Starbound Guide

Starbound Universe Mechanics (v.Enraged Koala) Guide for Starbound

Starbound Universe Mechanics (v.Enraged Koala) Guide


This is a description of game mechanics in the Starbound Universe as of v.Enraged Koala – released 18/2/2014.With some boss fight tips and arena design.

Intro To Tier System

The Starbound Universe is divided into 5 Sectors of space & character progression is divided into 10 tiers. While the Universe is clearly procedurally generated, there is currently no way to set the generation seed on your own system, everyone is playing in the same Universe. Sadly this means that the exploration aspect of the game can be very easily spoiled!

The v. Furious Koala update added two new gamemodes for playable characters, Hardcore and Permadeath. I think the permadeath mode is pretty much self-explanatory; in hardmode you drop everything on death.

All Sectors include planets with these common ores: Coal, Copper, Silver.
All Sectors include planets with these uncommon ores: Gold, Platinum.
All Sectors include planets with this rare ore: Diamond.
Crystal is another type of rare material that can be mined as ore on some worlds. – Thanks Regal
Uncommon and Rare ore types are more common on higher tier planets.

Character Progression is divided into 10 tiers with corresponding metal ores or alloys:
Tier 1 = Iron
Tier 2 = Steel (Iron + Coal alloy)
Tier 3 = Titanium
Tier 4 = Durasteel (Titanium + Coal alloy)
Tier 5 = Aegisalt
Tier 6 = Ferozium (Aegisalt + Coal alloy)
Tier 7 = Cerulium
Tier 8 = Violium (Cerulium + Coal alloy)
Tier 9 = Rubium
Tier 10 = Impervium (Rubium + Coal alloy)

The Starbound Universe is divided into 5 Sectors of space: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta & Sector X. Expect the number of sectors to be reduced to three in the near future.
Player begins life in the Alpha Sector, the other sectors need to be unlocked through gameplay.
Sector X has leveled planets for the final 6 tiers of character progression.

Alpha & Beta Sectors have Iron Ore.
Alpha Sector has planets rated at level 1 difficulty.
Beta Sector has planets rated at level 2 difficulty.

Gamma & Delta Sectors have Titanium Ore.
Gamma Sector has planets rated at level 3 difficulty.
Delta Sector has planets rated at level 4 difficulty.

Sector X has planets rated at level 5 through 10 difficulty.
Sector X level 5 & 6 planets have Aegisalt & Uranium Ore.
Sector X level 7 & 8 planets have Cerulium, Plutonium & Uranium Ore.
Sector X level 9 & 10 planets have Rubium, Plutonium, Uranium Ore; (Solarium level 10 ONLY)

Getting Started Guide

Section for players completely new to the game, experienced players may skip.

So you’ve just bought the game and now you are ready to play, here’s a few tips that will help you survive the first few game days. The first time you load into the game on a new character you will be in your mostly empty ship. The Ship Locker has your selection of starting items; you will have the matter manipulator, two types of farmable crop seed, 10 torches, a flashlight, and two-handed sword. In order to open the ship locker just target it with your mouse pointer and press E or middle mouse button. Put your sword in the R slot and the flashlight in the L slot.

There is now a beam down button in the upper right hand corner of your screen, you do not have to stand on the teleport pad to use it. Your ship will be in orbit around an average sized level 1 forest planet. The first order of business once you’ve beamed down to the planet is to find some wood. Sometimes there are no trees in the immediate area around the beam down point, it might not even be a forest biome that you’ve landed in. In that case you may need to travel a bit to find some trees, use your matter manipulator to knock them over and gather the unprocessed wood logs.

You will also need to find some cobblestone and use the matter manipulator to mine it, it will break 2 blocks at a time, you should mine at least 20 blocks of cobblestone. Now that you have some wood you can turn it into wood planks, the basic crafting menu is opened with the wrench button in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You will need to use the wood planks to make a Crafting Table, place the crafting table on a flat space on the ground. You can place the crafting table by moving it to a hotbar slot or you can simply drag the table to a spot with your mouse pointer.

In order to use the crafting table now you just need to mouse over it with your pointer and press E or your middle mouse button, this will open the crafting table menu. Now you should use some wood planks and your 20 cobblestone blocks to make a stone pickaxe and stone axe, these items will help you to gather materials much faster. Also you should use one of your torches and some unprocessed wood to make a campfire, you will need this to cook your first meal and keep you warm at night.

Once you have done all this, you need to find some plant fibres, so look in crevaces for any hanging vines, you can break the vines off with your matter manipulator or the stone pickaxe. Once the vines break you should be able to gather some plant fibres which you need to craft the Hunting Bow, you will find the bow on your basic crafting menu; you don’t need the table to make one. You can also use those plant fibres to craft bandages which can help you counter the very common poison damage.

Once you have equipped the hunting bow in one of your hotslots you can try to get some raw alien meat. You should hold the mouse button down until your bow is fully drawn, so the arrow will hit with max damage. Arrows fly in an arc so you have to get use to aiming the bow, once a target moves into melee range you will be unable to hit with an arrow. It’s possible to kite the creatures sometimes or shoot them from a position where they won’t be able to reach you.

Once you have some Raw Alien Meat, place your campfire on the ground and target it with your mouse pointer then press E or your middle mouse button. This will open the campfire cooking interface which is only used to cook alien meat; all other food recipes require a Wooden Cooking Table. Now that you have a bit of food to stave off death by starvation, you should start looking for some metal ores to mine.

You can find deposits of the ores you need near the surface by day, at night you won’t be able to see the ores on the surface as well. You will need at least 20 iron ores to craft an Anvil, and you will also need lots of copper to craft your first set of armor. You will need another campire and some cobblestone blocks to make a Stone Furnace, which you need to smelt all ores into bars.

The copper armor set provides a little more protection but still not enough warmth to keep you from freezing to death at night. You can not skip the copper armor set and go straight to iron armor because you will need a full set of copper armor to craft the iron armor set. You should probably just take shelter once the night begins because the night-time spawns are a bit tougher than the creatures that spawn during the day, especially if you are not well equiped. You can build a basic shelter from wood planks or packed dirt, or simply mine out a room under the ground.

At night the temperature turns cold and you may notice a thermometor appear at the bottom of your screen. Your body temperature will drop slowly if you are not standing near a campfire or torches. If the temperature gauge goes to zero you will start taking damage and die, but it’s pretty simple to warm up by standing near two torches.

Now starting forest worlds tend to be ore poor; it’s much easier to mine the soft materials found on a desert or arid planet type, in order to reach those worlds you will need to fuel your ship. While you were collecting wood from trees you should also have collected some strange seeds. Those seeds will produce a sapling planter when you try to place them in the world, and you can place them side-by-side and full trees will grow without any space between them. You should find or make a flat dirt surface and plant enough trees that you will be able to collect a full stack of 1000 unprocessed wood.

You can place that stack of wood into your Stone Furnace and convert it to coal at 10 wood to one coal, so you should get out 100 coal from a full stack of wood. 100 coal is exactly the amount you need to fully fuel your ship for one warp jump between star systems, it will produce 200 units of ship fuel. Once you have your coal, just beam up to your ship and find the fuel bay near the pilots chair, press E or middle mouse button to open it. There will be 6 slots for fuel and you can place your coal in one of those slots; once you have placed it press the red FUEL button to convert it into ship fuel.

You are now ready to fly your ship, target the pilot’s chair and press E or middle mouse button to bring up the ship navigation interface. You will notice there are X, Y coordinates given in red digits which can be either a positive or negative number. Its possible to type in exact coordinates for any star system if you wish to find a specific planet. There might be other landable planets around your starting planet, if this is the case you can travel to one of them for the cost of 1 ship fuel.

When you click your right-mouse button over the navigation interface it will zoom out to the system level, where you can see if there are other planets in orbit around this star. Right-clicking the map again will zoom out to the sector map level and left-clicking the map will zoom in. Traveling to another planet in the same star system will cost you 50 units of ship fuel, traveling to a planet at any other star system will cost you 200 units of ship fuel.

Star systems in the alpha sector may include moon type worlds or asteroid fields which you should not travel to, as you will need a tier-4 Survial System in order to survive the airless environs of those places. You may also notice Snow type planets which will freeze you if you are not properly prepared with warmth gear. When you are hunting for Raw Alien Meat, you may get some Leather; you can use this with a Yarn Spinner to craft sets of Snow Infantry Gear, which provides the maximum warmth value. A combination of Snow Infantry Helmet and the tier-2 Steel Armor should provide enough warmth to visit the snow worlds.

Now you know all the basics for playing Starbound, there are many hours worth of content to explore and discover here.

Ship Fuels

Initially the player can use Coal as ship fuel; 1 Coal ore produces 2 units of fuel. Unrefined Wood can be harvested from Trees and converted to Coal in a Furnace, 10 wood = 1 Coal. So 5 wood can be converted into 1 unit of ship fuel, the ship can hold 1000 units of fuel and has 6 slots for additional coal, uranium, plutonium or solarium. You can put the ores or smelted rods into the ship fuel bay, each rod requires two ores, but currently the rods are worth the same as an ore.

Coal ore produces 2 units of fuel.
Uranium ore produces 4 units of fuel.
Plutonium ore produces 6 units of fuel.
Solarium ore produces 8 units of fuel.

It requires 200 units of fuel to travel to any other star system, including stars in different sectors.
It requires 50 units of fuel to travel to a different planet within the same star system; but it only requires 1 unit of fuel if the planet is part of the local group of planets.

It’s notable that there are links between some stars on the starmap; however this does not seem to have any special significance other than as constellation markings.

Character Progression Through Tier 4

Character progression is achieved by crafting weapons and armor out of the materials for each respective tier. Armor sets in Starbound provide additional hit points, energy and warmth in addition to defense. Guns, Bows & Techs are powered by your energy attribute.

A crafting table can be produced from wood planks, this is needed to produce a furnace and anvil. The Anvil requires 10 iron bars and is created at the crafting table. Each Iron bar requires 2 iron ores to be smelted in a Furnace. All metal bars will require 2 ores to be smelted with the exception of diamonds which require 4 ores to be smelted.

Iron Weapons and Armor can be crafted with the Anvil; however you need a full set of Copper Armor as the base for Iron Armor. Each Armor set requires 67 bars. So you need 67 copper bars and 67 iron bars to produce one set of iron armor, which will have a set name and appearance depending on race. It is currently planned that each set of racial armor will provide the player with some type of passive bonus but this is not currently in the game.

In order to craft Steel bars, Weapons & Armor you need to upgrade your Anvil to a Metalworking Station; this requires a boss dropped item called Molten Core. The Molten Core is acquired when the player defeats a Penguin UFO boss that is summoned using a Distress Signal. The boss summoner item is crafted at the crafting table, every boss in Starbound can be summoned multiple times, you just need to craft another summoner item.

The Metal Working Station allows players to craft the Starmap Upgrade Mk2 which unlocks access to the Beta Sector. Using the Starmap Upgrade Mk2 will also unlock several new crafting recipes, including recipes for Steel items & Inactive Robot which must be assembled from parts.
You will need 115 Steel Bars and 2400 Pixels to craft the Robot, (including the Brain Extractor). The Inactive Robot is the second boss which must be defeated in order to acquire the Processor item, which is used to craft Robotic Crafting Table at the Metal Working Station. In order to craft Steel Armor the player needs a set of Silver Armor to use as a base; so you need 67 silver bars & 67 steel bars to craft the 2nd Tier armor set.

Once the player has the Robotic Crafting Table they will be able to craft the Starmap Upgrade Mk3 which unlocks access to the Gamma Sector. Using the Starmap Upgrade Mk3 will unlock new crafting recipes that use Titanium. In order to craft Titanium armor the player needs a set of Gold Armor to use as a base; so you need 67 gold bars & 67 titanium bars to craft the 3rd Tier armor set.

In order to craft the Starmap Upgrade Mk4 which unlocks Durasteel crafting, the player must acquire a boss drop item called Dragon Bone. The Dragon Bone is dropped by a flying fire-breathing bone dragon, and the boss summoner item requires 50 titanium bars and some other items to create. The boss summoner is called Decoy Princess; the dragon’s fire-breath creates burning patches on the ground which will instantly kill the player if you step in them.
Every Race starts the game with a food recipe that will give them the On-Fire buff, which helps you resist damage from the dragon’s breath, this food item also heals the player. For example, Apex use the Banana Bread recipe.

Durasteel Technology is needed to craft the Survival System backgear item which creates breathable air around the player. The Survival System is needed to travel to airless environments such as moons and asteroid belts which can be found in the Alpha Sector and every other Sector. The Survival System also allows the player to breath underwater.

Using the Starmap Upgrade Mk4 will unlock recipes for Durasteel items including an item called Monster Lab. This Monster Lab is used to craft the final boss summoner item called Peanut Butter Trap, a drop from this boss is needed to unlock access to Sector X. You only need 67 Durasteel bars to craft the 4th Tier armor set; however, you will need many more Durasteel Bars in order to craft all the other items you might want.

Armor sets above Durasteel only require the bars to craft currently and are crafted at the Robotic Crafting Table rather than the Metalworking Station.

In the Screenshot below you can see the Arena I setup to handle the flying boss fights. The Bone dragon can be very easily defeated with a hammer, the boss is summoned on the left side of the wall and you stand on the right side and hit it through the gap. I suspect that the developers need to do something to make this fight a little harder. The UFO boss will crash through any blocks you try to build around it but generally it won’t destroy wood platforms. Also the Robot can not attack you through a gap that is 4 blocks high, so long as its unable to jump over the wall, that’s the minimum height in blocks that you can walk through.

NOTE: Bosses now drop 5x items and Boss Codex Journals.

High-Tier and Sector X Content

The High-Tier and Sector X content in v. Furious Koala is mostly unfinished, there are no more bosses to defeat to unlock the next 6 Tiers after Sector X has been unlocked. We should assume that there will be additional bosses in the game and character progression could be much more difficult than it is currently.

Since you only need Aegisalt bars for the Aegisalt tech upgrade, and you would need 67 bars to craft armor, it’s beneficial to skip the Aegisalt armor set and go straight through the tech upgrade to Ferozium. Once you have this, you can combine Aegisalt bars and coal to make Ferozium and craft that armor set. The same holds true for the next set of upgrades, skip Cerulium armor set, go straight to Violium gear. And of course you can skip Rubium gear and go straight to Impervium. This will help save some time. If you mine through the solid parts of the planet you can pretty much avoid most encounters with underground monsters, just try to stay out of the larger cavity areas. By the time you reach Sector X you should be able to have one of the powered drills to replace your pickaxe.

Chucklefish developers have talked about imposing a fog of war effect on the Sector Starmaps, and then requiring a certain amount of exploration in order to unlock travel to the next Sector. Currently the sector maps are immense and there are literally hundreds of star systems with multiple landable planets and asteroid belts. Imposing a fog of war effect would limit the number of star systems available to travel to within a much smaller region of the map, traveling to other star systems would then reveal more of the sector map.

The developers have also talked about having a range of difficulty levels within each Sector, indeed we saw this setup in the original version of the beta release where there we’re 10 planet levels per sector. As a general rule-of-thumb there should be more ores available on higher difficulty planets, whereas your starting planets tend to be ore poor.

Survival – Hunger & Cold

Hunger & Cold will be your most immediate survival concerns on a newly created character.
It’s worth mentioning in this game mechanic guide that hunger or exposure to cold can kill the player, in addition to damage taken from monsters or falling. Falling damage has become far less lethal in the current version of the game, and gravity varies from planet to planet but this doesn’t seem to depend on planet size.

Monsters can be hunted for raw alien meats with a bow or hunting knife. There are currently three tiers of bows available in the game, wood, iron & steel. Alien meat can be cooked at a campfire which the player can craft without a crafting table, but there are several other types of cooking stations available in the game that serve the same function as a campfire. Cooked alien meat fills the hunger bar by a small amount, whereas most food recipes fill it completely and provide a healing buff. For example the basic healing food for Humans is Burgers and for Apex it’s Battered Bananas. Even bread is superior to meat for filling your hunger bar and only requires 2 wheat, plus a cooking station which is needed for all other cooked food items besides meat. One healing food item will restore around 125 pts of health where bandages only do around 25 pts of health, so its useful to have plenty of food for healing. The hunger gauge pops up occassionally to remind you to eat and will sound an audiable alarm when you’re close to taking damage, you can view it at any time by pressing the Alt key.

Each player begins the game with two types of farmable crop seeds. You will get 3 seeds of each type to begin with and can acquire more seeds by harvesting crops, each harvest has a chance of producing 1 or 2 seeds. Harvesting Wheat will sometimes produce plant fibre instead of wheat, so it’s beneficial to have large amounts of wheat planted to keep you supplied with bandages. Every race starts the game with Wheat seed and one other racial crop seed, other seed types have to be found from the environment. Some crops can be found growing wild and others can be found in NPC farms near villages or found in chests and other containers. As of v. Angry Koala, trees can also be planted and farmed for wood which can eliminate the need to mine coal ores. So its necessary to have a home base where you can do your farming. As you can see in the above screenshot I simply created a flat surface with dirt blocks to farm on, you need two block layers under trees or the wood and seed will fall beneath your platform. It’s far easier to build a platform out of dirt blocks than leveling terrain for your farm.

As mentioned, exposure to cold environments can also kill the player and every armor item has a warmth value which protects against the cold. The player starts with two clothing items that collectively provide 2 warmth and no armor value, this is not enough warmth value to protect the player from cold night air on most planets. You can warm up by standing next to a campfire, but two torches are almost as good as a campfire for warmth, placing a campfire next to your bed will keep you from freezing while sleeping. Sleeping in a bed is currently the only way to pause gameplay as your hunger bar will not advance while you are in a bed, so if you need to run AFK make sure you use a bed. The Steel armor set is the first to provide enough warmth to protect the player from cold night air, but it’s still not good enough for snow planet biomes. You can craft a set of Leather armor with a very high warmth value, but sadly the armor value on this set is very low since v. Angry Koala update. Leather can be acquired from monster drops when using a bow (or hunting knife) to hunt, there is a small chance you will get leather instead of raw alien meat. Still the Leather Armor set provides enough warmth to allow you to travel to Snow planet biomes. Wearing only the Snow Infantry hat with your iron armor set may provide enough warmth to survive a snow biome.

The airless environments of moons and asteroid belts are also very cold, you need at least the Durasteel armor set to protect against this level of cold. You will also need to craft and equip the Survival System backgear to survive airless environs, so you will need lots of Durasteel bars at tier-4.

Planet Biomes & Weather Effects

There are many different types of planet biomes in the game, and a larger variety of types in higher tier sectors. Most planets have additional biome types present aside from the primary biome type. There are special biomes that have special resources and special chests which contain blueprints to make use of those resources. Some biomes are found entirely underground, a rainbow biome on the surface will be recognizable by the presence of rainbow trees. A rainbow biome underground will be recognizable by the presence of Neonmelons. A non-exhaustive list of biome types would include; forest, arid, desert, grasslands, jungle, magma, moon, asteroid, snow, tentacles, tundra, volcanic, crystal, flesh, bone, rainbow, and savannah. Additional biome types may be implemented in future versions of the game.

When starting a new character you are guaranteed to start on a forest type planet, but you might find yourself in a non-forest type biome when you beam down to the surface. Sometimes this means that you won’t have any wood trees nearby or cobblestone which you need to craft the basic starting gear. Poison pools are quite common and the best way to deal with it is to carry plenty of bandages to counteract the effects of poison. You can use any dirt or other blocks to fill in the poison blocks which will eliminate the threat, this works with other liquids too. The biome mix can produce some unexpected results; I’ve found snow and ice biomes on some desert planets. You also need to be aware of any lava pools which are quite deadly if you step into them, magma or volcanic biomes can be present on forest planets.

Weather effects include rain, snow, star dust, damaging acid-rain, and potentially lethal meteor storms. There is no reliable way to determine where meteor storms will occur or rule them out as a possibility. Some people have suggested that you can just look at the planet’s background textures for any sign of craters, but others have reported meteor storms on planets that did not have craters in the background. Some planets have clear skies all the time and no other weather effects present. Chucklefish has said that they plan to have a way for players to modify a planet’s weather and control it, but this is not implemented in the current version of the game.

PRO TIP: If you wish to mine asteroid fields, make sure you carry a nano-stove with you and drop it near the spot where you are mining. These stoves heat a larger area than campfires or torches and also act as a light source.

New Underground HECK Biome!

Tools & Gathering

Every player starts the game with a high-tech matter manipulator which will allow them to gather their first resources. Despite the fact that this tool is high-tech it makes a very poor gathering tool, stone tools are a great low-tech upgrade! The three basic tools are Pickaxe, Axe and Hoe; only the Pickaxe suffers durability loss and currently there are no upgrades for stone Axes or Hoes, although the official wiki site talks about a chainsaw. You need a Stone Pickaxe as the base item to craft a Copper Pickaxe, and then it progresses from copper to silver, gold, platinum and diamond. Currently there seems to be very little difference in the gathering speed or durability of Copper versus Diamond Pickaxes, all pickaxes can be repaired with copper ores. You just pick-up the copper ore and right click on your pick to repair it, it takes around 8 ores to fully repair a pickaxe. The matter manipulator does not need to be kept in your inventory all the time, but it will be used automatically whenever you place items or blocks in the world. After you get the Durasteel unlock (Starmap upgrade Mk4) you will be able to craft and use powered drills instead of pickaxes, the drills seem far less durable than picks but only require about 4 copper ores to fully repair, still they’re noticeably faster than pickaxes.

There is a Paint tool which can be used to color various materials including wood plank and glass; crafting the Paint Tool requires the Red, Yellow and Blue Dye, this is the only use for these dyes currently. If you need to find the flower petals in v. Furious Koala, check Jungle Planets. There is also a wireing tool and a number of circut items available in the game. Doors can be wired to open with a wall switch or proximity sensor (which replaces the pressure plates from v.Angry Koala). The available circuit items include a light sensor, various logic gates, and a base defense laser.

In the screenshot below you can see a simple house design which I have painted with the paint tool.

In this screenshot you can see my door wiring; this door can be opened from the inside with a wall button or from the outside with a pressure plate, an OR Switch is used to complete the circuit. You’ll also notice my Chef NPC in this image, he sells various food ingredients and can be summoned with a special item found in some chests.

The Chef NPC is the only source of Alien Bacon, AFAIK.


In Starbound you can find and equip special abilities called Techs. Once you find a Tech blueprint and use it, it will be listed on your Ship Tech interface. You can equip up to 4 different techs at once but only one can be active, you can switch which tech is active on your inventory screen. Some techs are activated by double tapping the space bar to jump and some are activated with the ‘F’ key. You can not share your techs with other players in a multiplayer game because the other player will not see your tech list when accessing techs from your ship interface. Bubble Boost and Butterfly Boost are similar techs which allow you to fly vertically, horizontally or diagonally; Bubble Boost moves you a bit faster than Butterfly Boost but uses energy faster. Gravity Bubble will cause you to rise slowly or slow a fall; while Gravity Neutralizer will allow you to levitate and only move side-to-side. Energy Dash is somewhat more commonly found in low tier sectors and will allow you to dash horizontally by double-tapping a direction key. Pulse Jump allows the player to perform a double jump and Rocket Jump will boost the player much higher than Pulse Jump. The Skyrail Rider tech is craftable and required to ride the skyrails, all other techs need to be looted. Random Blink and Targeted Blink can teleport the player to a different location. Techs may be looted from either green or blue tech chests.

Currently there are a number of vehicles which are activated as techs, including the Human Mech and Glitch Mechs. I understand these vehicles are planned to be found as vehicles rather than techs in future versions of the game.

Pixels – Starbound Currency

Pixels are the currency item in Starbound and they are used in most of the crafting recipes. Initially you will get a small amount of pixels from completeing quests, you can also get pixels by defeating monsters with any weapon other than a bow or hunting knife. There are pixel containers which can be found undergound or even near the surface, when broken they yield a random amount of pixels. You may also find pixels inside chests or other containers. Once the player has unlocked the Steel crafting tier they will be able to craft a refinery machine; this machine can convert ores or bars into pixels, but you can not convert coal or alloy bars.

Copper bar = 10 pixels
Iron bar = 20 pixels
Silver bar = 30 pixels
Gold bar = 50 pixels
Platinum bar = 100 pixels
Diamond ore = 100 pixels
Diamond = 200 pixels

So it may still be useful to mine the copper ores even after you have passed the first tier of character progression as they can always be converted into pixels.

Whenever the player dies or is killed they suffer a 20% pixel loss, this is currently the only death penalty (in normal playmode) aside from being respawned on your ship or possibly on the planet’s landing spot. Currently the only method to store pixels is to use a pixel compressor machine that creates Voxels, this imposes a 40% loss in pixel value when the Voxel items are refined back into pixels. Voxels can be created in 1k, 2k, 5k or 10k denominations; which would be worth 600, 1.2k, 3k or 6k respectively.

Pixels are the only requirement to craft items with the 3d Printer found on your ship. In order to print an item you would first need to scan an item of the type you want to craft, it will cost some pixels to do the scan and the scanned item will be lost in the process. Place the item you want to scan in your hotbar and open the printer interface, drag the time into the scan box, if no pixel value is shown other than 0, the item is unscanable. In most cases I think it’s much simpler to loot the items you want from NPC structures as print them yourself. Many of the building blocks available in Starbound have to be obtained in this way.

And lastly I should mention the skyrails which would enable you to travel very quickly around a planet if you have enough of the durasteel rails. Skyrail Rider Tech Blueprint is currently the only craftable tech in the game.

Here is a structure found in an asteroid belt, got a nice handgun out of the cabinet!

Here is one of the miniboss monsters found in the game, you can recognize them because they’re bigger than average and have a particle effect. They usually drop some nice leveled weapons.

The Rainbow Cape a unique rainbow chest loot in the game.

This is the Human Mech!

Crafting Schematics – Tier 1

[b] Basic Crafting Schematics [/b]- items that can be crafted without a crafting station.

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Wooden Crafting Table[/td] [td] 35x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Torch (x2)[/td] [td] 1x Coal, 1x Unrefined Wood [/td] [tr] [td]Climbing Rope[/td] [td] 1x Iron Bar, 4x Plant Fibre [/td] [tr] [td]Wood Platform[/td] [td] 1x Wood Plank [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Flag[/td] [td] 1x Fabric, 5x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wood Planks (x3)[/td] [td] 1x Unrefined Wood [/td] [tr] [td]Campfire[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 5x Unrefined Wood [/td] [tr] [td]Hunting Bow[/td] [td] 1x Plant Fibre, 5x Unrefined Wood [/td] [tr] [td]Bandage[/td] [td] 4x Plant Fibre [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Packed Dirt[/td] [td] 3x Dirt Blocks [/td] [tr] [td]Cobblestone Bricks (x2)[/td] [td] 1x Cobblestone [/td] [tr] [td]Metalwork Station[/td] [td] 1x Molten Core, 300x Pixels, 1x Iron Anvil [/td] [tr] [td]Yellow Dye[/td] [td] 1x Glass Block, 15x Yellow Petals [/td] [tr] [td]Yarn Spinner[/td] [td] 100x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Table[/td] [td] 15x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Support[/td] [td] 2x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Blinds[/td] [td] 2x Glass Blocks, 2x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Window[/td] [td] 2x Glass Blocks, 2x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Gate[/td] [td] 10x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Door[/td] [td] 20x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Large Wooden Crate[/td] [td] 25x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Crate[/td] [td] 15x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Cooking Table[/td] [td] 4x Copper Bars, 15x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Chair[/td] [td] 10x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Bed[/td] [td] 15x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Stone Pickaxe[/td] [td] 10x Cobblestones, 20x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Stone Hoe[/td] [td] 10x Cobblestones, 25x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Stone Furnace[/td] [td] 1x Campfire, 25x Cobblestones [/td] [tr] [td]Stone Axe[/td] [td] 10x Cobblestones, 15x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Red Dye[/td] [td] 1x Glass Block, 15x Red Petals [/td] [tr] [td]Distress Beacon[/td] [td] 150x Pixels, 2x Silver Bars, 10x Copper Bars, 10x Iron Bars, 100x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Iron Anvil[/td] [td] 8x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Wooden Fence[/td] [td] 2x Wood Planks [/td] [tr] [td]Blue Dye[/td] [td] 1x Glass Block, 15x Blue Petals [/td] [tr] [td]Heart Forge[/td] [td] 150x Pixels, 5x Gold Bars, 1x Campfire (Holiday Item) [/td] [tr] [td]Iron Lantern[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Iron Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Iron Door[/td] [td] 4x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Iron Chair[/td] [td] 2x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Iron Bed[/td] [td] 4x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Lantern Stick[/td] [td] 500x Pixels, 10x Unrefined Wood, 15x Iron Bars (after Starmap Upgrade MK2) [/td] [/tr]
[b] Crafting Table Schematics [/b] – This station includes all basic crafting schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Rainbow Wood Planks (x3)[/td] [td] 1x Rainbow Wood [/td] [tr] [td]Crystal Block[/td] [td] 3x Crystal [/td] [tr] [td]Bone Block[/td] [td] 3x Bones [/td] [tr] [td]Snowball (x5)[/td] [td] 1x Snow Block [/td] [tr] [td]Sandstone Bricks[/td] [td] 3x Sandstone Blocks [/td] [/tr]
[b] You may also learn these Crafting Table Schematics by picking up the required item. [/b]- You can’t craft more than 1000 snowballs at a time so for max stack specify x200.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Hunting Knife[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 10x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Spear[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 10x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Sword[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 10x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Hammer[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 20x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Dagger[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 2x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Sword[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 20x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Axe[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 10x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Iron Block (x3)[/td] [td] 1x Iron Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Silver Pickaxe[/td] [td] 200x Pixels, 1x Copper Pickaxe, 8x Silver Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Platinum Pickaxe[/td] [td] 800x Pixels, 1x Gold Pickaxe, 8x Platinum Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Lantern[/td] [td] 250x Pixels, 1x Torch, 10x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Iron Hunting Bow[/td] [td] 150x Pixels, 1x Hunting Bow, 15x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Gold Pickaxe[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 1x Silver Pickaxe, 8x Gold Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Diamond Pickaxe[/td] [td] 1600x Pixels, 1x Platinum Pickaxe, 8x Diamonds [/td] [tr] [td]Copper Pickaxe[/td] [td] 100x Pixels, 1x Stone Pickaxe, 8x Copper Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Basic Shield[/td] [td] 20x Pixels, 10x Wood Planks, 10x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Silver Greaves[/td] [td] 10x Pixels, 12x Silver Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Silver Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Pixels, 20x Silver Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Silver Chestpiece[/td] [td] 30x Pixels, 35x Silver Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Copper Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Copper Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Copper Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Copper Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Copper Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Copper Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Iron Greaves[/td] [td] 150x Pixels, 1x Copper Greaves, 12x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Iron Helmet[/td] [td] 200x Pixels, 1x Copper Helmet, 20x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Iron Chestpiece[/td] [td] 350x Pixels, 1x Copper Chestpiece, 35x Iron Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b] Iron Anvil Crafting Schematics – [/b] NOTE: Racial weapons and Armor have different names and appearances depending on race.

Crafting Schematics – Tiers 2 & 3

[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b] after using Starmap Upgrade Mk2, includes all Iron Anvil Schematics.

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Steel Spear[/td] [td] 5x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Steel Sword[/td] [td] 5x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Steel Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Steel Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Steel Sword[/td] [td] 10x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Steel Axe[/td] [td] 5x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Block (x3)[/td] [td] 1x Steel Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Chain (x5)[/td] [td] 2x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Robotic Crafting Table[/td] [td] 600x Pixels, 20x Steel Bars, 1x Processor, 1x Wooden Crafting Table [/td] [tr] [td]Starmap Upgrade MK2[/td] [td] 450x Pixels, 5x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Hunting Bow[/td] [td] 300x Pixels, 1x Iron Hunting Bow, 15x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Bar[/td] [td] 1x Coal, 1x Iron Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Guard Spawner[/td] [td] 2500x Pixels, 20x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial NPC Spawner[/td] [td] 750x Pixels, 20x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Robot Legs[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 15x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Robot Head[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 1x Artificial Brain, 20x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Robot Chest[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 30x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Robot Arms[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 15x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Inactive Robot[/td] [td] 50x Pixels, 5x Steel Bars & All 4 Parts [/td] [tr] [td]Refinery[/td] [td] 450x Pixels, 20x Coal, 20x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Brain Extractor[/td] [td] 350x Pixels, 10x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Artificial Brain[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 1x Superior Brain, 20x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Oil Lantern[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Steel Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Door[/td] [td] 4x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Chair[/td] [td] 2x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Bed[/td] [td] 5x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Neat Welder’s Helmet[/td] [td] 450x Pixels, 7x Gold Bars, 1x Matter Block, 20x Hardened Monster Plates, 15x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Handy Space Helmet[/td] [td] 250x Pixels, 1x Matter Block, 15x Hardened Monster Plates, 15x Iron Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Steel Greaves[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 1x Silver Greaves, 12x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Steel Helmet[/td] [td] 500x Pixels, 1x Silver Helmet, 20x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Steel Chestpiece[/td] [td] 1200x Pixels, 1 Silver Chestpiece, 35x Steel Bars [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Starmap Upgrade MK4[/td] [td] 1000x Pixels, 1x Dragon Bone, 5x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Survival System[/td] [td] 1000x Pixels, 20x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Wiring Station[/td] [td] 20x Steel Bars, 20x Titanium Panels [/td] [tr] [td]Starmap Upgrade MK3[/td] [td] 750x Pixels, 5x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Pixel Compressor[/td] [td] 20x Steel Bars, 20x Titanium Panels [/td] [tr] [td]Paint Tool[/td] [td] 1x Yellow Dye, 1x Blue Dye, 1x Red Dye, 20x Titanium Panels [/td] [tr] [td]Portable Pixel Printer[/td] [td] 200x Pixels, 5x Gold Bars, 5x Silver Bars, 5x Iron Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b] Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b] after using Starmap Upgrade MK3, includes all Wooden Crafting Table Schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Titanium Spear[/td] [td] 5x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Titanium Sword[/td] [td] 5x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Titanium Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Titanium Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Titanium Sword[/td] [td] 10x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Titanium Axe[/td] [td] 5x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Panel (x3)[/td] [td] 1x Titanium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Decoy Princess[/td] [td] 2000x Pixels, 100x Wood Planks, 20x Fabric, 50x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Titanium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Door[/td] [td] 4x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Chair[/td] [td] 2x Titanium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Bed[/td] [td] 5x Titanium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b] after using Starmap Upgrade MK3, includes all previous Metalwork Station Schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th]Pixel Requirements[/th] [tr] [td]Reinforced Tech Block[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Smooth Metal[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Sliding Door[/td] [td] 150x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Red Toy Block[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Smooth Plated Block[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Nanowrap Bandage[/td] [td] 50x Pixels, 1x Bandage [/td] [tr] [td]Nanostove[/td] [td] 150x Pixels, 1x Cheap Light [/td] [tr] [td]Modern Platform[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Hi-Tech Block[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Steel Block[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Light Metal[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Cheap Light[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Wall Panel[/td] [td] 50x Pixels [/td] [/tr]
[b] Schematics Added to Basic Crafting – [/b] after using Portable Pixel Printer, with or without crafting table. NOTE: The Steel Block Schematic was added prior to using Pixel Printer (possible glitch).

Wiring Station Schematics & 3d Printer

[b]PRO TIP:[/b] You can purchase a Defense Turret from the 3d Printer for 1 Pixel each, when you pick these up with a pickaxe or drill they will drop a Circuit Board and Laser Diode, which can be used to craft almost any other item in the Wiring Station.

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]X Or Switch[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Boad, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Wiring Tool[/td] [td] 1x Laser Diode, 1x Circuit Board, 10x Gold Bars, 10x Silver Bars, 10x Copper Bars, 20x Titanium Panels [/td] [tr] [td]Timer[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Defense Turret[/td] [td] 500x Pixels, 5x Platinum Bars, 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Small Wall Button[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Small Floor Button[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Proximity Sensor[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Or Switch[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Not Switch[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Light Sensor[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Laser Diode[/td] [td] 1x Steel Bar, 1x Glass Block [/td] [tr] [td]Drain[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Latch[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Circuit Board[/td] [td] 100x Pixels, 1x Copper Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Bulb[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Big Red Button[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]And Switch[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [tr] [td]Alarm[/td] [td] 1x Circuit Board, 1x Laser Diode [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Pixel Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Defense Turret[/td] [td] 1x Pixel [/td] [tr] [td]Small Wall Button[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Small Floor Button[/td] [td] 400x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Proximity Sensor[/td] [td] 800x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]X Or Switch[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Timer[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Or Switch[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Not Switch[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Latch[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Bulb[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]And Switch[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Drain[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Big Red Button[/td] [td] 800x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Alarm[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Sliding Door[/td] [td] 1500x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Pixel Compressor[/td] [td] 1500x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Cheap Light[/td] [td] 500x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Flag[/td] [td] 100x Pixels [/td] [/tr]
[b] 3d Printer Schematics – [/b]available after Starmap Upgrade MK3, (Pixel Compressor and Racial Flag available before upgrade).

Crafting Schematics – Tier 4

[b] Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b]after using Starmap Upgrade MK4, includes all previous schematics. Racial Durasteel armor & weapons have different names and appearances depending on race.

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Smooth Plated Block (x3)[/td] [td] 1x Metal Coated Wood [/td] [tr] [td]Silver Drill[/td] [td] 800x Pixels, 1x Copper Drill, 20x Silver Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Platinum Drill[/td] [td] 3200x Pixels, 1x Gold Drill, 20x Platinum Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Grappling Hook[/td] [td] 800x Pixels, 4x Climbing Ropes, 20x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Gold Drill[/td] [td] 1600x Pixels, 1x Silver Drill, 20x Gold Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Diamond Drill[/td] [td] 6400x Pixels, 1x Platinum Drill, 20x Diamonds [/td] [tr] [td]Copper Drill[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 20x Copper Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Tech Upgrade[/td] [td] 1x Endomorphic Jelly, 40x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Creature Capture Station[/td] [td] 2500x Pixels, 20x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Durasteel Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Durasteel Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Durasteel Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Durasteel Bars [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Durasteel Spear[/td] [td] 5x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Durasteel Sword[/td] [td] 5x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Durasteel Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Durasteel Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Durasteel Sword[/td] [td] 10x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Durasteel Axe[/td] [td] 5x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Durasteel Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Door[/td] [td] 4x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Chair[/td] [td] 2x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Bed[/td] [td] 5x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Crafting Table[/td] [td] 1000x Pixels, 10x Durasteel Bars, 10x Steel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Bar[/td] [td] 1x Coal, 1x Titanium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Makeshift Greaves[/td] [td] 100x Pixels, 5x Steel Bars, 7x Matter Blocks [/td] [tr] [td]Makeshift Helmet[/td] [td] 200x Pixels, 3x Steel Bars, 5x Matter Blocks [/td] [tr] [td]Makeshift Chestpiece[/td] [td] 500x Pixels, 10x Steel Bars, 12x Matter Blocks [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b]after using Starmap Upgrade MK4, includes all previous schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/td] [th] Material Requirements [/td] [tr] [td]Peanut Butter Trap[/td] [td] 700x Pixels, 40x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Capture Pod[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 8x Steel Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b] Monster Lab Schematics – [/b]aka. Creature Capture Station.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/td] [th] Material Requirements [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Rider Blueprint[/td] [td] 1000x Pixels, 10x Durasteel Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail (x3)[/td] [td] 1x Durasteel Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Breaker (3x)[/td] [td] 1x Durasteel Bar, 3x Skyrails [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Booster (3x)[/td] [td] 1x Durasteel Bar, 3x Skyrails [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Diode (Right)[/td] [td] 1x Durasteel Bar, 3x Skyrails [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Diode (Left)[/td] [td] 1x Durasteel Bar, 3x Skyrails [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Switcher – (3x)[/td] [td] 5x Gold Bars, 3x Skyrails [/td] [tr] [td]Skyrail Switcher + (3x)[/td] [td] 5x Gold Bars, 3x Skyrails [/td] [/tr]
[b]Skyrail Crafting Table[/b] – currently labled as Robotic Crafting Table

Crafting Schematics – Tiers 5 & 6

[b]Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b]after using Durasteel Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Tech Upgrade[/td] [td] 40x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Aegisalt Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Aegisalt Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Aegisalt Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Aegisalt Spear[/td] [td] 5x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Aegisalt Sword[/td] [td] 5x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Aegisalt Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Hande Aegisalt Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Aegisalt Sword[/td] [td] 10x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Aegisalt Axe[/td] [td] 5x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Aegisalt Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Door[/td] [td] 4x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Chair[/td] [td] 2x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Bed[/td] [td] 5x Aegisalt Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Platinum Greaves[/td] [td] 200x Pixels, 12x Platinum Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Platinum Helmet[/td] [td] 400x Pixels, 20x Platinum Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Platinum Chestpiece[/td] [td] 1000x Pixels, 35x Platinum Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b]after using Durasteel Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Ferozium Tech Upgrade[/td] [td] 40x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Ferozium Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Ferozium Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Ferozium Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Ferozium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b]Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b] after using Aegisalt Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Ferozium Spear[/td] [td] 5x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Ferozium Sword[/td] [td] 5x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Ferozium Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Hande Ferozium Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Ferozium Sword[/td] [td] 10x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Ferozium Axe[/td] [td] 5x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Ferozium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Door[/td] [td] 4x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Chair[/td] [td] 2x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Bed[/td] [td] 5x Ferozium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Bar[/td] [td] 1x Coal, 1x Aegisalt Bar [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b]after using Aegisalt Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.

Crafting Schematics – Tiers 7 & 8

[b]Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b]after using Ferozium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Cerulium Tech Upgrade[/td] [td] 40x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Cerulium Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Cerulium Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Cerulium Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Cerulium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Cerulium Spear[/td] [td] 5x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Cerulium Sword[/td] [td] 5x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Cerulium Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Hande Cerulium Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Cerulium Sword[/td] [td] 10x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Cerulium Axe[/td] [td] 5x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Cerulium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Door[/td] [td] 4x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Chair[/td] [td] 2x Cerulium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Bed[/td] [td] 5x Cerulium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b]after using Ferozium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Violium Tech Upgrade[/td] [td] 40x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Violium Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Violium Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Violium Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Violium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b]Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b] after using Cerulium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Violium Spear[/td] [td] 5x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Violium Sword[/td] [td] 5x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Violium Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Hande Violium Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Violium Sword[/td] [td] 10x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Violium Axe[/td] [td] 5x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Violium Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Violium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Violium Door[/td] [td] 4x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Violium Chair[/td] [td] 2x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Violium Bed[/td] [td] 5x Violium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Violium Bar[/td] [td] 1x Coal, 1x Cerulium Bar [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b]after using Cerulium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.

Crafting Schematics – Tiers 9 & 10

[b]Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b]after using Violium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Rubium Tech Upgrade[/td] [td] 40x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Rubium Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Rubium Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Rubium Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Rubium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Rubium Spear[/td] [td] 5x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Rubium Sword[/td] [td] 5x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Rubium Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Hande Rubium Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Rubium Sword[/td] [td] 10x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Rubium Axe[/td] [td] 5x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Rubium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Door[/td] [td] 4x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Chair[/td] [td] 2x Rubium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Bed[/td] [td] 5x Rubium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b]after using Violium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial Impervium Greaves[/td] [td] 12x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Impervium Helmet[/td] [td] 20x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial Impervium Chestpiece[/td] [td] 35x Impervium Bars [/td] [/tr]
[b]Robotic Crafting Table Schematics – [/b] after using Rubium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Impervium Spear[/td] [td] 5x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Handed Impervium Sword[/td] [td] 5x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Impervium Hammer[/td] [td] 10x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 1-Hande Impervium Dagger[/td] [td] 2x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Impervium Sword[/td] [td] 10x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Racial 2-Handed Impervium Axe[/td] [td] 5x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Light[/td] [td] 1x Torch, 1x Impervium Bar [/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Door[/td] [td] 4x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Chair[/td] [td] 2x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Bed[/td] [td] 5x Impervium Bars [/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Bar[/td] [td] 1x Coal, 1x Rubium Bar [/td] [/tr]
[b] Metalwork Station Schematics – [/b]after using Rubium Tech Upgrade, includes all previous schematics.

Starbound Weapons Guide

[h1]Hunting Knife[/h1]

[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]DPS[/th] [th]Swings/sec[/th] [th]Damage/Swing[/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]1.92[/td] [td]5[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]DPS[/th] [th]Swings/sec[/th] [th]Damage/Swing[/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]3[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]18[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]9[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]23[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]86[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]43[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]142[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]71[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]228[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]114[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]400[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]200[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]914[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]457[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]1714[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]857[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]2858[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]1429[/td] [/tr]
[h1]1-Handed Daggers[/h1]
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]DPS[/th] [th]Swings/sec[/th] [th]Damage/Swing[/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]7[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]4[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]12[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]53[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]32[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]60[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]167[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]100[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]267[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]160[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]467[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]280[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]1067[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]640[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]2000[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]1200[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]3333[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]2000[/td] [/tr]
[h1]1-Handed Swords[/h1]
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]DPS[/th] [th]Swings/sec[/th] [th]Damage/Swing[/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]4[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]12[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]32[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]86[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]60[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]143[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]100[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]229[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]160[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]400[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]280[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]914[/td] [td]1.67[/td] [td]640[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]1714[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]1200[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]2857[/td] [td]1.43[/td] [td]2000[/td] [/tr]
[h1]2-Handed Swords[/h1]
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]DPS[/th] [th]Swings/sec[/th] [th]Damage/Swing[/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]7[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]20[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]66[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]53[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]125[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]100[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]209[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]167[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]334[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]267[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]584[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]467[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]1334[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]1067[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]2500[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]2000[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]4166[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]3333[/td] [/tr]
[h1]2-Handed Spears[/h1]
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]DPS[/th] [th]Swings/sec[/th] [th]Damage/Swing[/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]7[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]20[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]66[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]53[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]125[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]100[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]209[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]167[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]334[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]267[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]584[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]467[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]1334[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]1067[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]2500[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]2000[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]4166[/td] [td]1.25[/td] [td]3333[/td] [/tr]
[h1]2-Handed Axes[/h1]
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]DPS[/th] [th]Swings/sec[/th] [th]Damage/Swing[/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]8[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]24[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]71[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]64[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]133[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]120[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]222[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]200[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]356[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]320[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]622[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]560[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]1422[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]1280[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]2667[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]2400[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]4444[/td] [td]1.11[/td] [td]4000[/td] [/tr]
[h1]2-Handed Hammers[/h1] NOTE: The crafted hammers will kill most enemies of the same tier in one hit.

Starbound Armor Guide

[b]Helmets[/b] – providing an Energy bonus.

[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]Bonus Energy[/th] [th]Armor Value[/th] [th]Warmth[/th] [tr] [td]Snow Infantry[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]29[/td] [tr] [td]Copper[/td] [td]8[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]15[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Silver[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]7[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]35[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]5[/td] [tr] [td]Gold[/td] [td]53[/td] [td]13[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]70[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]8[/td] [tr] [td]Platinum[/td] [td]118[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Handy Space[/td] [td]38[/td] [td]12[/td] [td]10[/td] [tr] [td]Neat Welder’s[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]13[/td] [td]10[/td] [tr] [td]Makeshift[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]11[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]135[/td] [td]39[/td] [td]14[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]175[/td] [td]54[/td] [td]17[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]220[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]20[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]270[/td] [td]96[/td] [td]23[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]330[/td] [td]120[/td] [td]26[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]400[/td] [td]150[/td] [td]29[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]Bonus Health[/th] [th]Armor Value[/th] [th]Warmth[/th] [tr] [td]Snow Infantry[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]48[/td] [tr] [td]Copper[/td] [td]8[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]15[/td] [td]8[/td] [td]3[/td] [tr] [td]Silver[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]11[/td] [td]3[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]35[/td] [td]15[/td] [td]8[/td] [tr] [td]Gold[/td] [td]53[/td] [td]21[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]70[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]13[/td] [tr] [td]Platinum[/td] [td]118[/td] [td]55[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Makeshift[/td] [td]85[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]18[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]135[/td] [td]65[/td] [td]23[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]175[/td] [td]90[/td] [td]28[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]220[/td] [td]120[/td] [td]33[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]270[/td] [td]160[/td] [td]38[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]330[/td] [td]200[/td] [td]43[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]400[/td] [td]250[/td] [td]48[/td] [/tr]
[b]Chestpieces[/b] – providing a health bonus.
[tr] [th]Tier Name[/th] [th]Energy Recovery[/th] [th]Armor Value[/th] [th]Warmth[/th] [tr] [td]Snow Infantry[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]19[/td] [tr] [td]Copper[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Silver[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]3[/td] [tr] [td]Gold[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]11[/td] [td]5[/td] [tr] [td]Platinum[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Makeshift[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]15[/td] [td]1[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]18[/td] [td]7[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]26[/td] [td]9[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]11[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]13[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]64[/td] [td]15[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]17[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]19[/td] [/tr]
[b]Grieves[/b] – providing an energy recovery bonus.

Starting Food Recipes

This may not be a complete list of food recipes found in the game, but these are the starting recipes for each race. NOTE: Several Apex recipes use Bananas & Avians start with Feathercrown seed but have no recipes using it, These are currently the only racial advantages or disadvantages in the game, but you can find new recipes at NPC sites usually. Currently all food items are edible by all races. All races know how to make bread.

[tr] [th]Recipe Name[/th] [th] Required Ingredients [/th] [tr] [td]Bread[/td] [td] 2x Wheat [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Recipe Name[/th] [th] Required Ingredients [/th] [tr] [td]Sweet Corn[/td] [td] 1x Corn [/td] [tr] [td]Veggie Soup[/td] [td] 1x Tomato, 1x Potato, 1x Carrot [/td] [tr] [td]Burger[/td] [td] 1x Raw Alien Meat, 2x Bread [/td] [tr] [td]Vanilla Ice Cream[/td] [td] 3x Sugar, 1x Milk [/td] [tr] [td]Candy Apple[/td] [td] 1x Apple, 1x Candy [/td] [/tr]
[b]Human Starting Recipes[/b] – Starting seeds: Wheat, Corn.
[tr] [th]Recipe Name[/th] [th] Required Ingredients [/th] [tr] [td]Boiled Pearlpeas[/td] [td] 2x pearlpeas [/td] [tr] [td]Wartweed Stew[/td] [td] 1x Tomato, 1x Carrot, 1x Wartweed [/td] [tr] [td]Curried Beakseed[/td] [td] 1x Chili, 1x Beakseed [/td] [tr] [td]Pearlpea Pancakes[/td] [td] 1x Eggshoot, 1x Pearlpeas, 1x Wheat [/td] [tr] [td]Carrot Bread[/td] [td] 2x Carrots, 1x Bread [/td] [/tr]
[b]Avian Starting Recipes[/b] – Starting seeds: Wheat, Feathercrown.
[tr] [th]Recipe Name[/th] [th] Required Ingredients [/th] [tr] [td]Roast Banana[/td] [td] 1x Banana [/td] [tr] [td]Battered Banana[/td] [td] 1x Banana, 1x Wheat [/td] [tr] [td]Bananacon[/td] [td] 1x Sugar, 1x Alien Bacon, 1x Banana [/td] [tr] [td]Banana Cream Pie[/td] [td] 1x Eggshoot, 1x Sugar, 1x Banana, 1x Wheat [/td] [tr] [td]Banana Bread[/td] [td] 1x Bread, 1x Banana [/td] [/tr]
[b]Apex Starting Recipes[/b] – Starting seeds: Wheat, Bananas
[tr] [th]Recipe Name[/th] [th] Required Ingredients [/th] [tr] [td]Offal[/td] [td] 1x Alien Rib Meat, 1x Meat Chunks [/td] [tr] [td]Oculemon Stew[/td] [td] 1x Raw Alien Meat, 1x Alien Bacon, 1x Oculemon [/td] [tr] [td]Meat n’ Marrow[/td] [td] 1x Meat Chunks, 2x Boneboo [/td] [tr] [td]Hot Bone[/td] [td] 1x Chili, 1x Boneboo [/td] [tr] [td]Burning Eyeballs[/td] [td] 2x Chili, 1x Toxictop, 1x Oculemon [/td] [/tr]
[b]Floran Starting Recipes[/b] – Starting seeds: Wheat, Boneboo
[tr] [th]Recipe Name[/th] [th] Required Ingredients [/th] [tr] [td]Ricecake[/td] [td] 2x Rice [/td] [tr] [td]Saltsalad[/td] [td] 1x Pearlpeas, 1x Reefpod, 1x Coralcreep [/td] [tr] [td]Coralcreep Curry[/td] [td] 2x Rice, 1x Chili, 1x Coralcreep [/td] [tr] [td]Candied Pearlpeas[/td] [td] 1x Candy, 1x Pearlpeas [/td] [tr] [td]Brineapple[/td] [td] 1x Sugar, 1x Pineapple, 1x Coralcreep [/td] [/tr]
[b]Hylotl Starting Recipes[/b] – Starting seeds: Wheat, Coralcreep.
[tr] [th]Recipe Name[/th] [th] Required Ingredients [/th] [tr] [td]Stuffed Automato[/td] [td] 1x Rice, 1x Automato [/td] [tr] [td]Piodia[/td] [td] 1x Toxictop, 1x Diodia, 2x Wheat [/td] [tr] [td]Bolt O’s[/td] [td] 1x Boltbulb, 1x Currentcorn [/td] [tr] [td]Copper Key Pie[/td] [td] 1x Diodia, 1x Wheat, 1x Kiwi [/td] [tr] [td]Candy Automato[/td] [td] 1x Candy, 1x Automato [/td] [/tr]
[b]Glitch Starting Recipes[/b] – Starting seeds: Wheat, Boltbulb.

Some Notes About Cooking Ingredients

* – Usually you need to hunt with a bow or hunting knife to obtain raw alien meat; occassionally you will get a meat drop from any other weapon. * – You can obtain Meat Chunks by cooking Cooked Alien Meat a second time. * – I know that you can get Alien Bacon from the Chef Merchant spawned from the Chef spawner. There appears to be more than one type of Chef NPC. * – Most of the farmable ingredients can be hunted down eventually but most planet guides don’t include info about where plants are found. * – Alien Rib Meats can be purchased from some NPC merchants. * – Milk has to be looted from a fridge container. * – Recipe for candy has to be looted and uses 3x Sugar. * – I have not managed to find any Apples myself but I expect they’re in the game somewhere. * – I have seen chickens in the game which drop chicken meats.

Holiday Crafting Schematics

[b]Heart Forge[/b] – Valentine’s Day

[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Chocolate[/td] [td] 300x Pixels [/td] [tr] [td]Flower Bouquet[/td] [td] 100x Pixels, 30x Plant Fibres [/td] [tr] [td]Cupid’s Diaper[/td] [td] 100x Pixels, 20x Fabric [/td] [tr] [td]Heart Wreath[/td] [td] 100x Pixels, 20x Plant Fibres [/td] [tr] [td]Cupid’s Sash[/td] [td] 100x Pixels, 20x Fabric [/td] [tr] [td]Cupid’s Bow[/td] [td] 150x Pixels, 1x Hunting Bow [/td] [tr] [td]Cupid’s Wings[/td] [td] 150x Pixels, 20x Fabric [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [th]*[/th] [th]Item Name[/th] [th] Material Requirements [/th] [tr] [td]Big Green Gumdrop[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Giant Snowflake[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits[/td] [tr] [td]Big Present[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Gold Ball Holiday Ornament[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Big Purple Gumdrop[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Green Candy Cane[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Big Red Bow[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Green Present[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Big Red Gumdrop[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Holiday Pole[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Big Unusual Gift Box[/td] [td] 3x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Holiday Rocket Sleigh[/td] [td] 3x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Blue Present[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Jetpack Santa Statue[/td] [td] 3x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Broken Candy Cane[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Little Red Bow[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Candy Block[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Menorah[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Crooked Candy Cane (Green)[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Mr Claus’s Coat[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Crooked Candy Cane (Red)[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Mr Claus’s Hat[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Crooked Candy Cane (Straight)[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Mr Claus’s Pants[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Crooked Stocking[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Mrs Claus’s Coat[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Decorated Tree[/td] [td] 3x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Mrs Claus’s Hat[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Decorative Holly[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Mrs Claus’s Pants[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Dreidel[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Red Ball Holiday Ornament[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Fairy Lights[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Red Candy Cane[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Faux Fir Tree[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Red Present[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Festive Candles[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Red Stocking[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Giant Green Gumdrop[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Shiny Red Bow[/td] [td] 3x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Giant Holiday Bells[/td] [td] 3x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Small Faux Fir Tree[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Giant Lolipop[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits[/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Small Snowflake[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Giant Lolipop (Swirl)[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Small Unusual Gift Box[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [tr] [td]Giant Purple Gumdrop[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td]Teal Present[/td] [td] 1x Holiday Spirit [/td] [tr] [td]Giant Red Gumdrop[/td] [td] 2x Holiday Spirits [/td] [td]*[/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr]
[b]Toymaker’s Table[/b] – Christmas (Holiday Spirits dropped from monsters) I copied the Christmas data from (the official wiki) because I do not have the crafting table to refer to; so these items are listed alphabetically rather than the order they appeared in the menu.

Racial Armor Sets

[b]Schematics Checklist to help you when you are going to buy blueprints.[/b] [h1]Human Armor Sets[/h1]

[tr] [th] Tier Name [/th] [th] Set Name [/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]Scavanger’s[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]Scout’s[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]Pioneer’s[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]Outrider’s[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]Vanguard’s[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]Seeker’s[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]Wanderer’s[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]Adventurer’s[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]Trailblazer’s[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]Universalist’s[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [th] Tier Name [/th] [th] Set Name [/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]Hatchling’s[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]Sparrow[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]Quail[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]Owl[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]Toucan[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]Macaw[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]Peacock[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]Flamingo[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]Pheonix[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]Raven’s[/td] [/tr]
[h1]Avian Armor Sets[/h1]
[tr] [th] Tier Name [/th] [th] Set Name [/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]Defector’s[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]Rebel’s[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]Insurgent’s[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]Revolutionary’s[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]Rogue’s[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]Spy’s[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]Assassin’s[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]Frontliner’s[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]Infiltrator’s[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]Usurper’s[/td] [/tr]
[h1]Apex Armor Sets[/h1]
[tr] [th] Tier Name [/th] [th] Set Name [/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]Sprout’s[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]Bonesmith’s[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]Nomad’s[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]Hunter’s[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]Cannibal’s[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]Wiseman’s[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]Gatherer’s[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]Sentinel’s[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]Shaman’s[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]Synthesizer’s[/td] [/tr]
[h1]Floran Armor Sets[/h1]
[tr] [th] Tier Name [/th] [th] Set Name [/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]Puddle[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]Pond[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]River[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]Lake[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]Reef[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]Sea[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]Ocean[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]Euphotic[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]Disphotic[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]Aphotic[/td] [/tr]
[h1]Hylotl Armor Sets[/h1]
[tr] [th] Tier Name [/th] [th] Set Name [/th] [tr] [td]Iron[/td] [td]Knave’s[/td] [tr] [td]Steel[/td] [td]Soldier’s[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium[/td] [td]Knight’s[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel[/td] [td]Dark Knight’s[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt[/td] [td]Lancer’s[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium[/td] [td]Crusader’s[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium[/td] [td]Paladin’s[/td] [tr] [td]Violium[/td] [td]Templar’s[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium[/td] [td]Legionnaire’s[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium[/td] [td]Doom Lord’s[/td] [/tr]
[h1]Glitch Armor Sets[/h1]

Racial Weapons By Name

[tr] [th] Weapon & Tier [/th] [th]Human[/th] [th]Avian[/th] [th]Apex[/th] [th]Floran[/th] [th]Hylotl[/th] [th]Glitch[/th] [tr] [td]Iron Spear[/td] [td]Basic Spear[/td] [td]The Hatchling[/td] [td]The Prodder[/td] [td]Poker[/td] [td]Seastaff[/td] [td]Ping[/td] [tr] [td]Iron Sword[/td] [td]Regular Shortsword[/td] [td]The Carver[/td] [td]Lil Apesticker[/td] [td]Slicer[/td] [td]Swashbuckler Lite[/td] [td]Default 1.0[/td] [tr] [td]Iron Hammer[/td] [td]Sledgehammer[/td] [td]Brick-on-a-Stick[/td] [td]Thunderpunch[/td] [td]Smacker[/td] [td]Rockstriker[/td] [td]Crunch[/td] [tr] [td]Iron Dagger[/td] [td]Shanker[/td] [td]The Pecker[/td] [td]Simisickle[/td] [td]Curvy Slice[/td] [td]Littletooth[/td] [td]Dagger Home[/td] [tr] [td]Iron 2-Hander[/td] [td]Regular Broadsword[/td] [td]The Carver XL[/td] [td]Apesticker[/td] [td]Big Slicer[/td] [td]Swashbuckler[/td] [td]Default 2.0[/td] [tr] [td]Iron Axe[/td] [td]Iron Axe[/td] [td]Tiny Tomahawk[/td] [td]Apax[/td] [td]Choppy Thing[/td] [td]Scythe[/td] [td]Ratchet[/td] [tr] [td]Steel Spear[/td] [td]Spear Today[/td] [td]The Early Bird[/td] [td]Fruitpicker[/td] [td]Pokerface[/td] [td]Seaslice[/td] [td]Nudge[/td] [tr] [td]Steel Sword[/td] [td]Cool Shortsword[/td] [td]The Skewer[/td] [td]The Neckscratcher[/td] [td]Slicestabber[/td] [td]Swishbuckler Lite[/td] [td]Upgrade 1.0[/td] [tr] [td]Steel Hammer[/td] [td]Claw Hammer[/td] [td]Brick-on-a-Stick Prime[/td] [td]Monkey’s Molar[/td] [td]Thwacker[/td] [td]Coralcrusher[/td] [td]Steelforger[/td] [tr] [td]Steel Dagger[/td] [td]Fancy Shanker[/td] [td]The Nibbler[/td] [td]Barkpeeler[/td] [td]Hookslicer[/td] [td]Fishfang[/td] [td]Dagger Pro[/td] [tr] [td]Steel 2-Hander[/td] [td]Cool Broadsword[/td] [td]The Skewer XL[/td] [td]The Backscratcher[/td] [td]Big Slicestabber[/td] [td]Swishbuckler[/td] [td]Upgrade 2.0[/td] [tr] [td]Steel Axe[/td] [td]Ice Axe[/td] [td]Tomahawk[/td] [td]Bananaxe[/td] [td]Better Choppy Thing[/td] [td]Golden Scythe[/td] [td]Steelsplitter[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Spear[/td] [td]Prong Tomorrow[/td] [td]Migrator[/td] [td]Fruitpicker Prime[/td] [td]Strippoker[/td] [td]Sandraker[/td] [td]Poke[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Sword[/td] [td]Awesome Shortsword[/td] [td]Wingdinger[/td] [td]Apehander[/td] [td]Slicestabcut[/td] [td]Kittfish[/td] [td]Premium 1.0[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Hammer[/td] [td]Strengthtester[/td] [td]Stone-on-a-Stick[/td] [td]The Riveter[/td] [td]Cracker[/td] [td]Shellslammer[/td] [td]Safareach[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Dagger[/td] [td]Swanky Shanker[/td] [td]Hookbeak[/td] [td]Bananablade[/td] [td]Sharpstick[/td] [td]Goldfish[/td] [td]Dagger Premium[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium 2-Hander[/td] [td]Awesome Broadsword[/td] [td]Wingdinger XL[/td] [td]Big Apehander[/td] [td]Big Slicestabcut[/td] [td]Katfish[/td] [td]Premium 2.0[/td] [tr] [td]Titanium Axe[/td] [td]Vibro-axe[/td] [td]Hawkwing[/td] [td]The Peeler[/td] [td]Choppy Leaves[/td] [td]Finhacker[/td] [td]Smitanium[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Spear[/td] [td]The Rhino[/td] [td]Swallowtail[/td] [td]Tailcutter[/td] [td]Stabber[/td] [td]Sandstirrer[/td] [td]Friend Request[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Sword[/td] [td]The Compensator[/td] [td]Eye of the Needle[/td] [td]Beardtrimmer[/td] [td]Nastyslice[/td] [td]Cabin Boy[/td] [td]Antispyware[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Hammer[/td] [td]Hammertime[/td] [td]Candy Crusher[/td] [td]Gorillakilla[/td] [td]Trunkthunk[/td] [td]Fishfighter[/td] [td]Flash Upswing[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Dagger[/td] [td]Switchblade[/td] [td]Talon[/td] [td]Banana Splitter[/td] [td]Fingercutter[/td] [td]Oysteriser[/td] [td]dieOS[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel 2-Hander[/td] [td]The Overcompensator[/td] [td]Eye of the Storm[/td] [td]Haircutter[/td] [td]Big Nastyslice[/td] [td]First Mate[/td] [td]Antivirus[/td] [tr] [td]Durasteel Axe[/td] [td]Class Axe[/td] [td]Dove of War[/td] [td]Apestooth[/td] [td]Chop Stick[/td] [td]Gillcutter[/td] [td]Screwslicer[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Spear[/td] [td]Cattleprodder[/td] [td]Bird in the Hand[/td] [td]The Tickler[/td] [td]Backstabber[/td] [td]Whaletroubler[/td] [td]Privacy Settings[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Sword[/td] [td]The Pitch Fork[/td] [td]Wingwhacker[/td] [td]Baby Barbaryan[/td] [td]Bindslicer[/td] [td]Lilyblade Lite[/td] [td]Protector[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Hammer[/td] [td]Double Hammertime[/td] [td]Divebomb[/td] [td]Orangubang[/td] [td]Rootripper[/td] [td]The Pufferfish[/td] [td]Microchip[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Dagger[/td] [td]Greengrip[/td] [td]Wingtip[/td] [td]Toothpick[/td] [td]Planttrimmer[/td] [td]Descaler[/td] [td]Prunix[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt 2-Hander[/td] [td]The Tuning Fork[/td] [td]Wingwhacker Extreme[/td] [td]Barbaryan Sword[/td] [td]Big Bindslicer[/td] [td]Lilyblade[/td] [td]Defender[/td] [tr] [td]Aegisalt Axe[/td] [td]Climbing Axe[/td] [td]Hawkbill[/td] [td]The Coif[/td] [td]Treechopper[/td] [td]Doublefin[/td] [td]Cogsmasher[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Spear[/td] [td]Cattlekiller[/td] [td]Last Action Heron[/td] [td]See No Evil[/td] [td]Facestabber[/td] [td]Whaleailer[/td] [td]Followback[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Sword[/td] [td]Mini-Paddle[/td] [td]Birdseye[/td] [td]Tiny Twintails[/td] [td]Gougeslicer[/td] [td]Skittlefish[/td] [td]Malware[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Hammer[/td] [td]Timesmasher[/td] [td]The Creamer[/td] [td]Toecrusher[/td] [td]Smashy Tree[/td] [td]Wilson[/td] [td]Internal Explorer[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Dagger[/td] [td]Zweifinger[/td] [td]The Plucker[/td] [td]Fruitslicer[/td] [td]Planttrimmer Prime[/td] [td]Detailer[/td] [td]Force Restart[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium 2-Hander[/td] [td]The Paddle[/td] [td]Birdseye Two[/td] [td]Twintails[/td] [td]Big Gougeslicer[/td] [td]Scuttlefish[/td] [td]Trojan[/td] [tr] [td]Ferozium Axe[/td] [td]Charitable Axe[/td] [td]The Poliwanta Cracker[/td] [td]Crescendo[/td] [td]Chopberry[/td] [td]Coralchipper[/td] [td]Battle Axe[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Spear[/td] [td]Backstabber[/td] [td]The Roaster[/td] [td]Hear No Evil[/td] [td]StabStabStab[/td] [td]Whalekiller[/td] [td]Spike This[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Sword[/td] [td]Paddlemaster 1000[/td] [td]Wingclipper[/td] [td]Monkey Business[/td] [td]Rosebud[/td] [td]Codslicer[/td] [td]Datablip[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Hammer[/td] [td]Hobbyhammer[/td] [td]The Scrambler[/td] [td]Big Ape’s Lament[/td] [td]Curlycrush[/td] [td]Sea Cucumber[/td] [td]Bruteforce Lite[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Dagger[/td] [td]Small Fury[/td] [td]Fly By Knife[/td] [td]The Comb[/td] [td]Little Thorn[/td] [td]Seaguard Dagger[/td] [td]Spinux[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium 2-Hander[/td] [td]Paddlemaster 5000[/td] [td]Wingclipper XL[/td] [td]Ape Antics[/td] [td]Rosebud Prime[/td] [td]Sharkslicer[/td] [td]Dataspike[/td] [tr] [td]Cerulium Axe[/td] [td]Opposing Force[/td] [td]Birdbrainer[/td] [td]The Grinder[/td] [td]Chopflower[/td] [td]Fishing Hook[/td] [td]War Axe[/td] [/tr]

Racial Weapons Continued

[tr] [th] Weapon & Tier [/th] [th]Human[/th] [th]Avian[/th] [th]Apex[/th] [th]Floran[/th] [th]Hylotl[/th] [th]Glitch[/th] [tr] [td]Violium Spear[/td] [td]Headspiker[/td] [td]Duckbilled Splatypus[/td] [td]Speak No Evil[/td] [td]Stabberry[/td] [td]Trident[/td] [td]The Blocker[/td] [tr] [td]Violium Sword[/td] [td]Sapsplitter[/td] [td]Toucan Opener[/td] [td]Shrieker[/td] [td]Berryskewer[/td] [td]Cutless[/td] [td]Scriptkiddie[/td] [tr] [td]Violium Hammer[/td] [td]Pumphammer[/td] [td]Master Hatcher[/td] [td]King of the Dingers[/td] [td]Rootrocker[/td] [td]Cucumber Prime[/td] [td]Bruteforce Prime[/td] [tr] [td]Violium Dagger[/td] [td]Kneesplitter[/td] [td]Thronbill[/td] [td]Miniknog’s Claw[/td] [td]Berrypicker[/td] [td]Shellslicer[/td] [td]KitKut[/td] [tr] [td]Violium 2-Hander[/td] [td]Treesplitter[/td] [td]Pelican Opener[/td] [td]Howler[/td] [td]Big Berryskewer[/td] [td]Cutlass[/td] [td]Hacker[/td] [tr] [td]Violium Axe[/td] [td]All-Purpose Axe[/td] [td]The Poliwanta Cleankill[/td] [td]Orangufang[/td] [td]Vine[/td] [td]The Propeller[/td] [td]Perpetuum[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Spear[/td] [td]The Menacer[/td] [td]Sunguard[/td] [td]Lethal Injection[/td] [td]Treeshredder[/td] [td]Seaserpent[/td] [td]Splitter[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Sword[/td] [td]Moonchipper[/td] [td]Stargazer’s Light[/td] [td]Mandrill[/td] [td]Leafslasher[/td] [td]Small White[/td] [td]Startup[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Hammer[/td] [td]Lifecrusher[/td] [td]Skullgrazer[/td] [td]Lamb Shank[/td] [td]Riftwood[/td] [td]Crabcracker[/td] [td]Chromedome[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Dagger[/td] [td]The Unsubtle Knife[/td] [td]Lil Icarus[/td] [td]Liberation[/td] [td]Razorleaf[/td] [td]Stinger[/td] [td]Operating System[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium 2-Hander[/td] [td]Moonkiller[/td] [td]Stargazer’s Might[/td] [td]Gorilldrill[/td] [td]Big Leafslasher[/td] [td]Great White[/td] [td]Bios[/td] [tr] [td]Rubium Axe[/td] [td]The Wiggler[/td] [td]Wingbone[/td] [td]Miniknog Berserker[/td] [td]Bonechopper[/td] [td]The Anchorer[/td] [td]Domecutter[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Spear[/td] [td]Alienbane[/td] [td]Will of Kluex[/td] [td]King Wrong[/td] [td]Huntmaster[/td] [td]The Pitchfork[/td] [td]Social Wetwork[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Sword[/td] [td]Annoyance of the Gods[/td] [td]Crest of Kluex[/td] [td]Chimp’s Grin[/td] [td]The Cuttening[/td] [td]Stemcutter[/td] [td]Rootkit Lite[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Hammer[/td] [td]Timmy[/td] [td]The Drumstick[/td] [td]Baboom[/td] [td]Smash Everything[/td] [td]Plantpounder[/td] [td]iDoom[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Dagger[/td] [td]King’s Ruin[/td] [td]Lil Daedalus[/td] [td]Ape’s Ruin[/td] [td]Slashmaster[/td] [td]Rootcutter[/td] [td]Windowcutter[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium 2-Hander[/td] [td]Bane of the Gods[/td] [td]Wing of Kluex[/td] [td]Gorillatooth[/td] [td]The Slashening[/td] [td]Trunkcutter[/td] [td]Rootkit[/td] [tr] [td]Impervium Axe[/td] [td]iAxe[/td] [td]Sunborn Fury[/td] [td]Big Axe[/td] [td]Choppatron 3000[/td] [td]Vinehacker[/td] [td]Sentinel[/td] [/tr]

Video Tour TOKEN’s Homeworld

Had a bit of trouble recording video of the the game on my system and the audio wasn’t synchronized, so I dubbed a song which doesn’t run for the full video. But I thought this song was appropriate since they removed all the flowers from the Universe. You will see my farm with trees, bananas, wheat, surgarcane and eggshoots. Then you will see my painted house where I get stuck in the automatic door. After I free myself from the door a little tour of the house, with attic storage space. Note that I can beam up to my ship from the bed nook. Then on to the space tower which is very high, extending up into the asteroid belt around the planet. This is a huge forest planet with a sky to match it’s size. I’m using bubble boost to ascend the tower. At the highest altitude it’s frigid cold and even Impervium armor won’t protect you from this level of cold, I’m using nanostoves to provide additional heat. The nanostoves heat a pretty large area so you can space them apart. And at the very top I have my space base with a skyrail tour of the heavens. After I reach the highest point in my homeworld, I kill a few monsters before the video ends. [previewyoutube=FHX9Ht-aXUs;full][/previewyoutube] Here is my demonstration on how to kill the Bone Dragon. The audio is glitchy and unsynchronized but you can see how easy this fight can be from the video. [previewyoutube=L1Hkma6KeDg;full][/previewyoutube] I strongly suspect that the Starbound Universe will be reset eventually.

Additional Sources

[h1]Additional sources of game info can be found at 3 different Wiki sites.[/h1] [url=]The offical wiki site can be found here.[/url] [h1]And there are two more unofficial wiki’s:[/h1] [url=]Gamepedia a site.[/url] [url=]And a Wikia hosted site.[/url]