Surgeon Simulator Guide

Surgeon Simulator Guide for Surgeon Simulator

Surgeon Simulator Guide


This guide will cover all levels but the alien ones.I can’t do those…But anyway,this guide will also cover some of the achievements and say what some are refrencing.Lets get to READING/TYPING!


THIS GUIDE WILL NOT BE A 100% OF THE GAME.This guide will not have the alien levels,it will show you how tostart the levels for the acheivment,and will contain spoilers(Oops).Procede at your own risk.



1)Grab a hammer and beat the crap out of the ribs
2)Rip lungs out(ribs do not need to be fully gone,just mostly.)
2.5)*This one is optinal.It’s just easier to put the heart in if you do do it*Grab a scalpel and cut the top and bottom of the pink string(asophagos)
3)Grab a saclpel and cut the large tubes that are attached to the heart
4)Rip heart out
5)Put new heart in,the right way

*This is probabley one of the hardest levels in the game.You have been warned…*
1)Grab a scalpel and cut the right and upper left red bits of the large intestine.Put the scalpel in a place where you can grab it.
2)Pull out the large intestine.Grab scalpel and cut the red bit on the small intestine and the part that connects the stomach and the small intestine.Pull small intestine out.
3)Cut the bit that connects the stomach and asphagos.Pull stomach out.Yank liver out.
4)Grab the kidney knife(the hollow kidney with a knife coming from it)and cut the two yellow bits connecting to the kidneys.Pull kidneys out.
5)Grab the left kidney and put it where the old left kidney was.Repeat with the right kidney.

1)Grab a scalpel
3)Grab the Kidney Knife.

*This is tied with the Ambulance Kidneys for being the easiest levels in the game*
1)Grab the hammer and bash most/all af the skull of.
2)Grab brain.
3) Get a scalpel and cut the cord connecting the brain with the head.Pull brain out.
4)Put new brain in.


*Please note that I’m going to refer to these parts as “amberlamps levels”.You get Cookie if you get the referance*

1)Grab the heart and put it in front of the box.
2)Do the same thing as the normal surgery.
3)Grab heart and wait for a sharp turn.When one happens put the heart in.

*This is tied with the brain transplant as being the easiest level in the game.It is the onle Amberlamps level I completed on my first try*
1)Do the exact same same thing as the normal kidney level.
2)Wait for a sharp turn,then put the kidneys in.*If the kidneys are behind the box,you should be able to reach them*

1)Do the same as normal brain transplant.




1)Slam the heart container shut
2)Do it like the normal heart transplant and stop to close the container when it opens.
3)Grab the heart and put it in the body,gentaly take your hand away,and you should be done.


1)Go for a scalpel(if you don’t get it,restart and try again)
2)Do the same thing as normal kidney transplant.


1)Do the same thing as normal brain transplant


*This level is quite easy.I never bled out once.I only restated because I lost the uber-chargee thing or I lost the hearts.*

1)Move the uber-charge thing.
2)Open the fridge aand grab either of the hearts.
3)Put the heart of the uber-charge thing until it attaches.
4)Move the Medic’s Gun right,then put the heart in the rays util the medic says something and the heart is glowing red and beating.
5)Do it like a normal heart transplant.
6)Put the uber-charged heart in the heavys body.
7)Point the Medic’s Gun at the heart.(It has to be in the right place.It’s beast if you have 0-1 bloodloss a second.)
*I’m so sorry,but I had to put that joke in.*


*These are ones I have,or know how to get.This will not have the complete in a certain time or complete with a certain ammount of blood left.*

Doctor Doctor,Give Me the News:
Answer the phone.

Flippin’ the Bird
Press A,W,R,and Space while your palm is facing you.

Surgery Horns
Press W,E,and Space

Valve Actually Let Us Do This?
Put the “Nigels Research” VHS into the VHS player

Pinkie Swear
Press W,E,R,and Space while touching the ribcage

Shh I Doctor Now
Press A,W,E,and Space
(Refrencing PewDiePie’s first Surgeon Simulator video where he shushed Bob and said “Shh,I doctor now.”)

Vworrrp Vworrrp
Take every thing out but the heart and then put the new heart in with the old one.
(Refrencing the TV show Dr.Who and OfficalNerdCubed where he couldn’t get the heart out so he made Bob a timelord[a time lord has two hearts})

Nigel the Secretary
Answer the phone,pick up the pen,and draw on the notepad with the pen.

Ten Megabytes Of Raw Data
Collect all floppy disks(Complete all normal levels and amberlamps levels)

Put in the ??????? floppy disk
(refrencing Portal 2’s ending where*SPOILERS*you go to space and the space core says the almighty phrase,”I’m in space.SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!”

Keyhole Surgery
Remove the ribcageas a whole.

Mother Hen
Do an Amberlamps surgery without lossing any tools.

The Sound of Progress My Friend!
Explode a heart in the Uber-Heart Transplant
(Refrencing the Meet the Medic video where the Medic blew up the Heavy’s heart and when the asked what the noise was,the Medic said,”The sound of progress ,my friend!”)

As politically correct as fur.
Give the patient a…scarf.During any kidneyx2 transplant,take out the large intestine and put it on Bob’s neck.(Refrencing one of PewDiePie’s videos where he threw the large intestine and made a joke about it looking like a scarf.)

Go for the Optics!
Preform laser eye surgery.I honestly don’t know how to get this one. 🙁
(Refrencing Mass Effect 2 where Tali sometimes says,” Go for the optics,Khikhika!”when she uses her drone abilitty.

Beat of Your Heart
Replace the heart with something else.Replace the heart with the radio.
(Refrence to one of PewDiePie’s videos where he lost the heart and put the radio in the heart’s place.)

Like a Wet Paper Towel
In any heart transplant,grab the good heart and throw it away.
(A refrence to the Rooster Teeth rage quit video)

Enter the Code
I’m not sure that was worth it…No it wasn’t.Go to the SPACE Brain Transplant and go to the keypad in the corner and type 29-61-45.You will get a new VHS tape.

Screw the Prime Detective
Enter the new VHS from ^^,and you’ll be confronted with a new level.Type 4-9-4-8 into the keypad and the new stage will start.

Don’t be Such a Baby,Ribs Grow Back!
Completly DESTROY the ribs.
(Refrencing the Meet the Medic video where the Heavy rips out one of his ribs and the Medic says,”Don’t be such a baby,ribs grow back!”Then whispered to the bird,”No zey don’t.”

..And it was going so well.Put in the heart upside down and kill the patient.
(Refrincing the PewDiePie video where he put the heart in upside down and started yelling,”IT’S IN!IT’S IN I TELL YOU!”)

Hit Archemedes with a heart.In the TF2 surgey,grab a heart and line up your hand with the bird,draw your hand back,and throw your hand forwart while letting go at the last second.
(Refrencing the Meet the Medic video where the bird out of the Heavy’s chest and the Medic said,”Archemedes!It’s dirty in there!*scoff*Birds.”)

Call Trisha
Now where did you leave her number…Type the number 099326071850 on the phone in the main menu.(You may have to grab the phone and move it.)You will also get a note from Trisha if you do this.

Frikkin’ Lasers
Preform a surgery using only lasesrs.The brain surgery is probably best for this.

We’re going on an adventure!
Take your radio with you.After entering the code to unlock the Alien Transplants,grab the radio.

Let’s See That Sick Flith Again!
Do a 180 spoon flip.
(Refrencing BirgirPall’s I broke Surgeon Simulator video where they did a 180 spoon flip and one of them yelled,”LET’S SEE THAT SICK FILTH AGAIN.”Or atlest,that’s what the subtitles said.I’m pretty sure they cursed.Stomach O’Clock was a refrence from the same video.

Like an Animal
Konck all of the tools of of the table during the brain transplant
(A refrence to the Rooster Teeth rage quit video)


And we are done!I hope you all have enjoyed/found my guide helpful!I will update this when a new level has been released.And no,I will never do the alien level.My name has been LBPrime2324,and I will see you all later!(Hopefully in a Portal 2 guide.)

I have now seen how messed up the achievments section is.That’s weird.When I go to edit it,it looks normal.Strange.


The Painter for telling me about the Rooster Teeth refrences.
*DEAD* DeleriousDashie for giving me the idea of the alternate kidney transplant.