Are you constantly getting killed by carnivores? Do you keep dying because you can’t find water? Have no fear, Rumi is here! In this guide, you’ll learn everything from not getting killed to actually finding water for once.March 2021 edit: Realizing that people are still reading this and how incredibly outdated this guide this, I cleaned it up a bit.
So, you think being a herbi is easy huh? “Oh, just get food and water then you’re good”. Haha, WRONG! If you agree that being a herbivore isn’t easy, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ll teach you loads! From escaping predators, to finding the perfect place to nest.
Do’s and Don’ts
Alright, let’s start with our do’s and don’ts:
– Find some trees and/or bushes to hide in for the night (or in general)
– Stay quiet! Most herbi calls are extremely loud!
– Use scent (press and hold Q) often, Green is food and Blue is water (of course). Remember, scent doesn’t work in rain!
– Try to find a group of your species. Type in the chat “Any (your species)s? Ex. Any trikes? Herbis have a higher chance of survival in herds/flocks!
Now let’s take a look at some dont’s:
– Call constantly: We’re looking at you trikes.
– Be out in the open too much, you can easily be spotted by a hungry carnivore this way.
– Get water at a populated area, go to a less populated water source if possible
– Move around during night too often. I’ve seen many juvie herbis make this mistake.
Surviving as a Juvenile (Juvie)
Now that I’ve covered how to not screw up as a herbi in general, on to not screwing up as a juvie.
As expected, juvie herbis are more prone to being killed than juvie carnis.
Escaping Carnivores
You’ll be seen as a meal to mid-tier carnivores (Utahraptor, Allosaurus, Dilophosaurus,) while bigger ones will see you as a tiny scrap of meat (T. Rex, Giganotosaurus, Spinosaurus). Here’s how to avoid being on a Utah’s plate:
– Run like you’re late for school! Zig zag through trees to confuse the sharp-toothed enemy. Trees are a nuisance to Apexes everywhere
– Foliage is your friend, use it to your advantage. Hide until you’re sure the meat-eating menace is gone
Now, you need a meal after almost becoming a meal yourself! Time to find food and water:
Food and Water
Like I already mentioned, press and hold Q to use scent. Glowing green bushes are your food source. The brighter they glow, the closer they are. Blue pools are your water source. But please, don’t follow these in a straight line! Keep watch for any possible threats (as you might be able to hear a carni call or hear footsteps as well).
Okay, before you start screeching ‘WHAT ABOUT NESTING???”
Hush child, I’m saving that for the end.
Okay, now that I covered all that jazz, let’s get into the ACTUAL herbivores of The Isle!
Dryosaurus (Dryo)
Dryosaurus is basically Gallimimius’ little brother. Do people even play as these? I don’t even know. Yeah, sure you have speed and you can easily dart into cover, but chances are you don’t see these little guys often thanks to raptors and carnotaurs.
If you wanna be a dryo, I’m not stopping you. Just stick to a herd of mid-tier herbivores will you? Who knows? Maybe a flock of these ankle biters can take down an Allo. Perhaps if you’re lucky, your cuteness will save you. What’s that? Dryos have burrows now? Huh, maybe you will survive after all.
Gallimimus (Galli/Chicken)
Congrats, you’re one of the fastest dinosaurs in the game. Use this to your advantage and outrun carnivores, since gallis can hardly defend themselves. Unless you spam kick, apexes hate that. I suggest you grow up in a mixed herd. Use your squawking and kicking to annoy your enemies!
They’re flocking this way!
Pachycephalosaurus (Pachy)
Pachys look somewhat strong right? Using their headbutt, they can deal some damage with a lucky hit. However, I still advise you run away using your high stamina. Smaller carnis aren’t as bad though and you can easily fight them off. Destroy those utahs!
As usual, living in a herd is recommended for extra protection. But do you know the main con of being a pachy? If you get bit, you’re pretty much screwed. Pachys take the highest bleed of any dinosaur.
Diabloceratops (Diablo/Dibble/Potato)
What’s that? You wanna be a trike but don’t have all the time in the world to grow one? Play as Diabloceratops! The cousin of the Trike.
As I like to call the “Time Efficient Triceratops”, Diablos can stand their ground as well as any trike and are deadly in a herd. Diablos have good bleed damage, good health, and are pretty fast.Their awesome bleed resistance makes them a great counter against dilos.
One problem though: Fast hunger drain. Guess they had to nerf this god somehow.
Maiasaura (Maia)
I really underestimated Maiasaura when I first made this guide. In fact, the speed cow might be one of the best dinosaurs in the game. Maia is the perfect utah/carno counter and can chase them to the ends of the earth. How did 2019 Rumi not see this? I even named myself after Maiasaura!
These speed cows are commonly seen in mixed herds, warning herd members of onlooking carnivores looking for a tasty maia. Luckily, Maias are strong in the speed department, outrunning hungry apexes.
Parasaurolophus (Para)
Parasaurolophus is another hadrosaur I underestimated as well. Like Maia, they are a great utah counter and can outrun apexes. Para has two attacks: A kick attack and a headbutt attack. The kick will not work with a broken leg but when it does work, utahs cry. Personally, I don’t find its headbutt that useful but if you like it, then more power to you.
Paras normally seek the protection of mixed herds, keeping watch for threats. If a para gets attacked though, their high damage and good speed come into play. Just don’t get bit too much, or you could bleed to death (not as bad as Pachy tho).
Also for some reason other herbi guides I’ve seen don’t include Parasaurolophus. Dino racism perhaps?
Triceratops (Trike)
What’s that? Your Diablo died and now you magically have 6 hours to spend growing a Triceratops? Great!
Since trikes are apex dinos, they have a subadult stage like T.rex and Giga. Sub trikes can handle juvie carnis easily while adults would be a challenge. During this stage, it’s best to join a herd ASAP. Growth is 0.8-1.0
Once you’re an adult, you should be able to handle most threats, including apex carnivores. Trikes are tanky and have amazing bleed damage, powerful stomp attack, and nice bleed resistance. Careful though, that stomp needs to be timed correctly due to how slow it is. Better use stomp while fighting apexes and not during a pack attack. Not to mention it will not work with a broken leg, and trikes have legs of glass!
What? Your trike died and now you’re too angry to grow another? Welp, back to Diablo then!
Ankylosaurus (Anky/Pebble/Turtle/etc.)
Ah, the Ankylosaurus. Well known in The Isle for its honking noises, these dinos are cute but deadly! Watch out for that tail!
First of all, its tail club can easily break bones (Well, not in 2019). Ankys are pretty durable creatures as well. If in a mixed herd, they will probably be one of the heavy hitters alongside Trikes and Theris.
Quick note: Ankys currently do not have bone break. They may get it back in the future.
has a flashback to the time my anky got stuck and got clapped by a rex
Avaceratops (Ava/Avacado)
Probably the most underrated dinosaur on The Isle (for a reason), Avaceratops is a small but fast ceratopsian. You’ll probably see these guys running in a circle because they got stuck on a rock. Stupid ai…
Since Avas aren’t that strong, It’s best to run from predators and hide in foliage. Like Gallis and Dryos, Avas have speed to make up for their low attack.
Fun Fact: Avaceratops uses some of the old trike/diablo sounds.
Note: Watch out for carnivores that may mistake you for AI!
Camarasaurus (Camara/Cama)
Wait, why are sauropods a thing in The Isle again?
Camaras are the second biggest dinosaur in the game (with the exception of strains). Although you’re big and strong, apex carnivores will come after you. Flatten your enemies like a pancake!
Due to their tail whip, they are impossible to tailride. Trample damage will also do a number to anything that’s too close. But be careful if you’re in a herd, you could trample your friends by accident. Did I mention that stomp still works with a broken leg?
Watch out for ankle biters!
Orodromeus (Oro/Oreo)
The fact that their common nickname is Oreo doesn’t help with the fact that juvies feed off them.
Not much to say about these oreo snacks. Chances are you’ll get spotted a mile away by a juvie and killed. At least you can laugh at fresh juvie utahs who are smaller than you.
Oreos: Yummy snacks for juvies
Psittacosaurus (Taco)
Oreo + Taco = Orocosaurus
What’s with AI and food nicknames oh wait….?
Unlike Oros, Tacos actually have a chance of surviving despite their ridiciously slow speed and the fact that they’re the weakest dinosaur in the game. You may have to get food and water, then hide for the rest of your life in your burrow. Oh well!
In survival, these tiny ceratopsians are basically candy bars for juvies. I could really go for a candy bar right now….
Puertasaurus (Pue/Puerta/Pueta/Land Whale/Long Neck)
Ladies and gentlemen, the largest dinosaur in the game. Also the most broken.
You heard that right, Puertasaurus is the biggest dinosaur in the game (with the exception of strains). This sauropod is so powerful, only Hypos could kill it! It can one shot anything except for other Puertas and Hypos. Did I mention that it can’t break its legs?
However, they bleed out easily, cannot rest, can barely sprint, are as slow as Psittacosaurus (world record right there), and it’s difficult to attack due to slow turning rate. You can only drink from a large lake by standing in it and eating is impossible.
So, is this dino good or bad? Eh, pretty bad. No wonder pue is getting replaced by Brachiosaurus.
Shantungosaurus (Shant/Shantu)
Shants are pretty powerful hadrosaurs that even a new carnivore player would think twice before attacking. They can stomp most threats into oblivion thanks to their high damage output. However, they can still killed by apexes.
Shantus are the alpha of mixed herds and will do anything to protect their herd members. Sadly like Triceratops, Shants have also been given the reputation of being insanely aggressive. Some shantus are even known to KOS (Kill on Sight).
Funny enough, juvie maias are sometimes mistaken for juvie shants. That poor maia….
Stegosaurus (Stego)
Stegos are just ankys with plates really. Stegos deal decent damage and also do good bleed damage. The main problem with playing as one though is low stamina regen, it’s impossible to hide those f**king plates, and like Ankylosaurus, your sides are open for attack.
Eh, That’s all I can write for Stegosaurus ’cause I’m pretty sure that everybody forgot they existed.
Therizinosaurus (Theri/Turkey/MurderTurkey/Danger Floof/Fluffybottom)
Just a giant prehistoric turkey….
Therizinosaurus looks pretty deadly huh? Well, that’s because it is. Another dino I underestimated, Theri has high damage, stamina, decent health, and surprisingly fast for its size. Its capable of tailriding rexes to the limit. Ironically, Theri can also be tailridden to the limit due to its fluffy butt.
Like Trike, Theri has legs of glass. Source: Me breaking my leg on tiny drops several times on my old Theri.
Herding and Nesting as a Herbi
So, you’ve finally picked your herbivore and are moving on. Cool, but you don’t wanna be alone your whole Isle life, do you? Of course not! Let’s start with herding and mix herding.
Make sure you aren’t the only player of your species on the server. Here’s how to form a herd or flock:
Step 1: Type into global chat “Any (your species)s?” (Ex. Any diablos?). Official US servers do not allow global chat however.
Step 2: Attempt to get a group invite (or wait for one) and click “Accept”. The usernames of your group members will show up so you can find them.
Step 3: Have fun!
Sometimes, different species of herbis will form an alliance and herd together. This is called mix-herding. Be aware that some servers do not allow this. Creating a mixed herd is extremely difficult due to the fact that herbis are almost always outnumbered by carnivores.
The opposite, mix-packing (when different species of carnivores pack together) tends to be frowned upon by the community, while mix-herding is more accepted.
Are you a female herbivore that wants to bring little babus into the world, but don’t know where? Here’s what you should look for when nesting as a herbivore:
– A rock face (ex. side of a cliff) so danger can’t come from all four sides
– A nearby water source (ex. lake, river)
– Food within walking distance, to avoid going on road trips for food
– A way to watch for possible threats, like hungry Allos!
You may think “Will people really want to nest as a plant eater?”. Some players might! Once an egg is ready, advertise in the chat by saying “I have a (your species) egg if anyone wants it”.
Ex. “I have a diablo egg if anyone wants it”
Final Words
Well, that does it. I’ve taught you everything I know about The Isle’s herbivores. I don’t think there’s anything else I can teach you. Who am I kidding? You probably scrolled all the way down to Nesting. Feel free to share this guide and rate it!
All pictures are from The Isle Wikia, except for Parasaurolophus photos.
Guide made by Rumiyasaura
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