– NOTE: The Info is taken from This Website [subnautica.fandom.com], However I wanted to make a clear picture showcase about the Creature Eggs appearance, without needing to go out of the game or open separate tabs. – The Incubating time is to all eggs 1 ingame day, expect Cuddlefish, who has hatching 20 minutes real life time. – You can mix up with any carnivore/herbivore into the Alien Comtainment. They’ll behave tame and wont attack on other creatures inside it. However if you release any carnivore to the wilderness, It will become hostile against you. – Thank you everyone, who gave to this guide awards! –
Where to find The Egg: Blood Kelp Caves & Bulb Zone
v Overall Info of Ampeel v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Aggressive
Ampeel Health: 3000
Damage it makes: Bite 45 , Shock 15
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Electrified Predator, Raised in Containment
– Biome Where Swims : Blood Kelp Zone and Bulb Zone
– Where to find The Egg: Bulb Zone & Mushroom Forest
v Overall Info of Boneshark v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Aggressive
Boneshark Health: 200
Damage it makes: Bite 30
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Armored shark-like predator.
– Biome Where Swims : Bulb Zone, Crag Field, Crash Zone, Crash Zone Mesas, Mushroom Forest, Underwater Islands, Underwater Islands Caves.

Where to find The Egg: Jellyshroom Cave
v Overall Info of Crabsnake v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Aggressive
Crabsnake Health: 300
Damage it makes: Grab 35
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Aggressive eel-like organism
– Biome Where Swims : Jellyshroom Cave
Where to find The Egg: Deep Grand Reef , Northern Blood Kelp Zone
v Overall Info of Crabsquid v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Aggressive
Crabsquid Health: 500
Damage it makes: Slash 40 , EMP Blast: Temporarily disables electronics
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Complex Deep-Sea predator
– Biome Where Swims : Deep Grand Reef, Northern Blood Kelp Caves, Northern Blood Kelp Zone, Lost River, Corridor, Ghost Canyon.
Where to find The Egg: Safe Shallows, Safe Shallows Caves, Kelp Forest Caves
v Overall Info of Crashfish v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Defensive
Crashfish Health: 25
Damage it makes: Explosion: Varies depending distance
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Explosive prey fish.
– Biome Where Swims : Kelp Forest Caves, Safe Shallows, Safe Shallows Caves
Where to find The Egg: Dunes Sinkhole, Mushroom Forest Caves (northeast and northwestern)
v Overall Info of Cuddlefish v
Category: Herbivore
Attitude: Passive
Cuddle fish Health: 10,000
Damage it makes: NA, just Huggs and cuddles.(●´ω`●)
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Curious Species, No wild ones existing.
– Biome Where Swims : None (◕︵◕) , Unless you hatch it and let it go outside to play with other frieends. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Where to find The Egg: Crash Zone Mesas , Dunes , Safe Shallows
v Overall Info of Gasopod v
Category: Herbivore
Attitude: Defensive
Gasopod Health: 300
Damage it makes: Constant high damage whilst in gas cloud
When Active: Day Only
Description: Gaseous Herbivore
– Biome Where Swims : Crash Zone Mesas, Dunes, Safe Shallows
Where to find The Egg: Mushroom Forest, Mushroom Forest Caves
v Overall Info of Jellyray v
Category: Herbivore
Attitude: Passive
Jellyray Health: 100
Damage it makes: NA
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Docile, Deep-sea ray
– Biome Where Swims : Deep Grand Reef, Mushroom Forest
Where to find The Egg: Lava Castle
v Overall Info of Lava Lizard v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Aggressive
Lava Lizard Health: 200, Immune to thermoblade
Damage it makes: Bite 30 , Spit 30
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Predator adapted to volcanic enviroments
– Biome Where Swims : Inactive Lava Zone, Inactive Lava Zone Corridor, Lava Castle, Lava Lakes
Where to find The Egg: Bulb Zone Caves , Lost River
v Overall Info of Mesmer v
Category: ?
Attitude: Aggressive
Mesmer Health: 100
Damage it makes: Bite 35
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Small, Mesmerizing predator
– Biome Where Swims : Bulb Zone, Crag Field, Kelp Forest Cave, Lost Rivers, Bones Field, Mushroom Forest
Where to find The Egg: Safe Shallows
v Overall Info of Rabbit Ray v
Category: Herbivore
Attitude: Passive
Rabbit Ray Health: 100
Damage it makes: NA
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Ray found in Safe Shallows
– Biome Where Swims : Crash Zone, Crash Zone Mesas, Kelp Forest, Safe Shallows
– Where to find The Egg: Grassy Plateaus
v Overall Info of Sand Shark v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Aggressive
Sand Shark Health: 250
Damage it makes: Bite 30
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Stealthy predator
– Biome Where Swims : Crash Zone, Dunes, Grassy Plateaus
【 SPADE FISH EGG ? ? ? 】
– Where to find The Egg: Grand Reef, Deep Sparse Reef, Grassy Plateaus Caves, Underwater Islands, Underwater Island Caves
v Overall Info of Spade Fish v
Category: Herbivore
Attitude: Passive
Spade Fish Health: 30
Damage it makes: NA
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Small, Edible fish
– Biome Where Swims : Dunes, Sparse Reef, Deep Sparse Reef, Grand Reef, Grand Reef Caves, Grassy Plateaus, Mushroom Forest, Sea Treader’s Path, Sea Treader’s Tunnel Caves, Underwater Islands
– Where to find The Egg: Kelp Forest
v Overall Info of Stalker v
Category: Carnivore
Attitude: Aggressive
Stalker Health: 300
Damage it makes: Bite 30
When Active: Day & Night times
Description: Electrified Predator
– Biome Where Swims : Crash Zone, Kelp Forest, Kelp Forest Caves
There you go!
– I hope the pictures helped you to to understand which creatures egg is which..
– I know there are few Unique eggs aswell, but i’m not going to list them here.. (spoiler reasons too)
Now..Here’s some Zone Map to help.
I know this map is since 2017 and it’s outdated , however at least it gives some kind of idea of the full map area and the zones.
Thanks for checking out this guide!