Street Fighter V Guide

Street Fighter V Chun-Li Guide for Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V Chun-Li Guide


Want to learn Chun-Li but you don’t know anybody that can help you to use her effectively? Then that is the guide you’ve been searching for as I am going to tell you anything you need to know about Chun-Li in Street Fighter V!


lp=light punch
lk=light kick
mp=medium punch
mk=medium kick
hp=heavy punch
hk=heavy kick
3xp=all 3 punches
3xk=all 3 kicks
frame(s), 1frame=1/60th of a second
xx=linking a special move
,=linking a normal
SBK=Spinning Bird Kick
Lightning legs=Hyakuretsukyaku
df=down forward
(2x)qcf=quarter cicle forward
db=down back
c,=charge for example c,c.lp xx l.SBK


Chun-Li has one of the best normals in the game!
-Chun-Li’s light punch is a really quick attack that can be special cancelable and a combo ender like c.lp, it can also link into another light normals even though the damage of the attack is really low!
-Light kick can only be used as an anti-air that even hits sometimes when the opponent is jumping from a long can be linked after lp.The jumping version is really good for tech throws due to it’s small hitstun!
-Medium kick is a really nice mid-range poke but isn’t cancelable into anything like does.But’s hitbox isn’t as good as’s so it won’t hit as far as does.Keep in mind that links after for a great amount of is going to be your go to cross up attack when jumping in!
-Medium punch links into but it doesn’t have a good goes underneath projectiles and lowers your hitbox!
-Heavy Punch is a safe long-range poke that you can cancel into her super.C.hp is also safe and can be used as a combo ender because it is special cancelable!It also goes under jumping attacks. But it has a slow start-up so you may be punished if the opponent reacts to it.J.hp hits 2x by only pressing one time the button but the timeming is strict!Neutral j.hp is a useful air-to-air if you see your opponent jumping on you!
-Heavy kick is Chun-Li’s longest range poke but doesn’t hit if the opponent is crouching! is a fast sweep that is hard to react to but it is unsafe on block when your opponent is near to you so make sure to use it only at a long distance to get a knockdown so you can start your mix-ups!Neutral is an amazing air-to-air and hit both ways if your opponent is trying to dash under you! also hits the opponent to their low body if timed correctly so you can and immediately land on the ground to make it more safe!


-Koshuto is Chun-Li’s front throw that will leave your opponent to mid-range so you can do some long distance pokes and mix-ups

-Tenshin Shushu is Chun-Li’s back throw that will back her up to safety and create some space between the opponent!

-Ryuseiraku is an air-throw that will catch your opponent no matter what they do if you react on their jump!It is also good for leaving the opponent like Koshuto but it will be easier to cross-up after Ryuseiraku because you land a little bit more near to your opponent!

Special Moves

-Kikoken is a kinda slow moving projectile used for footsies, zoning and making the opponent to jump!You need to charge backwards for 50 frames and then press forward and any punch you want to release this attack.Every version goes at a different distance.The light version travels the farther(full screen only in v-trigger) but is slow.The medium version doesn’t travel too far but it’s faster than light version and the hard version travels the shortest distance but is the fastest.Kikoken does only 60 damage so it isn’t a great tool for ending combos only if you cancel it into critical art or for pressure after blocked to push your enemy away and maybe hit them if blocked your safe at distance where you can strike with pokes.You end a combo with kikoken is to push the opponent in to the corner.Don’t do kikoken when your opponent is very close to you because it can be punished by a critical art that goes through the projectile like Nash’s and Chun-Li’s so keep an eye to your opponent’s ex bar!Also if they jump to avoid the kikoken they can hit you hard if they are near to you due to kikoken’s slow recovery(32 frames)!Use it only when you can anti-air your opponent in a long distance when they can’t jump hit you and for zoning or to add pressure by dashing after it before the opponent recovers after a knockdown!Keep in mind that if it hits the opponent in the air you can combo ex.lightning legs or critical art after it for more damage!It is punishable at a short distance if blocked!The ex version of kikoken isn’t that good but it can be used to make longer combos in the corner or push the opponent at a safe distance!It also hits full screen so you can get away safely or add more pressure.

-Hyakuretsukyaku is a special move where Chun-Li kicks her opponent multiple times! In the older sf games you needed to press kick 5x times fast and because of that it wasn’t easy to combo into or used as a qcf or charge move but it was safe on block. In sfv it is easier to do this move but is punishable on block so use it wisely and after a hit-confirm! You need to do qcf and press any kick for the move to come out! Only the ex version is safe and it is -2 frames on block. You can use it after hit-confirm or to be more safe and perform the ex version after, in case it gets blocked you don’t get a punish but you need 1 bar! A very useful move in chun-li’s arsenal is the air hyakuretsukyaku!Which can be used after as an air-to-air attack for some good damage after an anti-air or doing instant air legs when Chun-Li does the air hyakuretsukyaku so fast that she doesn’t even jump at the highest spot possible and then fall to the ground by kicking!Instead of that she jumps and immediately kicks in the air while falls down, technically like a dive kick but with a big hit-box to keep pressure.For example c.lp st.lp (you’re not near enough to hit) Instant hyakuretsukyaku (you end up right in your opponent’s face faster then doing a jumping attack) and after that attack or block or throw you’re at a neutral situation!But how do you execute instant air hyakuretsukyaku without doing the qcf k after jumping?It is simple you just do d,df,f,fu,f (23696) or d,df,f,fu,d(23692) and any kick.You buffer the input of qcf before jumping and then cancel her into the air hyakuretsukyaku.If you drop the instant air hyakuretsukyaku an instant will come out and then you might get a punish or get thrown(you can tech throw after instant mk)!

-Spinning Bird Kick or sbk is an attack where Chun-Li is kicking the enemy with her two feet while being upside-down in the air!By doing this specific move you need to charge down 45 frames and then up and any kick!Sbk is the best combo ender because it knocks down the opponent and does a nice amoun of damage!The most common bnb9bread and butter) sbk combo is c.lp xx sbk.But how do you do it?You need to charge down immediately after pressing and then late cancel sbk!The window input is huge after so you will be able to charge down before the attack hits your enemy.Ex sbk is Chun-Li’s reversal that beats any attack.Keep in mind tho if your opponent does press a button and the ex sbk gets block you’ll eat a full combo punish so be sure to read your opponent’s right and perform the move when they’re trying to hit you when you recover!

Unique Attacks

-Tsuitotsuken is one of Chun-Li’s best mid-range pokes if not the best!To perform this move you need to press forward or backward mp.This is going to be your go to mid-range poke as it is safe and has good range.Be aware that you can only activate v-trigger with it and that it’s not special cancelable.

-Hakkei is a Crush Counter attack.You need to press b.Hp to perform this move.This will be your go to counter hit confirm move at close as it can combo into Critical Art, Hyakuretsukyaku and Kikoken!You can also activate her V-Trigger after it or combo into for more pressure on block or when the hits the opponent end the combo with ex Hyakurestukyaku.You can also punish the opponent if they try to wake up with jab or any other normal.Hakkei can only be countered with an invisible attack or a V-Reversal!You can also use this move to counter Dhalsim’s long range fast pokes.

-Senenshu is Chun-Li’s overhead which is quite slow but gets better when on V-Trigger.By pressing you perform her overhead which can only be normal cancelable when counter or when Chun-Li activates her V-Trigger!