Stormworks: Build and Rescue Guide

Stormworks Dimension/Height Guide for Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks Dimension/Height Guide


I was building a 1:1 scale of something and wanted to make a guide for the dimensions of this game compared to real life.


A 1×1 cube in Stormworks is 0.25m x 0.25m x 0.25m (9.84 inches.)

(Ignore the two, the measuring box only shows up if you place two blocks)

How I’m Measuring

I’ll be using a wall to measure character height. Here’s what the colors mean.

-Notice: I count height starting from bottom of the cube, not the top or mid-

Red = 1m

Blue = 0.25m

Yellow = 0.5m

Height Standing Up

Character height standing up is roughly ~1.5m (4 feet, 11 inches.)

You’re pretty small!

Height Crouching

Your character height will be just over 1m (3 feet, 3.8 inches) at 1.125m (3 feet, 9 inches)

Height Jumping

Your character actually jumps pretty high, you can jump just under 3m (9 feet, 10.1 inches)

-Friendly reminder when building, your character can jump high but make sure to place the blocks lower so your character’s feet can actually jump over it and not high as your head!-

Thanks for Reading