Earth Salvation is a terminator inspired map depicting the war of the humans against SKYNET in the future, you can play as both factions and its totally awesome !
[link] e g a.nz/#!tPwV2QzK!qpYXGE8hwd5a9gxF3wTPavust_P8_hrnTWP3azFzWv8
Utapau Attack 1.5
a unique remake of the Utapau Battle seen in Episode III, the map also includes a higher unit count (1,000 on each team), new skins for the clones and a faster firing speed on the clone blasters – this was a older mod but its still gold!
[link] e d i a f i r e.com/file/7ikyan63kerii2y/Utapau+Attack+V1.5.rar
Jedi Temple – Order 66
the best rendition of the depiction of Order 66 in video game format imo
[link] e d i a f i r e.com/file/y7aparr37o7atob/Jedi_Temple_-_Order_66_1.1_by_DarthZ13.rar/file
[uncheck spaces]
Tatooine At War
Tatooine At War is a huge map for Battlefront II which combines Mos Eisley, Jabba’s Palace and many more places into one large map. You can even fight in space or just battle your enemies on ground. There is much to explore and to see. Many assets are stock (edited), self-made, some assets were made by other modders but there are also assets from Battlefront III (cancelled game) such as Tie Fighter Models, Rebel Fighters, Player Models (Boba Fett and Han Solo) and HD weapon models.
RAS Prosecutor – Hangars
a cool competitive map. notable for the fact you can play as republic commandos instead of normal troopers
[link] e d i a f i r e.com/file/k8if31047cj1749/RAS_Prosecutor_-_Hangars_by_AQT.exe/file
Republic Commando: Extraction
this amazing map by “AQT” has you hold off against waves of droids who are trying to take your command post. it may seem simple but its also hella fun and has three levels of difficulty to compensate. you are also a republic commando here aswell (the character model is not as good as the other RC mods seen here)
[link] e d i a f i r e.com/file/lclig9lgnvlhpns/Republic_Commando_-_Extraction_by_AQT.zip/file
[uncheck spaces]
Zombies On Tantive IV
a SWBF2 mod with zombies. what more do i need to say xD