A lot of games still are not avialable for native GNU/Linux Steam, and many people are using Wine, to run the games from their collection in Wine.HEre is a way to easy switching between native and wine Steam versions. It is a bit old, and show only the direction, how you can do it. If you have some ideas, please share them. I hope, someone will use this guide for some reason. Thanks.
Main idea
1. Install PlayOnLinux and Steam in a new Wine Prefix (Using POL built-in script, than change wine version to a higher one) (You can use Crossover, or something else, or just pure wine, but, i do not use it, cause i dislike mime integration, so i have not wine installed in my system)
2. Modify /usr/games/steam (check it with “which steam” in your system)
add this line after “set -e” line
if [ “$(ps -e|grep -w Steam.exe|wc -l)” != “0” ]; then playonlinux –run Steam -shutdown; fi
3. Make a winsteam launch file
cat /usr/games/winsteam
if [ “$(ps -e|grep -w steam|wc -l)” != “0” ]; then /usr/games/steam -shutdown; fi && /usr/bin/playonlinux –run Steam %U
and a .desktop one
cat /usr/share/applications/winsteam.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Playing games on WinSteam
Exec=/usr/games/winsteam %U